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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8502744 No.8502744 [Reply] [Original]

keep /jp/tards in /jp/. fuck off the real 4chan.

>> No.8502747

I hope it stays there. Sadly as something foul gets older, its stench and pungence only becomes worse and spreads.

>> No.8502756
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>> No.8502758

Back to >/a/ - Random & Random faggot

>> No.8502766

Nah its ok you can have that piece of shit.

>> No.8502771

that piece of shit belongs with the rest of his kind, namely on /jp/. /jp/ was created so the trash doesn't infect /a/. keep it that way.

>> No.8502776

Taiga, Komeiji, and Tokiko in the same thread?
I didn't know 4chan could contain such concentrated fail.
Then again, it is /a/

>> No.8502779

oh the subhumanity!

>> No.8502788

It wouldn't really surprise me if some genuine retard from /a/ made a thread like this, but right now it's way too early to be believable. You're trying too hard.

>> No.8502789

Not like your board can get any shittier. You wont even notice him.

>> No.8502796
File: 56 KB, 590x300, jaypiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is the board who can't get any worse.

>> No.8502813

That's super duper neato, Onii-chan.

>> No.8502868

He does not belong here though

>> No.8503016

we have no connection to /b/ or /v/

>> No.8503051


Tohou is /v/ dumbass

>> No.8503053

/a/ so mad. let's keep pushing

>> No.8503056
File: 142 KB, 961x618, 1290614364846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avatarfags and roleplayers on the Naruto board?

Seems about right. You can keep him, /a/nimesuki.

>> No.8503058

Even if they did, they wouldn't come here. Because /jp/ cares more about the music, fan art and doujins than the actual games. And even though we both talk about a certain subject that doesn't mean our users are mingling.

>> No.8503066

I hope those awful people would stay there.

I know they won't, but that's why they call it wishful thinking...

>> No.8503071

>I don't even get that board. I check it about once every 3 months and every time I only see threads that look harmless but then a bunch of raging faggots sagebomb it as if they owned the place.

>> No.8503074


So, I was told the basic newfag route was
/b/ → /v/ → /a/ → /jp/
How true is this?

>> No.8503075

Eh, pretty accurate. Might wanna place /a/ on the same tier as /v/, depending on what your interests are.

>> No.8503082

you owned /a/. let's look at a /jaypee/ thread to highlight how much /jp/ owns /a/

avatarfags = tokiko,sudo, and every other tripfag
roleplay = we're little girls XD
naruto = fate stay night >>8503057

seems about right. keep on keeping on, /jp/tard.

>> No.8503087

I wanted to relish some /a/ tears but god damn, 367 posts? Their asspain is too immense for me to handle.

That's basically the route I took many years ago. I started on /h/ though.

>> No.8503088


u = gay

owned lol

>> No.8503093

We got rid of CurryButt already, hopefully you can keep Tokiko too.

>> No.8503092


I started on /u/ and never touched /b/ or /v/ actually.

>> No.8503095 [DELETED] 

original users went /b/ (2004-2006) → /a/ (2006-2008) → /jp/ (2008-2011) → /a/jp/ (2011) → /a/ (2012)
current day users /g/b/v/k/prog/fit/ (2010) → /jp/
most /jp/ers are new scum who found 4chan in the last 2 years.

>> No.8503100

original users went /b/ (2004-2006) → /a/ (2006-2008) → /jp/ (2008-2011) → /a/jp/ (2011) → /a/ (2012)
current day users /g/b/v/k/prog/fit/ (2010) → /jp/
most /jp/ers are new scum who found 4chan in the last 2 years.

>> No.8503101

Don't forget Komeiji as well.

>Putting aside /b/, /soc/, and the rest of those boards on the site, /jp/ is easily the next to worst. The only way it might seem even remotely browsable or decent is if you only go there casually and stick within the two or three good threads that exist there. Trying to browse it actively or have any sort of interesting discussion is a fucking headache and a waste of time. You can't even make threads that you want to because everyone just complains about you not condensing your threads and redirects you to one of the generals that are clusterfucked and impossible to navigate. Want VN discussion? Want to have actual discussion about Touhou, eroge, figs, or anything related to the board? Too bad, you get shitposters in return.

>Speaking of shitposters, /jp/ is pretty much a haven for them. They all coordinate their shitposting with eachother via Formspring and IRC and compete to see who can flood the board with the most bullshit. It's awful, and even the people that aren't a regular part of their circlejerk facilitate and perpetuate their bullshit. They even circlejerk over who the biggest shitposters and spammers are. It's fucking terrible. And if that wasn't enough, everybody tries to force their own arbitrary opinion of what /jp/ is about and what content is and isn't allowed on the board. What you get from this are a bunch of newfags from /v/ trying to fit in and look edgy by using sage in every post and bitching about every thread that doesn't adhere to their own shitty personal code. Everybody tries to police the board and it's a fucking mess.

>It's gotten so terrible that I feel ashamed to have been a regular there at one point.

>> No.8503103


Truth right there.

>> No.8503105


such an oldfag xD

>> No.8503110

Eh. Pretty much right, except I started /a/, /b/ and /jp/ all at once, and left /b/ after a while.

>> No.8503114

That guy is mad as fuck.

>> No.8503122

being ironic isn't hip if you're actually just frustrated. all good things come to end, /jp/ isn't an exception. enjoy yourself with >>8503110

>> No.8503124
File: 56 KB, 282x275, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my anus has been positively devestated by your verbal assault

>> No.8503129

yuck. didn't realize i was talking with one you.

>> No.8503130

I was /b/ > /v/ (for 3 days) > /g/ > /a/ > /jp/

>> No.8503133

Mr Oldfag, please learn to capitalization and punctuation first.

>> No.8503163


hit a little too close to home for some people here I see. how delicious.

>> No.8503165


You can stop bumping your thread now

>> No.8503179

Mr. Scum, please learn those yourself. It's embarrassing to read you making such a fool of yourself. Stop projecting your inferiority by calling me an oldfag. The biggest difference isn't the amount you've browsed the site, but the age the people are. The original /jp/ were adults. Whereas, you're child not even over 20 yet. That's, also, if you were even legally browsing the website 2 years ago.

>> No.8503183


>you're child not even over 20 yet


>> No.8503189
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>> No.8503191

Just let go.

I've never agreed with the Old Days sentiment. But golden calf or justified anger aside, there's no need to make a fuss.

>> No.8503192

Everything between 15 and 19 might as well be the same since they don't mature any further.
