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8474449 No.8474449 [Reply] [Original]

what pretty clothes and dresses of all kinds have you worn today /jp/

I was reading http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/S4622432#p4630047 and I'm finally making the plunge to get some sweet leggings and miniskirts and some tunic-length garments. I was thinking about hourou musuko, and it made a big impact on me. I feel as though this is a turning point after which things might become less obvious and of course my body might not be ready for such things then.

I'll probably get some pantsu and pantyhose sometime, but I'm mostly aiming for the "boyish" look. I was thinking that hormones might not be so bad and to stay in good shape in the meantime. I'm short, narrow shoulders (~34, nothing amazing), don't have much body hair and rather delicately-featured, and I'm growing my hair out (black).

I guess the only (if at all?) hitch for me is that I'm hitch is that I'm brown and how should little brown boys dress? I have high cheekbones and am sort of split between structured clothing like oxfords and shorts and unstructured tops like outsized sweaters and shirts and of course skirts and stuff with interesting drapes. For bottoms leggings or pantyhose seems the most "natural" or if it's good weather just shorts or skirts.

I think the miniskirt looks really neat dressed up with shirt and blazer.

>> No.8474453
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>> No.8474454

I wear shorts,they're comfy and easy to wear.

>> No.8474462

I am too tall, my chin is too manly and my shoulders are too large.
I'll never be a cute trap ;_;

>> No.8474461


>> No.8474464
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Oh Sparky i am going to make you my little cumslut and force-feed you HRT drugs and mindbreak you~

>> No.8474485

Oh my goodness I can't contain my excitement for how well my Tenshi dress is coming. So close to finishing too!

>> No.8474486

oh god, please dont make me do this again
i quit a few years ago and in 24 now..
im too old and too big for this shit

>> No.8474517
File: 566 KB, 800x1000, MaidSaten2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are never too old to find your inner little girl, or working on your outer little girl Anon-kun!

>> No.8474525
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PLEASE do.....

>> No.8474527

I've been itching to do this forever, but I'm super-picky about these things so I'm been browsing boutiques (online) trying to form a vague "idea"

to be honest, pretty or young or not, it's still vaguely terrifying--not that other people will see me as some weirdo crossdressder/trannie but that my own senses will betray me, fill me with revulsion and horror--I'm afraid I'll simply be cornered with an inevitability which I can't discern or face properly.

but that usually comes later, and hasn't happened yet to me yet in life. I've always lived a quiet, internal, cerebral sort of life where anything is possible, and even with physical stuff, I've found that if I exercise regularly and eat properly I can make progress! so while it's conceited to think I can do better than all of the try-hards on 7chan et al, I'd like to believe that there's something wonderful about trapping without the help of hormones--even if it's only something you can do at a certain age, and which afterwards is but a faint memory. most of my life I have only "lived" in this sort of metareality of imagination, so to lightly step down on the undeniably solid ground doesn't seem so easy to me.

the sleeveless white tunic is cute for hot sunny days, with a wide-brimmed sunhat.

>> No.8474554

damn... i should've never entered this thread...
now ill probably end up shaving my whole body, putting on my pantyhose, and remain in a permanent sex drive for a week AGAIN

you better make up your mind soon, or you will end up old and in regret like me ;_;..
looking back at my old pictures now, i could've become the perfect little girl.. fuck, my parents even dressed me up in girls cloth once and people even gave me girly toys as presents because they mistake me as a girl... now im just an old hairy guy..

>> No.8474563

Bought one of these
Wore it with shimapan + bra set and pantyhose.

>> No.8474570

how boring...

>> No.8474575
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i feel soo old and suicidal

>> No.8474585
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febuary 29th 2012

jump off bridge and land in front of train

nippon style

>> No.8474588

what the hell is going on with you? you seem really wacked out. you have steam?

>> No.8474591

calm down... just think, in the near future, there will either be the technology for us to live inside a virtual world in any shape and form we want, or a way of reconstructing our body entirely...

this belief is what keeps me rolling

>> No.8474592
File: 108 KB, 470x620, %%%%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is a steam?

