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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 807 KB, 800x600, mok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8453801 No.8453801 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/ers. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Picture related, the image for my first try at making UNTZ UNTZ music: http://youtu.be/PnzbjSHDYB0

>> No.8453812

Too many presets!!!!

>> No.8453818

Mokou will never love you.

>> No.8453825

Might as well ask here, are there any programs similar to RPG maker but less bad/more flexible?

>> No.8453840
File: 730 KB, 1026x986, Frida_Kmji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this for a thread yesterday but I'd rather deliver it here, objectively is not OC since I just butchered art and applied some filters and colours so if it's not the place tell me and I'll delete it.

>> No.8453851

The beginning was really nice, after that it was a bit... too much. Well, you are still practicing I suppose?

>> No.8453888

Its my first practice, so yes. I'll keep trying.

>> No.8453890

That's where Komeiji idea come from? Wow those whores are ugly.

>> No.8453993

Those stock samples! Those synths! This can only be Fruity Loops. A fine piece of work.

>> No.8454003

This image will haunt me forever.

>> No.8454016

For every software creation tool goes the rule: the more it does for you, the more difficult it becomes to customize it. RPG Maker does almost everything for you, but is very restrictive in what you can make with it. More advanced tools like Game Maker allow you to do more, but it takes more effort to do it. Popular game engine Unity gives you lots of control mainly by allowing you to choose which of its elements to use and which ones not to use, but even then you can only build as a Unity .exe (with all the excess baggage) and you can't turn off main features such as the physics system (even if you're not using it). To go even further, you can use a programming language like C# with a game engine like XNA, but even then you're dependant on certain things XNA does. If you go even further by programming EVERYTHING you're almost free, only dependent on the operating system you're working with. The only completely limitless method is programming in assembly (computer language) to directly control the computer, in which case you're only limited by the computer's hardware.

>> No.8454019

That's the self-portrait of an ugly whore, so I can see where you're coming from.

>> No.8454028
File: 23 KB, 225x228, !.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple-chan by biskoi

>> No.8454030

Um, it's by apple himself

>> No.8454032

Sorry, I didn't know that.

>> No.8454040

Uh, you did it backwards. Koishi's based on the one on the left, I'm pretty sure. See the severed artery and torn heart?

>> No.8454044

Pretend the hearts are eyes. Which eye is open and which is not?

>> No.8454088 [DELETED] 

Since the original color scheme suggested that right one was Koishi I decided to do it that way.
It was confusing, the idea is:
open eye= working .
open heart= ?.

>> No.8454103
File: 91 KB, 729x733, two_fridas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the original color scheme suggested that right one was Koishi I decided to do it that way.
It was confusing, the idea is:
open eye= working .
open heart= ?.

>> No.8454110
File: 1.89 MB, 1500x2000, 1265041659737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a thing I made some time ago. Letty's theme remix, rock with some synth.

>> No.8454128

I making something in fl.

>> No.8454138

Is game maker a solid piece of software?
I just got a simple idea that I *could* realize in RPG maker, but I'd have to make my own graphics anyway, and it'd still look bad due to its inherent design limitations.
I'm not interested in learning programming... yet.

>> No.8454162

I haven't used Game Maker in years but it was actually pretty damn good. I mean it's all drag and drop but it's very "open" with what you can do.
The only downsides are that it's shareware now and all Web 2.0 because of some company buying it. Plus I think it's still Windows-only because Delphi, and the runtime is like 2mb (this really mattered in the early 2000s, not sure if it does now).

Though as a protip you should learn the scripting language it uses. It's easy and pretty C/C++-like so it's a good way to get into programming. After all, the drag and drop icons are basically just snippets of code. Like "move left five pixels" would just be "x = x-5" or "x -= 5".

>> No.8454162,1 [INTERNAL] 


/jp/'s Original Content Thread #60

>> No.8454162,2 [INTERNAL] 

Previous thread >>8380212

>> No.8454725
File: 78 KB, 694x745, paintchat-12-01-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8454767


>> No.8454824 [DELETED] 

/jp/ content only please. Draw us something else.

>> No.8454848

Go fuck yourselves. Not all OC needs to be Touhou.

>> No.8454999
File: 1.40 MB, 2048x1024, settei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8455406
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, P4287010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a track using Sherlock Shellingford's voice from S02E02
I love my gameboy


>> No.8455423

Those are some nice tracks, got some info on how you made them?

>> No.8455450

LSDJ on a GB USB SmartCard64
I have made almost all of my own kits for the wave channel
DMG01 with prosound and backlite

You can emulate the software on computers to play around with it, but you won't get the same sounds unless you run the software through an actual DMG. I have tried running on my DS and it sounded like piss.


>> No.8456078

/jp/ is not only about Touhou, miserable faggot. Go back to /a/.

>> No.8456198

Hey, hey, did you see what image sparked this debate? It was fan art for a VISUAL NOVEL. It may not be a visual novel the majority of /jp/ likes, but at least it's something different from the usual non-stop stream of Touhou pictures.

The OC thread is for any OC, even if not about directly /jp/-related subjects. Attacking people for drawing something else than the usual Touhou drawings (and in this case even still a fully /jp/-related subject) will turn this board into pooshlmer.

OC threads need more VN fanart.

>> No.8456758

KS belongs to /a/, it doesn't belong here even if it is a VN.
This is the /jp/ OC thread, not the /a/ or /v/ OC thread, so the contents of it should be /jp/-related.

I couldn't care any less for Touhou drawings and I actually dislike the fact that there's so much of it in here. This thread should encourage ORIGINAL content above all (which actually happens) so please don't say I'm attacking people simply because it's not Touhou. In fact I would love to see VN fanart in here.

>The OC thread is for any OC, even if not about directly /jp/-related subjects.
OC means Original Content. I don't see anything original in /a/ content fanart. Do you?
>(and in this case even still a fully /jp/-related subject)
It isn't. Again, KS is no mere VN that actually belongs in here, it was born in /a/, still there and shall forever be stuck in there. So don't bring it here.

>> No.8457687


>> No.8457767

>KS is no mere VN

But it is, regardless of your whining. Hell, I do not even care about it, but as long as your autism rears its ugly head, it is gonna be used to spam /jp/ until the next coming of Christ.

>> No.8457808

>Something that originated on another board couldn't possibly be discussed here.
I'm not sure whether you're trolling, or just mildly retarded. It could be both.

