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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 3428x402, 1280266012489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8489542 No.8489542 [Reply] [Original]

Cornelia-chan memorial thread.

>> No.8489552

How can I appreciate Cornelia-chan if it's all because of her that we have captchas everywhere...

>> No.8489548 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1038x1024, 1280280517550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that Summer in 2010.

>> No.8489556


Think of it as her lasting impact on our world.

>> No.8489559

She was then sort of like Hitler.

>> No.8489560

Everyone remembers her effect, but only few remember the gifts she gave us.

(The stolen files hidden in her image data.)

>> No.8489565
File: 13 KB, 521x153, corn_sharing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best poster on /jp/ ever.

>> No.8489566
File: 94 KB, 777x476, I was posting Cornelia pics in a Cornelia thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned for this.

>> No.8489574
File: 40 KB, 1061x287, Cornelia is a nazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489571
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>> No.8489576
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>> No.8489579

Aaawww... I'll forgive her. But this had to happen.

>> No.8489584

Only 2 days for shitposting? If i were mod i would give you 2 weeks so stop crying faggot.
And bumping tripfag/circlejerk threads should be permaban

>> No.8489585

Get out JIDF devs.

>> No.8489586

She tried her best to fight off the CAPTCHA army, but their forces were too vast and too mighty


>> No.8489587
File: 118 KB, 698x526, wish I could feed my dxxk a bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489589

It's Cornelia-tan, not Cornelia-chan.

>> No.8489594
File: 142 KB, 863x628, 1281117088761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489597

I miss her. We should get moot to make a captchaless board for her to live on.

>> No.8489609
File: 2.28 MB, 4961x2126, Save as hta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8489615
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>> No.8489616


If I remember right during the event two years ago some guy on /jp/ actually made a thread about how to deploy the script.

>> No.8489617
File: 77 KB, 637x281, bots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489619

>two years ago
Has it really been that long already?

>> No.8489620
File: 186 KB, 800x600, 1280276937158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to point out again, that it will steal your files and upload them to 4chan.

>> No.8489628
File: 45 KB, 451x433, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to post a Cornelia picture, but I got this captcha. She's fighting back!

>> No.8489643

No, it will steal files from morons on /a/v/b/ and upload them.

>> No.8489642

Anyone have that picture of cornelia and capthca-tan?

>> No.8489661
File: 175 KB, 1424x975, 1280365644600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8489672

>And bumping tripfag/circlejerk threads should be permaban
Look how new you are.

>> No.8489674

Poor Cornelia ;_;

>> No.8489680

I didn't know it uploaded files from people's computers. Where can I read more about this?

>> No.8489690

If you saved the image as a rar or something, that fuzzy space at the bottom of each of her images was actually a file randomly taken from somewhere in your documents folder, I think.

>> No.8489691

I know there was a torrent floating around a while back full of the stolen files.

>> No.8489692
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>> No.8489693
File: 287 KB, 950x571, 1327810094417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we ever be free of the yoke of captcha?

>> No.8489704
File: 48 KB, 304x447, newsbot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when the captcha was new and it made you think carefully about each and every post you made?

>> No.8489703

Remember when idiots saved these images and started running them? It's like it was their first time on the internet.

>> No.8489708


Let's bring her back to life, guys.

>> No.8489710

Remember when moot said that captcha was only a temporary thing?

>> No.8489711
File: 910 KB, 1024x1980, 1314983880899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489712

As he said, it was randomly choosen.

>> No.8489706

How did it choose which file to upload?

>> No.8489713

Cornelia was an interesting spambot. As moderation developed filters to capture it, targeting it's small file size and other unnatural patterns.
So it started scraping and using content from the boards to look more natural. Every line was something someone had already said in some board. And to give it a larger filesize, it included contents of the files in the My Documents folder of the moron running it. That padded the file size to a more natural looking number. And it had a lot of personal information inside.

During the night of Cornelia, /g/ just looked inside the cornelia posts and found family photos, embarrassing documents and even bank information.
A lot of boards were wastelands. Only /jp/ decided to turn it around and make the threat into a cute figure. I loved that.

>> No.8489719

Woo... So that thing would actually have had access to computer C:? No way.

>> No.8489715

Remember when moot said that he would never implement CAPTCHA?

>> No.8489717

/b/ will do literally anything you tell them. They saved every incarnation of the "cornelia" type scripts, they post on other boards when you tell them something like "posting :otterpops: on another board will enable access to /5/", and generally are a bunch of naive shits.

