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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.34 MB, 3240x2184, 230904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8459505 No.8459505 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>8435284

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8459522
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>> No.8459554

In want full pictures of the girls and their flowers from 1:03

>> No.8459565

Playing Rance Quest (in preparation of Magnum)

Also pissed at fileserve, where am I going to get old eroges now? ;_;

>> No.8459572
File: 72 KB, 374x465, kazusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished WA2.


>> No.8459601
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I'm pretty sure they were all released in magazines.

>> No.8459608
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>> No.8459611

Didn't they fix the CGs?

>> No.8459609

I guess we could somehow get them on to the /jp/ FTP.

>> No.8459616

We could sort of take stock of what we all currently have on our harddrives/in our possession as a stop gap and upload to MF or wherever for now.

>> No.8459618

Try sukebei nyaa. If you are lucky you'll find torrents with seeds.

>> No.8459619

that ftp has only the most popular/talked about/being fantranslated games and few others, I guess when he says old eroge he means the really old shit that has like 5 votes on egs. Hongfire had a lot of them and so far scraping page caches worked for me, but now the links themselves are dead

>> No.8459623

CGs, yes.
Old sprites, you wish.
Any heroine has better sprites than Kazusa.

>> No.8459625

I have quite a bit of old/obscure eroge in my HDDs
If you want something just put a name, if I have it I'll upload it.

>> No.8459629

She still manages to be the moe-est character in the game though

>> No.8459633

This is why I always keep ISOs/installers of VNs instead of just deleting them after installation.

Though I don't have anything ancient, just the translated ones (and Baldr Force/Sky)

>> No.8459640

Yeah, I always keep all my ISOs on an external HDD

>> No.8459641

I disagree, especially considering how fucking hard they try to make her moe.

>> No.8459652

Same. Hopefully enough other Anons thought like us that we can rebuild the collection.

>> No.8459653

I do the same. Just that I also don't delete the installed ones once I'm finished.
They're not even on different HDDs.
What the hell am I doing?

>> No.8459668

I tend to keep what I enjoy.
And other random shit.
Like I've yet to actually play Sumaga, and I just found a DVD I burned with a copy of it.
All together, I think I have about 25 titles.

>> No.8459698

How might one find the FTP info?

>> No.8459725

Look it up in the archive?

>> No.8459742


>> No.8459748

It would be much easier if you said what you have instead.

Either way I don't think now is the right time to start re-uploading lost stuff. Better wait until we see what sites remain and what new ones pop up.

>> No.8459758 [DELETED] 

jp ftp . mine . nu

>> No.8459765

Saints Row 3 (PC)
List Price: ¥ 7,770
Price: ¥ 5,883

Da Capo 3 (Regular edition)
List Price: ¥ 9,240
Price: ¥ 7,313

I wonder how much complaining about piracy is there among creators of visual novels.

>> No.8459770
File: 8 KB, 451x75, bottom of the 1st page, beginning of the 2nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really should work on your search skill.

>> No.8459776

I downloaded an old-ass elf game called BE-YOND from some torrent posted in this thread about a week ago, but the no-cd patch wasn't included and it's truly impossible to find even on PD. If anyone could help that would be cool.

>> No.8460137
File: 99 KB, 811x637, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Aya route, faq this game.

>> No.8460175

Finished FSN 2 days ago and I honestly believe it is in no way overrated. I'm not exactly aware what the general conscious is on /jp/ but that's what I think.

>> No.8460193

I do think it is. I give it a 7, some cool concepts and scenes but most of the VN is just mediocre.
Also can't balance for shit its 'deep thematics and character development' with the action.

>> No.8460207

If you don't know how it's RATED as, how do you know if it's OVERRATED?

>> No.8460217

It's a 8 for me.
I recognize it tried a lot of things and it's pretty impressive for when it was made.
But it also feel a bit half-assed in some areas and I'm not a big fan of the character interactions that Nasu write and for me dialogues are very important.

>> No.8460249

And how many VNs have you played exactly?

>> No.8460265


>> No.8460266

I'm quite sure you know what I mean.

>> No.8460270

I've played 10 so far.

>> No.8460458

All of my rage. Twinkle Crusaders PSS got delayed again.

Guess I'll reinstall Princess Witches and try that... Thanks, OP.

Though before that, I need to finish QC'ing a few routes in Hoshimemo, and probably finish Funny's route in Alice Parade before I jump into Prismatic Princess this week.

>> No.8460470

thought vdz stopped hosting it or w/e

>> No.8460508

Fuck, I can't find the serial code for Dies Irae. I found a patched exe, but it gives me errors for some reason.

>> No.8460526

Solid 8/10. Good read. I liked it enough to pick up Fate/Extra. Certainly no kamige, though.

>> No.8460529

I wanted to try the amagami VN for the PSP but all the links lead to MU/FS...

>> No.8460532

What is you guys favorite nakige?
I'm in mood for some tears.

>> No.8460535

I downloaded it just days before shit hit the fan. Give me a while and I can re-up it.

>> No.8460537

Going to start playing my first VN today. I picked Ever17. Should be an interesting experience.

>> No.8460540

I'm on it right now, it's up

>> No.8460539

You forgot 'except Clannad'

>> No.8460543

Has anyone played フリフレ2 yet?

>> No.8460546

Awful, awful choice for a first experience with visual novels. But it's your call bruv.

>> No.8460553

I kind of just decided to go with one of the (what seems like) popular ones. Could be the worst decision I've ever made, I have no idea.

>> No.8460555

There is always torrents anon http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=202961

>> No.8460557

There are active torrents. Check around.

