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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 464 KB, 2048x1536, 1326162271816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8496112 No.8496112 [Reply] [Original]

So uh, are there actually crossdressers on this board? Or is it some ironic joke that you guys say to make fun of it?

>> No.8496115

the latter

>> No.8496117

It's funny because Arc does not drink 7-UP

>> No.8496118

We have both fags and traps in here, albeit ugly ones.

>> No.8496119

I presume most people are joking.
I actually have done in the past, but only in private, I'm not feminine so it most look horrific, I just did it because silky panties feel great on your nuts.

>> No.8496120

I wonder.

>> No.8496125

so if i told you my current goal is to sew my own touhou costumes to wear you'd call me mad gay?

>> No.8496135

If I could actually look like an attractive female I would

Too tall being 6'7 and my shoulders are much too broad

>> No.8496146

To crossdress you don't need to look like a woman. You can look good wearing female clothing. Like in the OP pic, I'd say he looks great.

Touhou costumes hide your figure, the crossdressers that wear clothing that is meant for a womans figure is offputting. But with Yuyukos dress, you can pull it off ez.

>> No.8496154

Mostly the latter, but there are crosdressers here too.
Many more people here would like to crossdress, but don't actually do it for some reason or another.

>> No.8496150

I dress like a classy gentleman despite the fact that I am, in reality, somewhat common.

Does this count as crossdressing?

>> No.8496166

Someone please post the rest of his pictures.

>> No.8496171

Well, shit.
You guys used to be my backup solution for when /a/ and /v/ become too shitty to browse anymore. But I guess we're too different for that, and I've made a permanent choice years ago, when I've stayed with /a/ in the great board split.

>> No.8496173

I agree with the sentiments of cross dressers, I just can't be bothered to put the money and effort into something so ultimately pointless.

>> No.8496176
File: 693 KB, 1024x768, 1326158519754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the only other one I have

>> No.8496180

Your name gives me the horrible feeling you're Tokiko fresh back from /dqn/ with a new identity. Please prove me wrong.

Also is that Mad Thad?

>> No.8496182

I would if I found myself cute or sexually appealing whatsoever. As it stands, I don't see the point.

>> No.8496184

I don't even know what most of that post means. I haven't been here in a very long time and I'm only here right now under the influence of alcohol.

>> No.8496190

Oh wait, 4-ch? I used to go there but I am not the person you're asking about, I guess.

>> No.8496201

Damn that was hilarious. Made my day.

>> No.8496205
File: 46 KB, 488x415, arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496307
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>> No.8496392


Neat, are you one of those people? Did you tailor your own costume?

>> No.8496401

I'd let her satori in my mouth, IYKWIM.

>> No.8496404
File: 149 KB, 600x800, P1260200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, first time I'd ever sewn anything so I was really surprised at how well it turned out. (Except the hat, the hat itself was disappointing but at least that was slightly mitigated by people mostly looking at the peaches.)

Her personality was really cute.

>> No.8496412


Cool! I have been meaning to tailor my own costumes, thats motivating to know its not terribly complicated

>> No.8496425
File: 276 KB, 640x368, 1304474447126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with crossdressing, its fun, safe, and healthy if you put some work into it!

>> No.8496431


I regretted not taking a picture of those five when I had the chance, and now I find a picture on /jp/. Oh internet, you never let me down.

>> No.8496440

I've crossdressed and I look androgynous most of the time. Relationships with real people is a no but I like to imagine things with men and women, 2D of course.

IF I broke and wanted a 3D relationship I would rather it be with a man.

Having said that, I've joked and written eropasta type stuff on /jp/ for a couple of years now. So the two probably aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.8496447 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 600x600, awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh internet, you never let me down.
Lulz, you use that site too?!

>> No.8496450


more please

>> No.8496471

That fat suika guy looks hilarious

the hood just fits perfectly

>> No.8496471,1 [INTERNAL] 

I got a three day ban for this post.

>> No.8496479


This is the best proof of crossdressing not having to be awkward men pretending to be women in tight dresses.

What is wrong with this picture? Nothing, thats what.

>> No.8496482
File: 301 KB, 522x800, Trapmu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496485


actually a tranny fuck up, lol

>> No.8496485,1 [INTERNAL] 


I don't know what's up with mods lately. I've been changing my IP after every post after I was banned for no reason the other day.

>> No.8496499

That Yuuka is very alluring.

>> No.8496503


Fat Suika looks like an utter badass.