>> No.8489721

I remember every single time moot has added something and has never removed it. I never held the delusion that captcha would end.

>> No.8489723


Still is pretty important in some sense. Helps digitize books but whatever.

I can't tell if >>8489708 is the script. Maybe someone can tell or not? The only thing bothering me is the several lines where it was commented off to capture the captcha from Google and I don't think Cornelia had a chance to fight that...

>> No.8489727

/jp/ - Structure and Interpretation of Love

>> No.8489731

There were already several versions that used the data to do that before too. There was one that was like 50% static stuff on the image.

I never understood WHY they would do that. WHY would you want a bunch of blank squares on every board? I still blame /g/ or /prog/.

Although even in the old days, people would literally copy a post into notepad and save it as a script and run it.

>> No.8489736

It is real. If it has been altered or not, I'm not sure. I haven't analized the whole thing.

The "captcha" thing was a bug that the bot itself exploited to avoid the captcha. That bug was fixed later, and since then, we have never heard about the bot again.

>> No.8489732

I thought that was even more retarded. People cheerleading for what was killing the board was truly retarded.

Moot said that before scripts were made that flooded every board to oblivion. If you'd rather have the site die than Moot change one of his decisions then just stop coming here and pretend the scripts did manage to kill the site.

>> No.8489743


Yeah, I just looked on /g/'s archive. It's real. Props for the dude who was able to decompile the source.


>> No.8489740

>The only thing bothering me is the several lines where it was commented off to capture the captcha from Google and I don't think Cornelia had a chance to fight that...

There used to be an exploit using the audio captcha is all I remember.

>> No.8489744

I recognize the code. Yeah, that's one of the last Cornelia modifications, but it's useless since they already patched the reCaptcha bug that allowed it to post.
Namely the "listen to the audio challenge, type nigga more than 10 times" hole. So it's pretty useless.

>> No.8489745
File: 237 KB, 600x800, 1280277344562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8489750

Mods were already doing all they could, the boards were good as lost by then. It would be hours, maybe days of nothing but spam.
Might as well embrace oblivion and have fun with it, unlike the other boards that were doing military roleplay about it.

>> No.8489754


I think reCaptcha might have been cracked by some kind of reader as some of the forums I go to are getting automated spam again. Might not be widespread yet so it might be a matter of time before Cornelia might come back...

>> No.8489755

It meant that even when the spam wasn't that heavy, after the script shat on a thread, people would reply with "lol Cornelia said something funny! XD" thus ensuring the thread's derailment and demise.

>> No.8489759

Not like there would have been anything better on /jp/.

>> No.8489763

Who created cornelia?

>> No.8489772
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_YuruYuri_-_05_[720p].mkv_snapshot_20.47_[2011.08.06_16.33.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey there's a Warcraft 3 CD key in there.

>> No.8489798


Some nameless Slav.

>> No.8489801


... Seriously, that was what struck out to you in that thread?

That faggot OP was posting crap everywhere from the bot but shortly after the spamfest left, he got banned for unrelated reasons.


We don't know to be honest. Some said Kimmo did it but it's not a plausible guess. Pretty much, I think it was a paid professional for a data mining site who spent time studying the site. The code from the Pastebin pretty much gives away at how good of a coder this person was.

>> No.8489822

The same one who created all the other image spam scripts.

>> No.8489833

I wish I was a good of programmer as that guy ;_;

>> No.8489851


Seems too implausible for Touma to have written it. The spam script, which I do have but haven't used, and that source code seems too different in style to have been written by the same dude in my opinion.


Yeah, that code was just really awesome and pretty educational too. Might be something to haunt me but I bet someone is probably going to mix the spam script and Cornelia someday...

>> No.8489882

By image spam, I mean the solid colored squares
The other images that uploaded files like cornelia but said something else on them, and a couple other incidences of text and auto-uploading solid color images.

>> No.8489892
File: 34 KB, 432x288, 1306996535991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect cornelia. And launch it all around the world, spamming forums and blogs all around the internet. Maybe we could also add some sort of functionallity that send DDoS attacks to random gobernment websites. And then we would meet in jail.

>> No.8489927


Oh, the ones precursoring Cornelia that was on /b/ and /v/ a couple of times? Yeah, it seems plausible but I don't know if there is any source for those scripts to compare it to Cornelia...

>> No.8489976

I made some copypasta about this on /x/ and it quickly spread to other boards. Fun times.

>> No.8490002

Ahhh I remember Cornelia... fun times~