>> No.8457853

I'm no audio expert, but there's a bunch of clipping in there. And enable video comments goddammit.
Not bad, but the EQ could use some work; reminds of the way SOUTH OF HEAVEN sounds.
Is this based off of anything?
That's some nice stuff you got there.

>> No.8457937
File: 187 KB, 916x1140, fullrefpteraranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh..don't know if it would be ok to /r/- it here but i guess i won't lose anything trying.

Reisen as PteraRanger/Pink Power Ranger sans-helmet, bonus points if she's embarrassed.

>> No.8457947 [DELETED] 

Wonder where all the /jp/ drawers are?

>> No.8458151

In their chests?

>> No.8459122

This isn't an /r/ thread, eat shit.

>> No.8459172

Probably in a frenzy to download everything they possibly can before more things are lost.

>> No.8459704


Didn't you hear? Drawfags don't like to draw anymore...it's very disappointing too...

>> No.8459705

I'm too busy programming to draw

>> No.8459735

Hipstertastic, I like it. It's a shame they're so expensive, would be fun to try out.

>> No.8459774
File: 503 KB, 985x830, Suwako 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for the Suwako Sip thread earlier.
Well obviously I only colored it, but I feel it counts as something.
It was actually pretty funny, and I learned about using brushes.
Still, I'd like to be able to actually draw something myself.

>> No.8459832

Nice. I don't dig your tone, but that's a very subjective thing, so don't worry about it. Arrangement-wise it's pretty solid! The length is perfect for this kind of genre, too.

The drums feel a bit restrained, though. The fills were pretty weak, and the patterns were a bit boring. Try not to loop the same thing over and over too much. It sounds like a lot of work (and it is!), but it will greatly improve the dynamic of a song; plus you might even find yourself enjoying playing around with the drum beat (I know I do).

>> No.8460118

Its not. Is that bad?

>> No.8461631 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 1003x638, boogaloo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on making some short chinese cartoons, nothing too ambitious, just something like double j/fireball to keep me occupied.

But my problem is that I can't pin down a design for the main character. She needs to be assertive in order to move the narrative each episode but whenever I try to pen a design my mind keeps locking onto the Asuka archetype, which I would like to avoid.

It will largely be a cast of two, as I have only one voice and one text to speech program, so her personality can't be too overbearing. I've set up a robot companion to be her foil but I am afraid of falling into another cliche with that dynamic.

Any suggestions?

I can describe more of the general premise, if you are interested.

>> No.8461640


>> No.8461657

Yours was one of my favourites.
Go pick up a book on anatomy. Or hell, just follow DeviantART tutorials written by teenage girls. Just think: all you need to do that you haven't done already is draw a few lines.

>> No.8461671

No, not at all, I was just wondering.

>> No.8462001
File: 144 KB, 700x700, 22464120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone post your pixiv?

From /jp/, I already have these ones:

>> No.8462004

What about DeviantART?
Before anyone complains, it's a good platform. It just has a stupid average userbase.

>> No.8462019
File: 276 KB, 600x800, 24088791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind, go ahead

>> No.8462048

No, get out
You should already get everyone's since they are linked to those you posted.

>> No.8462082


>> No.8462365
File: 360 KB, 1000x1000, remilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8462416 [DELETED] 

Nice job. It looks good.

>> No.8462549

It's nice, but you can actually pinpoint the part where you stopped giving a fuck.

>> No.8462559

You mean anything past the face?

>> No.8462568

Below the bow, I'd say.

>> No.8462573

Really good stuff, I like your style.

>> No.8462598
File: 220 KB, 960x720, IMG_0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it currently.
Pencil smudges are a pain in the ass to get rid of without a kneaded eraser.

Not sure what to do for a bg, any suggestions?

>> No.8462609

How about a sunflower field?

>> No.8462611

How close would the flowers be? I feel like if they were too close, they'd distract from the focal point.

>> No.8462612 [DELETED] 

Hmm I want to see it finished. It looks like its going to be good.

>> No.8462621

Thanks! Should I keep posting progress pics?
Also, probably won't be finished for a while, in a monetary struggle and I'm out of white paint.
Gonna try to mooch some from my art class though.

I'm also thinking of doing a digital version while I wait to get more paint. What say you, /jp/?

>> No.8462624

Yeah, I'd imagine that if they were near the character it would be hard to get a clean composition. Maybe having the field far away and showing up below the line of her shoulders? I dunno man.

>> No.8462629

Mm..well, I can't paint very well, so I'll probably do that if I get around to making a digital version.

>> No.8462642 [DELETED] 

Yea do a digital version. Posting progress pics is good also.

>> No.8462655

Alrighty, I'll start that tonight.

>> No.8462959 [DELETED] 

I don't know why, but I can't seem to find the motivation to spend tons of time on one picture. After a certain point I get an uncontrollable urge to start a new drawing and leave myself with half finished crap. What's wrong with me /jp/? ;_;

>> No.8463151

That's not unusual, if you lose will to keep working on a picture there's no reason to push it.

>> No.8463171
File: 124 KB, 540x901, 12345678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, me too. These days it seems I just slap color down and push it around until I lose patience and move on to other things.

>> No.8464095

How much time did you spend on that drawing?
I love the style.
Is the lack of lineart on the background character's right shoulder purposely?

>> No.8464117
File: 154 KB, 873x634, pyro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8464120
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes for a nice wallpaper with a soft gradient.

>> No.8464123

Using this.

>> No.8464142
File: 178 KB, 1257x673, truestory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8464157
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 1272227483747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>process pictures

Here, in this picture, you can see that it doesn't have that thing, and BAM, now it does. Fucking magic.

>> No.8464171

You don't HAVE to look at them, you know.

>> No.8464331

I saw your works on /a/. Good Job, any tips for coloring?

>> No.8464487
File: 172 KB, 900x900, 132445960101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Before anyone complains, it's a good platform. It just has a stupid average userbase.

You draw on Deviant Art too? I thought I was the only one on /jp/. Brofist.

>> No.8464494

I like this picture, you should draw more anime characters as dinosaurs

>> No.8464509

Both of you, get out.

>> No.8464533

The fuck is wrong with you? Trying to fit in so much?

>> No.8464541

Take it easy, anonfriend

>> No.8464578

Practising Fairy Wars tunes with an accordion, Magus Night is quite fun to play. I'll record something whenever I get a mic and maybe a camera. Going to take a while most likely.

I occasionally upload my crap to deviantart as well, but that's not something you fucking flaunt in /jp/ for reasons that should be obvious. Take your "brofist" and go back to wherever bros go.