>> No.8460571

The problem is that the visual novel format itself can be a drag for those new and not used to it. So ideally your first VN should be something that hooks you from the start in order to keep you reading despite the format, which will get you used to VNs. Ever17 is an example of a VN that's a bit of a drag for the first part even if you're used to VNs.

>> No.8460566

It's a great VN, but I don't know if I'd recommend it for your first. Maybe third or fourth.

>> No.8460573

Asairo > Clannad >>> x
Honestly it's been a while since I did a good nakige

>> No.8460576

Saya no uta is a pretty good VN if you're starting out. It's not very long and doesn't have a lot of choices.

>> No.8460580

Try 999(for the DS) first
if you like that go for ever17

>> No.8460581

symphonic rain reigns supreme

>> No.8460585

You guys are probably right. It does seem like it is quite long. Perhaps I may go and find a couple of shorter ones to get me started.

>> No.8460590

Well shit, now I feel retarded for not checking nyaa.


>> No.8460592

I was playing Amagami PSP myself lately and reasonably enjoyed it. I usually depend on text hookers but the language was so easy that I got through it without missing much of anything.

Any other PSP VNs with very simple japanese like this worth trying out?

>> No.8460597

It's more an utsuge, I really like it too though.
But I do prefer Clannad/Asairo

>> No.8460599

While I liked Symphonic Rain, it would have been better if the plot twists weren't completely obvious from a mile away. To be fair, Clannad's were, too, but they were so well executed that I didn't even care.

But, opinions.

>> No.8460601

Toradora has a VN on the PSP.

I haven't played it myself but I have heard it's decent.

>> No.8460603

Tokimemo games. Ro-Kyu-Bu, Toradora, Oreimo, etc.

>> No.8460617


SR's main plot twist isn't even the twins, it's that Chris is a fucking schizophrenic. I doubt many people could have seen that coming.

Hell, unless you're familiar with twin twists which are admittedly common in VNs you won't pick up on the former twist. I mean, I got it the minute I heard they were twins, but it didn't impede my enjoyment any.

>> No.8460636

Are you using the patched exe on the acta est fabula version?
Not the other ones.

>> No.8460632

Do you guys usually use skip text on the second playthrough or do you read through it again?
I'm playing through the Sora route in ever17 after Tsugumi but a lot of the text seems to be the same.

>> No.8460641

You didn't pick up on the fact that he was schizo from the fact that he was talking to fairies? I dunno, it was pretty obvious for me. The whole rain thing came as a surprise, but that wasn't even particularly important to the plot (other than the fact that all his friends knew he was fucking nuts).

Still a good VN, though.

>> No.8460644

Usually there's an option to "skip only read text" so you can be safely sure whether you're skipping old material or new material.

>> No.8460661


The game almost immediately establishes that magic is a real, actual thing though, and if you buy into that, then Phorni really isn't too odd.

I should say, rather, that's it's not Chris being crazy that's important, but rather the consequences of that fact; every single person he interacts with except the teacher and Lise are lying to him for their own benefit.

Also, Torta is possibly my most favorite female character in anything ever, largely thanks to her character's complexity.

>> No.8460666

Yeah, it was the acta es fabula version.
It would give me shit like ERROR_BLACK on the top of the screen.

>> No.8460673
File: 5 KB, 120x119, microturd-botton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any good VN for android?

>> No.8460679

Oh yeah, that's teh crack's fault.
Cracking malie is horrible.
Did you download something like this?
Try using alsign if you haven't when the serial code screen appears.

>> No.8460699

Well I tried using alsign already.
Doesn't it like, generate alsign.sig, which you put in program data?
It didn't work for me

>> No.8460703

It means you downloaded the patch version of acta es fabula made for those who had the previous game versions already, and not the kanzenban.

>> No.8460710
File: 219 KB, 1314x834, screenshot 2012-01-23 18-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy, VNs were the only thing keeping me from completely switching to Linux. Now that I've decided to go back after so much time I decided to test some VNs against the newest Wine and all of them work so far! Time to finish my backlog.

>> No.8460715

Ok, try putting the alpharom crack you can find http://bl.canadia.info/nopatches/ in the folder alsign creates.
It seems I downloaded it when I read it last year according to my computer.

>> No.8460722

I suppose if you consider that to be the big reveal, then no, I didn't see it coming. But Torta lying to Chris was quite obvious for me because of all the little hints everywhere. So I guess everyone else also lying didn't come as that big of a shock. But it's not like it ruined the VN or anything. I just think it would have been more effective as a nakige if it weren't quite so telegraphed.

I do agree with Torta being excellent, though.

>> No.8460728


I think the game is most effective when you go into it not expecting any kind of depressing or sad elements, myself.

>> No.8460743

Anyone happen to have a download for MYTH (http://vndb.org/v1056)? I've looked all over and couldn't find one.

>> No.8460758

Which is why I sort of have this love/hate relationship with tags on VNDB and the like. On the one hand, they're quite effective in helping me find something to play (and filtering out things I don't like, like rape or NTR), but on the other hand, going in blind and not having any idea what to expect often results in a more enjoyable experience.

>> No.8460768


I know your pain. Pretty much everything with the tag 'Genre Shift' is really godly, but the tag alone is always a huge spoiler for why the game is good to begin with.

>> No.8460772

Exactly. I went in blind for Muv-Luv because of everyone talking about it on /jp/. Mind fucking blown.

>> No.8460773

So why is Twinkle Crusaders good?

>> No.8460778

An Anonymous linked me a torrent a while ago in one of these threads. There should be a DL somewhere.

>> No.8460779

It's fun and cute, good characters and the story isn't too bad either.
It's nothing amazing but it's very playable.
I like Princess Witches more though

>> No.8460783


Oh god, I can't even imagine. That would be something really fantastic.

