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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8482333 No.8482333 [Reply] [Original]

Just started playing KS.

I feel a sense of longing, a sense of sadness watching the protagonist being wanted and appreciated right from the beginning by Shizua and Misha. They wanted him to be a part of their lives. They're even persistent about it... none of that usual one slip-up and it's strike-out thing with girls.

Does this kind of thing make anyone else feel a horrible feeling inside, wishing they had spent their high school years differently? It makes me feel really bad about myself. I feel unwanted. I feel like I want to be closer to people and be liked by people, be someone who is respected by others, but... I don't know how. I spent my life playing video games. I don't have confidence in myself, and I don't know enough about dealing with other people. I don't have autism, I just haven't been out socializing enough over the course of growing up.

Does anyone else feel this way? What are your thoughts about it?

>> No.8482337
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>> No.8482350

You can be respected by others if you are good at video games. Stop playing RPGs and take up action games.

>> No.8482353

Fuck off, ``faggot''

>> No.8482363
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>> No.8482384


so you wasted your hs years, but you keep wasting time. You have to get out there or you will die alone and broken.

>> No.8482396


>> No.8482413


You're right.

I'm not sure where to start though. I think I'm too old for college... so I have no idea where I'd meet other people in their 20's. I'm not sure what to talk about either... I can't exactly gab with people about my latest 1cc or which VNs they enjoyed the most.

>> No.8482422

I love all the kopipe surrounding KS.

>> No.8482432

If you're in your 20's you're not too old for college.

I've read that it's easy to join charities and the like if you want to recover from this.

>> No.8482469


Even small talk will help you, go join some club, meet people, be approachable, hang out with them, rest will come.

Dress well, be fit, act confident(biggest factor, i used to be a doormat in my hs and early uni, now everyone around me respects and listens me, it will turn into real confidence in time), learn body language. Most importantly, keep your head high. You don't need anyone's approval, don't judge yourself on other people's comments, most of the time they're wrong. You're the only one that truly understands you, act on it. etc.etc. i can go on and on but i have to sleep, best of luck. I know you can do it, it will take a lot of time and you will suffer quite a lot but in the end, you will turn back and say "i'm glad i did it"

P.S. i'm not telling you to sell your soul and act completely different, just appear more normal and get more comfortable around people, it will make a big difference.

>> No.8482479

/jp/ giving advice on how to be normal

>> No.8482487

You are definitely not too old for college. In every class I've taked their's atleast 4 people age 40+

>> No.8482484


Hataters be hatating. Not very bakkoi of you, Anon.

>> No.8482517


Yeah, but those 40 year olds aren't going to do much socializing after class with people half their age or even less.

It would be weird, especially if I can't really act like the suave older kid so to speak, as if I have the benefit of being much more socially experienced.

>> No.8482580

All underage relationships are immature and purely emotional. Love can't exist between kids, there is only passion and affection, only very few of them can grow into true love. And did you have lots of relationships in high school or not it doesn't matter.

The real life starting at 18-21 years. This is why I hate all animu media that concentrating on kids.

>> No.8482658

Autistic robot detected.

>> No.8485747
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>> No.8485754


It isn't realistic because reality is depressing. And adults aren't consistently different.

>> No.8485788

It makes me feel like this:

Fiction != Reality

Does anyone has that screencap where Rin told Hisao he couldn't twist reality to become what he desires? Because that's what I would tell OP about this.