>> No.8464584

You know what? EVERYONE get out, you heard me.

>> No.8464618


Holy shit this guy is really butthurt about sucking at drawing.

>> No.8464676

Alright, break it off, girls. That's enough meta-discussions for one thread.

>> No.8464763

Get the fuck out.

>> No.8465040

Finally finished that song I wrote for mai waifu. It's an arrange of some of Marisa's themes. Folk, acoustic-ish, I guess.


Making this made me realize how all of Marisa's themes has this certain quality of... Marisa-ness to them, if that makes sense.

>> No.8465066

Much better than that mop you were using originally. It still looks like her arms and legs have some freaky ailment.

>> No.8465123
File: 139 KB, 312x800, seifuku001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll start working with my tablet next month instead.

>> No.8465348
File: 118 KB, 738x900, 1242763415362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting a picture of Aaeru with a crazed face using an axe to cut away at a wooden column in a building (marked 'Western market'), shouting "I'M GOING TO SAVE THE INDUSTRY!!".

You know, a bit like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni's Rena in ep1 and ep6.

(Picture naturally not mine, provided as example.)

>> No.8465355

Why give more attention to that dyke? It doesn't make sense.

You guys hate this bitch yet you constantly obsess over her/him. I don't get it.

>> No.8465365

Because he/she is Aaeru

>> No.8465375

You know it would make good /jp/ meme for a while.

>> No.8465387

Pick one.

>> No.8465423

And then you used a stupid meme yourself

>> No.8465426

Probably because they want to have sex with "her". Lust overcomes all barriers; no matter what "she" says they'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.8465436

Well, if you really want my motivations for requesting this picture...

Aaeru's latest blog post ( http://visualnovelaer.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/attention-fan-translators-do-not-sell-your-translatio
l-com/ ) read to me like the kind of story where the protagonist descends into madness, misinterpreting things and coming to inane conclusions through twisted reasoning (Higurashi ep6 is a very good example of this). I love stories and characters like that, so I wanted to see a depiction of it. That blog post would make for interesting fiction if it weren't somebody actually being that delusional.

>> No.8465548
File: 64 KB, 384x384, cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the stigma surrounding dA, so I didn't have an account until extremely recently. I don't see much a difference from it and pixiv, though. Maybe more efficient(and thus more obnoxious) comments, but that's about it.

I'll keep working on being less poor at that.

>> No.8465590

My point exactly.

>> No.8465802

to think /jp/ would forget its own past

>> No.8465839


Didn't even see that until just now. Looks better in color.

>> No.8466300 [DELETED] 

Im Interested to see how it would look on a tablet.

>> No.8466885
File: 60 KB, 679x534, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gah, I suck at drawing hands.

>> No.8466909
File: 56 KB, 345x347, 1327278287492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire thread

>> No.8467087

I want to experiment importing pencil drawings and painting them digitally as if they were a watercolour. I hope I'll be able to produce something I'll feel like sharing then.

>> No.8467229

It's not that bad. Just need to be a bit more polished.

>> No.8468026
File: 491 KB, 950x950, book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8468045

I'm on dA as well, too lazy to get myself accustomed to pixiv.

What are your usernames?

I'm Hiirana-chan.
(inb4 weeaboo, I'm Asian.)

>> No.8468061

I like how you said "Asian" and not "Japanese".

You're still a weeaboo, and most likely a dirty South East Asian.

>> No.8468062


Drawing all that background content must have taken a lot of time.

>> No.8468068

You have a weeaboo spirit, it doesn't classify by your actual ethnicity. And that's awful.
I also find retarded the fact that you can't get used to pixiv but can get used to fucking DA.

Looking forward to the colored version of that.

>> No.8468086
File: 2.97 MB, 2048x1536, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the only weeaboo thing about me now is my drawing style.
I don't watch animu/read mango/much of anything else anymore.
The only things I do are school, touhou arranges, and drawing. I don't ZOMG KAWAII DESU all over the place. But I digress.

also, digital progress. no fucking clue what I'm doing, but I'm trying.

>> No.8468115

You and Magister(as much as I love his work) may both be asian, but you are still both aiding the spread of a disease. Actually, yours is a disease upon a disease(for the love of God don't attach -chan to your own name). In any case, nobody knows whether you're asian or not by looking at your name, and honestly I don't think it matters if you're American by nationality.

>> No.8468120


Asians tend to be the biggest weeaboos. Link related


They also dislike hentai for some reason.

>> No.8468132

So....probably a pointless question,but would anyone on here like to form a small doujin circle?

I'm not to sure about the laws regarding doujin and manga in Japan.(Does it have to be porn?)But,I'd like to write a few alternate non-canon side stories for some of my favorite manga and eroge.I'd need an artist who can chameleon any style though.

I'm also willing to translate the dialogue into Japanese, if that matters,and you want to sell it at comiket or just upload it or something.

Anyone interested?

>> No.8468138


Doujin doesn't have to be porn. There are doujin that do not involve any sex or anything similar at all.

>> No.8468153

Well, I just wasn't sure.Why is so much of the stuff at comiket porn then?

If I had a circle of friends to produce creative content, I'd want to make some fan spinoffs;sort of like a short story,except with comics.

>> No.8468150


>I'm not to sure about the laws regarding doujin and manga in Japan.(Does it have to be porn?)

You're confusing doujin on 2 different levels. Firstly, doujins are technically illegal. There are no doujin artists who obtain licenses from the original copyright holder. Copyright holders usually don't care because it brings publicity. Secondly, while doujin-shi has the connotation of being pornographic, but it just means an indie work.

Also selling shit at Comiket... you'd be better off just doing internet distro at no charge.

>> No.8468157


correction, meant to say doujin adaptations of original works are technically illegal

>> No.8468159


>Why is so much of the stuff at comiket porn then?


>> No.8468162


Well, frankly, porn is what sells. People like porn more than a good story, especially the Japanese community so people would rather draw and write porn rather than a normal story. Though you do h have many who make sweet and heartwarming or normal story works as well. The majority is just pornography.

>> No.8468167

I know that.They let it slide for publicity though.

I'm just curious as to why more Japanese amateur artists don't write their own micro-arcs using their favorite manga.

>> No.8468176


Do you care about non-canon Touhou material? It's just not the same. I would never have read Star Wars fiction if they weren't officially canonized.

>> No.8468178


So,anyone want to try making doujinshi with me?

