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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 530x580, taking_it_easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8458787 No.8458787 [Reply] [Original]

take it easy /jp/

>> No.8458799

Are you the real Tokiko or the fake Tokiko?

I'd say you are fake. But why you must go under that name? Are you feeling lonely?

>> No.8458801
File: 50 KB, 453x435, 1326775612475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy! bros

>> No.8458809

There's no fake Tokiko. It's just him making up excuses for his failures.

>> No.8458824

He is on here for like 24 hours a day in that case. I think he is making me autistic. That i actually notice it.

>> No.8458827

Does this look like Tokiko to you?

>> No.8458855

Yes melancholic and lovesick. Seems like him.

>> No.8458859

Lualdi just fuck off

>> No.8458867

That's not me

>> No.8458869

What's the story behind this picture?

>> No.8458875

Do not confuse me with her.

Send me an email and I'll confirm that I'm not Lualdi/miao/Jessica/`naz'/whatever it is.

>> No.8458877

I don't use a tripcode, faggot. Nice try.

>> No.8458886

His name is Joseph. It's the first name I knew him by way before he started doing all this shit.

>> No.8458895

;_; that's sad how he degraded into a fucking attention whore who just can't stop being a retarded moron.
It's always tragic to watch friends go off the deep end and become faggots. I recently found out some of my old friends became bronies

>> No.8458899

I don't know who you are

Before the attention whoring I was role playing on sonic fan forums. It's not my fault this guy didn't know how much of a faggot I am.

>> No.8458901

So, he's the fake, shitposting Tokiko. Now it makes sense.

>> No.8458902

And now everyone knows :(
I feel sorry for you but not enough to talk to you again

>> No.8458907

I don't want to talk with you anyway, mystery jerk.

>> No.8458909

Heh, good :)
then we are both happy

>> No.8458911

I'm never happy

>> No.8458916

Well maybe that's because you push everyone away. Ah well, it's not my problem. Enjoy depression!

>> No.8458919

why are you so mean to me anon-kun

>> No.8458926

Because you are mean to everyone else. Someone has to be mean to you! Otherwise it's not fair, is it?

>> No.8458932

will you sexually abuse me the way I sexually abuse others, too?

>> No.8458956

No, I'm afraid I never want to talk to you again, really. I'm sorry! This really is your fault after all.

>> No.8458982

Is this you samefagging again, Joseph? I can't tell since you've mastered the art.

>> No.8458989

No this is someone else. I did think that someone might think it was his post while writing it because it does seem like his sort of half mocking self deprecation where nothing he says can ever be taken seriously. But no, I'm 100% serious and that isn't him.

>> No.8459048

My name's Natalie