>> No.8474598
File: 1011 KB, 1840x3264, 2012-01-24_13-12-55_831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in north Louisiana

i see nothing but 19th century.....

do you see my fucking computer?
it's state of the art <3

>> No.8474600
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you have post this gore images on /jp/ :S

>> No.8474599
File: 126 KB, 962x1197, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am surrounded by the past and

everything that is futuristic..... is....

so far away

>> No.8474602
File: 283 KB, 1014x848, a5d2ac2857fddd222a637a5600d0fd42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of fashion models get away with stuff like this if they're figure is fine--if anything the "model" female seems to be drawn off the "androgynous" male model more and more these days.

flat chests are status!

i was thinking that with a 26 waist size 4 (true sizing, none of that vanity stuff) might be fine for bottoms.

the concave spots above the hip bone away from the stomach are sort of cute, I was thinking of getting a pedicure done--I haven't done it before.

Does anyone know good brands for pantyhose/pantsu? I don't want to be some low-class meido who gets violently raped after each meal, mercilessly, without reprieve or quarter until my masters get bored and need some menial task done.

I have no idea what to do with hair, I know women have more in the front, which was a big reason hormones might not be so bad, but for my hair it's more a matter of keeping it nice--I was thinking hairclips or braids might be helpful but I didn't know where to start. I don't have shoulder length hair yet, but it's close to jawline. I usually just use a leave-in conditioner and that seems to help keep it in order.

>> No.8474605
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It's how i feel internally

>> No.8474608

well.. there's no point being emo about it..
you might as well work as hard as you can and hope for the best...

>> No.8474618
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this is me in year 2049

>> No.8474619

I thinking about how I'm going to go about telling my parents that I wish I were born a girl, but it's the most terrifying thing I've ever thought about doing. I can't let that put me off though, and I don't know if I should see a doctor first, or tell my parents first.

Puberty was fucking terrible for me, though merciful at the same time. My adam's apple is hardly noticeable and I my voice didn't get much deeper, but my facial hair grows back really quickly. I just have to tie some of my hair back, smile at the mirror and I look rather feminine, which I'm thankful for.

And no, I don't want to be 'the little girl', I just wish I wasn't a man. I fucking hate it.

>> No.8474623

At least post some fucking pics, faggots.

>> No.8474628

>I thinking about how I'm going to go about telling my parents that I wish I were born a girl
why the fuck will you ever do that?

>> No.8474646

It's something you generally do when you want go on hormones.

>> No.8474661
File: 7 KB, 300x420, CRAZY1323857630493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wHoremones or death!

>> No.8474668

I have a red and white maid uniform i like to wear when browsing /jp/. The apron didn't fit properly so i used a sewing kit for the first time in my life and made some adjustments to it like a real meido would. It's rather modest and I don't like to fap whilst wearing it because it's hard to find a time when i can wash it when none of my housemates are around.

>> No.8474692

>it's hard to find a time when i can wash it when none of my housemates are around.
indeed, one thing that keeps me from crossdressing too often is the fact that i have to share the bathroom and laundry room with others.
it would fucking suck if some asshole opens up the dryer while my outfits and pantyhoses are still in there.

>> No.8474698

>because it's hard to find a time when i can wash it when none of my housemates are around.

This is basically the only thing that's put me off buying girl's clothes. I can get away with a little makeup, but I can't dress up in something nice at all.


>> No.8474742
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I've not worn any dresses in over an yr and a half, and it saddens me to no end.

>> No.8474745

>I've not worn any dresses in over an yr and a half
oh dear..

>> No.8474750

I think if I stay on prednisone I can stave off hair growth fairly well for a while. I've had really bad general and social anxiety, but with meds I think I can manage to try to get some help/consel/advice.

There's a lgbt centre at my uni which I've hung around for around two years sporadically and the guy who manages stuff is nice and apparently knowledgeable about this stuff. I want to go today and just say the things I've practiced saying thousands of times.

