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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8478742 No.8478742 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to learn japanese /jp/?

>> No.8478744

Sitting down and memorizing your chart instead of shitposting on /jp/.

>> No.8478747

Be a baby.

>> No.8478748

Asking /jp/ instead of reading reputable and educational web sites or other relevant imageboards.

>> No.8478753

What could be more relevant about japanese than the japanese board?

>> No.8478755

Devour the heart and brain of a Japanese adult. Only then will you absorb his spirit and learn the intricacies of their arcane and alien language.

>> No.8478756

1. Learn kana

2. Learn grammar using genki, other workbooks, or Tae kim's blog

3. Grind kanji and vocab with anki.

That's it, just remember to put it into practice.

>> No.8478758


Both of these must be fulfilled at the same time.

>> No.8478769

I had to devour five people before I even started recognizing individual runes, this method seems very inefficient.

>> No.8478772

It took me eleven people and a contract with Satan before I could even play entry level VNs.

>> No.8478791

The best way to learn Japanese is not to.

Go learn Spanish in two months. It will be a hundred times easier and two hundred times as useful.

If you devoted every waking hour of your life to learning Japanese, assuming you were awake 12 hours a day, it would still take you a YEAR.

If you spent the time working instead, you would make enough money to completely finance a professional translation project for whatever you need translated.

>> No.8478802

Who said I'm learning it to play a VN? I'm just interested in the language.

>> No.8478810


Then go learn latin, if you want to learn something interesting with no practical use.

>> No.8478812

Why does Japanese sound so insanely cute compared to other languages?

>> No.8478841

Honest answer: it has a lot of vowels compare to other languages.
If you think of German, it MAY sound cute but it's generally a "tough" language, so to speak, because it uses many different consonants and relatively few vowels. A language with simple sounds and many vowels will sound more childish.

>> No.8478848


>Go learn Spanish in two months. It will be a hundred times easier and two hundred times as useful.

Fuck you. It was that kind of shitty mentality that had me try to learn Mandarin instead of Japanese a few years back. The truth is that you should go for something you WANT, rather than going for something that others deem useful. If the entire point of learning Japanese was to play your kawaii VNs and games, then go exactly for that and do what'll make you happy in the end, even if it's not as "useful" as doing something else. It's called a hobby for a reason.

>> No.8478852

>If you think of German, it MAY sound cute

>> No.8478860
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>> No.8478863

Best way to learn japanese is not through /jp/

>> No.8478864

and it sounds great in music too. Its a wonderful language, I think, but it seems to alien and complex for me to bother learning any of it, unless I pick a very very rudimentary understanding up from VNs or anime.

>> No.8478885


So you picked one of the hardest languages in the world for an english speaker to learn just because it was "useful"(Spoiler: It won't be in your lifetime)

And then you decide that the point is wrong?

I told him to take Spanish because it has utility, and also because it's easy enough that if he loses the passion for it, it's still not terribly difficult. He's obviously not from around here, so he's a normalfag.

Japanese(And all east asian languages) are lifetime commitments. If you're learning them for a hobby, you better fucking have a lot of spare time like /jp/ does, or you're just wasting your time.

>> No.8478892

You're fucking stupid.

>> No.8478893

>japanese board

Because if it's named /jp/ then it must be about Japan, right?

How about you go ask /co/ how to learn Korean, then?

>> No.8478901
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go be upset somewhere else

>> No.8478899

/co/ is the cartoons and comics board. This is the Japanese board. Do you have autism?

>> No.8478908

Stating someones retardation does not mean that someone is mad. That would be like me saying that you replying makes you mad, which it doesn't.

Getting mad on the internet is something I seriously hope doesn't occur with anyone.

>> No.8478913


Says the man who wasted his time.

>> No.8478917
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>> No.8478936
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I tried to make Japanese study software by ren`py. However, it suffered a setback.

>> No.8478941

Where do you idiots come from, seriously?

We could get outright renamed to "Touhou" and people would still come and talk about Japan because "it's an Oriental board and Japan is part of the Orient".

>> No.8478947

Otaku culture involves the japanese language.

>> No.8478955
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No, actually that's /a/.

>> No.8478961

/jp/ has "how long before you shower" and "wear goth pants for waifu" on the front page. I think this thread is fine.

>> No.8478962

The only thing I get from that is "/jp/ will be such a whiny bitch about /a/nons in there that it won't work". Japanese should be here, but /2hu/ doesn't like it.

>> No.8478963


So one shitty thread deserves another?

Wow, that's totally a great idea and not a spiral into the entire front page of /jp/ being shit.