>> No.8460795

I went pretty much blind into Muv-Luv too back in 2007.
Same for Subahibi (thought it would be a simple yuri eroge) or Muramasa (expected to hate it actually, now it's my favorite eroge, go figure).

>> No.8460801

I am jealous as hell. Every time something is released/translated you fuckers spoil the shit out of it and all the surprise element is gone from the get go.

>> No.8460811

I didn't go into Muv-Luv blind, but I did manage to deceive my roommate into going into it completely blind reading alongside me (my second playthrough, his first). He didn't even know about the Unlimited genre shift. He enjoyed Extra and then Unlimited hit him like a truck. Then Alternative hit him like a jumbo jet.

>> No.8460818
File: 257 KB, 1040x679, tcpsskururuattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll second what >>8460779 said, minus the Princess Witches part, due to the simple fact that I haven't played through it.

Again, it's nothing spectacular, but I definitely find the series entertaining. The main draws for me are the characters, both original and guest cameos, and the battle system, which is simple yet surprisingly fun, while still having some depth to it.

Besides, more Kururu is never a bad thing. If only Crystal were in Starlit Brave Xtream... Well, at least we get Tenshin Ranman's Hime.

>> No.8460819

Do you guys know what's up with the Steins;Gate upload in the /jp/ FTP? It gives me an 'unexpected end of archive' error.

>> No.8460821

>you fuckers
anons discussing games in these threads usually know how to use spoilers, you're looking at the wrong people
it's not like it takes much to download a cg set and post cgs of people dying or anything that looks dramatic

>> No.8460825

Talking about genre shift, Princess Witches had a very good genre shift too.
It actually even got pretty gruesome at time
The whole flashback with Orr was also really powerful, the ending between Iinchou and Orr is a killer as well.
Twinkle Crusaders is good but it lacked things like this.

>> No.8460833

You haven't truly been burned by spoilers until you've had the entire game spoiled by the fucking OP.
I've never been more mad than I was when that occurred.

>> No.8460837


And now it seems that the FTP was deleted. What the fuck just happened?

>> No.8460840


I'm not kidding guys, the entire Visual Novel directory was just deleted. What the fuck.

>> No.8460841

what game?

>> No.8460843


And it seems like everything except 'Anime' has been deleted now. What the hell is going on? I was using that!

>> No.8460849

Steins;Gate was pretty annoying like this.
I like the openings that are completely misleading, like Carnival's.

Talking about spoiler just reminded me that I was spoiled about Little Busters by 2ch one fucking day before the official release.
I wasn't even in a LB thread or something.

>> No.8460857

He probably took it down because of assholes like me downloading everything I could in the last few days just in case this happens.

>> No.8460858


I may be mistaken, but aren't they moving it to a file sharing site or something?

>> No.8460864


So, what, it's never going back up again? Fucking wonderful.

>> No.8460865

Sorry guys, did a reboot (only had 1% RAM left) and one of my HDDs isn't mounting correctly. Currently fixing the issue, please wait warmly~

>> No.8460870


Oh thank fuck.

>> No.8460873

Thank you for the prompt reassurance, VDZ.

Seeing as you're around, might I persuade you to add Baldr Sky Dive2? Since you had Baldr Force and Sky Dive1 on the FTP but not Dive2.

>> No.8460876

Princess Witches intrigues me. Tell me more. I don't care about spoilers either.

>> No.8460878

uploading it now.

>> No.8460882

It'd be neat to play through a game blind for once. I've spent too much time on EGS, so now I know the basic genres/plots of most stuff out there. I did go through Himawari mostly blind, though, and it was an amazing experience.

>> No.8460887


I've managed to avoid spoilers for Rewrite, Sumaga, and Saihate no Ima almost completely. I warmly await the day they are translated.

>> No.8460889

I don't think you realize what you've just unleashed.

>> No.8460894


I do, which is why I am now leaving this thread.


>> No.8460895

Go read 海からくるもの.
I'm sure you haven't spoiled or anything, it's amazing but really obscure even in Japan.

>> No.8460898

And fixed. If there are still any problems with the FTP, let me know. Sorry about the downtime.

Although it wasn't on purpose, yeah, that was pretty much the cause. My server couldn't handle the sudden surge of extra downloaders and became terribly slow, destroying performance of not only the FTP service but also other things hosted on the same server. Eventually 99% of RAM was used up even when there were only a couple downloaders, so I had no choice but to reboot.

>> No.8460907

Are you on Linux? Do you have swap?

>> No.8460910

I somehow managed to experience Baldr Sky completely raw, even without ridiculously high expectations due to hype.

I nonchalantly started it and was sucked in completely.
One of the best weeks of my life.

>> No.8460917 [DELETED] 

Any general idea how long ago that was? Just searching for "myth" on the archive and digging through posts is going to take a while otherwise.

>> No.8460920

you are the best.

>> No.8460930

You're right, it is obscure as heck - can't even find a single working download.

>> No.8460933

Wait a bit

>> No.8460935

Looks like I still have the torrent file, I'll just throw it on mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/?3hbxd7zpxqs1uyp

>> No.8460939

Polyphonica After School.
I don't know who thought it was a good idea to show nearly every CG in the game in chronological order at Ocelot in the OP.

>> No.8460943
File: 11 KB, 250x250, Costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Uploading textual metadata to a filesharing website.

>> No.8460955


I just began seeding it and it seems I am alone so it could take a bit but it's worth it

>> No.8460956

Really appreciate it man, will try to seed for as long as possible when I'm done with it.

>> No.8460959

Thank you, kind anon. I shall trust in your tastes and do my part to seed.

Man, though. I can hear the agonized cries of my hard drives begging for relief. This wouldn't be a problem if I could pick up a couple of 2TB drives for $140 like I could have last summer.