>> No.8496506

I would slurp his armpits,dude

>> No.8496508
File: 165 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never was into cross dressing, but I always found men dressed up as Touhous to be hilarious.

I would totally dress up as a Touhou with /jp/ if I was ever given the chance.

>> No.8496514
File: 84 KB, 480x360, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you were there? Who were you? Or, I guess, did I see you?

Yeah, he was pretty awesome. The hoodie and glasses went so well with Suika, it was crazy.

That actually makes me kinda happy. (Though it should be noted that the far left Suika, the Satori, and the Yuuka were actual girls. Heck, most of the Touhou cosplayers at Ohayo were girls, I was a little surprised.)

She also seemed very Yuuka-like somehow in personality, kinda like the Satori. And the Suika.

>> No.8496516


did you challenge fat suika to a duel?

>> No.8496531


the satori and yuuka were actual girls? .......
were can i meet people like this? I suddenly realize I've been wasting my entire life.

>> No.8496532
File: 450 KB, 2000x1333, 1326009453565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ meetup

>> No.8496535


where* fuck me.

>> No.8496538

I-it's beautiful~!

>> No.8496548
File: 844 KB, 1600x1200, 1324616609647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accurate depiction of Kaguya

>> No.8496551
File: 34 KB, 425x285, who baka now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who baka now?

>> No.8496554
File: 2.93 MB, 2816x2112, lederhosen Koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That male Koishi outfit is fantastic.

>> No.8496555
File: 2.22 MB, 320x180, reimugif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8496560

Nah, but there was a swordfight with one of the Cirnos.
I was a bit disappointed that the Youmu didn't have swords, on that note.

Ah, it seems he took a few lieberties with the design.

>> No.8496566
File: 65 KB, 118x186, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

what am I looking at

>> No.8496565


>ZUN cosplay

>> No.8496567

These pictures make me sad.
It feels like Touhou is turning into Homestuck.

>> No.8496570


The hat is... plastic?
Also, you're the Tenshi-guy from the OC threads? Why you don't use your trip when you post there? Or did I just never realize it was you? Fuck.

>> No.8496571

Those Marisae are actually okay. Not just because they're attractive, but because they look sort of mischievous and...witchy.
Too old though.

>> No.8496572


alice's color scheme is completely wrong

>> No.8496575
File: 190 KB, 531x800, Yuka Cosplay done right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I can't find Touhou cosplays with good enough materials used for the costumes, lots have a high degree of detail but is hard to find it done with good cloth, no one is going to waste it in something they'll wear once so I understand.
The pic does better but is not good yet.

>> No.8496578
File: 190 KB, 640x360, 1326612193161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496583

Only remarkable thing was a ⑨ t-shirt I was wearing, and failing as Komachi.

>> No.8496585
File: 14 KB, 238x446, HussieZun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496589

>Though it should be noted that the far left Suika, the Satori, and the Yuuka were actual girls

I noticed that there was something strange going on with these "dudes"...

>> No.8496592

Those Marisas look cute

>> No.8496594

Oh god. I know it's off-topic, but can you post that image?
It cracks me up every time.

>> No.8496593

No, it's not turning into Homestuck until you get a picture of a black guy looking at cosplayers with a disgusted or puzzled look.

So only when we get LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT 2HU.jpg

>> No.8496600

I'm pretty sure you are trolling.

>> No.8496599
File: 91 KB, 170x212, Cirno'sFaceWhen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, Cirno's face is gold.

>> No.8496603
File: 7 KB, 128x129, TH05aliceB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I made it out of craft felt, two layers and stiffened the top with glue. Shoulda stiffened the brim too, but that didn't work for some reason when I tried.
And yes, I am. Dunno why I don't use my trip for OC threads, I posted my programming works as anon as well. Seems like attention whoring even more than just using a tripcode, for some reason.

Huh? Seems pretty accurate to me. Maybe a touch too dark, but not that bad.

Naw, Homestuck had waaaay more cosplays, and lazy ones at that. I am kinda thinking of doing a Sepulchritude cosplay sometime. But Problem Sleuth >>>>>> Homestuck anyways.

Sorry about that, I didn't mean to imply they were dudes. Was just referring to myself.

>> No.8496604
File: 414 KB, 756x1069, 1315595581729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if troll or just a secondary.

>> No.8496606



>> No.8496611

This'll get a few people.

>> No.8496630
File: 26 KB, 210x314, 1323458832614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ should get together and all dress up as sinsacks.
You all go to /fit/, right?

