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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8458510 No.8458510 [Reply] [Original]

what os does /jp/ use?

>> No.8458516

Windows 7 because I am a productive member of society (I like playing eroge, wine is a pain in the ass)

>> No.8458524

Windows 7 because that's how I can be ensured to get drivers for my glorious ATI card

>> No.8458527

Windows 7 on desktop, XUbuntu on laptop. I'm currently in the process of moving my desktop to Linux.

You can't at least run it in a VM?

>> No.8458541
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At least nVidia has drivers.

>> No.8458544

ATI and AMD are actually terrible at making GPU if you do your research plus they have very bad drivers.

I would rather Dual-boot with fedora.

>> No.8458550

xp because im cool and edgy

>> No.8458562

Slackware GNU/Linux Weekly

>> No.8458569

If I had a screenshot of CirnOS I'd use it, but that joke died in 2008.


>> No.8458579

Desktop: Dual-boot Win 7 (pirated/botnet) and Xubuntu (just for the lulz)
Laptop: Win 7 (came with computer)

>> No.8458581

> neko
> for the lulz

Back to /b/ buddy

>> No.8458582

It's GNU+Linux, you dumb shit.

>> No.8458588

I use XP Pro. It's the only OS I have an actual CD and key for and for some reason pirating an OS doesn't seem like something I'd want to do.

Lightroom 4 doesn't support XP, which may force me to upgrade. I have a pretty intricate setup for my files (especially my very old MP3s, which were taken from an iPod and placed in the My Music folder) and it would take weeks to get it working flawlessly with a new OS.

>> No.8458590

Filthy, dumb, ricing scum.

>> No.8458608

win 7 on main pc, fedora 16 on the second one (just use it for sharing/mail server for notifications/tor and etc), and mac os x 10.7 on a 3rd one (connected to tv, just watching animu on that one)

>> No.8458640

Pirating 7 is very simple and not dangerous

>> No.8458645

Laptop: Gentoo + xfce w/ FDE
Desktop: Gentoo + awesome

>> No.8458654

>I am part of over 20 botnets and I don't even know it!

>> No.8458656

Laptop: XP
Desktop: 7

>> No.8458659

vista because that's what it came with when they gave me this laptop as present and I'm too retarded to know how to switch to 7 without fucking up royally
I just browse internet and play porn powerpoints on it anyways
