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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 232 KB, 499x709, 166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8452868 No.8452868 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate RPing so much? Look at it like this... if you really love 2D, RPing is the closest you can become to BEING 2D, and if you're not interested in that you can talk to 2D. It'll cure your loneliness up and you'll gain confidence. Sure, at the end of the day, there's a 3D on the other side of the screen... but that's like saying that traps are still boys. It's part of the charm. If /jp/ could accept traps as it does today, do you think it would accept RPers with time? I'd welcome them with open arms over the /bun/ spammers any day.

>> No.8452871

but Tokiko you are a /bun/ spammer

>> No.8452880

but traps ARE still boys

>> No.8452882

Because there is a time and place for everything and this isn't that place or that time.

I'm sure the guys who enjoy pretending to be touhou's have places where they can go do what they enjoy and the likewise can do the same.

>> No.8452887
File: 403 KB, 1229x1229, 251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love Touhous for two reasons.
1. They are little girls
2. They are 2D

We love traps for this reason:
1. They are as little girls

We SHOULD love RPers for this reason:
1. They are as 2D

>> No.8452890

Do you RP, OP? If so, where and how? I might be interested, but I'm not sure yet. I feel uncomfortable.

>> No.8452897

Thats not how traps work.

>> No.8452893

Tokiko Sun Jan 22 02:48:18 2012 No.8452872 Report [This post was deleted from 4chan manually.]
Quoted by:
A friend of mine has informed me that Naz is Miao.

Deleting my posts, reporting Naz's posts. I'm sorry. Pretend like I was never here.

>> No.8452899
File: 386 KB, 500x375, sailormoonies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honk honk here i come

>> No.8452921

I avoid RP communities, but there's tons of forums (post-by-post) and IRC channels (realtime, often with *emotions*) out there for it for just Touhou alone. Just make a new email address with Gmail or Windows Live or Yahoo or whatever and try looking at different sites. I'm sure that you can find a community dedicated to it just as well as I can at this point... just don't take it too seriously and have fun. Most RPers are really nice and friendly people, and nothing bad will happen!

>> No.8452931

So... just by curiosity, why are you telling us here all of this?

>> No.8452930

No matter how much we RP, deep down at the bottom of our cold, twisted hearts we know we are forever 3D.

>> No.8452938

It's not homo if you like them for being like girls.

>> No.8452936

>We love traps for this reason:
Speak for yourself, major homo.

>> No.8452940

Because he is a lonely,desperate attentionwhore obviously

>> No.8452941

Someone asked, so I tried my best to answer.

So you don't like traps because they're feminine? Why not just like men, then?

>> No.8452948

But they have dicks.
Girls don't have dicks.

Therefore, you're gay.

>> No.8452954

They almost always have very feminine cocks, though, so it's different.

>> No.8452962


Don't even bother, they're beyond help. Going by their logic they probably also think that a woman wearing a mans business suit is a man. Because clothing is apparently the only thing that defines physical gender these days.

>> No.8452977

Traps are still traps when they're naked. They're traps because they've got feminine features, not because how they dress.
You clearly don't even know what you're talking about

>> No.8452974

If you want to RP then go to a forum with it. This is an imageboard with the primarily purpose to discuss.

Go and take your cybering somewhere else.

>> No.8452981

I thought that the discussion boards were for that? You know, the half of the site no one uses? World4ch?

On a serious note, what's otaku culture in your own terms? Every person I've asked has given me vague responses or or response at all. I'd like to hear it, straight from you. I don't want to hear about what otaku culture ISN'T, but what it IS. A list would work just fine.

>> No.8452982

Listen man, if you're aroused by little boys fucking, you're gay.

I'm not sure how more clear-cut this can be.

>> No.8452984

>Therefore, you're gay
Your point being?

>> No.8452985



>> No.8452991

Next thing you're saying people are gay for liking little girls because they look like little boys.
Get out of /jp/ already

>> No.8452995
File: 150 KB, 613x949, 1314500491769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense, but do you have any idea how dumb you sound right now? Little boys usually look more like girls than like men, especially if you dress them like a girl.

>> No.8452997


Except little girls that look like boys are still girls.

Little boys that look like girls AREN'T girls.

