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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8501853 No.8501853 [Reply] [Original]

What mmo does /jp/ play?

>> No.8501858

The Old Republic. Sith corruption is moe

>> No.8501863

Star wars a shit.

>> No.8501884
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x768, MHP2G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play MMO's because they suck.

Play a real game OP.

>> No.8501887
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keep tortanic in /v/

>> No.8501889

MMOs are free not worth 60$

>> No.8501890

waiting for tera beta

>> No.8501898

It's censored...why even try?

>> No.8501893
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So it only took 3 posts for someone to say this.

Yes. We know they do. The question still stands.

>> No.8501894

Nigger, you can get freedom unite for 15

>> No.8501902

It's like /jp/. It just gets shittier and shittier.
I plan to cancel for the last time when the expansion comes out.

>> No.8501900


The first wave of beta invites are being given out today if you signed up, but my understanding is they are randomly selected. So it won't be guaranteed that you get one. Go sign up if you haven't though. Also they have an extra lottery for beta invites if you retweet their promo.

>> No.8501908

None because it's shit.

>> No.8501909

Currently Skyward Sword

Will be playing The Last Story in less than a month

>> No.8501921

Not MMO, to v.

>> No.8501917


If you care about loli fap material, there are instructions on how to play the jp version circulating on /v/.

The "cover up" armor is still very revealing.

>> No.8501923

Zelfa is an mmo?

>> No.8501928

That guy was my drunk bastard brother.

>> No.8501927


a very astute observation.

>> No.8501974

Vindictus is the only that is decent.

>> No.8501978
File: 297 KB, 800x577, RAGDOWNf4realzzzz01c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoW really turned to shit after TBC.

The only reason I play is because I'm getting the legendary daggers on my rogue tomorrow.

>> No.8501985

Cosmic break

>> No.8501986

I quit SWTOR the day before my free month ended. I might go back to it once they've actually added some more endgame content.

>> No.8501991


>> No.8501994
File: 74 KB, 204x148, patchy 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People are still playing wow after the first expansion

>> No.8501999

My main is a fire mage and I recently got the staff.
With this, it feels like I've finally finished the game, or at least that's what I'm trying to tell myself.

>> No.8502004


>> No.8502025

Final Fantasy 14 and RIFT.

>> No.8502027

I told myself the same thing when I got Sulfuras 6 years ago.

I've quit multiple times but I can never find anything better to do with the free time.

>> No.8502029


>> No.8502030

Was playing FFXIV, because even with how bad it was, it was worth it because of no monthly fee. Now that they've added that, I called that shit quits until the February patch, when they add the FFXI jobs and a little more endgame content. I'm sure I'll play that for about a month before canceling my subscription until the next patch.

Enjoying SWTOR, though. I don't see myself committing to it for several years, but I don't mind the monthly fee for the enjoyment I get from it right now.

>> No.8502033

Make sure you go out to the Limsa Lominsa country side you could get a Goobbue mount. It's only available during the time period before 2.0 drops.

>> No.8502075
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Here's me going through World's Collide in EVE.

>> No.8502091

After avoiding MMOs for years, I finally made a WoW account yesterday when I saw I could try without paying until level 10.

I have no idea what to think. It's pretty boring, what do people see in these games?

>> No.8502098

I used to play WoW like you guys, but then I realized I only logged in to wander aimlessly around major cities, talk to NPCs and do mundane stuff. Then it occurred to me that I had become an NPC myself.

I'm playing Vindictas right now, it's kinda fun.

>> No.8502100

Some people play MMOs to socialize. Some to be a jerk at higher levels.

>> No.8502108

In wows case its both

>> No.8502112


>> No.8502125

It's is an aging and albeit already obsolete mmo that should have been put out of it's misery long ago. When that expansion comes out this will be past the stage of keeping it on life support. It will be a sign of blatant desperation and petty milking.

>> No.8502137

Then what is a good MMO? Or at least a passable one? I'm genuinely curious. Also sort of burned on WoW since I spent 3 days downloading the client (backwater internet here), and then when I opened it up again today it's reset the counter and wants me to spend another 1-2 days downloading stuff. Fuck that noise.