>> No.8468182

You're likely to get a better response if you put something on the table(show an example of a doujin story you have, or at least a concept). People aren't likely to offer unless they see something they really like first.

>People like porn more than a good story
In this case, I think the issue is that it's much easier to write porn than write a story that's actually good.

>> No.8468186


I concur. This is most likely your best course of action anon. What do you have to showcase? This is an OC thread after all.

>> No.8468194


>In this case, I think the issue is that it's much easier to write porn than write a story that's actually good.

No bro, people genuinely want the porn of their favorite Touhous. I couldn't care less about what some author's imagination about another SDM adventure involving Sakuya's pads, we just want the porn.

And lots of if.

If there were porn music, there would be more porn music than regular doujin music.

>> No.8468203

Speak for yourself and only yourself, even if it is somewhat true.

>> No.8468210 [DELETED] 

I made it a while back, I apologize.
Should probably migrate to a new account, but I'm far too lazy.

I can easily see that.
And personally, I love hentai. Although, not more than actual sex. My fingers aren't as good as a dick.

I can try to do cover art?
I have yet to try my hand at making actual comic pages.

>> No.8468214


There is truth in this. Though, I like porn with an interesting story. Usually if it has that I can read it, not fap, and still enjoy it...but that isn't even what's it actually for so...

>> No.8468216
File: 67 KB, 490x424, unvirgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy HELL I don't know what you think you're doing on this board.

Did you stumble upon /jp/ from google or something?

>> No.8468224

People are retarded.

And honestly, I laugh at the fact that someone that thinks doujinshi stands for fan porn wants to start a circle.

>> No.8468225

I lost my virginity last month, but have been lurking since...quite some time. I forgot when I found /jp/.
I don't really see what the fuss about being a virgin is about, it's a lot more fun imo having cosplay sex. yet another digression.

>> No.8468227

They're not. Simply creating a derivative work is not illegal. Selling it is the illegal thing.

>> No.8468238
File: 352 KB, 477x638, 1319137942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My brain just crashed from reading that post.


Yes I should've been specific. [Comiket] is largely illegal because the artists make some profit from selling their Touhou porn.

>> No.8468236

Not a whole lot yet.
I'm trying to write a Negima story that would hopefully be around 20-30 pages in comic form.It's set in the magic world.

Short version:The ruling elite of the magic world realize the ability traverse between our dimension and their's could overtime cause a severe labor shortage.In order to combat this,the development of new slave collar is initiated.This collar casts a spell on its wearer rendering them content to be a slave and obedient.In other words they never work for freedom.Yue has been allowed to return to Adriane as a study abroad student with Shizuna sensei accompanying her.After a mishap which badly damages one of the MM senator's airship,several members of the student body are faced with exorbitant fees.Yue and shizuna-sensei volunteer are enslaved to pay for it and sold to the proprietor of the Neo-Ostia bathhouse.

Is about all I have so far.

>> No.8468245

> Simply creating a derivative work is not illegal.
Tell that to all the people who were working on fan games, only to receive C&D notices (R.I.P. Chrono Trigger Resurrection and OoT 2D).
This si exactly why things like the Creative Commons exist. To explicitly say, "Hey it's okay for you to use my things." 'Default' copyright is quite strict. Even ZUN wrote up a license for doujin authors.

That said there are certain laws in most countries for things like fair use/fair dealing and parody works.

>> No.8468246


>I'm not to sure about the laws regarding doujin

Haha, good show. You got us. 10/10.

You're like some troll right?

>> No.8468247

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.8468249


Technically, drawing Mickey Mouse and posting it on the internet may not fall under Fair Use, depending on what country you're in.

>> No.8468250

Considering the past posts that were made recently I don't think he is. Sad isn't it?

>> No.8468259


It's not so black and white. For example, I can take the LOTR movies, put some fanwork for every 2000 frames, and I can call it a "derivative work."

If I distribute it, that would be a copyright violation regardless if I profit from it or not.

>> No.8468262


/jp/, you've got to stop this obsession with virginity.

I speak as a female anon first and foremost. You'll never find a female virgin above the age of 18, it's

unreasonable to expect a girl to wait that long, it's unreasonable to expect ANYONE to wait that long. But I think

any girl who waited until prom night deserves at least some respect, there are more opportunities to have sex as

a girl so you're turning down guys literally all the time. On top of that, sex is more of a temptation to us because

it feels better for a girl than it does for a guy, especially if the guy you're having sex with is experienced. So in

many ways it's not just unreasonable socially, it's biologically unreasonable too and it's being unreasonable to

any future partner who has had sex because you're not going to be able to pleasure her that effectively because

you've been hung up on outdated ideas of purity. There are still good girls out there who have had sex, there are

good girlfriend material girls out there who have even had a few flings (everyone makes mistakes, don't be so

harsh and hold people to insane standards), so go out there and look, work on yourself and maybe you can get

one! I'm just trying to help you guys you know. Because I too know what it's like to be ronery (I only had my first

boyfriend when I was 18 and was single all before that).

Oh well, maybe you'll ignore and flame me, but femanon here, signing out.

>> No.8468267

Ah, I'd like it if there was a /jp/ music circle/group, or at least someone to write music with... Working alone in the middle of the night can be very, very lonely, you know.

>> No.8468271
File: 89 KB, 140x245, stoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even know who's trolling who anymore. So much meta-trolling...

/jp/ - POST-Otaku Culture

>> No.8468274


Everyone is always trolling. Every post. Every word is a troll. Even mine, and yes, even yours. You will never be in a troll free board again.

>> No.8468275

Way to shit up one of the only good threads left in this board, faggots. Take your shitposting elsewhere, please.

Really, this a/b/v/whatever overflow is getting way out of hand. I hate every one of you. I hope everyone of you explode from being too fat.

>> No.8468277

Is this shit some kinda of copy/pasta?

>> No.8468283
File: 86 KB, 883x879, 1320869567195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I remember when /jp/ used to just abandon threads at the first sign of trolling. General threads were re-posted, and re-populated with the migrants.

This is a return to that time. We must now start actively ignoring trolls. Not even quoting the posts in the question. If there are too many trolls to ignore, just start another thread.

This is no time to be taking it easy.

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.8468300

Shut. Fucking. Up. All of you. Take the meta-discussion somewhere else. Post or discuss OC contents or don't post at all.

If I was the OP I'd remake the thread already, fuck. You know what? There should be a rule that states that an OC thread should be deleted after the 100 posts mark, because invariably the retards always come out of the woods and shit up the thread after that. Fuck. I could even make an OC depicting the correlation between time, original contents and shitposting in an OC thread.