>> No.8460986

Speaking of rare VNs, there's 朝の来ない夜に抱かれて -ETERNAL NIGHT-.

Try to find a working link for it that isn't that torrent which stops at 99.9%.

>> No.8460991

Finished Kiraris rout and "true ending" in kira kira today, Her route was like a sucker punch in the heart and i can't stop feeling sadness about it.

Anyway any other good suggestions for someone who is a beginner in VNs?

>> No.8460994

Try Symphonic Rain.
It's another music-oriented VN that'll cheer you up.

>> No.8461009


>> No.8461026

Thanks man.

>> No.8461159

Although it was good, SR was depressing.

>> No.8461212


How do I connect to this server? I'm using filezilla and I found the ftp info, but I can't seem to connect to it.

>> No.8461221

Why don't you just use your browser?

>> No.8461245


I didn't know that was possible. Thanks, anon. I got to the index or whatever.

>> No.8461400

Need some of the translation-in-progress vn upped to the ftp? Hell, even the iffy .ru/.cn file hosts (RIP jshare) look ok after major breaking on the usual fs et al.

>> No.8461727

It just isn't working.
Fuck everything.

>> No.8461878
File: 666 KB, 1041x585, weirdestboner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This face gives me the weirdest boner.
I think I've finally broken, /jp/.

>> No.8462135

so where can I get my VNs from now since the FBI shut everything down?

>> No.8462183

Buy them like the rest of us. You're part of the reason those sites got shut down.

>> No.8462180

Wupload is still good for now. Okay tier, I guess.
As is Filepost or something, but that one is absolute shit.
And of course, as usual, Torrents, Share, PD.

>> No.8462192

I like you, you're funny.

>> No.8462339

how infiltrated is http://sukebei.nyaa.eu any known FBI agents?


>> No.8462450

Finally decided to read Ep.8 of Umineko and put that story from my mind. Ended up liking it marginally better than I expected, mainly because of the Trick ending.

I'll miss the old Episode discussions, though. They were fun for a time.

>> No.8462453
File: 76 KB, 512x512, d0dc627babc026a114afbae7ae60dfc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a translation for any of the MLA mecha games? Or, for that matter, any games based on ML other than Drill Milky Punch? Finally, how do you get the two gag endings for Meiya and Sumika in MLE? Just get on their route but then screw it up at some point?

>> No.8462523

the sad thing is, i am inclined to think he was not trolling.

that group legitimately seems to be appearing on 4chan these days. i don't know if they're young people or what.

>> No.8462563

>that group legitimately seems to be appearing on 4chan these days.
I've been on /jp/ since 2007 kid.

>> No.8462583

Not to derail the thread, but for some reason I can't connect to the ftp. It's the mine.nu one.

>> No.8462594

You weren't here in 2006 when it was one of the hidden boards? What a n00blord.

>> No.8462693

Sorry for the interruption, but what is the correct order for playing MuvLuv?

>> No.8462699

Extra > finish both Meiya's and Sumika's route > Unlimited > finish anyone's > Alternative.

>> No.8462791

And once you've done one person's scene in Extra, it's pretty quick to go through the other ones using "Skip already read text". I did Ayamine's first even though I heard all the recommendations to do Meiya and Sumika's first. The routes seem to be the same up to some point close to the end other than certain scenes which have alternate versions (e.g. who you choose to win the cooking contest). The more routes you've done, the quicker it is to do the others since there are so many shared scenes.

>> No.8462801

A lot of torrents that stop at 99.9% are actually complete and it's just an error with the tracker or client. If it's a rar, stop the torrent and try opening it; if it's an iso, try mounting it, etc.

>> No.8462808

I suggest at least reading Sumika and Meiya routes in Extra, but other than that, it doesn't matter. Muv-Luv is one of those VNs where you only really need to play the routes you want to.

>> No.8463088


Sumika and Meiya in extra is pretty much overlapped from beginning to end, but both required to move onto unlimited. In extra rest of the heroines do slightly branch towards to end with unique different endings but they all suck imo. I forgot but I think class rep was probably best out of all for me? But still all a gigantic waste of time to do any of them imo but I did them out of completeness sake. In unlimited its pretty much all identical so it doesn't matter who you choose, but most would recommend Meiya anyways if you're only oging through it once. I also bothered to complete all in unlimited btw, and trust me its not worth it. It's 99% skip text with a couple unique lines in each route, but you get to see mikoto grow her hair i think?.

>> No.8463104

>but you get to see mikoto grow her hair i think?.
Ugh... I hate it when tomboys or reverse traps do that.

>> No.8463380

You probably downloaded Acta esta Fabula Scharlachrot Grun and not Acta esta Fabula.

How do I know? I went through the same thing.

>> No.8463403

Been trying to play 海からくるもの as suggested earlier, and it definitely looks good. However I'm having trouble launching a text hooker for a good ol' dictionary, since the game only runs when I start it through the CD.

Anyone else who downloaded the game found a way around that?

>> No.8463409

Tried ITH?

>> No.8463415

That damn clubbox again: http://down.clubbox.co.kr/hangling/iocjp1
The links for 100416 release seem to be all down

Isn't jsharer/ra.gg down for maintenance?

>> No.8463445

What's a good website to find out release dates of trials/demos?

>> No.8463459

There we go, problem solved.

Not quite what I did but I gotta say thanks since reading your post sparked an idea in my head.
In the case other people feel like playing the game, here's what I did:

1) Emulate the image and start the game.
2) With the game running, open up Translation Aggregator.
3) Select "umi.exe" as the process and send it to the clipboard.
4) Open up ChiiTrans and select it to monitor the clipboard.
5) Disable any obnoxious machine translations if you didn't already and the hooked text will show up ready for dictionary look-ups.

