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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8481919 No.8481919 [Reply] [Original]

Ideas for fixing /jp/:

- Report ALL meme/catchphrase posts
- Report all /a/b/v/g/ ``quality'' posts
- Use sage all the time and announce reports

What are yours?

>> No.8481923

Reporting metathreads.


>> No.8481924

/jp/ is otaku culture. Prove me wrong.

>> No.8481925

* ROBOT9000 algorithm on /jp/
* DISP_ID (like on Futaba Channel/4-ch/etc)
* Increased flood limits
* Bumping as opt-in rather than sage as opt-out bumping
* Better moderation, with actual mods who can ban.

>> No.8481936

Pass out a few range bans.

>> No.8481938

Kanji captcha.

>> No.8481946

There is no saving /jp/. It is just terribly good. Actually it should be renamed "4chan assholes - general"

>> No.8481949

But naz and Tokiko got banned

>> No.8481954

Dear god, no. We would get all the ``hardcore'' /b/ posters.

>> No.8481952


>> No.8481953

Turning /jp/ into a hidden board, and more mods.

>> No.8481955

Don't tell people when you report them. The report button is not the post button.

>> No.8481964
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>catchphrase posts
go to HELL OP, this is a HELLa bad idea
>Report all /a/b/v/g/ ``quality'' posts
why the HELL would ya do that for?! thats the meat and bones of my POASTs

>> No.8481968

Everyone knows, baka.

OP was being ironical.

>> No.8481984

No worries. We would just keep our old Meido here and she would just do her job. Then everyone would just rage and rage. Get masochist satisfaction out of this board.

>> No.8481988

Did they, now?

>> No.8481998

Kanji captcha

>> No.8482002

> Report ALL meme/catchphrase posts
> Report all /a/b/v/g/ ``quality'' posts
Mods don't care about /jp/.


>Use sage all the time
Why, if you can use the catalog.

>and announce reports
No, reported.

As for a solution, let's just take it easy

>> No.8482005
File: 50 KB, 347x333, Waluigi_Baseball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DISP_ID (like on Futaba Channel/4-ch/etc)
ironic as HELL you fagglet

>> No.8482011

How to save /jp/:

To start with, all of the idol shit, MMO shit, Japanese cartoons, and mainstream video games are banned. They already have boards.

Trips are eliminated in favor of forced anonymous. Attempting to circumvent this by identifying yourself in your post is grounds for a ban.

People that admit to having jobs, a facebook account, more education than a GED, being under 25, or being female are banned, because they're invariably shitposters of the worst kind.

In the remaining threads, particularly those related to Touhou, the janitors and moderation need to do a better job of pruning. Textless image dumps, attempts to force memes, powerlevel threads, roleplaying, which X would you Y, CYOA bullshit, and all of the other threads that make the board barely tolerable no longer get a free pass just because the OP's pic features a girl with a ridiculous hat.

Furthermore, any attempts to post nukes/earthquakes/tsunamis, to use the word weeaboo, to ask for a translation of something, or to start a topic about VNs that were translated years ago filters to a ban.

>> No.8482012

Not really, it stops people from having a board personality and stops samefriends at the same time.

>> No.8482019

Kanji Captcha

>> No.8482029

I agree with you completely. And more frequent public bans would be nice.

>> No.8482033

The problem about public bans is that they would cause a massive shitstorm...

>> No.8482034


Wow. Saging in the OP.

Maybe you should just be in a world by yourself. I think even /jp/ is too much for you to handle.

>> No.8482048

They only cause a shitstorm because they never happen.
/hr/ gets plenty of public bans, and they hardly ever care because of its frequency.

Its like tossing food into a pit of starving monkeys, verses tossing food into a pit of well-fed monkeys.

One is going to start an all out bloody brawl, the other is probably going to ignore it. Personally i'm in favor of public bans as long as topics get locked if they're just plain bad and wont even spur discussion. Or just outright deleted. We get way too much offtopic spam though for threads to stay up unfortunately.

>> No.8482049

At least use katakana. That way I can finally stop forgetting it every two weeks.

>> No.8482074
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How to save /jp/:

-Delete /jp/

>> No.8482397

Wow. Not bothering to clean the email field, such an awful mistake.

And seriously, how ret/a/rded must you be to even notice? Is the sight of dark blue name field still that new to you?

>> No.8482463


The problem is that idols, games (both mainstream and doujin), and anime are otaku related. So the issue gets more complicated.

>> No.8482475
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Ideas for fixing /jp/:

>> No.8482488

We should stop bullying and being mean to our friends! We are the only friends we have, you know.

>> No.8482512

-Using the namefield at all is a 6 month ban from /jp/.
-You can only bump every 10 minutes. Every other post will autosage.
-Rangeban certain people.
-Ban for HRT/Crossdressing/Trap shit. That includes threads that are associated with this like "drinking tea because little girls have teaparties!".
-Ban for NSFW content.
-Ban for NEET culture shit. I'm aware of the history of this board but this will still improve /jp/. Nobody gives a fuck about your shitty life. Go start a blog or something.
-Remove touhou from /jp/. Put it back into /a/ or even create a new board for it. All touhou threads on this board just end in a pic/porn dump or suicide advice. It's better for both usergroups; those sick of touhou and those that like it.
-Kanji captcha

>> No.8482536

These are pretty good rules, except maybe the first one. The namefield might as well be removed.

>> No.8482551

>good rules
I meant to say IDEAS instead of RULES, sorry.

>> No.8482556

So... you just want a nazi VN board?

damn you are so delusional
why don't you go to another chan then?
they probably discuss VNs more than we do here

>> No.8482567

I don't even like VNs. Just stop being a shitty poster.

>> No.8482570

Tea threads are the best threads.

>> No.8482578

You are retarded, after you take away touhou, tea and neet threads
all you have left is meta threads, idols and Vns

>> No.8482589

Funny how you can't name any other valid threads except for VNs. Too much shitposting?

>> No.8482593

Out of curiosity why do people have an issue with someone using the name field?

>> No.8482603

Why the fuck won't you just go to another board?

>> No.8482607


I hardly ever post, so I'm probably as far from a shitposter as one can be, but even I think that your vision of the "perfect board" blows. If you want to masturbate to your own rules and standards, you should probably go somewhere with less people. A lot less, ideally.

>> No.8482610

Name some, then.

>> No.8482621

probably kigurumi, dolls and jrpgs

thats about the only ones that regularly appear on /jp/

it's funny though that those threads are more of the outcasts of /jp/

>> No.8482628

Tryin' too hard, Steven.

Mom said get off the computer you have clarinet class in the morning.
