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File: 2.98 MB, 235x122, This_kills_the_crab-(n1327349696267).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8464249 No.8464249 [Reply] [Original]

Why couldn't you save her?

>> No.8464256

I wanted her for dinner.

>> No.8464255

That's so fake. I mean, there isn't even blood, just water, or maybe some goo to trick you into thinking it's real.

>> No.8464257

Oh God, it's a gif.

>> No.8464260


>> No.8464261
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was either her or the duck, and I didn't have $12.95.

>> No.8464263

She was just way too crabby for my tastes.

>> No.8464270

She had crabs.

>this kills the crab

>> No.8464280

I tried pulling off my signature finishing move, "the Boston crab" to save her, but I just couldn't cut it.

>> No.8464325

I don't know how people do this shit.

I can't even eat meat because I feel so bad about animal friends being hurt.

>> No.8464337

Just look at that poor crab's face as he's cutting his head off...

>> No.8464341


>> No.8464342

It's a woman's hand.
Also this crab is a long time dead anyway. It's not even reacting.

>> No.8464348
File: 231 KB, 960x720, bent003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity disgusts me.

>> No.8464350

You had me up until the friends thing.

ewwww you sound like you've seen one react to that. Is this a fucking crab killer in our midst?

>> No.8464361

If you had watched the original video, the crab was actually still moving fine before she picked it up.
You have to wonder how many of his friends had already been killed to make it give up right after seeing it was his turn next. Maybe his mate and offsrping one by one, seared alive.

A real terrible place we live in, where to survive you have to create suffering.

>> No.8464362

Yeah, it would be, after being boiled alive for hours.

>> No.8464364
File: 27 KB, 307x233, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't you save her?


>> No.8464365
File: 322 KB, 476x621, Not Today Motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not that guy, but I've killed crabs. You know when you step on a spider but it's not really dead, and starts slowly moving it's legs in pain?

It's like that, but faster.

>> No.8464368

You've never eaten crab? Shit's delicious.
When I was a kid my mother would buy like a dozen of them tied on a string, still flailing around. It's very satisfying to break their shells and get to the tasty meat inside.

>> No.8464366

I don't think he's suffering, crabs naturally look sad so that's his regular face.

>> No.8464370

>where to survive you have to create suffering.
This thought often crosses my mind. It really makes it hard for me to believe that whatever created us is a benevolent entity. But I can't bear the thought of it being so.

>> No.8464380

Implying that crustaceans feel pain

>> No.8464384

>A real terrible place we live in, where to survive you have to create suffering.
It wouldn't work otherwise. A living thing has to feel pain to understand what is bad for it.

>> No.8464383


>> No.8464388

>It really makes it hard for me to believe that whatever created us is a benevolent entity.
You must be a genius.

>> No.8464392

You mean that twitching it does when it's near dead? I think that's just some last movement from the 'electricity' left in the body.

Besides, spiders don't have the necessary neurotransmitters to register pain (I think, I mean even fish don't).

>> No.8464394

But we shouldn't have to kill and destroy to survive. It makes me upset.

Given the natural state of things it is no wonder how societies are so ruthless and horrible.

>> No.8464397

I don't understand what warranted that reaction.

>> No.8464406

The Earth has tried to kill any non plant organic life since the dawn of time. Think about it, all the great catastrophes and mass extinctions yet we still keep going. The better you become the more it tries to kill you. There have even been studies where intellect has been correlated to suicide rates, which for all we know could be caused by hormonal imbalances in the brain instigated by magnetic pulses in the atmosphere.

It's best to not commit suicide and try your best for that sole reason to me; to spit in it's face. I would like to end with a "gott strafe Earth", but in this case it'd be best to replace god with man.

>> No.8464412

>Given the natural state of things it is no wonder how societies are so ruthless and horrible.
That's why millions of people work every day to alter the natural state of things. As you may have noticed, the results have been quite excellent so far.

>> No.8464417

I can't help but wonder if people are simply trying to justify their pointless sadism in this thread.

>> No.8464420

That's super duper stupid.

>> No.8464422
File: 58 KB, 476x621, not today motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a self-rescuing crab.

>> No.8464426

No one ever takes the time to listen to my thoughts, so thanks for reading at least, even if you think it's stupid.

>> No.8464427


A thinker on /jp/. 'Pon my word.