>> No.8463498

Fuck, just installed Ikusa Megami Zero and it's hanging on a black screen as soon as the window comes up. I hate this foreign-language troubleshooting.

>> No.8463636


>> No.8463667

Got a PSP for Christmas and I'm using that as an excuse to play through Clannad again. How the hell is it still making me tear up even though I already know the whole story? Dat Fuuko end, man. ;_;

>> No.8463701


You must be new. Naturally you should lurk more and come back when you fit in.

>> No.8463704
File: 400 KB, 800x600, Rin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a brief rundown of what happens during Komari's route in Little Busters?

To get Rin's true ending you have to complete all the other character routes, but I really didn't like Komari enough to play through hers and I ended up just holding CTRL to skip all the dialogue and selecting the choices based on a walkthrough... In retrospect, I feel like I shouldn't have done that since I probably missed out on some of the over-arching plot because of it.

>> No.8463719

She has severe PTSD due to her brother's death, so seeing dead things activates it and she just breaks.
Her route is about trying to overcome it

>> No.8463732

You didn't miss anything, it's pretty much what >>8463719 said, lots of drama that you wouldn't enjoy if you didn't like Komari. I didn't like her either by the way.

>> No.8463743
File: 479 KB, 800x600, Kyousuke1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, both of you.

>> No.8463803

The patch was included, its in the iso. Open the disc when you mount it. If I recollect.

>> No.8463809

>>8463704 again.

By the way, is Haruka's route worth playing? I don't really like her character all that much either, but I think I could play through her route if it isn't bad.

>> No.8463813

Oh wait that was YU-NO. Sorry.
I just left the disc mounted, the game isn't that long just marathon it.

>> No.8463824

I hated her and her route.

>> No.8463838


I hated her at first, but after playing through a few of the other routes I've sort of gotten used to how annoying she is.

I mostly want to play her route just so I can find out about Futaki, since she keeps showing up and there's obviously a story between her and Haruka that I probably won't find out about without playing her route.

>> No.8463844

Then do so, Futaki Kanata is a good character.

>> No.8463898
File: 44 KB, 213x300, bahga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463992

Is there any preferred route order for Kusari? I don't want to accidentaly stumble upon a "true route" that solves all the mysteries in one go and makes the others unnecessary to read.

>> No.8464000

I never finished all the routes but I don't think there's a true route or any other reason to play them in a specific order.

>> No.8464008

Ok, thanks. Just checking because I don't want to be Midori no Umi'ed again.

>> No.8464013

So what's the route order for Midori no Umi?
Thinking of playing that.

>> No.8464026

You always do the bad ends and choose the wrong choices.

>> No.8464028

Midori no Umi peaks at the twins route.
Everything else is kinda irrelevant.

>> No.8464044

I stopped playing after getting spoilered, but finishing the twin and Sara's routes *seems* to unlock the true route (which is stupid since you probably haven't played other heroine's routes yet). MnU's choice points are really stupid and confusing, so if you just want the specific answers which you should avoid they are:

The decision point with 3 choices (Michiru hugging Kai CG in chapter 4), don't pick
or with the decision point after that don't pick
これ以上望んで、別な道を探す. (other one seems to lead to Haina's route)

Oh, and stay out of extra mode since it's plastered with spoilers even before you have finished the damn game.

>> No.8464045

Hatsuyuki and Dracu-Riot released their crossover videos.

To be honest all the characters in The Dracu-Riot video are kinda lacking character/personality.

>> No.8464061

Some of the good endings in Midori no Umi are more fucked up than the bad ones.
Michiru and Tsumugi get "And they lived happily ever after" ends? Seriously? They killed children for fucks sake.

>> No.8464148

I just finished the fandisc of Gyakushuu 4, and I have to say I'm quite annoyed by how unfair some things were. Spoilers below, it may be a nukige but it still has a respectable storyline.

Myria is the only one on her side who cares about her country. (Frey is a non-character, you could replace her with a blow-up doll with 秩序 on it and you'd have the same effect.) She has her faults, but she's the only character you could possibly feel bad for, and she gets (psychologically speaking) the worst treatment. She's just a scared child, who has to worry about the future of the country as well as her own, and puts all her hopes and faith in her traitorous whore of a mother. After all the suffering she goes through, she finally snaps and becomes awesome, to the point of essentially hacking the MC out of existence and becoming the Tentacle Empress.

And then comes the fandisc, which opts to show her going through MORE suffering and humiliation, as an alternative to her good ending. We get the most boring character in the game humiliating her and unleashing a lifetime of pent-up sadism on the poor girl, in the worst possible time and place (and with an annoying shit-eating grin on her face). Apologize to your mother, she says. Yes, Myria, you should totally apologize to the mother whose first thought when she realized she was fucked was to use you AND the country as a diversion so she can run away, and who then betrayed you both because she wanted more protagonist dickings. (Tentaclings. Whatever.) And you totally deserve to get raped and humilated in public, in front of the country you tried to save until you got mindfucked so severely you just stopped caring. Seriously, people, she's been raped, had her dignity crushed to dust, raped again, mindfucked, and just when she's getting some respite from it all, she has to be robbed of it?

>> No.8464152 [DELETED] 

I know it's an alternative scenario, but why couldn't it be something else? Anything? I know that hoping for more awesomeness is too much, but anything would be better than this cruelty. And the best part? Everyone else gets happy fun time in the fandisc. Even her mother, who deserves it least of all. Myria is just crying all along. I understand that making me write all this is a sign of quality in writing or characterization, but there's a point where it just becomes horribly unfair, especially given that everyone else is having fun.