>> No.8468310


Oh god...that's going to be a thing one day isn't it? The horror...

>> No.8468311

That's some cool OC you brought us, Mr. Hypocrite. Thanks for your hard work.

>> No.8468323

You're welcome, my dear.

>> No.8468325
File: 50 KB, 499x523, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Suika I guess

>> No.8468342

The threads wouldn't turn out so shitty after a while if they didn't attract the worst kind of posters.

We have people from other boards/other websites in these threads just to discuss their shit art even though they don't know anything about /jp/.

>> No.8468346


I don't know if I want to have the strings solo, or some sort of synth.

What synth VST are you using? Theres one I've really liked called Analog Factory by Arturia that has a pretty wide selection.

>> No.8468350
File: 99 KB, 700x494, 2df0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ah, I'd like it if there was a /jp/ music circle/group, or at least someone to write music with... Working alone in the middle of the night can be very, very lonely, you know.

I always wanted to start one. Would just need enough people interested.

>> No.8468356


Though that is the truth, you shouldn't be measuring the people who post their art on the quality of it. It's an OC thread asking for anyone to post their OC. No matter how shitty it is, so long as it's OC, you can't really complain because the thread asked for it.

>> No.8468414

Not the one you are quoting and I disagree with that. There should be at least some standards.

>> No.8468421

I do, too, but my taste is probably too far removed from the usual /jp/ denizens to make teamwork smooth. I don't enjoy too much trance or dubstep or whatever you cool kids are into nowadays...

>> No.8468448
File: 58 KB, 462x312, FETT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8468458

>You and Magister(as much as I love his work) may both be asian,

Unlike this slime, Magister is at least half-Japanese.

>> No.8468459

Me and you bro.

We'll be pioneers. Touhou Country.

>> No.8468499 [DELETED] 

So what? He's still a troll.

Fucking weeaboo.

>> No.8468503 [DELETED] 


Take it easy bro. Let's try to lessen the shit talk and let the thread return to it's normal functionality.

>> No.8468511

I'm not your "bro".

>> No.8468519 [DELETED] 

You're right. I'll delete my post.

>> No.8468536

You don't know shit about weeaboos, now get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.8468545

So, uhmmm, you groovy cats wanna take this circle idea somewhere?

>> No.8468551

I'd love to see it happening but the new /jp/ can't make anything!

>> No.8468642

I'm too scared to join a circle/group.

>> No.8468697


You should stop drawing, that looks like a turd smudge on an otherwise perfectly good piece of paper.

>> No.8468705

I'd suggest you look up a reference for the wings and breasts and redraw them before coloring them. Your coloring looks noce so far, though.

>> No.8468748

Don't worry, you're not alone. But we gotta start somewhere, right?

>> No.8468999

I'm also interested, but I don't have enough free time to dedicate myself to it.

>> No.8469013

I feels ya, I just started class again, and I've got a sewing project I've been ignoring, so I don't have a lot of free time for now.

>> No.8469112

Wow, what happened to this thread?

Oh! Thank you. I would not have expected that someone would want to use it as a desktop.
I do not know how long it took me, unfortunately. Sometimes I spend an inordinate amount of time just dicking around with the pose -- I don't know what I'm doing so I have to fiddle until it looks "right".
The lack of lineart on the shoulder is not intentional, but is pure laziness.

>> No.8469123

can I get some opinions on this?


>> No.8469133

I'm interested. We could start by making covers, to see if it works.

>> No.8469606

Eh, what can you do about it. Then again, it's not like we can't just opt to release infrequently to minimize the load. Plus, the benefit of working with other people is that, well. there's other people working with you!

We can be gay and merry and help each other and it won't take as long to make something. And when we're releasing something, you only need to make, say, one or two tracks and that's it, instead of a whole album's worth of work.

Hear, hear. We might need to go into further details if this is to go somewhere.

The one thing I'm worried about (other than people disappearing for no reason other than lol/jp/) is genre. I'm sure a lot of us write in different genres; how are we going to make them all work?

>> No.8469871

I read the whole thing and what I value the most in my VNs is the plot, not the characters or visuals.

It's kinda boring to say the truth, I believe you should wrap up some things to make it more fast-paced. You don't need to describe every day or period right at the start of it, instead of making 2 paragraphs you can make one that sums up both of those. And more dialogue, more dialogue is certainly needed there because it doesn't give a feeling of prologue or something, it's more like a memory being told after some time, which is probably what you intended but I don't think it works out very well (and choices don't fit that at all).

The feeling I get by reading it is of something boring and emotionless, like some newscast. Of course that's just because it's mere text, there are no visuals or music and those help a lot, but even so I think you should try another approach to it and see how it goes.

>> No.8469971

>Of course that's just because it's mere text, there are no visuals or music and those help a lot
This is not and will never be a valid excuse. A competent writer can convey and paint emotions just as well without the aid of other medias. Of course you already know that and I'm just stating the obvious, but eh.

>> No.8470360 [DELETED] 

trying my hand at writing a vn script

sorry about the faggy ellipses and name for the MC

criticism on other points appreciated


>> No.8470407

trying my hand at writing a vn script

criticism and opinions appreciated


>> No.8470434

Thanks. I sort of expected that but the truth is I don't really know how to make it more dynamic. I know it's too slow but I tried cutting it down to the bare bones before and it only ended up being too unconvincing, and starting in media res doesn't feel right. So far only a few sprites are done so I'm open to any ideas on how to fix it.

>> No.8470477

Angsty teenager moe~

>> No.8470811
File: 388 KB, 675x675, hello2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that like diplomatic weeaboo immunity?

A seriously good chameleon artist is hard to find. In all of the west I know just one. That's interesting though, but a doujin is massively time consuming, you know?

>> No.8470850

しこしこ ^^

>> No.8470854

wait there is a japanese regular here?

>> No.8470860

>You draw on Deviant Art too?
I rest my case

>> No.8470879

You really need to work on your shading, those curls on the side look like sideburns. I miss having those on female protagonists, but I'm guessing that wasn't what you were going for. Of course, the shading complaint also goes for the rest of the stuff there. Her right arm looks a bit too pointy, it looks like she has some kind of cyst ready to pop on that shoulder and that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.8470900

Half Japanese.

>> No.8471125

Stop being a faggot, right now.

>> No.8471130

You deleted it?