Oh God, that image.
I burst out laughing.

>> No.8496631

I see. I know a few people who cosplay a lot (things like Midna's true form or Odin Sphere characters, though), so I was curious.
About the tripcode, I think that's cool.

>> No.8496638
File: 288 KB, 512x256, 1303177361162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8496642

I'd like to cosplay Touhou sometime, but I don't enjoy cons enough to actually waste money on them.

>> No.8496645

>Sorry about that, I didn't mean to imply they were dudes. Was just referring to myself.

No need to apologize, it was me who assumed they were dudes.

>> No.8496649

Minorities and the obese should not be allowed to cosplay

>> No.8496651

Now where are the delicious trap touhou cosplays

>> No.8496652


ur pretty minority in muscles u cant even lift a wall3t computer gotta call ur MOM to help u

>> No.8496656


But then people would be complaining about their superior asians not being able to do their superior cosplay like the weaboos they are.

>> No.8496671
File: 7 KB, 128x129, Th05alice2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8496675

Delicious chubby Yuuka

>> No.8496689
File: 184 KB, 640x480, 0128121820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I decided to try a con this weekend, and it was full of homestuck and male touhou cosplayers. I will never go again. However, there were some females, but most were younger.

>> No.8496695


Sorry man. The Male:Female ratio of Touhou fans is like, 4:1.

>> No.8496701


Seriously though, most of the Touhou cosplayers at Ohayo were female. And there's nothing wrong with male Touhou cosplayers (though I'll freely admit my Reisen on Sunday was pretty shitty).

>> No.8496702
File: 293 KB, 800x536, tired619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this dude.

>> No.8496704 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 640x480, yeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shittiest photoshop.
Atleast it's some kind of maid dress.

>> No.8496705


The only female friends I know who are Touhou fans are lesbians.

>> No.8496710



>> No.8496716
File: 541 KB, 575x1024, shelf774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did Marisa as well.

>> No.8496719

I sort of figured, but...why would you cosplay something impossible to genderbend?

>> No.8496726

>>8496642 here, totally feel your pain
I used to go to cons when I was a bit younger and naiver. I'm sure there are still nice people if you know what to avoid, but I'm just too much wuss to enjoy myself when surrounded by people I consider to be retards.

Male Touhou cosplayers are ok, just same shit applies to them as female ones. Quality and hardwork, no being a retard etc

Also couldn't help but notice Godot

>> No.8496727

Why is Marisa such a slut?

>> No.8496733

I was only there on Saturday, so I missed it and cannot comment on it, but there were some bad ones.
Also I stopped in at the Touhou tourney for a bit and the people playing were terrible so I left. Is this what anime fans are like? I feel like I know why we have such a bad name with the normals now.

>> No.8496740

Who knows? But here is more of him as Touhouvania Reimu.


>> No.8496743

>I feel like I know why we have such a bad name with the normals now.
Are you referring to Touhou fans or anime fans?

>> No.8496747

anyone interested in Otaku things period. Its not like normals can tell the difference.

>> No.8496756

Godot was pretty good, saw him objecting to an excellent Phoenix Wright (who also had a MVC3 health bar sometimes, amusingly.)

As for the tounament, yeah, that was pretty disappointing. There weren't any even matches, it was either both weren't good or one person was far better than the other. Felt rather strange when I went from stomping the person I was playing to getting stomped by the next guy, but he went on to win and is one of those IRC people who I still can't beat so whatever.

>> No.8496757

Right. Well, yeah.
All the more reason to just hide your powerlevel. Even if that means never having a chance to meet with the few decent people there are irl.

>> No.8496767

Hiding your powerlevel is what freaks normals out.

I have a forced social life with people I hate and I hide NOTHING and nobody gives a shit because I seem so comfortable with it. If you stammer like a retard talking about loving little girls of course they'll flip.

>> No.8496768
File: 476 KB, 787x1181, STRONGEST].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, the male cosplayers are the best, they don't give a fuck and have fun with it, and you end up with hilarious stuff such as black Yuyuko, beer Cirno, and Neckbeard Kaguya.
If we want to see cute girls dressed as touhou characters, we would look for them on the internet or go to Japan. It gets to the point that cute girl #49 becomes boring because it's literally the same thing over and over.

>> No.8496777

I'm too afraid to order dresses to my house because i don't know how they will be marked ;_;

>> No.8496789

>If you stammer like a retard talking about loving little girls of course they'll flip.
Why would I do this if I'm HIDING my powerlevel?