>> No.8502145

It's absolutely pointless if you don't socialize. They're glorified messengers/chat rooms.

>> No.8502154

I am just gonna pretend I didn't read that.

>> No.8502188
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Ragnarok. I hate it.

>> No.8502198

why's that?

>> No.8502225
File: 117 KB, 800x600, WoWScrnShot_022806_213624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played 'vanilla' wow on 56k dial up and a shitty computer that couldn't even average 30fps

The original game was pretty fun for its time, a lot of people got into it as their first MMO as well. Made a little gnome girl and tanked all the big bad bosses which was pretty amusing.

I stopped playing shortly after the burning crusade expansion was released.

>> No.8502222 [DELETED] 

That fucking nostalgia. Why can't we play MMOs together again, /jp/?

>> No.8502229
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That fucking nostalgia. Why can't we play MMOs together again, /jp/?

>> No.8502227

Stop defending that shitty game at every opportunity, kthx.

>> No.8502234


>> No.8502236

Because it turns out that playing with /a/v/b/ isn't fun at all.

>> No.8502244

Aion is about to become F2P. There is currently a beta test for the F2P accounts.

>> No.8502248

Ooh I may have to get in on that now. Always wanted to try that game but since it was a korean grinding mmo i dint want to pay for it.

>> No.8502254

From what I hear, EXP gains for F2P will be smaller than the paying customers.

>> No.8502265

Wouldent be much a problem, I just wanted to try the game out. This is a game that I wont be sticking around for very long anyways.

>> No.8502274

Tried that a while back, but it lagged pretty bad, also the fact I couldn't get it to work with a gamepad annoyed the hell out of me.

>> No.8502268

What the fuck... so FP2 players will waste their life more on the gane?

>> No.8502278

My mistake, I was looking at the F2P website and it seems that all subscribers get is the ability to open their own shops and have unlimited aether and essence drops

>> No.8502276

I played WoW years ago.

My main was an undead shadow priest named Strixx.

Sometimes I get nostalgic about those days.

>> No.8502279

Is that surprising? Isn't that what MMOs are for?

>> No.8502283

I don't like MMOs much, I only play enough to make a character, explore a bit and then quit. Longest I lasted was EQ2 for about 2 months.

I stick to online shooters - still playing S4, tried Tribes:Ascend - seems great, but my PC is too shitty to play properly.

>> No.8502289

I knew you.

Unless there was another UD SP named Strixx.

>> No.8502300
File: 20 KB, 240x315, Chii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved world PVP will paladins. In BC at least.

Yessir a shadow priest and paladin were so well matched that a fight could seriously last for around 10 minutes.

Hrmmm and I remember killing people who were AFK on their flying mounts. I'd fly up to them, cast my dots, then levitate slowly down.

And I'd stick around areas with cliffs or water and gank people. If I were ever in any dangers I'd levitate down the cliff or over the water.

I didn't always gank though. Sometimes I'd follow allies around and use mind control to buff and heal them.

Otherwise I'd mind control them into lava or something.

>> No.8502306

not on Korgath there wasn't

actually if I remember from the armory there weren't a lot of other players named strixx and mine was the only female undead priest

>> No.8502309


What game is this?

>> No.8502318

god you are insufferable

>> No.8502336

I'm reminiscing!

You know what my other favorite thing to do was? I'd ride into Stormwind, jump into the canals to throw off the guards, swim to the Gnome district, and then run into the tram.

Then I'd to to the dwarven city, what's it called, and see if I couldn't make it out alive in one try. It was pretty hard making it through the dwarven city see because the guards had this stun attack that would instantly dismount you.

Getting through Stormwind was pretty easy though.

>> No.8502344

No, now you're blogging. Please stop.

>> No.8502368

>Because it turns out that playing with /a/v/b/ isn't fun at all.
I seriously hope /jp/ picks a server unique to 4chan with tera.
I certainly don't want to play tera with /v/

>> No.8502369

What is tera?

>> No.8502374

It's a videogame that will be localized in the west in early-middle of this year.

>> No.8502373

PSO2 when it comes out

>> No.8502428

PSO BB, SCHTserver at the moment.

Not a whole lot going on from what I've seen.