This is even worse than Rei&Fuuko and the extra story in LILITH-IZM 07, which I won't comment on now. But one thing the two have in common is that the girl in question looks perfectly happy on the cover art, but when you play it the content slaps you in the face with a big NOPE made of dry shit.

tl;dr: I mad.

PS: I must say I appreciated the hilarity of the MC becoming the medieval equivalent of a kimowota in that one bad ending.

>> No.8464153

I know it's an alternative scenario, but why couldn't it be something else? Anything? I know that hoping for more awesomeness is too much, but anything would be better than this cruelty. And the best part? Everyone else gets happy fun time in the fandisc. Even her mother, who deserves it least of all. Myria is just crying all along. I understand that making me write all this is a sign of quality in writing or characterization, but there's a point where it just becomes horribly unfair, especially given that everyone else is having fun.

This is even worse than Rei&Fuuko and the extra story in LILITH-IZM 07, which I won't comment on now. But one thing the two have in common is that the girl in question looks perfectly happy on the cover art, but when you play it the content slaps you in the face with a big NOPE made of dry shit.

tl;dr: I mad.

PS: I must say I appreciated the hilarity of the MC becoming the medieval equivalent of a kimowota in that one bad ending.

>> No.8464198

After all the suffering she goes through, she finally snaps and becomes awesome, to the point of essentially hacking the MC out of existence and becoming the Tentacle Empress.

This piqued my interest, so I tried to check the game out, but oh Jesus just look at Gorga and his mantits. I don't think I can play this without having fits of laughter every time he appears. They should've given his three sizes, I bet he has the largest bust in the game.

>> No.8464217

You should see Gonell. He's even bigger. I think the men are decent-looking on average, with the extremes taken by Emra (you'll see) and Ritton (a cute shota who even has an H-scene).

>> No.8464304

Okay, foolproof.
Download this
and after install paste the crack here >>8460679 in the folder and it should work perfectly.

>> No.8464787

What is this book doing on the Nitroplus website? I don't remember the author writing any VNs for them.

>> No.8464801

He wrote the novel adaptation of Madoka.

>> No.8464833

That's... quite a distant relation, alright.

>> No.8465068

Yeah the Gyakushuu series always makes the main obsessed with a single female, they're always the most boring, and the story always revolves around them.

If it was a bit more flexible with character treatment it would be a better series. It's still great.

>> No.8465175

so what are some good eroge/japanese culture torrent sites aside from nyaa?

I am a plebeian please help me

>> No.8465280 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 1022x575, muramasa FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the re:blade segment in Muramasa FD.
This was incredibly emotionally scarring with the last sentence at the end..

>> No.8465298

I'd say play it. I used to not like her but I started liking her during her route. She's a good girl. Her comments during baseball practice are pretty funny too.

>> No.8465340

deadfrog has torrents
erogedownload has download links
the ftp is pretty good too

>> No.8465574

>>8463667 again.

By the way, just thought I'd post a useful tidbit of information for anyone trying to play Clannad, or any other multi-UMD game on a hacked PSP, because it took me hours to figure out. You need to use the Sony NP9660 UMD driver with takka's Disc Change plugin. The M33 driver and the Inferno driver won't recognize that the ISO has been changed.

>> No.8465601

Thanks for the help.
I was just about ready to give up altogether.

>> No.8465916

Found it in Share, currently downloading it at a good pace.

>> No.8466066

Finally got a PSP last week so I tried some VN that looked interesting.
I did セカンドノベル so far that was VERY good, great writing in particular.
Next I'm thinking of doing Hoshizora Planet since it's supposed to have a new route.

>> No.8466096
File: 179 KB, 640x360, c20100708_secondnovel_05_cs1w1_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Be sure to check out Shoin from the same writer if you didn't already.

>> No.8466177

Yeah it's in my backlog, same for 2nd Love.

>> No.8466197

I recently started F/SN and I'm still playing through the prologue, i just got done fighting lancer with archer, but couldn't find his master, how much longer is the prologue?

>> No.8466202

It ends very shortly actually.
Another 15-20 minutes, I'd say.

>> No.8466215


I have a question about the ftp. Do the VN downloads there need cracks? I downloaded some, but most came without cracks or such things.

>> No.8466217

Been reading 海からくるもの due to the posts above.
It's definitely pretty interesting, I like how all the characters are pretty fucked up.
How long it is?

>> No.8466233


Most vn don't need cracks, some do come with no-cd alpha rom crack.

>> No.8466306

Expect only the demented when it comes to FlyingShine.

Not sure, still reading it myself. I'm guessing the average 30 hour length.

>> No.8466331

It doesn't look that long to me but we'll see.
And yeah it's by Flyingshine, I'm surprised I had never heard of this title before.
At least so far I have no complain with the storytelling though I don't really like rape

>> No.8466632

What are ALL ftps /jp/ use?
I know only about vdz...

Also, how would I upload something to ftps?

>> No.8466644

> What are ALL ftps /jp/ use?
Learn to search for yourself. If you can't even do that, you don't deserve other people's bandwidth.
> Also, how would I upload something to ftps?
With an FTP client. Under standard FTP you use the PUT command, but with modern graphical clients like FileZilla you can just drag and drop.

>> No.8466651


Thank you, I will keep searching on the archive. For now I only found vdz...

Anyway, soon I will be uploading content

>> No.8466693

What'cha got that's upload worthy?

>> No.8466698


Onani Master Kurosawa plus the bonus novel.

Just collected them all (31chapters plus extra piece).

>> No.8466907


Speaking of FlyingShine, anyone have any idea where to find a working torrent for Pieta ~Shiawase no Aoi Tori~?
Been sitting at 7.1% on the only one I could find for a few months now.

>> No.8466925

Is there any way to rip the images from a VN?

Specifically FSN

>> No.8466989

No, it is completely impossible. HCG packs are trojans.