In my case, my few friends and my family of course knows that I have "otaku" interests, but mentioning my interests and the extents of them is something I only trust a few people with. I just don't like taking that risk, because I don't know what I might unleash. I don't want to attract weirdos or have people judge me.

>> No.8496791

If you're parents ask just say you've starting seeing a girl and bought her a gift.

>> No.8496796

I always wanted to buy a Reimu wig/suit and hire a prostitute to wear it

>> No.8496796,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think they're trying to be more active, but in all the wrong ways. I'm probably going to sound butthurt, but it's not particularly fair that mods would cherry pick my (obvious joke) post from a thread, yet leave the survey thread and threads created by serial ban evaders like Tokiko and King of /jp/.

>> No.8496802

I'm not a good liar and i don't think they would believe that...

I just get to nervous around girls...

>> No.8496806

There are plenty of TS prostitutes from Asia in Sydney who are happy to do this. Don't ask me how I know.

>> No.8496807

Rightly so, females should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.8496813
File: 966 KB, 849x1200, 16379325_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I want to know is, why haven't we had a crazy musclebound guy do a man-Yuugi yet?

>> No.8496819


Because crazy musclebound guys don't come here.

>> No.8496824

oh god what is wrong with her right leg

>> No.8496829

Yeah well... I can't do that either.

>> No.8496843
File: 329 KB, 800x800, 1308354471520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been thinking the same thing.

I'd really want to do one, but I am not nearly strong enough to do it. I'm just a skinny, malnourished guy like the rest of /jp/.

But I have been trying to work out more. Maybe one day....

>> No.8496852
File: 493 KB, 720x800, 8680930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, even a skinny Yuugi would be amusing. As long as they put in the water balloon tits.

>> No.8497235

Why is homestuck even popular, I tried to read it and it wasn't funny, entertaining or clever.

>> No.8497246

To be honest I'm really not sure. I mean, I'm a computer scientist, you'd think all the Sylladex jokes and whatnot at the beginning would be at least vaguely amusing. But, meh.

Anyways, I'm thinking http://www.chiyo-chan.net/upload/komajou/Youmu.jpg next. That claymore-katana gets me all hot and bothered just thinking about it, and I suppose it's about time I actually did Youmu.

>> No.8497305

>I studied computer science and now work at Mc Donalds.

>> No.8497310

I'm currently doing Computer Science research, actually. But alright.

>> No.8497310,1 [INTERNAL] 

If your IP range suddenly starts getting a ton of bans/reports, the mods will suspect something. If you're going to be serious about ban evading, post a lot less often (or more importantly THINK before you click submit). I'd also recommend investing in a decent shell or VPN. You can probably find one that's pretty cheap.

>> No.8498100
File: 47 KB, 249x498, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8498114

Not only does this guy have the balls to do what he is doing, but he isn't afraid to eat in public?

I got a piece of salad in my beard and didn't notice once, now I'm too afraid to eat in public ;_;

>> No.8498148

Chisame/Kureha and Danbo...

>> No.8498152

Sounds like a few of you guys went to Ohayocon. I did also.

Next year, we'll have to have a terrible/embarassing /jp/ meetup. We'll talk about Homu Homu and Japanese Bird.

>> No.8498251
File: 237 KB, 768x1024, 211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8498254
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>> No.8498273

>That feel when overweight
I could almost see myself doing it in private, but with a stomach as big as a fucking tire, it's impossible.

>> No.8498278

I considered it but my frame is just too manly, it isn't happening.

>> No.8498283

I wonder why he does not have a boner poking through. Though I would be a bit camera shy as well.

>> No.8498295
File: 156 KB, 1280x960, DSC00930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like everyone on /jp/ right now is really new.

>> No.8498323

Man, I love this guy. He makes me laugh so hard.

>> No.8498409

Well, there's your problem.

Also nobody looks good eating in public. Just enjoy yourself.

>> No.8499228

Boner, you've went too far,

>> No.8499257

Someone please post more of Balck Yuyuko. I need it.

>> No.8499273
File: 93 KB, 416x1313, crossdressers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to /soc/ already

>> No.8499291

I still wonder if there were an actual video of it

>> No.8499897

I know Sakuya was the one supposed to be Alucard, but god if Youmu resembles him way more in that outfit. And then Marisa even MORE, with that cape.

>> No.8500031

Apparently there's gonna be a miniconvention at my university in a couple of weeks. Hope it won't be too awkward hanging out with people I know while dressed as Tenshi.

>> No.8502697