Since I know that doing nothing and stagnating in a fixity of the present is the worst, much much worse than looking weird or having to adapt to new things.

Actually I'm 22 and I've mostly been bedridden after a car accident at barely 18 and I have no idea how old or young I must seem to the world.

Before I got called a 14 year old, I was scrawny and didn't have any sense or conception of gender or sexuality, and it's ironic that only now that my body is filled with constant pain can I think of it in gendered, sexed terms. I feel as though a "plainness" which I can sort of appreciate now is what made me look so young, just like the ostentation of trying to be "mature" or "cool" or anything draws out a desperateness which has the opposite effect. I still haven't become less naive or sheltered though.

To be honest I don't have any feminine clothes right now, this is the first step. So any pointers on what firsts to get? I have some cute ribboned court shoes I think would look good with white socks/leggings and a lot of generally unstructured pieces and a few neatly tailored shirts--I think I need a proper white oxford I'm not sure why I don't have one...

>> No.8474796

i have no maid outfits....

>> No.8474805

neither do i...

>> No.8474807
File: 427 KB, 1136x1600, e0fbff07e835208f_10627_Kago_Ai_Photobook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in Gods name would you guys like to be a girl

>> No.8474814
File: 627 KB, 1200x1600, MaidSaten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should buy one! They are pretty to wear and they make cleaning the house fun~

>> No.8474821

because the only advantage of being a guy is the ability to piss standing up and not having to bleed every month.

>they make cleaning the house fun
you clean your house? wait.. you HAVE a house?

>> No.8474832
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Who's your favourite trap porn artist?

>> No.8474825
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I can be affectionate with my own gender without being called a homosexual.
Can openly express my emotions.
Can put on a dress or jeans and nobody complains.
I can express my nurturing instinct without people thinking I am a pedophile.
It is not painfully obvious when I feel horny.
And I also want to be carried like a princess.

And if I get a divorce, I won't be the one being screwed.

>> No.8474835
File: 45 KB, 540x409, W_doubleYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it sounds more like " I failed as man , now I want to try as a girl"

but whatever if it makes you happy

>> No.8474840

My "House" is more of a small one man apartment.
But it still needs to be cleaned from time to time.

>> No.8474860
File: 29 KB, 1366x768, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be cute
no matter what!


>> No.8474867

I like your style

>> No.8474871
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>> No.8474907 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 565x380, Z-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going, /jp/
Keep going

>> No.8474909

sheik = extremely sexy

>> No.8474922

A flannel shirt, jeans, and boots.
I want to grow chest hair and be manly.

>> No.8474940
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>> No.8474946
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>> No.8474944
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>> No.8474949
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>> No.8474956

yeah that's pretty much it.
also women's able to have multiple orgasms and all that good stuff

>> No.8474961
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except that the whole list is bullshit

>> No.8474969

Men can also have multiple orgasms..Provided you enjoy buttplay.

>> No.8474963

They're treated better, just like dogs are pampered.
I enjoy being a superior being and the responsibilities that come with it.

Considering how a fetus works, being a male is a literal upgrade.

>> No.8474970
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>> No.8474974

Sureeee it is. We totally believe you.

>> No.8474971

How long will it be till we get the first Chisame porn vid?

>> No.8474982

Are you gay/bi? We could meet up and do superior things to eachother ;)

>> No.8474988

yeah.. and all the preparation and practice needed would be a pain in the ass compared to women's natural talent to cum as much as they want.

>> No.8474995


A lot of women can't even cum, be thankful you can.

>> No.8475000

No. It's all fun and arousing in 2D, but in 3D you'll smell like shit, sound horrible, and feel oily.

>> No.8475008

>be thankful you can
i wish...

>> No.8475014

Sure it is a bit more work and you have to take some time to prepare and practice a little.
But in the end the result really is worth it~

>> No.8475018

You can't come without love~

I came across an article that stated something about Oxycontin whenever a female feels connected emotionally to their mate.