>> No.8471164 [DELETED] 

I felt it was kind of shit

I took >>8470477 and the general lack of response as a negative, since I don't think people want to read about angsty characters

I can repost it (unfortunately it indented every line when I backed it up) but i think i want to try to make something more interesting and cheerful and less shit

>> No.8471198 [DELETED] 

yeah sorry about that
here it is again


opinions welcome

>> No.8471325


>Diplomatic Weeaboo Immunity.

Shit, I don't think you even do that man? You just have accept it.

>> No.8472046 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 675x675, 08 - Hilda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand. I'm pretty slow so I've been trying to see what I can get out in under an hour, and the stuff I do poorly really sticks out. The sad thing is even I can see it's not much worse than >>8454999 and I spent several times as long on it.
I'm at least glad your main gripe isn't with the lines, but the next time I try to color something, I'll try something different.

>> No.8472349
File: 360 KB, 675x675, 08 - Hilda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand. I'm pretty slow so I've been trying to see what I can get out in under an hour, and the stuff I do poorly really sticks out. The sad thing is even I can see it's not much worse than >>8454999 and I spent several times as long on it.
I'm at least glad your main gripe isn't with the lines, but the next time I try to color something, I'll try something different.

>> No.8472382
File: 20 KB, 1000x472, ZR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i saw a girl wearing a "zettai ryouiki" (the truth is that I saw Rin in Carnival phantasm, because women in my country cant dress in cute clothes.) and since that I was wondering if the golden ratio can be applied to ZR.

A + B Being the leg.
A the part covered with the socks.
C the skirt.
D the exposed skin.

Maybe if someone who is good with proportions can draw it, or maybe someone with nice legs can try it and take a photo, that isn't camwhoring because is for a scientific test.

>> No.8472482

>or maybe someone with nice legs can try it and take a photo

>> No.8472500

As a self-proclaimed zettai ryouiki aficionado, I approve of this theory and find it plausible.
We should do some measurements of classic ZR examples.

>> No.8472522

like, measurements to see how close, if any, these classic examples would come to the golden ratio
and use it as a means of determining the greatest zettai ryouiki

>> No.8472725

Um, how is this OC again?

>> No.8472888

There are more of us here than you think!

>> No.8474127
File: 542 KB, 1024x500, white ren army.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made something for the shitposters.

>> No.8474132

Tokiko replaced White Ren as the public shitting name.

>> No.8474140

I know. I just had to get this idea off my chest first.

Be right back.

>> No.8474227

Me on the left

>> No.8475029
File: 149 KB, 600x800, P1260200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8475058


Nice. It can be improved, though.

>> No.8475062


>> No.8475066
File: 4 KB, 600x800, stset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8475404
File: 383 KB, 700x900, wf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent way too much time on coloring this

>> No.8475544
File: 4 KB, 130x240, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs neck ribbon.
The front part isn't supposed to be symmetrical. (This is how you can tell apart artists who really have never even played the games)
General lack of poofiness. It really looks like you just sewed a strip of white to the bottom of a pillowcase. Look into pleating and dress liners.
otherwise good job I honestly couldn't do better if I tried.

>> No.8476040


I like it. However, you need to make the peaches hat too.

>> No.8476072

I imagine one could emulate the poofiness by wearing something underneath (is that what petticoats are for?)

>> No.8476251
File: 58 KB, 379x435, speed-reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally starting to get good enough to practise speed and instincts. I'm still woefully slow because I keep making mistakes and fixing them.

This was some 15 minutes. Would've been faster, but too much shading, too little shading, too much shading...

>> No.8476373

That looks really nice for 15 minutes. I would probably take days and it would be worse.

>> No.8476841

Yeah, I have the neck ribbon, didn't show it in the picture though.
Also it isn't symmetical, it's actually... variable. I don't know why. Also if you look closely the ordering of the diamonds changes every so often. It hangs to the left sometimes, to the right other times, and every so often in the middle. So I just said fuck it and split the difference.

As for the non-poofy arms, yeah, that's a bit of a problem. No idea how to actually make them poofy though.

>> No.8476848
File: 1.26 MB, 2464x4528, tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to attach pic.

>> No.8476925
File: 1.00 MB, 512x512, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the rainbow things on her dress are pretty inconsistent.

>> No.8476932 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 529x320, 20051204014236_p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naturally this is one of the larger concepts in discussion of zettai ryouiki in japan. as you might expect your idea is far from new, so you might want to try searching in japanese.

this might be an interesting read.



[ミニスカートの丈] : [絶対領域] : [オーバーニーソックスの膝上部分]= 4 : 1 : 2.5




>> No.8476973

It looks so thin and plain. You should have used different materials to make it poofier.

The rainbow things don't look authentic at all. There are more creative ways you could have handled them.

>> No.8476990
File: 26 KB, 529x320, 20051204014236_p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naturally this is one of the larger concepts in discussion of zettai ryouiki in japan. as you might expect your idea is far from new, so you might want to try searching in japanese.

this might be an interesting read.


there's even some stuff from western sources.

no need to be so literal. i think one interpretation of the thread's purpose is discussion of the creation of OC, and so the topic of how ZR works seems fair enough so long as it doesn't get out of hand/last long.

>> No.8477116

Left or right doesn't really matter, you can attribute that to devs mirroring the sprite left-to-right for animations.
The only important thing is that its not center.

Yeah I was gonna comment on this too, but honestly I can't think of a good way to make them myself.

Oh god, why is this so amusing.

>> No.8477474

What font is that? It's so cute!

>> No.8477514 [DELETED] 

Can someone help me translate ENG->JPN? I'll draw something in return for your help!
"I'll never forgive them for what they did to your eye!" ”奴ら許さない!お前の目が・・・!”
"I've always worn this eyepatch"

>> No.8477515
File: 36 KB, 945x569, easier than it looks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't think of a good way to make them myself.
Come on, dude

>> No.8477556
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, oreimo49[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Made this today. Pic related.

>> No.8477759
File: 753 KB, 900x824, borrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


- coloring it is a bit more painful, since i sometimes want to color each individual book different colors (where as I could just make it easier and color it as book sets)

>> No.8477808

you've given little to no context so i'll just spit something simple out

"お前の目にあんなことをした奴らは許さない!” but in this case in japanese you'd usually refer directly to what they did, i think.

i am sure they are technically correct, but they sound very flat/literal to me. i imagine someone will post something good to show me up, so i've served my purpose. i don't have the imagination to come up with anything better without context.

>> No.8477860


Seems like it. Though I understand you. Things look a lot more tasteful when there are a few more colors than a single solid one. Specifically for books or the like.

