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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8480869 No.8480869 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/. what if, you could see the world in 2d? via some form of optical implant or hypnosis or what have you, but let us ignore that for now, so what if you could see everything in a 2 dimensional style. Things can turn or move and you can see all the angles and such, they feel and DO have depth and a third dimension, but the style the world is rendered in, you never get the impression you are looking at something 3d. Lets also discuss how its possible to create the most 2d looking environment via computer that still has three dimensions, good and bad examples, ect. Picture vaugly releated

>> No.8480877

So basically, the world looks like paper mario now?

>> No.8480882

but people around me are twodimensional.

>> No.8480884

The world would still be terrible. What's the point?

>> No.8480883

Perfect cell shading. imagine playing a cell shaded video game where they do it so well any snapshot you take will look like it was drawn. Lets say you can choose the art style

>> No.8480887

Girls on average would be 200% less ugly, and men and women would be less infuriating to look at no matter how fucking stupid they dressed or look in 3d. If you kept full detail it would all look creepy.

>> No.8480892

Polished shit is still shit.

>> No.8480891

Enjoy never touching anyone, ever.

>> No.8480898

You already see things in 2d

>> No.8480897

fair enough

>> No.8480905

Wouldn't you be happier if things just looked nicer?

>> No.8480915

Dont get obnoxiously technical, you cant see all sides of things at once yeah, so you see things in 2d, but lets say you can change the "art style" of everything you see, to look just like your japanese animes. Or whatever other "style" of sorts you wanted. something leaning further towards 2d than our normal vision, which leans towards full 3d more so.

>> No.8480926

Oh, new person of little faith.

If you had been here for any time, you'd understand there is far more to 2D than simply appearing that way. This is however assuming you manage to find a way to make everything appear perfectly 2D without any of the flaws our current technology have, and done in a way that a 3d being could interact with it without severe disorientation. No, these issues are ignored, becuase at it's core what you are offering is not what any of us want.

>> No.8480933

Will you eat a cake if it was made out of shit, it even comes with toppings and everything!

Shit is still shit.

>> No.8480944

I don't understand though. There would be no downside. Things would just look nicer. Why wouldn't you want that? I'm not saying that you would do anything differently or anything.

>> No.8480954

I believe you refer to a distaste for the vast majority of real people, 3d people, and more of a liking for the personalities and behaviors of those who are represented in fictional 2D? I understand that just fine, if so.

>> No.8480955

It would be a mockery of true 2d if every whore started looking that way.

People would then start associating it with the negative things in real life, thus defeating the entire purpose altogether.

You don't understand this, and you don't belong here.

>> No.8480963

That would be fucking terrible
I don't want to be an alien

>> No.8480962

my train of thought was if you met one of the ones who werent "any whore" at some point, or any douchebag, one of the decent people...Im not sure how to word this exactly, but I believe my point has got across

>> No.8480972

Your doing it again.

>> No.8480976

excuse me

>> No.8480977

Are you in some way suggesting that somewhere out there, there might exist people who aren't complete shit?

Are you fucking stupid? Why are you here?

The last thing I want is for my happy memories of "cake" to be ruined by the terrible reality of shit.

>> No.8480985

Yes, there are some. They are rare. Very rare. And even though they arent complete shit, they arent quite as good as 2d still. But there are decent people in the real world, they're just few and far between.

>> No.8480993

No, no there are not.

Take your normal shit and head somewhere that isn't here.


>> No.8480999

You're suggesting that out of the billions of people in the world there are not even twenty who are decent. Thats not only extremely overly bitter, its arrogant as FUCK. I dont like people either, but you dont need to act stupid about it.

>> No.8481006

Why don't get it? You're not the same as the people here.

We've left that world behind a long time ago. We don't want anything to do with it. Sure you watched an anime once or twice, and want to pretend to be antisocial on the internet, but that's the difference between you and us.

You are normal becuase of the simple fact you believe there are worthwhile people alive.

We are not, becuase we want nothing to do at all with anyone on this planet.

Another community might be better suited to you.

>> No.8481011

I hear this argument all the time.
Yes, there might be people out there who aren't complete shit.
Yes, there might be some government out there which isn't corrupted.
Yes, there is someone out there who is your true love.

But are you going to meet them? They might as well be non-existence.

>> No.8481014

Then why are you even on /jp/
Go turn off your computer and look at your narcissistic face in the mirror
I hate people too

>> No.8481023

That's just it, you don't. You only say that to be edgy.

>> No.8481030

Your points have very little do do with each other but ill ignore that. I believe there are some worthwhile people out there, I don't believe its practical to go looking for them, or to expect to meet them, not in the slightest. But that doesn't imply non existence.

>> No.8481038

And your aren't? Fucking hypocrite

>> No.8481047

Im not him and hes not me, but no, I dont like people. When I was in school, there were 3 people whom I considered remotely worth speaking too. They werent very good, but they passed the time. The same opinion followed into adulthood.