You're just a faggot with a worthless dick, so that doesn't apply to you though.

>> No.8475021

>You're just a faggot with a worthless dick, so that doesn't apply to you though.

>> No.8475035

Have you had gay sex before? I'm going to assume no, so how could you possibly know what its like? Just by assuming?

Humanity has not made it to this point in history by basing their views on assumptions and conjecture. What if NASA had just said, "We don't need to go the moon, it's probably cold and boring"? Or if Chris Columbus had said, "I don't need to go to India...it probably stinks like curry"? Exactly, we would be nowhere now. Life is all about going out there and doing things for yourself - finding out FIRST HAND what they're like instead of just guessing.

Bottom line is you should let me fuck you in the ass. Come on, don't be a pussy dude.

>> No.8475056
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>> No.8475061
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>> No.8475087


HRT/crossdressing culture

>> No.8475091

Except that going to the Moon is in nobody's top priority list.

Remember kids, unless there is a war and there is a military application for it, your pet science projects won't be funded! Hell, not even cancer gets any research.

>> No.8475332
File: 851 KB, 900x1200, 1308691220381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brand of panties do you guys like to buy?

>> No.8475387

Fuck off


>> No.8475486

I like buying panties from the PINK collection at Victoria's Secret. Also La Senza UK has nice ones.

>> No.8475515

Where do you guys shop? Everything in Forever21 is was too short for me. I love these dresses~ http://www.bodyline.co.jp/

>> No.8475523

Are you the guy who bought the $8 maid dress off eBay?

>> No.8475525

If I were going to buy a non-lingerie I'd probably just use Amazon or a department store's online shop. Lingerie is VS or bust.

>> No.8475573

I don't have any favorite brand but I enjoy buying my boy shorts from NORDSTROM.

>> No.8476131
File: 409 KB, 1280x757, cd help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK let's try to put together what I learned from personal experience and older threads. And pic related

Doesn't mean shit. Being tall doesn't stop you from looking feminine. Sure, you can't go for the small/petite look, but its not like that's the only type of women that exist.

Wide skirt with petticoat. Standing pigeon-toed makes your hips a bit wider. Shifting your pelvis back makes your ass lock bigger.

Corsets are historically proven to slim down your waist to the point of broken ribs and shifted organs.

compensate by making your hips look wider. Pull them back and up to make em look smaller.

Proper mix of haircut, posture and clothes are more important. Trim eye-brows and get a female haircut (framing your face, covering ears). Good make-up can do wonders

>> No.8476134

I wish I was skinny so I could pretend to be a cute girl, but that's impossible.

Even if I manage to lose a lot of weight, my frame is still going to be huge. Fucking endomorphism.

>> No.8476152
File: 454 KB, 909x1275, 1292359971945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still become a huge Amazon tough.

>> No.8476166

>Being tall doesn't stop you from looking feminine.
Sure it does, most tall men are very manly and tall women are a turn off for most. Reality is reality, don't sugercoat it.

>> No.8476269

>would be a pain in the ass
saw what you did there bro.

>> No.8476276

>tall women are a turn off for most
well, that's like yo.
Oh wait, this is /jp/ were most are raging pedos.

>> No.8476285

No, tall women have a good chance to have penises, so /jp/ should like them.
Your logic falls apart, sir.

>> No.8476304

Wouldn't that make >>8476166 's logic fall apart?

>> No.8476306

Well I am a masochist. I want to be sexually dominated by a tall woman, but I would much rather be dominated by a loli!

>> No.8476336

Don't use that archive OP.