>> No.8464429

Meat is just so delicious, man. I also can't kill an animal but I do eat meat. Maybe it's hypocritical, but I find it nonsense that we shouldn't harm animals when other animals are free to hunt and kill them, just because "that's nature". The end result is the same: the animal gets horribly killed and eaten alive. So then I might as well eat meat myself and just care about protecting my own sensibilities.

>> No.8464431

It's just a single troll in this thread it seems.

>> No.8464432

Animals do a lot of things that wouldn't be justifiable to human beings. So that is a stupid argument to use.

>> No.8464433

Thought I'd wandred into /tg/ for a second. They love crabs, for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.8464438

and cancer prevents biological immortality in multi-cellular things.

Interesting view but things start going south when you get in to the whole "earth's will" thing

>> No.8464437
File: 33 KB, 300x385, 1315788829194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, while we're at it then, I agree with you. The Earth is our mother, and she is one hateful bitch. Those who are depressed and contemplating suicide would do well to remember that less then a hundred years ago, just surviving the hellacious conditions inside a major factory would be something to celebrate. People often rag on themselves for being unproductive pussies. Well news flash, motherfuckers, you take your average working-class hardass out of a 1915-era factory and put him in your shoes, and he'd revel in it. He'd soak up the luxuries of the modern age like a sponge and not regret it for one fucking second.

Humanity needs to stop being ashamed of everything we've worked and bled for, god dammit.

>> No.8464439
File: 164 KB, 956x1182, 1306460329131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. Although I personally prefer Drunken Bear Fighter.

>> No.8464442

>Animals do a lot of things that wouldn't be justifiable to human beings.
Why not? I can't see us much different, and history pretty much proves that people are just a little smarter than animals judging from behavior.

>> No.8464443

Nobody who is suicidal gives a shit about shitty, weak motivationals.

>> No.8464449

It reminds me when my parents get upset watching cancer kids on the news or whatever. "We are so lucky." There is something kind of sick about using suffering of others to make yourself feel better.

Normal people almost seem to rely on misery, pain and disaster to feel better.

>> No.8464462

>There is something kind of sick about using suffering of others to make yourself feel better.
It's useless to be ashamed of meaningless things. It's detrimental.

>> No.8464470

Everything is meaningless. It is useless to take pride in anything.

>> No.8464476


>> No.8464495


Maybe. I think it's just flailing it's legs desperately because he knows something terrible is going to happen to him, and it goes on for a couple seconds.

>> No.8464524
File: 24 KB, 596x599, 1275790035769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8464534

Why do people always have to roleplay dickwads? Teenage philosophy is not /jp/ related.

>> No.8464544

I think you don't belong here. I'm not trying to be grim or anything, but do you actually think life has a point and meaning?

>> No.8464556

Nobody cares.

>> No.8464553

My life has.

>> No.8464563

if life doesn't have meaning then explaining to others it doesn't has no point. it especially has no point since they have a belief even if it doesn't have value to you. stop trying to be edgy.

>> No.8464565

You got to create your own meaning.

>> No.8464574

There is no point to not saying anything either. I find it obnoxious that he is comparing whatever situation we are in to the working conditions of a factory worker in the 19th century. Or we should somehow have pride in modern culture.

I knew you people would say I'm trying to be edgy but I'm really not.

>> No.8464586

>I find it obnoxious that he is comparing whatever situation we are in to the working conditions of a factory worker in the 19th century.
Why? Are you too unique to be compared to them?

>> No.8464591

Your penis has no point.

>> No.8464598

Nothing has a point. I don't have a point, you don't have a point, this thread has no point, /jp/ has no point, 4chan has no point internet has no point life has no point the world has no point the galaxy has no point the universe has no point time has no point existence has no point reality has no paint

I see...only darkness, brah

>> No.8464626

It is totally irrelevant to the situation we are in.

You people aren't from here right? And why is it now popular to mock someone who says life is pointless? I know people on here like to think they are making people angry, but it is pretty foolish and comes off as far more childish than anything I've said.

>> No.8464631


What's your point?

>> No.8464638

>You people aren't from here right?

They're not. We've had a massive influx into /jp/ due to the melty blood crowd. They've been making threads on /v/ that hit bump limit and keep going, and are cross linked into /jp/. From there they start wandering around the board.


video related. Every time a melty blood thread is created, more and more of these people come on this board.

>> No.8464646

I just I had no point.

>> No.8464648

Eh, maybe that it's a known fact since the bronze age that if gods existed they'd either be unsympathetic assholes or deliberately evil.