>> No.8466998

I was asking how, not if it was possible or not, sorry for the bad wording.

>> No.8467103

I've been enjoying Forest. It's a very sweet game.

>> No.8467101
File: 101 KB, 656x455, yu-n0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8467111

Anyone know anything about the stack overflow error in yuno?

I got the pre-patched version, but it won't load my savedata. I've tried running the 3 different exes but I get the same error with each. Unfortunately google gives me "y u no stack overflow". I'm on winxp and I've tried compatibility mode.

I'll try a full reinstall later tonight

>> No.8467136

Very late to the party, but I'm trying to play Wordsworth, but it keeps telling me that d3drm.dll is missing.

I got the game through the ftp by the way which had a bunch of files in the rar.

>> No.8467139

Extract YUNO to your harddisk driver.
Import Classic.reg
Mount crClassic.iso while play the game.

>> No.8467206

So can anyone link me a program that does this?

>> No.8467242



>> No.8467252

I found that but all the images are dead and the link to the english one is dead.

>> No.8467379

I downloaded Crass, the one that's linked in the last page. I don't know if it's considered good overall, but I tried it on an old Cybele game and it worked just fine.

>> No.8467380
File: 341 KB, 628x818, 1289476431642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bible Black a VN?

It's the only one I've ever played and I enjoyed it greatly.

Is there anything similar to it?

>> No.8467500


>> No.8467523

If i remember correctly, it actually has a sequel that hasn't been translated. I could be full of shit though.

>> No.8467536

How do you get the 2 Normal endings in Muv-Luv? The walkthrough says "Save point for Normal ending" in Sumika's route, so just loaded that up after getting the good end, chose the other option, got a scene with Tama, and now the game is proceeding as normal. Do I have to play through the whole rest of the end picking the wrong choices or what?

>> No.8467633


Full reinstall fixed it for me. I think it was because I originally installed the japanese version then decided to replace the folder with the prepatched version which fucked shit up

>> No.8468531

Shittiest promo ever?
Shittiest promo ever.

>> No.8468858

I'm still stuck in Tsukasa's route of Hatsuyuki Sakura, but I hate her with a passion, especially her voice, speaks like she was mentally challenged.

>> No.8468877

Bro. Hatsuyuki Sakura isn't out.

>> No.8468880

Oh shit, meant Natsuyume Nagisa.
Got them mixed up a bit.

>> No.8468926

I just came here to say fuck you Japanese readers, you make me feel like shit. It's like I'm a loser inside a group of losers. I lose my motivation every time I see a kanji I don't know. I've been exposed to Japanese for 5 fucking years and I can't read a VN properly.

>> No.8468979

Skip that route, it's the shittiest and most useless by far.
The others are better

>> No.8468981

So I won't miss anything at all by skipping it?
Good to know, I've been wanting to do Hitsuji's for a while.

>> No.8468984

You'll miss a few foreshadowing but not much

>> No.8469000

The opening of Grisaia no Meikyuu in good quality

>> No.8469003

I really have high hopes for it, kinda makes me wish Yuuji was voiced.

>> No.8469009

I think shota Yuuji should be voiced at least

>> No.8469014

played tsukihime

everyone had really long necks

since finding Kagetsu Tohya isn't simple I figure it's not that good?

>> No.8469019
File: 142 KB, 1024x771, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infiltrated orange planet. Sleeping with their women.
This game just wont end. Im playing the "el cielo" path and its just as long as the original paths, if not longer

>> No.8469026

Shota Yuuji probably has some H sceen with Asako.

>> No.8469331

That would be even worse.

I hate it when MC's are only partially voiced.

>> No.8469445

Does an alternative for vnddl exist yet?
I'm pretty new to this stuff, sorry

>> No.8469516

Try /jp/'s ftp, info should be in the archive.

>> No.8469563

Are you talking about this one?
I'm sorry, but I can't find jack shit in there about it

>> No.8469568

Or this one?

>> No.8469579

Just delete the spaces in the link it has and enter the username and pass there when your browser asks for it.

>> No.8469594

Yeah her route was terrible. Unfortunately killed any interest I had in the game.

>> No.8469658

Got it, thanks!

>> No.8469700

Currently reading 巨乳ファンタジー and liking it far too much

>> No.8469702

Just started Amagami + on PSP. Dat Mahjong.

>> No.8469954

I'm actually having a hard time imagining someone pulling off all his drill-instructor lines well

>> No.8470205

Majikoi S is out.
Getting it though I don't intend to read it immediately.

>> No.8470209

Oh and it's 9gb.

>> No.8470218

How do they manage to make it so big?
It's not like the art/music quality is high.

>> No.8470220

welp, there go three days of waiting for the thing to finish

>> No.8470224

There is like a hundred VAs in it.
Also animated cut scenes and Japan fucking suck at encoding/compressing.

>> No.8470225

Damn. I assume most of the data in a typical VN installation is audio files, but what's making this game so huge?

>> No.8470227

>There is like a hundred VAs in it.
But it's not like there aren't other releases with similar length. I mean, there may be more, but it's still the same linecount voice-wise.
Though japan does suck at compression.

>> No.8470250

I wonder if that's true.
For example Oretsuba is 3.77mb of text and has a voice file of 1gb
Majikoi is 3.01mb of text and has a voice file of 3gb.

Considering both are heavily focused on dialogues or character interactions that's a big difference.
So maybe they just suck that much at compressing in Minato-soft

>> No.8470262

Torrent up somewhere yet?

>> No.8470272

Whelp, I think I'll put that off for a few weeks till I can get home and torrent without issues rather than deal with whatever shit tier DDL sites remain.

>> No.8470283

No, it's being put little by little in Share.