>> No.8452998

That doesn't logically follow.

>> No.8453004

Real quality fucking thread you got up in here.

>> No.8453010
File: 132 KB, 500x636, c7bb7137c1bd59c182f463e8ce86aae8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't matter, they have dicks.
By your logic, liking tomboys makes me a fag. Are you calling me a fag?

>> No.8453013

exept they have a pinus-minus between the legs.
you like cock, not pussy. you ARE gay.

>> No.8453026

Yes. Since you're attracted to boyish figures, you clearly are.

>> No.8453023
File: 658 KB, 1650x1800, 05f9cc15b0ee46d3d190e32cba9ea8b29318c188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it depends how masculine they are. If you like the ones that look totally masculine, you're gay.
I think genitals don't matter. I'm interested in the whole package only.

>> No.8453024
File: 393 KB, 1280x1024, 1316929584967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido-san! Meido-san!

Come here quickly!

>> No.8453031

If the only difference between a trap and a little girl is that a trap has a dick, since by your own admission "they are like girls", I'd say genitals matter.

>> No.8453038

Great argument. Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone.

>> No.8453034

but that's the logic of a faggot.

i think it's time for you to stop being such a denial, come out of closet and move to /soc/.

>> No.8453035

ffuck yeah skrillex

>> No.8453043
File: 42 KB, 436x600, 1314499305761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get your argument at all.

>> No.8453044
File: 868 KB, 4089x4334, Anterior_view_of_human_female_and_male,_with_labels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8453040
File: 65 KB, 650x828, 25b62146601e8a890106b299caae0398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trap Meido.

Do you guys think Meido-san might be a trap?

>> No.8453046

Traps can have a whole palette of cute character traits due to their disposition that are impossible for girls.

>> No.8453054
File: 91 KB, 1151x467, genitalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8453052

exept it's true and you're being a homo in denial.

>> No.8453057

yeah, that's because they're men. you like men. you want to stick into man's cornhole. how's that not gay?

>> No.8453061

Bi at the very best. At least not an insecure and childish faggot.

>> No.8453059

Wouldn't doubt it...

>>8453044 >>8453054
Fuck off.

>> No.8453060

<jonessama>: so hows the RP trollthread on /jp/ going?
<tokikoJP>: great, they're having a shitstorm
<jonessama>: good, ill get the /bun/ propaganda going
<tokikoJP>: wanna cyber later
<jonessama>: sure :3
<tokikoJP>: :3

>> No.8453063

It's not gay because little boys are feminine, especially the trap ones.

>> No.8453066

I think you're all missing the point he's trying to make. Roleplaying, regardless of how many dimensions are involved, offers a similar environment to that of a graphic novel or written story. There exists a more constricted range of control, leaving much to the imagination. Indeed, one is not pleasured so much by their partner as by themselves, in proportion to the sense of pleasure and interest they reap. Arousal and romance therefore tend to stem from a deeper, more thoughtful connection than were the meeting to commence with physical immediacy and its commensurate anxieties.

To say the least, anyway.

>> No.8453070
File: 84 KB, 600x827, cheeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cyber with tokiko ):

>> No.8453068
File: 812 KB, 1000x800, 45b942d1e4c9d35230d0a89f30f4d4f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please only post Maids on this thread.

It's a well-tailored troll made by a known shitposter.

He doesn't care about your views on the subject.

>> No.8453073


So if you fuck an animal that has traits like a human female, it's not beastiality right? Just using your logic here.


Everyone knows you've been intentionally shit posting on /jp/ in order to drive it apart. Stop acting like nobody can see through your fantastic disguise.

>> No.8453074

let's RP KMB, i'll be the dumb one *pulls ou water pistol*

>> No.8453077

Well, you can do that on IRC, Joseph. He'll be more than happy to accommodate you.

>> No.8453079

If that animal looks exactly like a female, then I don't see why it would be beastiality. We're hardwired to be attracted to feminity. The creature being a boy or an animal doesn't change anything to that.

>> No.8453080
File: 163 KB, 600x888, earjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my name's jasmine

>> No.8453082

Good good. At least you're starting to admit it.

>> No.8453078

tokiko makes the best threads

FOR A clown

>> No.8453084

Stop trying to respond, you're only fuel him more.

