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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8489792 No.8489792 [Reply] [Original]

So.... where the touhou dubstep mix at

>> No.8489802

Untz is not music. It is noise. Noise for hipsters.

>> No.8489819

you're face is for hipsters

>> No.8489826


You're sister was for hipsters last night.

>> No.8489828

>implying noise is not a valid musical genre that predates hipster movement by a fucking century

>> No.8489831

I've been always wondering what kind of music does /jp/ like
Since there are a lot of hype in the comiket threads when some album of some random electronic style is uploaded
But then I see these kind of comments

>> No.8489832
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>> No.8489841

Well, there many kinds of electronic styles.

If you ask me, /jp/ generally seems to enjoy a rather wide range of music. There seems to be a rather steady base of users who like jazz, eurobeat and denpa. Or, those are the most vocal groups.

>> No.8489842


>> No.8489849


I like folk, orchestral and jazz, and anything else that sound classy.

>> No.8489856


That's the only thing you need to know.

>> No.8489861

I don't care if anyone listens to dubstep, but I want you all to know that it's shit and not music.
I hate you all.

>> No.8489867

Dubstep is full of wub, not untz.


I have yet to read a post containing this buzzword that wasn't in some fashion severely retarded.

>> No.8489868


Go suck you're mom's bredst milk tit you analfagbat.

>> No.8489869


>> No.8489874

Dubstep is still terrible.

>> No.8489875

suck my're cock dude

>> No.8489876

get on my level plebs.

>> No.8489877
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I like all music, including dubstep.

What'cha gon' do 'bout it, punk?

>> No.8489881

I like electroinic, hardstyle, trance, but I can only stand some dubstep. It's literally random wubs with no rhythm.

>> No.8489886


mainstream shit

>> No.8489889


Not the same guy but I would like to know why is so terrible
I've listened to it just a few times and I didn't think it was so bad, just that was full of "wubwubwub"

>> No.8489899


Not Touhou. Being in /jp/, I assume 95% of the people listens EXCLUSIVELY to touhou arranges. Maybe to Vocaloid and anime music too.

>> No.8489896


Keep listening to it and you'll find it's one of those flavor-of-the-year non-genres centered around reproducing the same song 5000 times.

>> No.8489917


>> No.8489920

yo dubstep is shit but play mw3 as sniper listening 2 dubstep is epic xd

>> No.8489925


Did he just do fucking nothing for 4 minutes 33 seconds?

>> No.8489932


Yeah, John Cage's 4:33.


>> No.8489928


>> No.8489938


>> No.8489936


10/10. Would rage again.

>> No.8489947

Is this the new genre that all the cool kids get too worked up about because they have nothing worthwhile to be upset about in their comfortable suburban lives?

>> No.8489955


I literally started laughing at this song at about 0:56

>> No.8489951


>> No.8489959

sounds so legit.

I for one love VGM.
Strauss > Rachmaninoff > Ando/Ishikawa > Pachelbel = Bach > Beethoven = Grieg > Chopin = Debussy = Hirokazu Tanaka > Vaughn Williams = Kondo > Yoko Kanno > Brahms = Sibelius = Mozart > Tchaikovsky >Ravel > Sakimoto = Hamauzu > 70s Genesis = King Crimson = Mitsuda > Uematsu > Gentle Giant = Jethro Tull > Ishiwatari > Emerson, Lake & Palmer = Rush > Sakuraba > ZUN = Vivaldi > Anonymous

>> No.8489965

>suburban lives
Nope. Suburban is serious business

>> No.8489974


Basically. That doesn't stop it from being mediocre, though.

>> No.8489982

I love this man and his musical tastes.

>> No.8489984


>ranking Genesis higher than Jethro Tull

Lord Prismriver does not approve.

>> No.8489987

Remove Sakimoto and I'm cool with it.

>> No.8489992


I imagine most of you have heard this.
I don't give a fuck, cause it's awesome.

>> No.8490212

Okay, let's see those Youtube comments.
>the dislike bar is like justin biebers penis, small, red and shouldn't be there...
Never again.

>> No.8490240

brostep/electro-house/wubever you want to call it is good when it actually has a melody or some sort of theme, which is why I like touhou remixes and not Skrillex's recent trash.


>> No.8490262

I agree. I love Touhou related electro-house and wubstep but hate every other kind. Why the hell haven't I heard this song yet?

>> No.8490268

Dubstep is the shittiest kind of electronic music.

>> No.8490314

You seem to have forgotten about trance, eurodance and hardstyle.

>> No.8490317

I don't mind dubstep but I find it slightly boring, like the odd tune here and there is nice but I can't listen to it all day.
I find myself branching off in to drum and bass, progressive house and trance etc.
I've never been able to keep to one style of music for long though.

>> No.8490327
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>I only listen to mature music meant for mature people such as myself

>> No.8490335

The most popular sort of dubstep is terrible, thanks to artists like Skrillex. Most UKF stuff is ok.

Touhou dubstep is good though, because the scene is so heavily influence by electro-house. All the songs are remixes of an original complex song, so they have to preserve the melody. It uses dubstep features as something to add on, rather than consisting solely of that style. Because of this, most Touhou dubstep is pretty light in comparison.





Hachimitsu-Lemon (Light Night Beat album)

Mostly electro, but with some dub in it.

>> No.8490341

I enjoyed these. In my opinion, it isn't the holy grail of music genres but it is enjoyable to listen to.


>> No.8490368

Are you implying that Hip-Hop is mature music?
I hope not.