>> No.8477867
File: 285 KB, 416x1170, Yukari border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for more of 4 koma-kun's works ;_;

>> No.8477910

Thanks bro! Do you have any requests for me to draw?

>> No.8477925

That is..... hilarious.

>> No.8477959

I wish that I had some kind of talent to share with you /jp/ ;_;

>> No.8477973

where is the funny

>> No.8478002

It's so unfunny, it's funny.

>> No.8478008

Someone in one of my "genius-kid" university classes did this with body ratios and eye ratios for anime characters. A disturbingly well done scientific paper....

>> No.8478027

"genius-kid" university classes?

>> No.8478082

Good job, I really like it. But I think Marisa's hat looks a bit weird in the front, it would be better if it was covering a bit more of her head in that part. The impression I get is that the hat 'disappears' in that section.

>> No.8478186


I'll have to quote this guy: >>8476373
Maybe not days, just some hours... but without coloring. I hate coloring. ABSOLUTELY. NO COLORING. So, yeah, some hours, without colors.

But I'm pretty much an amateur. Anyway, I think you can consider yourself already "good enough", dude. You're already far beyond amateur, at least.

>> No.8478443
File: 71 KB, 1146x612, punpkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are neither recently created nor seasonally appropriate, but I just stumbled upon the pictures while going through my 2011 folder.

>> No.8481398

I...actually sorta like this. But that effect that you used for 90% of the song gave me a headache after a while.

Cut back on it, sounds fine without it.

>> No.8481778

Haha, thanks. It actually gives me a headache too, but I like the feeling. Call me a masochist.

Also, the effect spam is there so that it actually becomes a remix. I'd feel really dissatisfied if I all I did was put rap lyrics over a song, so I have to fuck it up a bit.

>> No.8482013
File: 108 KB, 609x603, bakebake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with MS Paint. I drew a bakebake.

Whatever happened to these little guys?
I loved them.

>> No.8482323
File: 177 KB, 640x620, babbywaymoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading too much Mamange

>> No.8483950
File: 36 KB, 493x539, meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My concept art for `Meido 2.0'. We have a new full-time janitor around, so she deserves a new character, doesn't she? I'm not a very good artist but I tried very hard. She's cute, and that's the most important factor, isn't it? She also wears an authoritarian uniform that is representative of her strict core values and beliefs. But, it makes her happy knowing that she is improving the board, and she still is a fun girl. So she smiles. She has a green broom to match with the 4chan colors and it creates a contrast with her uniform and hair colors. And she has freckles because they're very cute.

>> No.8483951

you are a fucking faggot

>> No.8483952


Doesn't look like a meido at all!

Where's the frills?

>> No.8483955

>no frills
>straight pink hair?
>box of mcdonalds fries with a handle
>no fucking maid headband
What is this, go away.

>> No.8483956

Nice, good job.
Horrifying... But you have that talent...

>> No.8484125
File: 395 KB, 891x500, agent tokiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Smith and the Tokiko shitposter are so similar.

>> No.8484208

oh my, that's so adorable o//////o I'm blushing so hard right now, you really wouldn't believe it anon.

>> No.8484213

Thanks for the compliment, Joseph. I think your buttbuddy will like it too.

>> No.8484473
File: 294 KB, 675x1013, moriko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the font is KFHimaji. I don't really remember where I got it, though.

>> No.8484620 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 635x1184, girl_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little girls are the best.

>> No.8484653

I posted this in the other drawthread, but that one is past bump limit.

"How are figma for using as models? I'm thinking of adding a couple of figma to my collection of figurines not only because I think they look nice, but their ability to pose seem to be decent."

Does anyone use figma as reference/model?

>> No.8484680

Oh no! Somebody stabbed her in the stomach!
Nice work, both of you.

>> No.8484686



I'd appreciate some feedback on those since I'm fairly new to this style of music.

>> No.8484739
File: 419 KB, 688x1284, girl_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, what the hell. Let me fix that.

>> No.8484760

Sounds like somewhat improved version of Tsukihime sound track. I like it.

>> No.8484772

You're the second to mention Tsukihime. I guess it really is similar. Thank you.

>> No.8484773

Sounds like the background music to some kind of game, but that might just be me. Anyway, I like it.

>> No.8484809

It must be the rather minimalistic approach (or just piano solo, in Village's case) you took with the instrumentation. Is it possible master the pieces, or use different virtual instruments, so that it sounds more airy?

>> No.8484811
File: 1.00 MB, 1063x709, Alter 1.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little project made with friend for fun, he wrote script, I'm making CG's
Just simply: Saber Alter ero scene
'bout 20% done - I want to finish it at 14 February
As I'm pretty lazy with writing programs I use ren'py for it.
Yes ... short it'll be short VN with only ero scene

>> No.8484827

What exactly do you mean by airy ?

>> No.8484897

Your lineart is still very nice to see.

>> No.8485029
File: 215 KB, 960x972, behind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8485607

souds like my life except it's not ;_;

>> No.8485805

Can you tell us more about it?
Why Saber Alter ?

>> No.8486121

Damn this is going to be sweet when if it gets colored. Love the clean lines.

>> No.8486308

More music


>> No.8486346

Anyone want their character drawn? I will draw a picture10-20 minute sketch for the first person with a legit response.

>> No.8486350


and I accidentally words but you get the meaning.

>> No.8486372
File: 264 KB, 675x1013, suwakonakad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill give it a try. Never colored anything before though, so don't hate me if it sucks

>> No.8486422


Want their character? What do you mean by that? Any character they want?

I'd take you up on that depending on how your art style is. Have an example of your work?

>> No.8486441


Prefer to draw someone's OC but you can suggest a popular character. If I draw something, then you can see. Will only spend 10 or 20 minutes at most on it as said.

>> No.8486448


Alright, I'll bite. Though I can't draw for shit, I hope you can draw better than I can at least. Give me a second so I can find my image.

>> No.8486485
File: 90 KB, 744x908, 56821_169073966456934_100000629944926_408039_8162776_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alrighty bro, here ya go. Like I said, can't draw for shit and all that jazz, so hopefully you can take this and make it better.

If you can't tell, I was trying to have a mantle or cloak drawn over her body, which I obviously failed at, but if you decide to draw that much of her feel free to do as you please.

>> No.8486490


It's cute, I'll see what I can come up with.

>> No.8486494


Thanks anon, I'll be waiting.

