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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8456010 No.8456010 [Reply] [Original]

You free a magician from captivity. In thanks he will offer you the only spell he knows.

He will turn you into a 9 year old girl. BUT, you will NEVER BE ABLE TO AGE AGAIN! Oh no!

Do you take him up on his offer?

>> No.8456019

Does anyone know if girls that young climax? I'm a guy and I don't remember masturbating at that age but I don't think I was unable to have an orgasm.

>> No.8456039

My extensive library on this topic assures me that yes, they can.

>> No.8456045

Uh does it have to be nine?
I'd rather be 12 or 13, that's the best age.

>> No.8456058

Does your library consist of loli hentai, or scientific data?

>> No.8456069

This is a really dumb thread.

Also this.

>> No.8456091

sure but that costs extra, now, you NEVER get to have your period!

>> No.8456099

It seems very credible, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.8456105

OP, are you suggesting anyone would ever say no to such an offer?

>> No.8456121

Yes because now, YOU CAN'T DIE!

>> No.8456122

Wow, this just keeps getting worse and worse!

>> No.8456128

You can't age. You can still die quite easily.
It's like you take but one sip of the Hourai elixer.

>> No.8456147

Well then I guess that'd be fine, as long as I could still masturbate and orgasm. A little older would be nice though, like 10 or 11. I have a 9 year old cousin and she seems really young.

Or maybe because she's a little dim she seems so young. She once believed my aunt when she was told that one of those big black bumblebees was God himself. She's adopted, comes from a bit of an abusive home where she was molested.

>> No.8456159

I would get raped by niggers all day every day. No thanks.

>> No.8456162

I want to be a 9 years old little girl but i'm afraid of rape

>> No.8456163

Your aunt seems like a bit of a cunt, to be frank.

>> No.8456165


Are you kidding? In a second.

>> No.8456166

But isn't that /jp/s dream? Embrace the little girl and be surrounded by dicks.

>> No.8456167

If my own penis is anything to judge by, the average black penis likely wouldn't fit inside a loli, let alone one as young as nine years old.

>> No.8456179


You should totally clear the adopted cousin with a tortured past route. I bet it's really fun to complete.

>> No.8456175

Eh, she messed around with me when I was younger too. Dipped my pacifier into coffee grounds, pushed me in the pool, threw hail in my face, scared the hell out of me on Halloween, ect.

My whole family messes around with the younger children.

>> No.8456182

Also despite what doujins and H-manga would have you believe, trying to fit too big penis inside a vagina really doesn't feel pleasant for either party.
Not that I have experience on the matter, but I have friend who does.

>> No.8456190

So, Pedo/General?

>> No.8456189

I suppose the closest /jp/ could come to it would be jacking off while holding your dick too tightly.

>> No.8456188

9yo girl, biological immortality. Sure. Id kinda like to know how I managed to save a magician from captivity though.

>> No.8456193


I seem to recall an odd thread about training a week or two ago. It seemed oddly plausible if somewhat disturbing.

>> No.8456194

I would take him up on his offer if:

1. I would turn into a 16 - 18 year old girl instead. I can't really drive my car as a 9 year old and I kind of like drinking booze every once in a while.
2. I can't die from old age.
3. The spell alters things like my birth certificate and my driver's license.
4. I'm very cute and my three sizes are small.
5. I move, talk, and act like an actual girl, not like a man that is suddenly a girl.

>> No.8456204


I sometimes choke the fuck out of it until it hurts. I rather like it. I keep wanting to get a tiny onahole to jam my cock into to see if I get a similar effect.

>> No.8456211

Only if I'm an attractive 9 year old girl. One that's very pale and with shining platinum blonde hair. I'd also prefer to have very pink nipples that are relatively small but not too small and long legs and a torso that's not too short. I don't want to have one of those childish bellies and baby fat, I'd prefer to be skinny.

>> No.8456215

I imagine you get to look like your ideal little girl.

>> No.8456232

I don't think a rapist would go through the time to stretch out a loli's vagina.

>> No.8456245

Well if he wanted to keep her.

>> No.8456247 [SPOILER] 
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>... I don't want to have one of those childish bellies...
You just ruined it for me.

>> No.8456279
File: 694 KB, 1000x1318, 5912007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the magician also let me change appearance whenever I want? Eventually my テロリズム would catch up with me, and the nature of my crimes could get me tried as an adult in some states.

>> No.8456284

Not /jp/-related. Yes, I know about the "little girl" meme and that OP posted a Touhou picture.

>> No.8456294

reported for being a newfag and trolling

>> No.8456304

>newfag and trolling

Go back to /a/.

>> No.8456314

If I get to keep my mind and current knowledge, definitely.

>> No.8456320

reported for trolling

>> No.8456325

But the best about being a little girl is having the mind of a little girl

>> No.8456332

By this statement I imaging you wish to be a completely different person. I think you should kill your self and get it over with.

>> No.8456359

No, this is /jp/'s dream:

>> No.8456417

why the fuck not?
i can finally become a little girl
and with immortality

>> No.8456452

I feel like I have the soul of a little girl. I act like one when there's no one around, but I wouldn't want to lose the thing I've come to know as my "self". Being able to retain my mind means that I can continue to pursue intellectual pursuits despite my inability to mature physically (which would be perfect).

>> No.8456618

Can he teach me magic? Or do I lack magic circuits and thus cannot master it?

>> No.8458547

We're all little girls, as long as we believe.

>> No.8458560

>He will turn you into a 9 year old girl.
Sorry, OP, but that was a really bad choice.
