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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8472909 No.8472909 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Touhou fandom dwindling?

I'm fine with that. It'll always be in my heart

>> No.8472918

Who gives a shit?

>> No.8472920
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>> No.8472924


Proof that it is.

We had a good run, boys.

>> No.8472926

Yeah probably. Cant make a Gensokyo portal thread that doesnt head straight to page 15 anymore. Even if it does survive, gets reported for roleplay.

>> No.8472932

No really, who gives a shit?
It does not matter in the slightest.
Go about your day.

>> No.8472936

Probably. But that's okay. Just means fewer secondaries. As long as ZUN keeps making the games there will still be fans.

>> No.8472939

You can probably blame Zun. Hes insistence that Touhou remain stagnate is going to kill off his franchise.

You have two options, grow or parish. Zun has chosen to parish.

>> No.8472942
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No idea what you're talking about.

Here, have some ammonite koishi.

>> No.8472948

I'm honestly amazed it's lasted as long as it has.

>> No.8472949

Mima needs to make a return, and Yuuka needs to come back again.

>> No.8472962

If Mima were going to come back she would have by now. We might see Yuuka again, though. ZUN seems to like her.

>> No.8472975
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Just look forward to the next Reitaisai. Depending on the amount of stuff that get's released, we'll truly be able to tell if it's dying or not.

>> No.8472976

The parish of the church of ZUN?

>> No.8472973

> Hes insistence that Touhou remain stagnate is going to kill off his franchise.
The hell are you talking about? If anything he does *too* much. He should stop making a new game every year with all sorts of new characters. Yeah they're good, but it's overwhelming and very samey. I think he should put more work into releasing a better game every FEW years, and exploring existing characters instead of constantly making new ones. Touhou is starting to feel like Mega Man or Pokémon or something.

>> No.8472981

>Comiket 81 was 98% Touhou

yeah really dwindling there

>> No.8472983

I am referring to the fact that Zun has put a stop on any anime project to date.

>> No.8472989

It's not like they are actively making a sequel to that Touhou anime from C80 or anything...

>> No.8472994

Don't pull numbers out of your ass. It's around 60%-65% at most, just like the past 6 Comiket.

>> No.8473120

Maybe its just on /jp/?

>> No.8473141

If Touhou fandom on /jp/ dies, moot needs to reemerge /jp/ back with /a/.

>> No.8473158

It won't die completely, especially here.

I would like it to thin some though, least get rid of the majority of the fanbase that makes my grit my teeth.

>> No.8473167

And those people would be?

>> No.8473175

The part of any fanbase that anyone here grit their teeth at. The ones that truly earn the title of "secondary". The half normalfags or teenagers that most fanbases have to share with.

>> No.8473183


>XxXFLANDRE_SCARLETXxX has joined the game

>> No.8473233

ZUN also cannot into making a good scoring system with any amount of depth to it. I want to claw my hair out over UFO and 10D's scoring systems.

>> No.8473260

UFO system is good tho, don't lay it alongside that horrible failure TD just because you don't like it.

>> No.8473272

TD system is good tho, don't lay it alongside that horrible failure UFO just because you don't like it.

>> No.8473289

Why doesn't ZUN go in depth on same characters, storyline, write official manga, or create an RPG or something?

Hasn't he made a point with all these SCHMUPS? He can pretty much tell anyone to do anything with his fandom, so programming on a smaller scale isn't an issue.

>> No.8473365

To be fair, like 90% of STGs have awful scoring systems. Touhou is hardly unique.

>> No.8473377

>Go in depth on certain character
>write official manga
Already been done.

>> No.8473466

I don't know shit about touhous, but I heard it's a fighting game, so you've got my attention. Tell me what I want to know.

>> No.8473481

It's bullet hell series, but it also has some fighting games.


>> No.8473486

Touhous are government subsidized games designed to allow individuals diagnosed with autism to have a outlet to express themselves.

Not really. They are a series of games made by some alcoholic in Japan, but that is how they are used anyway. Just look us.

>> No.8473517

It's probably just you, OP. You're growing tired of it finally. I am, as well. I waited warmly for TD, loved it, 1CC'd it very soon after, and never really touched it again. I can't even get into SA anymore, and it was my favorite. I still enjoy seeing fan art and reading doujin with the characters, but the games themselves don't really interest me much anymore.

Off-topic: What semi-/jp/ related site banners have you guys seen pop up recently? Right now I've got sadpanda.jpg, and earlier I saw one with Rance.

>> No.8473524
File: 246 KB, 600x600, Ichrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not dying, just being depurated, since there hasn't been new highly popular and charismatic characters as Scarlet Sys/Chen/Yukari/Eiki/Okuu/Orin/etc, the only exception I can think of is Kogasa but is not enough, so that old hip crowd that came here to talk about those characters that were spammed everywhere is almost gone, for good if you ask me.

Just look at that, it's stupid but only Kogasa happens to get some attention and the other characters are from 11-6: http://seimoe.lunar-tokyo.net/Status.html

>> No.8473534

UFO's gang were popular from the get-go and still are. 10D's gang weren't popular on release and they still aren't popular.

>> No.8473625
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I already feel terrible because of that since few days or maybe weeks.

>> No.8474396

I <3 Koishi
