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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 324 KB, 1296x753, pso2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8483756 No.8483756 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you wasting playing thrashy mmo when this game is up?

>> No.8483758

No everyone can play it dumbass. Its closed unless you got picked.

>> No.8483764

Is that as small as the breasts get?

>> No.8483768

No. You can pull the slider even further.

>> No.8483772

do you still do the same fucking 3 hit combo over and over?

>> No.8483780

>garter belt
>darker part of leggings where toes are

Holy shit I can't wait to fap to this.

>> No.8483800

Its sad that every MMO sucks no matter how good the character customization is ;_;

>> No.8483828

>Phantasy Star
Uhh...only PS game I've played is Portable 2. Is PSO any better? Portable 2 bored me to tears.

>> No.8483826

closed beta? DAMN YOU!
should I be correct to assume this game will be pay to play like the other online installments?
I still think PSO blue burst is the best mmo that i've seen so far. but i've played it too much and now i've gotten bored of it (level 137 cast ranger)
I think the problem is that EVERY mmo starts to suck once you put enough time into it, or they become cash shop whores and the game ends up horribly broken.

>> No.8483835

MMO as a genre itself is terrible. I only play them for the character customization. After I create a few characters I get bored almost instantly.

>> No.8483836

Its a shame really since MMOs like PSO really had the potential to be something great. But as always MMOs are made in an effort to claim as much money as possible. I know that its hard for them to do it "good" but they wont untill people stop playing mmos which will also never happen. But now Im just ranting random stuff that makes no sense, I apologize.

>> No.8483860

The Graphics in this is awesome. I'll give it a try when it comes out.

>> No.8483878


No wonder that has got to be the most easy modo class and race to play as. I know because I am a cast hunter and even that is easy modo

>> No.8483886

I cant wait to play this. But last I heard that they will make the content world wide meaning they wont leave shit out like I heard they did with PSUen version. I am also glad they made this for pc first. Very good move on their part.

i probably wont be expecting this to be available over seas untill at least the winter of 12 or next spring

>> No.8483895

I just had a thought while looking at the OPs picture. One of the problems with MMOs and immersion is that you are ALWAYs in your combat gear. If you choose your default clothes and they are casual wear when you are in combat you look just as ridiculous.

Would be nice if you could enable an option to switch to a casual set when you are in town or traveling.

>> No.8483902

You think monsters and ruffians in fantasy land just stop and wait for you to strap on your plate armor? All the gear, all the time.

>> No.8483906

Its Phantasy Star Online. Magical girls manage to do it. You saying space age technology cant magic your armor on you while you are dismounting but they can travel past the speed of light?

>> No.8483912

The greater the technology, the more potent the threats. All the gear, all the time.

>> No.8483914

Then they would just nuke your city to dust. Your argument is pretty weak. I see why you are sticking to one line.

>> No.8483915

I saw a stream of a japanese player customizing his character. That boob customization feature...this is like some break through technology. It will revolutionize the way we control our tit preferences

>> No.8483917

Shit, I guess its not a Youtube stream.

>> No.8483919

i watch the japs play video games on justin tv from time to time

though most of it is hosted on ustream so i dont know why i am able to see it on justin but that is beside the point.

>> No.8483925

The point is the video is gone so I can not see it.

>> No.8483926

Then they would just implement some sort of HI-TECH SCIFI MAGICAL JAMMER to prevent you from getting your armor in times of need

Both of you just fuck off already and you stop being a whiny bitch, jesus christ on a pogo stick

>> No.8483929

Wait, are you not suspending disbelief that in an MMO world where there is light speed travel that they wouldn't be actively nuking (or worse) everything anyways? Individual combat wouldn't matter in the first place at that stage. How do you care about immersion in the first place? How do you even sleep at night?

>> No.8483928

It's probably there still. Somewhere. Plus you would have to sift through hours of gameplay but it would be there! There seems to be a lot of them streaming the game though last I checked so there is still a chance to see it

>> No.8483930


Guild Wars 2 will have a town/roleplay set of clothing that differs from your normal armour.

>> No.8483932

>implying your armor teleportation frequencies are not encrypted and random to make all jamming worthless.

I sure wont be hiring you to develop our quick armor deployment device.

>> No.8483935

Streams generally dont work like that.

>> No.8483936

You can't tolerate being in your armor at all times? I certainly won't be recruiting you for my army.

>> No.8483937

who are you quoting

>> No.8483945

What? Archive videos? On justin tv they do. at least most of of them do it so it wont be hard to look around for a video

>> No.8483948
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Can get a good man if you cant show off some skin.

>> No.8483954
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>> No.8483957

Oh shit its in closed beta already?
Oh fuck yes, I thought it was further away.


>> No.8483959
File: 561 KB, 1680x1050, pso20120128_045525_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8483961

Those anti gravity brazers, cutting edge.