Instead of bumping this piece of shit, why don't you bump something from the second page that's actually worth reading?

>> No.8478967


>> No.8478971
File: 56 KB, 397x365, nothingtotrollfaceabout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything on /jp/ right now
>Worth reading

>> No.8478972
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Good jab shitting up learn jap thread guys. Oh wait, this is pretty typical for these threads.
Please continue.

>> No.8478977


>> No.8478978
File: 160 KB, 800x600, FGHR13A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touhou threads
>VN threads
>japanese learning

>anime discussion
>daily dose

Moot should combine our boards. They are identical after all.

pic related, /jp/ on the left.

>> No.8478981

Can't do that, Touhou isn't /a/.
Touhou needs its own board. This is it.

>> No.8478982

Learning Russian/Spanish/Hebrew instead would be much more useful in this day and age anyway XD

I think I'm okay to take the JLPT N9.

>> No.8478983

>And then you decide that the point is wrong?
Actually he proved that you are full of shit and stating generalizations as though they are facts.

>> No.8478984

I guess if you can't speak English you are below elementary school in that case.

>> No.8478988
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>> No.8478989


>> No.8478991


>> No.8479018


>> No.8479265

Japan has one of the largest economies in the world, Japanese is one of the top eight spoken languages. In short fuck off, it's got plenty of utility. What the fuck is Spanish gonna do for you anyway? Help you understand all the shit talking that goes on between dirty Mexicans in first person shooters?

>> No.8479286


>> No.8479352


That faggot wants you to learn spanish because he works a shitty job at walmart where he has to know spanish to sell chinese shit to beaners


>> No.8479361


>> No.8479400

Eurofag here. If you want ``utility", out of European languages you should learn German, or maybe French, not Spanish. Spanish is useless.

>> No.8479476

French is the second language of the world, despite not being the second most popular.
German is close to English and a great business language, three of the best countries use it as their main language.
Spanish is only relevant if you like South America or Central America. The Spanish in Europe are just too few to care about.
Portuguese is probably more relevant than Spanish because of Brazil.
Italian is cool because it sounds sexy.

>> No.8480079

IF you are still around or if someone else knows...
Why start with kana and not kanji? I'm a cpmplete noob at the subject, but isn't kanji more basic stuff than kana?

>> No.8480092


The fact that you retards can't utilize google is a poor indication on if you'll be able to learn Japanese.

Kana is Hiragana and Katakana. Japanese Syllabaries. Think Alphabet, if you're too dumb to know what that is.

You learn your kana before you touch Kanji so you know your へど from your アス.

>> No.8480093

Bro... If you know spanish you know french, italian, latin, portugese etc.

It's a good choise.

>> No.8480174

You make it sound easier than it actually is. Knowing one romance language means you'll be able to decipher another if you want to spend 5 minutes on a small paragraph.

>> No.8480177

Oh, wrong quote.
Should have been this one. >>8480093

>> No.8480189

>If you want ``utility"
>you should learn German

So japanese is not useful and too hard yet you recommend others to learn german?

Oh wow.

>> No.8480263

German is easy for English speakers.

>> No.8480273

Grammar and vocab is actually very similar to each other.

>> No.8480747

Live in Japan for a long time and stay away from non-japanese speakers.

>> No.8482714


This is what Anglos actually believe. And that's why they are doomed to speak flawed German for the rest of their lives. I know a brit who lives since 30 years here. He still manages to fuck up articles, cases and declination.

>> No.8482917

It's still easier than any other language.

>> No.8482949

That applies to any language though.

Hell, I'm a native English speaker and my English is atrocious.

>> No.8482963


You haven't studied german or any other language have you? German is fucked up, there's like 6 different patterns just for making a word plural.

>> No.8482975


>> No.8482985

German is one of the hardest languages. It's pretty much grammar hell. There are multiple revivions and tons of clauses overriding each other. I have not seen a single non german that can speak advanced german correctly unless it was his first language. Besides, nearly everyone in germany can speak english anyway.

Seriously, don't learn german for utility. You'll regret doing it.

>> No.8483041


No, Dutch is much easier for an English speaker. Also, all Scandinavian languages (except Icelandic) are piss easy for someone who speaks English

French, Italian and Spanish are also easier.

Actually, if you want to look for a more difficult European language, you have to go with Slavspeak like Polish and Russian.

And perhaps Finnish.

>> No.8483087

>Besides, nearly everyone in germany can speak english anyway.

Hah, we suck pretty hard at English, actually. Sure, you can still understand us, but our syntax is often just wrong. I blame the pretty stiff word order of English.