>> No.8481046

It's great that you can at least admit it to yourself.

But as I said, you don't belong here. And you can't understand how some people may actually live that way.

>> No.8481059

I think it's more arrogant to decide what beliefs another person can have about human nature.

You know that human nature is the issue at heart, right? Some people don't believe that people can be decent, regardless of how they act on the surface, because we're all tied to the basic instincts/programming of humanity and the competitive nature of existence at some level.

And before you retort that that's hypocritical, just because someone is bound by the same system doesn't mean they have to think it's a desirable/good thing.

>> No.8481072

>l, just because someone is bound by the same system doesn't mean they have to think it's a desirable/good thing.

Thank you.

>> No.8481088

I didnt plan to call you a hypocrite, actually. Maybe its hard for me to call the voice in my head that supresses my retarded narcassistic thoughts, supresses them, questions my actions and words, keeps me in check, keeps me from acting like more of a faggot than I might. Im only having this conversation because what you say is almost exactly what that voice would say, post by post.
I love you, especially if you hate me and call me a faggot but that is another matter.
Im not talking about someone who appears to be a random douchebag but is "alright deep down." Im talking about those one or 2 people whom a conversation with can be beared, and even be useful to kill time till necessary.

>> No.8481094


>> No.8481097

my opinions>yours

>> No.8481110

erm...meant to use a different word than supress the second time, my bad, error in editing

>> No.8481119

The fact you even CAN enjoy other people marks you as normal.

>> No.8481130

You're completely failing to account for varying levels of extremity. And I enjoyed it in the sense that id MUCH rather be doing something else, but not any of the things that were available at the time.(Homework, scoolwork.)

>> No.8481155

You're arguing shades of grey, when for some people it is not an option at all.

>> No.8481164

And how is that an argument?(In this case I legitimately dont understand what you're trying to argue with that statement)

>> No.8481172

FUCK ME, Its not FUCKING hard to type "sage" in before I click post. Damnit.

>> No.8481182

You don't understand how someone can simply not be able to enjoy another on any level, at all?

You're complaining that you're not getting any slack for just socializing.. I guess .MINIMALLY.
But for me, the issue is black and white. Those who can, on any level are normal. Those who can't, even if they wanted to, are not.

>> No.8481211 [DELETED] 

I...I think I can. sort of. And anyway, I USED to socialize because it was the only form of at least mild entertainment there was. And that was only from 3 people. Come to think of it, remembering who those people actually were, and not what I thought of them at the time...Just 1, actually. But thats beside the point. So anyway, USED to.

>> No.8481215

Jet Set Radio was fucking awesome and if you disagree I will fight you

>> No.8481221

I...I think I can. sort of. And anyway, I USED to socialize because it was the only form of at least mild entertainment there was. And that was only from 3 people. Come to think of it, remembering who those people actually were, and not what I thought of them at the time...Just 1, actually. But thats beside the point. So anyway, USED to.

>> No.8481237

erm...jet set radio future or jet grind radio? Oh wait, it was called jet set radio in japan wasnt it?

>> No.8481343

Jet Grind Radio. I liked JSRF as well, but it's very different from the original game and not as good.

Sega fans should be demanding JSR3, not Shenmue 3.

>> No.8481349

Agreed. What would you think of an open world city design for a third one? With a much expanded grafitti system. And the limited edition comes with a working replica of beats headphones, and goggles. You can plug them into any mp3 player or computer. And dont forget all naganuma and others tasty tasty music.

>> No.8481351

I keep fucking forgetting my sage. The thread has no reason to live except for its journey to page 15, with maybe a tiny bit of discussion here and there along the way, but I keep fucking forgetting it. Excuse me, I need something to eat. and an air conditioning system, or at least an open window, god its stuffy in here, maybe thats got something to do with it

>> No.8481358

Can't I get both? Honestly, without a DC release of Shenmue 2 (Non-PAL, anyway), I don't care about the series anymore. I want to carry over my fucking status.

JSRF was good, nice larger stages, but the skating seemed easier due to a simpler stage design, but what really gets me is the lack of the combos to tag in JSRF. The challenge of busting out a quick tag before the cops get to you was a big part of the charm.

>> No.8481368

The appeal of 2D isn't the actual 2D vs 3D aspect, you know. People would still have the personality of real people, the world would be effectively the same.

>> No.8481376

Im aware. Thats indirectly what half the thread was about. Depending on how you look at it anyway.

>> No.8481472

>should be demanding skatey watey sprayey cakey
Nah you fucking faggot, we need more Outrun games!

>> No.8481972

OutRun 2 and F-Zero GX are my favorite racing games, so I'm okay with this. But I think I'd rather have AM2 developing Virtua Fighter 6 for next-gen hardware instead of another OutRun.