>> No.8483972

Customized Breasts ?
Oh japan, stay always the same.

>> No.8483975
File: 620 KB, 1680x1050, pso20120128_050553_028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why stop at one, when you can have three?

>> No.8483977

Detachable breast augmentations.

Man you could be like.. a loli robot with fake breasts. Pop them off, and retrieve your lunch.
Refrigeration breasts.
Fucking love the future.

>> No.8483982
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1323015471456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New PSO

I've been waiting for you, Sega.

>> No.8483997
File: 265 KB, 1296x753, gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all waiting for you guys in Gensokyo.

>> No.8484210

So I guess I'm not the only person who always keeps at least one more casual looking armor set as "town gear".
I seriously don't understand people who won't even un-equip their helmets in town.

>> No.8484225

Well, AION had a not show helmet option, so I never unequipped my helmet

>> No.8484226
File: 28 KB, 400x320, helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrolling down I thought this was the "I hate the sun" real-life thread and your post made me laugh.

>> No.8484236

I like the Vindictus approach where you can disable helmet display in town while it's still visible in combat instances.

>> No.8484294

MMOs have boring, too easy, outdated, stretched gameplay. I think people just play them for the concept alone since the gameplay is so bad.

>> No.8484326

So far PSO2 isnt up to MH standard.
It is MH lite but to be fair we are only playing the alpha version and not many game can top MH gameplay.
It already has superior character customization and better graphics. I would stay just for my own customize loli and pretty graphics.

>> No.8484337


Guild Wars is a lore focused game and plenty of users enjoy roleplaying so it's no surprise. Every other MMO I usually keep an extra set or two of gear in my bags if/when I grow bored of my usual attire. PSO2 has a similar option to GW2, I believe. You have a set of clothing then a set of armour and you decide which one is used visually on your character.

>> No.8484363

Id still like an auto equip option for in town and out of town. I dont want to open the configuration or hit a button every time I want to switch. There are plenty of other people that will just pick a main set and never switch. But if those people had a feature to auto switch, you would see much more diversity in towns and probably make towns more cozy.

>> No.8484387

if anyone is in the alpha, please recommend this to the devs.

>> No.8484420


>So far PSO2 isnt up to MH standard.

>MH Standard

Haha oh wow

>> No.8484622

Problem? Dont like MH control/camera system?

>> No.8484729

Why not compare it to various PC games, since MH is firmly residing in an outdated console control scheme, or in the case of the PSP, in terribly awkward and torturous designs?

The gameplay seemed good enough though, I don't believe it was never touted as providing a gameplay style alike to MH or D- Souls series. The kind that could vaguely be called slower, methodical gameplay, where PSO is would be somewhat closer to arcade-style action.

>> No.8484997

I hope it's not p2p

>> No.8485320

I hope it's p2p.

>> No.8485391

suck my cock dude

>> No.8485434

And this is why I want it to be P2P!

>> No.8485495

You want to pay to suck my cock dude? Well alright.

>> No.8485528

dude lets not kid anyone. You are on track to being a wizard, so your clean virgin cock is considered the best of the best, absolutely the best for sucking. If you let someone suck your cock without paying you would be a fool.

>> No.8485543

suck my cooooooooooooooock
cock cock cock cock

>> No.8486269


>> No.8486279

Is there any way I can download the character creator and try it? I'm not interested in playing it since I know it's a closed beta, i just want to play around with the customization.

>> No.8486285

Do you go out in your casual wear when you're deployed in the army? No, you get in your uniform. Same thing.

>> No.8486304
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, pso2 2012-01-27 15-12-22-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont need to repeat "mmos a suck" every time. Its as much mmo as pso was.
Its closer to pso gameplay rather than to Universe. Just the controls are more flexible, you can manually aim, and there are plenty of small details happening during the mission. Missions are actually built from random blocks, that helps but not much.
Alpha client is like 1.2 gb, so there is barely any stuff inside. At least I hope its not all they wanted to add, because fives types of weapons total is unfulfilling.
And yes, you have to jump in the gel to start the mission like in the cinematic.

>> No.8486310

I'm just hoping that they handle FOs well, or at least make the stats more like psp2i than pso.

>> No.8486317

>yfw /jp/ is comparing an ORPG to shitty chinese MMORPGs

>> No.8486488
File: 33 KB, 162x303, IMG_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to be set up like diablo, sit in chat rooms and make games. Or is it going to resemble an mmo, were you sit in down and when you leave you create instanced areas, like GW.

>> No.8486491

>sit in town

>> No.8486531

You sit on a motherfucking spaceship, in motherfucking space. Where you join up in parties like Monster Hunter and jump into the gel pool into instanced random missions.

