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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8457887 No.8457887 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, how did you learn Japanese?

I didn't

>> No.8457896

I believed in my kokoro, and never akiramemashita.

>> No.8457894
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>> No.8457898

I use translate.google, and try to force the result into something readable by sheer force of will.

>> No.8457900


>> No.8457901

Took 101 to get me started. It forced me to memorize hiragana and katakana as well as some basic grammar. After that I went solo with the AJATT method.

>> No.8457903

>You will never meet a young beautiful neighbor while living in a Japanese city then move to the with her Japanese countryside and live happily ever after.

>> No.8457906

Same story, basically. Took the first couple of classes in the series, then Tae Kim, then grinding vocab with Anki. Going alright so far.

>> No.8457909

I've been learning Norwegian lately!

Jeg elsker deg!

>> No.8457918

It's not impossible...


>> No.8457915
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I downloaded subtitles.

>> No.8457912

When I was a child.
I'm japanese of course.

>> No.8457914

I've been considering learning Icelandic so I can move to the most beautiful country in da whole ubivervsese

>> No.8457923

Good luck if you decide on doing it! Norwegian's easier than French was for me, so far....

>> No.8457925
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There, there.


>> No.8457929

H0mu taught me.

>> No.8457936


>> No.8457945


>> No.8457951

The problem with Japanese is that for most people who surf English imageboards, Japanese is so far removed from any language they're familiar with.
I feel for Japanese students who have to learn English for the same reason.

>> No.8457979
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Stop lying, mang

>> No.8457982

This guy is fucking amazing.

>> No.8457986

Japanese is dead simple grammatically. It's just the writing system that people have trouble with. But once you get used to it, it's not that bad.

>> No.8458000

Atleast I won't have to learn word genders. Seriously, fuck that.

>> No.8458009

>no word genders.
I can't understand how a "global" language can be this poor.

>> No.8458030

His handwriting is so bad oh god

>> No.8458043

Yea, and he makes a lot of grammar mistakes.

>> No.8458047
File: 104 KB, 300x474, cbl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid frog, god that thing is hideous, I always wanna turn around go back and shoot the shit out of it

hmm, as a matter of fact...whee, lets kill it! woohoo

stupid frog

>> No.8458071

put a shirt on there's perverts on this site

>> No.8458077
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>> No.8458081

Doze tail bloomers.

>> No.8458096

僕は今まで「Input Hypothesis」と言う方法に従って勉強しています。数年の結果で簡単のゲーム

>> No.8458218
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>> No.8458263


No underage.


>> No.8458286


>> No.8458443
File: 115 KB, 640x429, 110909newhorizon-thumb-640x429-41158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been studying Japanese in "Input Hypothesis" method.
It makes me understand the game and anime briefly, but my Japanese writing ability is no more than this sentense.
I'm a poor Japanese speaker, too.
When I explain more complicated Japanese questions to someone, I always talk about a grammar.
But I learned to enjoy Japanese media a bit.

English is much more difficult for me. (Dhisu izu riaru Ingurissyu.)

>> No.8458488


What is that from?

>> No.8458530

New Horizon for adult.
"New Horizon" is a famous English textbook in Japanese junior highschool.

>> No.8458535


>> No.8458565


Japanese grammar isn't simple, it's just unusually regular compared to Western languages, like many other languages from that part of the world. Also, idioms and the way people arrange their thoughts in Japanese aren't by any means predictable, regardless of what can be said about the actual language. There's more to it than just grammar and writing.
