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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 311 KB, 1280x1024, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8488157 No.8488157 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/

Probably the wrong board, but I figured you guys know stuff about Japan so I'm just gonna ask here.

I've won a 2 week trip to Tokyo. But I've heard japanese people are extremely xenophobic, and being 6'4 and blonde I will probably stick out as a foreigner. So what kind of shit should I expect?

Also, what are must sees in and around Tokyo?

>> No.8488159


>> No.8488163

First learn the metric system then got to Japan.

>> No.8488161


>> No.8488165

>being 6'4 and blonde I will probably stick out as a foreigner
You will stick out very much, yes. And depending on where you travel people will look at you curiously.
Not many people give a fuck in tokyo though.

>But I've heard japanese people are extremely xenophobic
2012 and still trusting the internet huh? White pigu go home etc. etc.
The japanese I met were more welcoming then people in my own country. But what you must understand is that japan is a country with a completely different culture.
Respect them and you will be respected in return.

And now get the fuck off. You are the worst kind of poster here OP.

>> No.8488170

buck witt a real nigga

whitu piggu go home!

>> No.8488177

young people: don't give a fuck
old people: white devil go home

there are exceptions though

>> No.8488181

Hope you enjoy traditional Japanese hospitality, OP.

>> No.8488185

If you are somewhat in shape OP there's still a chance they're afraid of you and won't give you the full whitu piggu go home treatment.

>> No.8488195

>I've won a 2 week trip to Tokyo.

Lucky sonofa bitch...

>> No.8488198

>Open video
>Of course its the white pigu go homu video
>Look at top rated comment
>I live in Japan today. The way a lot of them act, I hate say, makes me say fuckem. I actually came here to help after the tsunami and STILL have been treated pretty shitty on various occasions.
>Look at this other youtube comments
>Most comments is about how racist japan is
>I work and live in Japan, these fucking idiots are the majority, sorry to bring the facts to you youtube viewers.
This is so stupid I don't even know who I am quoting.

Witnessed a demonstration (mainly against koreans) in 2010. It was pretty small, just loud.
Seeing an old man on the side of the street.
He looks at me, I'm expecting some racist remark.
"This is stupid, I'm sorry".
Continues drinking his energy drink.

>> No.8488207

The fact that you're blonde, you won't get any crap from Japanese. Also, you're not the only foreigner there. Tokyo is highly populated with foreigners.

If you like Anime, go to Akihabara. Or, you can just walk around the area you're in.

>> No.8488210

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8488254

Tokyo has shit tons of foreigners nowadays. For example, there is at least one in the same car whenever I take the train. Then there are some weird aggregations like Roppongi, where the foreigners actually begin to outnumber the Japanese.

>> No.8488261
File: 2.16 MB, 4272x2848, realjpmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stick out as a foreigner.
You are small time compare to these people here.

>> No.8488265

i hope that ponyfag gets crushed by a meteor

>> No.8488280

You're so cool. Will you come to my birthday party? There'll be juice and Green day.

>> No.8488293

It's like people don't even know >>>/trv/ exists,
so why do they know about /jp/?

>> No.8488297

As a sand nigger Japan is the best place I've ever lived.
USA, Eastern Europe are by far the worst
It makes me laugh when whites talk about racism

>> No.8488301

/jp/ do the Japanese hate the Chinese like every other Asian people do?

>> No.8488303


>> No.8488310

They do. But not as much as they hate koreans.

>> No.8488324

its like youre flying into pussy land

be real forward jap girls eat that shti up from us

>> No.8488333

Nobody will care, and if you're black the Japanese girls will eat you. Delete your thread now.

>> No.8489962


I don't think this OP is black, having blonde hair and all.

>> No.8489969

Why did you feel the need to bump a thread that is almost 12 hours old and long dead?

>> No.8489981

In an attempt to piss us off I think. People have been doing it all day.

>> No.8489997

You guys came up in a thread on /r9k/ a lot. Everyone hates, but is also fascinated by you.

>> No.8490022

>I don't think this OP is black, having blonde hair and all
Suddenly I have the urge to post this

>> No.8490033 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 434x541, None [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly I have the urge to post this.

>> No.8490035

The OP, retard.

>> No.8490030

Also stop bumping this shit thread you idiot.

>> No.8490063

Oh, sorry. Where does sage go again?

>> No.8490074



>Who are YOU quoting?

>> No.8490100
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1327518543621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8490107
File: 85 KB, 500x500, 1287518543621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8490104

Reported for off topic discussion. International relations and travel belong on >>>/trv/ and http://boards.4chan.org/int..

>> No.8490119
File: 169 KB, 400x400, 1325987882167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8490122
File: 121 KB, 479x369, 1319694236061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for trolling and shitposting

>> No.8490123


Reported for bumping an off topic thread with a post without content.

>> No.8490140

I think I'll stay.

>> No.8490148

Buy as many touhou plushies and goods as you can and take them back to sell in the US

>> No.8490155


>> No.8490177

What is /jp/ so sensitive?

It's my first time here, I was hoping you would be nice :(

>> No.8490200

fuck off to /trv/

>> No.8490204

I heard seppuko is pretty /jp/. Maybe you should try it.

Anything less then belly stabbing is pleb tier.

>> No.8490219


Because you created an off topic discussion. You should have taken this to either >>>/trv/ or >>>/int/.

Delete your thread because it's only going to get worse.

>> No.8490229

You mean Sudoku?

>> No.8490232


Reported for shitposting. If you want to be unfunny go to /b/ or reddit.

>> No.8490243

He made me laugh; I think he;s welcome to stay. At least he used proper glammer.

>> No.8490256

Have you guys ever even been to Japan? Doesn't that involve going outside your parents' basement?

>> No.8490257

> I've heard japanese people are extremely xenophobic


>> No.8490272

your not doing it right, guy
even to troll here, you have to lurk moar

>> No.8490450 [DELETED] 

Japanese are Faggots with a Faggot culture so when in Faggotville call them all Faggots, you Nigger.