>> No.8486562

Why are there missions sitting inside a Gel pool? Seams like an odd place for missions.

>> No.8486570


Watch and learn, it's how you land on the planet, think of it as a teleporter, but instead it covers you in gel and drop you through the atmosphere onto the planet.

>> No.8486576

Is spinning in the air a requirement? Looks disorientating and a little dangerous. Would be a bad idea to hit your head and get a concussion right before doing a mission inside the gel pool.

>> No.8486579

What's the matter? TOO FABULOUS for you?

>> No.8486592

I think that which is on his head that appears to be hair, is actually his helmet. If you take notice when they end up on the gel planet, he has no helmet on. So his hair must be made of carbon fiber or something. Perhaps his face is also made of carbon fiber. He could be a burn victim and opted to have his flesh removed for cybernetic parts, thats probably also why he looks so artificial.

>> No.8486604

When you're as fabulous as him you don't need a helmet like the other side characters. The helmet can't hold the amount of fabulous emitted from him anyway.

>> No.8486614

He wont be fabulous very long after a monster cuts off his face. But he can always purchase a newface from the cybernetics store. I guess he is used to losing his face at this point.

>> No.8486623

Tthe only MMO that was worthy for me was GunZ.

I hope that the second won't suck(seemed too slow)

>> No.8486628

I dont play much PC games so I wouldnt know of any similar like game. Closest game that I know of would be MH what with its quest counter and 4man group. Now that I think of it, it actually has more similarity to Gods Eater Burst compare to MH.
Not saying it is a bad game but I just prefer the MH type hunting/gameplay.
One thing PSO has going for is the variety in its mission. It isnt all about hunting/killing monsters.

>> No.8486647

Except GunZ code is so shitty that you have to lead guns that fire hitscan bullets and it has those annoying prem meds. Babby's first poorly coded korean quake etc. etc.

>> No.8486661

One thing I love so much about PSO2 is that it's like Monster hunter, but with lolis, magic, robots, and futuristic shit.

The TPS system in intrigues me, would I be able to be a gun slinging magical loli with boosters attached to my legs?

>> No.8486704

Can't any of them walk three steps without flipping?

>> No.8486709

Well the robot never flips. The rest are just too fabulous to just walk.

>> No.8486710 [SPOILER] 
File: 411 KB, 1280x800, 1327704386232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you wasting playing thrashy mmo when this game is up?

>> No.8486712

I like the ROBAWT race

>> No.8486727

Big deal, it's like adding spinners to a Lada.

>> No.8486735

Because the loli mod doesnt actually exist.

>> No.8486738

I was thinking the same thing.

>> No.8486742

Loli mod doesn't all of a sudden make the game not boring. If anything it would cause me to stop playing to go find loli h.

>> No.8486751

Yeah yeah, besides that, I still like it.

>> No.8486753

MMO scene kind of sucks right now. Only halfway decent one out at the moment is TOR. Looking forward to the relaunch of FFXIV though.

>> No.8486756

Well the robot doesn't walk at all so it doesn't count. It just boosts around like an Armored Core.

>> No.8486763

Game's still first person shit.

>> No.8486764

how do you download it? i got into the alpha but i couldnt figure out the website

>> No.8486775

Is this fine video game coming to my country, America?

>> No.8486774

I dont think a relaunch is going to make it look less like EQ2.

>> No.8486783
File: 89 KB, 482x362, psodownloader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the downloader from their website.
Server wont be up till next wednesday.

>> No.8486779

>implying we wont pirate it even if it doesnt.

>> No.8486780

No plans for it. Maybe in the future though. Although this is SEGA were talking about.

>> No.8486782
File: 233 KB, 800x592, 1324928197136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There were rumors that they wanted to do a "global release" in the vein of Squenix and their FF MMOs (no server segregation, international launch at same time as JP). I cannot confirm these rumors are true, but we can hope.

>> No.8486786

Ohh god, Im watching the game play video

Fucking Gun loli with a cat tail, skinny as hell. I think im going to fap to this video.

>> No.8486789

I don't know anything about EQ games. But I do know that I could make nice looking female characters for it. Unlike most other big MMOs.

>> No.8486790


could you send me the url?

sorry :\

>> No.8486801

its in the manual section

>> No.8486856

That's not even a loli body.

>> No.8486915

You forgot Tera and B&S


>> No.8486928

What's the verdict in Korea for that one?

>> No.8486943

Its modded Aion.

>> No.8486975

tfw I'll have to wait till augmented reality for real life to be in 3rd person

>> No.8487001

See it yourself:

>> No.8487042



>> No.8487057

If anyone is willing to play with other /jp/ers on schthack's PSOBB, talk to Hachikuji to join the /jp/ team. It's not a circlejerk, it was created recently since everyone was scattered across normalfag teams.

