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8483352 No.8483352 [Reply] [Original]


Are people who partake in this "2D waifu" phenomenon legit, trolling, or a little bit of both?

This whole thing scares me.

>> No.8483361

/jp/, how lewd is too lewd?

>> No.8483364

My love for my waifu is as real as you are.

>> No.8483366


>> No.8483382

There are trolls and there are those like me that share a legitimate love with them.

>> No.8483391


Yeah, stuff like this is clearly on the jest/trolling side:


But I'm curious about people who take it seriously; I wanna know how people like that get to those levels.

>> No.8483401

You can't help who you fall in love with. It mostly just clicked into place and felt right.

>> No.8483430


Do you think you could elaborate on this a little more? Currently my small and feeble mind is having trouble grasping this concept.

This is the part where I wonder if there's a documentary on this very subject.

>> No.8483440

You see a girl, you find out more about that girl, you fall in love with that girl.
You know, you don't need to fuck things, or even touch them, to fall in love with them. Have you ever heard the expression "Platonic love"?

>> No.8483441

A waifu can embodies everything you like, in other words they are perfect. No disgusting bodily functions, no judgements, no betrayal, no expectations, and etc.

It's real, and I, for one, am fairly certain I will never feel the feelins and emotions I do for my waifu. It's not a joke. I'm not kidding.

Yes, I'm aware I'll probably never pass on my genes, but the way I feel about my waifu allows me to ignore all the biological needs and urges.

>> No.8483449

What happens in my experience (I've only had one Waifu. We've been together for a long time) you start with a picture, maybe some lewdness is involved before hand. You then find out what work she came from (Or fell in love with her due to the work she premiered in) and the love deepens. After the love gets to that point you move on to any other sort of official work, trying to learn as much as you can.

At the end, loving her just feels "right" and natural.

>> No.8483456

It's fine to be like that, but making videos and shit..I was embarrassed just watching it.

>> No.8483473

In general, waifu was never meant to be taken seriously.
In the beginning, it was just people jerking around for no real reason. Your waifu was just a character you liked. People would change their "waifu" all the time.

What happened is that some autistic people started taking the concept seriously. However, you can't actually be sure if the majority of people supporting the idea of "waifu" are trolling or not.

I'm sure there are people who legitimately do believe in this kind of stuff. After all, people have done much worse anyway, so I'd rather they had waifus or whatnot rather than become radical muslims or something

>> No.8483479


Well, heh, if it meets the human brain's needs, I guess it's just a means to an end.

Though I still can't shake the oudlandish feeling about this whole thing.

>> No.8483480

Waifus can sometimes surprise you. Whether it's a background character suddenly becoming more prominent, or a character just doing something fucking awesome, you may find your waifu unexpectedly. It just happens sometimes.

That's what happened to me, anyway.

>> No.8483486

First things first, the term `waifu' is quite offensive. And we're as serious as all the NEET scum that infest our board. We have a noble, true love that has been forgotten in recent times. We believe in romance and chivalry. The woman always comes first. We honor our goddesses trapped behind the glass and hold their names sacred. We are the 2Dcons.

>> No.8483498
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A waifu thread?

Sage no juutsuuu~

>> No.8483503

Sorry, but no. Just no.

>> No.8483522

>Though I still can't shake the oudlandish feeling about this whole thing

Dante supposedly fell in love with a woman he only met twice. There is hundreds of examples in literature where a knight falls in love with a woman he can only see from a tower something.

I don't have a waifu, but really, the basic concept behind them isn't as alien or inexplicable as you seem to think it is.

>> No.8483537
File: 38 KB, 682x719, 1320880231504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biribiri & Index banner
>Kuroko & Uiharu banner
>no banner of my wifu

>> No.8483542

You have to remember that:
1: Those women are attainable. They are definitely real (Dante) or exist in the character's realm (literature)

2: Definitions of "love" change over time. Only extremely recently has getting married been about love for the majority of people. Far more common was people getting married to others because of monetary or social status reasons.

And the example from literature is lame. Something happening in a novel or short story has nothing to do with real life. You neglected to mention the part where the knight slays the dragon too.

>> No.8483563

>First things first, the term `waifu' is quite offensive.

So what the hell are we supposed to call them?

>> No.8483590

It's a silly word but I do love her.

>> No.8483630


>> No.8483648

嫁, actually.

>> No.8483649

>1: Those women are attainable.
Doesn't matter. Attainability is a non-factor in objects of unrequited love because they're never really meant to be obtained in the first place. They're supposed to be something that's admired from afar. That's like half the point.
>2: Definitions of "love" change over time. Only extremely recently has getting married been about love for the majority of people. Far more common was people getting married to others because of monetary or social status reasons.
I don't really see where you're going with this, but okay.
>And the example from literature is lame. Something happening in a novel or short story has nothing to do with real life
Don't be silly. Characters in fiction almost always have some basic grounding in how real people think and act.

Look, the basic point is that the idea of distant and one-sided love for an idealized version of the opposite sex is nothing new.

>> No.8483664

>watching the video
>wait... did I just see?
>go back to 2:18

>> No.8483665

they dont give as much fucks as you do
waifu drama started when part of people took it up as serious business and another part started to analyze it like its a law discipline.
take it easy

>> No.8483669


>> No.8483670

I don't talk to her or anything but I really do love her. If I could spend the rest of my life with one person I'd choose her a thousand times over, even if she would never say a word to me. I knew I loved her the first time I saw her, it was surreal.

I was like this long before the whole waifu craze. I never called her a "waifu," in fact I never really thought up a term. I didn't think it was a big deal, people love objects and stuff all the time.

>> No.8483671

2D beings are perfect, who wouldn't want a relationship with a perfect being? In face if such a huge and overwhelming advantage, them being real or not is a minor point.

>> No.8483672

In this world you might as well be crazy.