>> No.8490403

CYTOKINE - Throw your card down (Nhato Remix)

Zero Symphonic Battalion - Kill me tender! -DUBSTEPmix-

[Syrufit] Empty fate - Poplicax Remix

Alstroemeria Records - Unknown
Lunar Dial (really its deep electro, but whatever still good song)

Not exactly Touhou, but close enough.
GWAVE - Personalizer

>> No.8490416

I'm so glad Rolling Contact moved away from shitty speedcore stuff to focus on electro house.

>> No.8490456

I can like dubstep for everything that isn't dubstep about it.
I guess I don't like dubstep.
No, actually, I hate it.
Fuck dubstep.

>> No.8490472

Because they haven't been mentioned yet:


>> No.8490515
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>> No.8490518

sorry, i mistakes like that are a diamond dozen.

>> No.8490596

ITT: We name all the good Touhou electro-house bands.

>> No.8490599

What else do you expect from /jp/ and music?

>> No.8490624

Did I miss the point of this thread, or are you restating the OP?

>> No.8490644

Why does that sound like Seven Nation Army?

>> No.8490655

Dub step is WUB
UNTZ is techno music. Get it right bro.

>> No.8490665

Has Jerico's Law release their albums? I can't find any downloads for Dirty Sounds Domination.

>> No.8490670

Which song?

>> No.8490681

Lunar Dial.

>> No.8490692

I guess vocal pausing with the beat in the middle made you think of it.

>> No.8490726

I don't like music. If you like music, fuck you.

>> No.8490738

His stuff is free, for now at least.
Does this link work?--

>> No.8490765

I know what you would like: Dubstep.

>> No.8490868

Touhou Dubstep is bollocks because it's Brostep/shit electro-House thanks to US influences (regardless of the fact that it was first made in the UK, it's popularity in America is what propelled it into the mainstream). I think I've heard maybe one Touhou Dubstep track which doesn't sound like Excision & Datsik/Rottun/Mau5trap/UKF bullshit, and that was the track on M3tamix Records Toho Beatronic - Orchid Bloom-.

>> No.8490875

Check my dubstep.

>> No.8490881
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>> No.8492018

Worked like a charm! Thanks a ton!

>> No.8492031

>fag with cat.jpg
saved for future use.

>> No.8492047

He's reached /jp/ levels of irony. A true master of shitposting.

>> No.8492060


>> No.8492108

I wonder when REDALiCE will learn that no one likes hardcore/gabber stuff anymore.

>> No.8492300


I do, just mostly when it doesn't involve REDALiCE.

>> No.8492319

I wonder when individuals will learn that their opinions don't matter to artists.

>> No.8492423


>> No.8492441
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I wonder when wondering wonders stop replying to wonderful rhetorical questions.

>> No.8492447

I love hardcore touhou remixes

redalice has some great songs

stop talking shit

>> No.8492652

Oh man, maybe we can go to a Redalice rave and listen to happy hardcore and have suckers with LSD and see danmaku and everything! It would be amazing in the 90s

>> No.8492663

Do people who listen to doujin hardcore & gabber ever go to clubs and raves.
Or do they just UNTZ alone in their bedrooms.

Come to think of it do doujin dj's actually dj, or just produce it alone in their bedrooms.

>> No.8492675

Skrillex videos are awesome.

>> No.8492697


They have events all the time in Japan. If you only mean people on this board, you probably didn't need to ask.

>> No.8492702


There's no need to be so 酷い to him just because he finds other 音楽 than you like to be 楽しい.

>> No.8492715

If only his music was awesome too. To be honest it would be if his drops were not so god damn jarring and intentionally destructive to the melody.

>> No.8492728


>> No.8494098

Is there Denpa Dubstep so... uh, Dubstep with little girl voice I mean.

>> No.8494617

This remains the only dubstep I actually like.

Suffering through most of the stuff in this thread... ugh. Dubsteb can be nice if used well. But then suddenly all you get for a minute is WUB-WUB-WUB-WUB-WUUUUB-WU-WU-WUUUB
No. Fuck that shit. Don't overuse it.

Allow me to add some more junk into this thread:
Because yes, you just knew U.N. Owen was Her? would have dubstep versions. At times it's nice and then just ear-rape. Over and over again. Fucking dubsteppers.

>> No.8494628

in before

>> No.8494634


>> No.8494640

This guy is the worst.

>> No.8494651

Why the hell would you put a cat on a leash?

>> No.8494657

I don't know about that. Kakashimr is pretty bad as well. I think it's a toss-up between them for who is the biggest pile of shit.

>> No.8494675

They're both attention seeking whores who cause a lot of drama around them and think they're the big shots.

>> No.8494677
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>> No.8494747

Best song ever


what... not enough wub?

>> No.8494754

I hate how after the drop it sounds like default wobbles

>> No.8494805
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>> No.8494813

It's sad how going through all the U.N. Owen was Her? dubsteps I could on YT that was the best one.
All the rest could pretty much put into two categories:
1. Original song + default wubwub put on top (seriously WHY?)
2. An actual remix except that the original song is suddenly forgotten and all you hear is WUBWUBWUBWUB for a minute.
Even that thing comes close to #2 at 2:42-3:10 but the song does play... slightly... in the background.

I'll say it again. Fucking dubsteppers.

>> No.8494826

This calls for a tutorial!

>> No.8494848



>> No.8494853
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>> No.8494876


>> No.8495339


>> No.8495351


>> No.8495376


>> No.8496735

Enjo is so funny, I must have the album

>> No.8496758


Only one i have ever downloaded. I'll admit i like it.

>> No.8497667

If you happen to want it in FLAC.

>> No.8497693



>> No.8497896


>> No.8497956

dubstep is shit

>> No.8498400

do you know where to find the whole album?

>> No.8498641
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I wish someone would make a "real" dubstep arrange of a Touhou song. Something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMyIflrVDK8

I would do it myself, but I'm too inexperienced with producing dubstep.