>> No.8464668

Really is this way with every god, unless you consider Jesus to be part of god and the whole holy trinity thing, then the christian god is only half evil.

>> No.8464727
File: 100 KB, 801x996, Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Baciccio) - Pietà.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, the Christian God is an angry god, he's the fire that burns without ever consuming and he's beyond good and evil, people have to act ethically because God says so, God does as he please.

He can burn alive a whole city of faggots, drown the whole world in a fit, he can force you to sacrifice your firstborn that he granted you as a miracle after a life of infertility, he can just shit on your face for a hundred years and if you ever doubt him it's eternal damnation for you.
God is beyond comprehension.

Jesus is just there to make you feel sorry, which is pretty ridiculous if you consider all the suffering Jesus himself caused, massacre of the innocents, etc. terrible move on God's part, but most of all having to feel sorry for how Jesus suffered on the hands of man, when God is the source of the suffering of the whole human race since forever and eternally in the fiery pit of hell after that, it's really preposterous.

Anyway I'd hit Jesus like the fist of an angry god, no homo.

>> No.8464746

Jesus was a pretty cool guy, practically a foil to yahveh, yawhee or whatever everyone calls him.
I think the dahlia-lama or Ghandi said he liked Jesus, but not his followers since they didn't actually do his teachings.

>> No.8464765

Fuck you Christians! You all should be exterminated! Muslims are as bad and as large. But at least i don't find one sect of them trying to bash my door down every sunday. Fuck you!
And of those other sects... They are as bad only not as radical. Fuck you Christians fuck you. I don't hate anything more than Christians.

>> No.8464772

Actually, YHWY is closer to a ntr-ed dude/tsundere/quasi-yandere if you pay attention.

>> No.8464773

I'm not a christian, I'm just not ignorant about their religion. I'm sure it's the same for the other guy.
The evangelicals are the only ones who go door to door.

>> No.8464786
File: 15 KB, 220x309, 220px-Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would comment on the irony in your post, but hell, you should notice is with introspection.

I have yet to have anybody knock on my door. Maybe they just can tell what an evil motherfucker you are?

>> No.8464800

I-it's not like I murdered all the first-borns of Egypt for your sake, baka Moses...I just felt like it...nngh stop staring at me! Go wander in the desert for 40 years for all I care! BAKA!

(p.s. your statement is incredibly silly, but turning biblical events into anime cliches is an hobby of mine)

>> No.8464806
File: 38 KB, 350x267, Christ_Cleansing_The_Temple_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole plague deal was just muscle flexing, to prove that it was a god leading them.

Not that it stopped them from going ahegao double peace over a golden bull.

>> No.8464813

That crab still going to get his head cut off. The blade still snips on him

Also OP pic makes me craving for Soft shell crab Tempura. Better make some

>> No.8464815

Fuck you! You were baptized!
I actually bought 6th book of moses and began to chant those rhymes at them and they fled 3 floors down under a minute. But those were jehovas witnesses. They are not as persistent as protestants. Why just don't they let me be... I just want to worship Mao in peace... But no. They must bombard me with papers and old lady behind my wall blasts sunday service like it was sunday everyday.

>> No.8464824

>desert for 40 years for all I care! BAKA!

Kidding me? There was a reason it was 40 years rather than 40 days. Israelites were the most ungrateful fucks in their own stories.
Their god makes it rain bread from the sky for them, free's them from slavery, and moses leaves for a few days to a mountain to get back and see them worshiping a golden cow.
In the end none of the original freed israelites got to see the promised land, only their children did. Even moses died in that desert.

>> No.8464840
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, Fate_Zero_ED_02A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered, for a moment, that you might have incurred the wrath of a deity in your life?

I don't mind anybody and I have the most pleasant conversations with all sorts of people be it the faithful, the heathen, the heretic or the atheist. I like people, but they make me nervous. If the gods exist, they have blessed me.

>> No.8464854

Please leave. If you're going to be off-topic at least don't be stupid.

>> No.8464878

Well if you mean that i have incurred my wrath for a deity then, yes. Many deities... Like Venus... Buddha... Amaterasu.. etc
And if it is the opposite. I hope that his devils come to aid me. Preferably in fox like form. That would be sweet.

>> No.8464887

13.7% fat.
No muscles either.
Don't brush teeth (Because I don't eat between 8 am and 16 pm this has never hurt my teeth that much)
Actually extroverted
Weak legged loser.

Do I belong here?

I can't save anybody.
