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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8498863 No.8498863 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/

How has anxiety affected you in life?

>> No.8498866
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I'm not going out If I don't have to. I've got no RL friends. The usual I guess.

>> No.8498871

I'm fine with being asocial or whatever because I never go outside. What's horrible is when my brother has friends over (all the time). They're all normal and say things like, "Hoo, Anon!" at me in their weird chavspeak and as a result I'm forced to sit in my room starving and pissing in bottles.

>> No.8498873

>Anxiety blogshit

No. This is now a thread for me to spam.

Also, reported.

>> No.8498878

Does energy have mass? I'm sure that danmaku is just shots of energy.

But if it had mass, where would these touhous be getting all this mass from? You cannot just produce mass.

The same can be said of the spirit bomb in DBZ, Goku needs to gather energy (or mass) to fire the ball of energy (or mass). Simply producing this at will cannot be done.

Here's an example of how this may work

The thrust pictured can be considered danmaku. Where is rumia getting the energy to produce this thrust?

If the energy for danmaku (like rocket fuel) is held inside of the touhou and expelled at will (like thrust) then do touhous have a limited amount of stored energy?

My mind has been torn open, i'm seeing things in ways I cannot begin to comprehend.

Everything around me contains limited energy, everything around everyone contains energy.

Do magnets have internal energy they consistently emit? Are magnets the touhous of our world, or are touhous magnets of gensokyo?

How and when that energy is expelled is something I both fear and misunderstand.

>> No.8498883

If magnets are touhous, or touhous magnets...
If earth has magnetic poles and is really one big magnet...

Who's to say we aren't all living one one big touhou flying through the universe?

Dodging stars, grazing rocks...

The universe being gensokyo, the earth inside the universe, us on the earth...

We are all already in gensokyo.

>> No.8501531
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It's made it hard for me to give speeches for class and given me a general feeling of malaise outside of my room. That's really it at this point.