>> No.8476339
File: 40 KB, 300x127, +_31efd246e51f36e537556d26c194f481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man. But this makes them happy so i guess its cool.
really tired of this shit am going back to /a/

>> No.8476414

I don't know about all the >>8475018
excuse me but that's oxytocin--oxycontin is a synthetic extended-release opiate

I don't know about all the rageposting about "girls have it better", but that isn't really relevant--I never advocated any sort of gender ideology..this is just about dressing up and having fun. While I might have fleeting thoughts about this being about "deconstructing sex and gender", it's not. I've never really thought of wearing all sorts of clothes as revolutionary, I just love clothes--I don't think that men's fashion is necessary defunct or anything, especially if you look towards the catwalk; there are lots of interesting designs which as well as revealing subtle intricacies of anatomy. But really I like simple ideas presented austerely like how a A line dress/shirt juxtaposes shorts/skirts.

I'm in a different position than many in that I don't have to worry about losing friends or alienating family (well, any more than usual), but I think that it's something fun that harms no one--if the worst case scenario is that it causes a uproar, then I'd consider that a good outcome.

The worst thing is nothing happening, doing the same thing over and over again--I'm painfully aware of that now, and I'm think /jp/ can acknowledge that as well. Fun things are fun, so I want to do fun things and have no regrets. I don't really want this "dream" to be imprisoned in the pleasant but distant "imagination".

I think it might be easiest to start by trying on stuff at american apparel to get an idea of sizing.

>> No.8476434

modern day fashion is framed on tall skinny people

>> No.8476445
File: 61 KB, 365x411, 1324429964968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not going to argue with you, just give it up. Tall men cannot become cute girls.

>> No.8476449

Runway fashion is pretty retarded. Even Touhous wouldn't accept the crazy hats that come out of there.

>> No.8476988

My panties are from Aerie.

>> No.8477046

You can't be trapped by common sense in Gensokyo! Runway fashion should be about exploring the boundaries of fashion! Weird is fine, as long as it's interesting after all.

Well it's not that I don't understand that it might not come off as traditionally cute, but it might not be hard to be "pretty"

anyone can be cute

>> No.8477051

how do i get rid of the black dots and patches i get from shaving?
i've tried shaving as close as possible but i still get very visible black spots..
dont really want to try eliplating due to ingrown hair...

>> No.8479385


>> No.8479519

Double that.

>> No.8479529

Nothing, I don't want my parents to see me and be disappointed.

>> No.8479574

Do you use a shaving cream or gel?
Or I guess a better question would be where you guys are shaving

>> No.8483122

I think wearing a dress means I'm a massive success as a man if anything.

>> No.8483201

>be mtf transgendered
>be bulky, 5'10, broad shoulders, adams apple
>a bunch of part-time traps
>always born lucky, short, tiny shoulders, little feet, naturally feminine faces


>> No.8483532

I love these threads. I love you guys.
Even if you feel discouraged sometimes, please please keep wearing skirts and feeling pretty <3.

>> No.8483619

if there was a god then we would be born biologicaly female :( well, we can play god ourselves and become female! :D

>> No.8486151


>> No.8486195

I feel your pain. I'm 6'3, broad, a muscular face and I have a very deep voice. It pains me that I will never be able to pull it off.

>> No.8486203

Why not become someone that can protect traps?

>> No.8486207
File: 51 KB, 400x400, 1245226963891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a lot of effort.

>> No.8486212

Then you better get to it.

>> No.8486213

Because "traps" don't exist. We're all clear on that, right?

>> No.8486227

Have the ugly western ones jaded you, anon?

>> No.8486236

Even the petite Japanese crossdressers aren't really fooling anyone.

>> No.8486241
File: 143 KB, 639x855, 5634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care so much about actually being female, but I still enjoy playing dress up and pretending to be the little girl when I am at home alone. This is of course all the time since I never have anyone over.

>> No.8486260

I'm the same way. Trying to shave my beard is like chainsawing a hedge, so I gave up. I just enjoy the soft silky feel of pretty dresses.

>> No.8486405

So are any of you actually GID? I've never bothered seeing a shrink, but I've been thinking about my, uhh, condition constantly for years now, so I suspect something is wrong.

>> No.8486430

yep, diagnosed three years ago, transitioned, got most of it done. Still need to change my name on my passport and broaden my wardrobe, but that's about it

It doesn't get any easier the longer you wait, you should see somebody