>> No.8487061


>> No.8487065


More info for newfags please. The only PS game I have played is the first PSP one, but I am highly interested.

>> No.8487068

Yes, Blue Burst. Not everyone was lucky enough to get in Alpha.

>> No.8487074


I'm pretty sure this is all the information you need.

Schthack is is the biggest PSO private server. Many people are excited for PSO2 and went back to play PSO.

>> No.8487075

I told the guy i would play more and i have not been on recently.

I have been preoccupied with other games. I hope he is not mad at me ;_;

>> No.8487079

>The only PS game I have played is the first PSP one

You poor thing. I feel sorry for you

>> No.8487091

I get this feeling its not going to work on win 7 64 bit.

>> No.8487096

It does.

>> No.8487099


I actually just bought the second PSP game but I heard that the Dreamcast game was... well, people seem divided on that.

In your opinion, which PS game is the best?

>> No.8487102


I haven't tried it but I also have win7 64 and I think you can run games to "emulate" running on an older windows OS. You need to go into the properties of the .exe or something.

Like I said, never done this, just vaguely remember seeing the option when I was editing an .exe file or something.

>> No.8487108

It was my understanding that the general opinion is that everyone liked PSO. Those that have played PSO and moved on to PSU either hated or liked it. Mostly it was disliked because most everyone played PSO first I believe. As for the psp version the first psps game was not that good it was the second one and infinity expantion that got better

>> No.8487114

I believe thats what i did go to properties then make it compatible for windows xp i think. its been awhile

>> No.8487120

Im I supposed to download something else, its been looking for critical updates for 10 minutes.

>> No.8487191

Assuming you are talking about the newer PSO/PSU line, if you are just going to play one mostly solo pick either psp2 (i if you don't mind japanese) or ps0.
If you want to play with other people on here, everyone usually plays PSOBB. It's really rough solo though unless you can grab a random level 200 mag from someone.

Fairly disappointed I didn't get into PSO2, even though I played the Japanese PSU forever.

>> No.8487238

Tera is rubbish. And I have no interest in korean MMOs anyway.

>> No.8487257

Thanks, I really wanted to know what your opinions were on the subject, thanks for stopping by and showing me your butt frustration.

>> No.8487279

Not that guy but it seemed like it got to you enough to reply though

>> No.8487310

Well when you are waiting for someone to answer your question and you see tap saying +1 new replies, then you click it and its just some butt angry faggot replying to a 10 hour old post. Yeah it does tend to get to you.

>> No.8487326

>replying to a 10 hour old post.

>> No.8487655

Which ship/block are /jp/ers usually in?

>> No.8488012
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, force cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each ship has blocks-"channels". Missions are instanced, you create a party to embark.
However, it is possible to encounter a player in the middle of nowhere.
I dont know how it works, but I always find sole player on large stages. Usually he does his own job, but no one prevents you from going along and chat. Monster toughness increases automatically depending on the amount of players.

>> No.8488015

I'm waiting for Aion's F2P beta. I have an account already, I just don't feel like paying for a subscription right now.

>> No.8488065

I'm normally hanging around Stanfield/block 2. If I'm not in the lobby, I'm in a party always called "Silly hats".

>> No.8488309

Anyone got the current working version of PSOBB that wouldnt mind uploading it someplace. The website only has megaupload links.

>> No.8488485


No mirrors?

>> No.8488488

Uhh, I just downloaded it off the site. Directly. No MU involved.

>> No.8488487

is this of any help?

>> No.8488494

No, just more versions of the game, all megaupload.

>> No.8488508


>> No.8488545

Just downloaded and installed the schtserv PSOBB client. Only PSO I've played was the one on DS and it was balls. I hope this is better.

>> No.8488554

It's like they strapped a loli chest to an adult hips!

>> No.8488615

I'm busy playing Star Trek Online OP, It's nice looking at the name of your waifu written on your ship hull

>> No.8488632

Have they done anything to mix it up? If so, what?

I played that at release and after hitting max levels within 2 weeks with all missions being copies of each other I grew terribly bored of it.

>> No.8488663


What mod is this? Anyone know? It might be time to pirate this stupid game finally.

>> No.8488730

Man... I has been some time since I played PSOBB. I have a leveled FOmar that can rush TTF on vhard if you guys need a hand.

>> No.8488871

I don't know, I just started. If that happens I'll move on I thin, there are still other mmos, but I don't want to leave the game before getting an Intrepid class and take some screenshots

>> No.8489049

3 hours later still looking for updates. I guess no one is going to the most recent build of BB.

>> No.8493369

What's the further you can get in term of flat?

>> No.8494702 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 252x185, 1280082086842s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and a friend playing psobb right now on Stanfield. We are willing to rush and/or help everyone. And if you dont have a team you can join us in our daily fun.