>> No.8470336

VDZ need to add more untranslated VNs for people like me.

>> No.8470375

Why so many people switch to Linux?
Many softwares aren't compatibles.

>> No.8470415

Because it's trendy to not use windows.

>> No.8470624

Does the full edition release of Tsuyokiss need a crack?
Figure I might as well go grab it now, considering the download I'm using is taking a while, just in case.

>> No.8470638

Little by little? All of it is on Share. My download is about 5gb done, shouldn't take too long.

>> No.8470650

It is completely necessary to read Aguni before Myth, right?

>> No.8470658

Still no torrents?

>> No.8470664

This is just stupid... You can't fully enjoy a hobby like eroge with Linux.
Well, I do agree Windows has issues and isn't great but it's still pretty useful.

>> No.8470675

Aguni is contained in Myth.
Though the standalone Aguni has some bad ends that the Aguni in Myth doesn't, some of these bad ends are pretty interesting.

But I'd recommend reading Myth directly, do Aguni when you'll be prompted to.

>> No.8470689

Thanks, I found a downlaod for it that is about to finish, so maybe I'll kep it around.
But that's nice and practical. I've seen myth praised a lot but no mention of Aguni at all, so I was curious.

>> No.8470720

Aguni is really good, but it doesn't really reach anything above simply "interesting" until it's correlated with Myth, imo. The self contained story line was really novel though, I enjoyed Aguni thoroughly. It's such a shame that Kaeru doesn't nearly live up to it's standards, though they aren't exactly comparable. I'm crossing my fingers for Mysterious Cabaret and Myth Start/End to be released sometime within the next decade

On an entirely unrelated side note, what are some eroge with really powerful speeches and dialogue? Doesn't have to be of the same genre or nature, but using speeches in Muramasa and MLA as a standard. I've been playing Dies Irae, and finding that it has monologues in fights of extremely high caliber, but I'd also like to explore other options for the sake of taking a break, since DI is ridiculously long.

>> No.8470729

Oh yeah Kaeru was released?
Completely forgot about it

>> No.8470753

Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai or pretty much anything by Jackson
Grisaia no Kajitsu and mostly everything by Fujisaki (Yukiuta, Draculius)
Second Novel on PSP
Comyu and Ruitomo, also the common part of Hanafubuki from the same writer is incredibly well written for some reason.
Rakuen ~Ai Kawarazu na Boku no Baii~
Paradise Lost and Kajiri Kamui Kagura if you like the writing in Dies Irae

These eroge are at the top for the dialogues and speeches.
Also Umi kara kuru mono for something I'm reading right now has some really good dialogues too.

If you want something light and not too long I'd recommend Rakuen

>> No.8470793

Alright thanks. I'll give Second Novel and Rakuen a try in a bit. Played or intend to play the other ones.

>> No.8470922

Umm are Share's connection attempts supposed to return like 75% errors? This is my firsttime firing up Share on this new computer and I don't remember if my old one had this much errors.

>> No.8471012

How is paradise lost?
I mean, compred to Dies Irae and KKK, I really enjoyed these two.

>> No.8471040

It's good, not as refined as DI or KKK but it has some badass moments.
The setting is also pretty good, a dieing cyberpunk dystopia.
I want to see how Mercurius hijacked that world to make the DI universe, fucking write it Masada.

>> No.8471049

Nice to know, now I'll try to see if I can find a working download.

>> No.8471056 [SPOILER] 
File: 156 KB, 800x600, not a single fuck was given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd read the fuck out of it. Still hoping his new project whose "keywords overlap" with Higashide's chuuni is about the previous Thrones in his cosmogony

>> No.8471064

I'd read it if they did something with his voice.
For a villain, sounding creepy is just fine, but I'm not readng the whole thing with that voice, make him do a Ren voice or something

>> No.8471081

Well he probably spoke more "normally" during his younger days
His slow "I never take anything seriously" voice is probably due to spending millions and millions of years repeating the same events again and again and again.

>> No.8471089

I just couldn't take him throwing galaxies or whatev er the last fight was about to Reinhadt with that voice seriously. I seriously couldn't.
At least he got a good end, more or less.

>> No.8471090
File: 74 KB, 800x600, restinpeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Paradise Lost was entertaining enough but nothing really amazing. Nice setting but the only characters I liked were Ryle/Nacht and Judas.
Can't compare to Dies Irae and KKK since I haven't played them (yet).

>> No.8471200

Talking about light, today/tomorrow KKK's soundtrack is released.
I hope for good rips.

>> No.8471495
File: 183 KB, 800x600, 17309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's gorgeous and it's free.

>> No.8471606
File: 66 KB, 643x400, yuno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you think that i need to bother for the secret endings?

>> No.8471615

If you want a better ending for your heroines, then yes.

>> No.8471693
File: 165 KB, 814x638, annoying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8471742
File: 185 KB, 1949x2609, ntu73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit slow but Masada posted this on his twitter, looks like it will be the base for a CG in the CS version of Dies Irae.
Doesn't really fit Rusalka's image so I guess it's a CG for Anna of the Rea's after world, does it mean there will be a full LotusxAnna scenario?

>> No.8471753
File: 664 KB, 811x633, chinamichinami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

More like best imouto ever.

>> No.8471756

People who hate Chinami should just die.
The change of her VA in the fandisk was the greatest loss of our time

>> No.8471787

As a beginner, who was just reccomended/just discovered yume miru kusiri thanks to a friend and /jp/, THANK YOU ALL I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH AND I LOVE NEKOKO/HIROKO. Ive cried thrice to the ending scene, thank you all so much for helping me find that VN.

>> No.8471814
File: 675 KB, 811x633, isuzudie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8471868

New thread >>8471858