>> No.8486583
File: 898 KB, 1430x1642, foranon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8486602
File: 352 KB, 675x1013, suwakonakad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, coloring is hard

>> No.8486617


Looks good so far, keep up the good work!

>> No.8486618


Though I can't really make heads or tails of what the fuck is going on throughout the rest of the drawing, (I assume all those lines are the scarf?) I do like the part that I can clearly make out. Not what I expected, but thanks anon. It has this strange allure so I still like it regardless.

>> No.8486641
File: 926 KB, 1800x1772, foranon-nolines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just filling in the empty space. They're something of an emotional habit when not drawing a specific background. My hands chronically shake at times which makes drawing difficult so I try to just work with that and make everything shaky.

If you prefer without, here. I always do the lines on a different layer.

>> No.8486660


I understand your issue, I have rather unsteady hands myself. Makes drawing a straight line almost impossible, even with SAI. I like either version, but this cleaner one does look better. Thanks anon!

>> No.8486678
File: 358 KB, 675x1013, suwakonakad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions for the nips?
They don't look right, but I can't figure out what to do to make them look better

>> No.8486683


Yes, if it's not just for my own amusement and needs to look more professional, I use line tools. I'm trying to teach myself to use Adobe Illustrator since it's "kinder" to freestyle line art but it's very confusing sometimes and not as intuitive to me as Photoshop.

If anyone wants to make a second request, I will check this thread in a bit.

>> No.8486692

try makin them fade the HELL out?

>> No.8486694

They look fine to me.
I'd say her skin is too green/yellow, but that's just me.

>> No.8486711
File: 67 KB, 450x241, lolinips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's my attempt at a suggestion. Also, the anon who said her skintone is off is right, it needs to be a little more in the red spectrum unless you deliberately want that skintone (which is fine if you do).

>> No.8486766
File: 361 KB, 675x1013, suwakonakad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even notice the skin, thanks
Those nips look quality compared to mine, but i like a soft nip
Smudged them out like previously suggested and i think I like the way they look now

>> No.8486796

I noticed you don't seem draw nipples or vaginas on your drawing when you do them nude. Why is that?
This is a pleasant change to see you actually drawing nipples.

>> No.8486797
File: 1.88 MB, 2400x1236, Yuka_Progression_by_UponThouFairCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you are using a program that lets you change the saturation of color (such as PS), you can test that your colors are "true" to what you want them to be by maxing out the saturation. This will let you see the base color.

Also, I know many artists who shade their pictures in grayscale, then apply color to the grayscale in order to get the correct shading values and color trueness. Pic related, obv not mine but by an artist I like.

>> No.8486817

>Rainbow McSkittles Vomit
I miss when Upon used to post on /ic/ years ago.

>> No.8486811

I didn't draw this, just felt like trying to color something

Holy hell that's complicated
Doubt I could even attempt something like that right now

>> No.8486844


I never knew he posted there, makes sense though, he always struck me as a not so secret otaku. The first picture by him I ever saw was the nude/bikini Rei.


Everyone has to start somewhere. If you want to experiment with this kind of coloring later you could try using the image as a guideline, or just keep it in mind.

>> No.8486849
File: 24 KB, 699x750, Banana and two peaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8486860


Out of the fucking blue Destrado.Go finish watching BB draw more lewd art.

>> No.8486878

The stuff he's drawing doesn't interest me, maybe if he drew pictures of characters that I actually like.

>> No.8486876

>>08 - Hilda.png

All your Vanpri fanart sure makes me happy.

>> No.8486960

That looks great, I suppose I don't need to color this myself anymore, haha.

I am more fond of ecchi than I am actual ero, but it's more about the rules than anything. This burichan board is my main board, so generally even if it's risque, it won't be totally NSFW. I still do it anyway sometimes, with futa pictures or this.

I wish I understood the actual process for this, it's always amazing to see.

I didn't realize you visited /jp/. Here only for the OC threads?

VeePee makes me happy, and if that makes you happy, then that makes me happier, thanks.

>> No.8486970
File: 361 KB, 675x1013, suwakonakad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finished coloring for the night
Stuff to do tomorrow and such

Thanks for the tips, and here's hoping the original author likes what I've done so far

>> No.8486966

Yea the futa pics were nice.

>> No.8486977



Suddenly I am more interested in your work than I previously was.

>> No.8486997


I haven't read the entire thread so I apologize if this is a redundant question, but what method and program do you use for your line art?

Also regarding the grayscale color method, I haven't tried it but I assume it involves a lot of layering and using different tint and color mixers on each layer, then erasing other parts of the image so the differently colored layers come through. See how she goes from greenish yellow to red in one stage?

That's just my guess, there's probably actual guides on how to do it on the interwebs and it might be way more simple than that.

>> No.8487006

I browse /jp/ once in a while, usually only when /a/ and /m/ are particularly terrible though.

>> No.8487053

>Holy hell that's complicated
Not really. In the first colored picture he just splashed colors around for the background and detailed the colors of the things in the foreground. Second pic, made the foreground brighter and gave the woman a red base color. The other two are just details.

All the shadows and everything are in black and white already so they probably didn't even need to use colors to do any shading. At least very much. Things are easier to shade in greyscale anyway.

>> No.8487690

Why was this so much fun to do? It's a vicious cycle...

Anyways, I'm thinking of making Iku next and having this sweet powered drill arm attachment thing that spins and shit. Would that be interesting? y/n

>> No.8487726
File: 559 KB, 850x850, wee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8487790

You're good. ;_;

Interesting? Yes.
Sounds expensive, though.

>> No.8487796

Nah, couldn't be that bad, I bet the fabric for the dress and skirt will be worse. Just some flexible but sturdy wiring for the structural frame, a smallish motor of not particularly huge power and a couple of bars to connect the two. Probably a bit more complex than the Sword of Hisou, but still pretty doable.

>> No.8488883

I am not good enough to draw that.

>> No.8489315
File: 1.20 MB, 985x830, Suworing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redid my suwako sip

>> No.8489570

Katamari Damacy?

>> No.8489915

Can someone tell me what the deal behind coloring this thing?
Also, Katamari Damacy cover BG, WHY.

>> No.8490885

more about this ?
well it was kinda random idea like
"let's make Alter ero scene"
I'm not best artist, and got first tablet month ago - so it;s just project "for fun"

>> No.8491325

Spoiler tags/images work wonders, the OC threads are a pretty sacred place so the worst that usually happens is you'll get a file deleted if its something like extreme /d/ material.