Let him own you with his next post.

Stop trying to explain his flawed logic.

That's what he wants you to do.

>> No.8453088

Is this OK as well?

  ∧_∧   ∧_∧    ∧_∧   ∧_∧    ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・)   <丶`∀´>  ( ´∀`)  ( ・ω・)   ( ´ω`)
 (    つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂     つ
 | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible.  | | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)

>> No.8453089

That's not what we heard, Joseph. You shouldn't hide your gender.

>> No.8453091
File: 304 KB, 708x1000, 2lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of men named Jasmine. Besides, my name's Jasper.

>> No.8453095

I think its always the same guy going against traps/futa and shit, listen, you are hardwired to like girl features , even if they have a dick, if they have nice tits and ass, if your straight, you will get a hard on.

>> No.8453092
File: 2.89 MB, 2156x1969, 1316929572316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it depends. Are they Maids?

>> No.8453093


I'm not being as serious as it seems. I'm just killing time.

>> No.8453094

but a fact remains fact. the animal is an animal, and man is a man.
you are a faggot.

>> No.8453097

Kill time on another thread.

>> No.8453103

The higher on the frontpage, the worse it gets.

>> No.8453105

More like a same guy spamming crossdressers everywhere all over and over.

>> No.8453100


This is a Tokiko thread. No matter what we do it can't possibly get any worse.

>> No.8453108
File: 120 KB, 500x750, 1320865568586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't matter at all. It's the whole appearance and feeling that matters, not just a little bit of flesh. Would you be straight if you liked Buck Angel, just because he has a vagina?

>> No.8453110
File: 127 KB, 500x416, 1274955516614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but they're holding up a protest banner.

>> No.8453115

Yes, it's also the same guy creating and releasing all those trap vns and doujinshi.
Clearly there is no market for it but infact just one huge conspiracy.

>> No.8453116

The people were arguing that traps are not male for the body surrounding the genitals and the mind within, right? You should already know the answer.

Me, I wouldn't fuck Buck Angel.

>> No.8453121

>Would you be straight if you liked Buck Angel
no, because he IS a man with women genitals. the same goes for a woman with male genitals.
if you like a guy with a pussy or girl with a cock then you're either a bi or a homosexual.

>> No.8453123
File: 1.08 MB, 2560x1440, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time this girl i liked in high school said she wished she was japanese

>> No.8453124

>Buck Angel is a female-to-male (FTM) transsexual

He's basically a reverse-trap.

>or girl with a cock then you're either a bi or a homosexual.
Or straight, if you only like the female features.

>> No.8453125

Im not fighting with you or anything, but most of my friends amit that they have got turned on by futa/bible black, yes they are normal fags for the most part. I would say its normal and not really gay or bi to like futa at least.Also they said if the shemale is fucking hot enough, they would fuck it.

>> No.8453126

So, a girl with a penis is a guy, and but a guy with vagina is also a guy?
Then I guess ugly looking girls with manfaces are also guys?
You come up with the greatest arguments.

>> No.8453132

>Or straight, if you only like the female features.
then why not just go for a girl? why do you go for dudes who look like girls?

>> No.8453133


Ugly looking girls with manfaces aren't men and don't have a penis.

>> No.8453130

newsflash noobs western nerds have loved the shit out of japan since 1860

>> No.8453134

If it's got a dick, it's a guy. If it ever had a dick, it's a guy.

If you like something with a dick, you're gay.

It's that simple.

>> No.8453137

So Buck Angel is a woman. I really can't agree with you there.

>> No.8453138
File: 126 KB, 490x700, 1311585558936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel more emotionally comfortable with males, that's all. But I'm not sexually attracted to them, so I go for young, girly guys.

>> No.8453140

Buck Angel is an ugly looking girl with a manface and doesn't have a penis.

>> No.8453144
File: 32 KB, 250x250, 1266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 cup all-purpose flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter, melted

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs. Gradually add in the milk and water, stirring to combine. Add the salt and butter; beat until smooth.
Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.
Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. Serve hot.

>> No.8453141

Alright, now your trolling. shit is not not so black and white like that. Not any of these people but im outta here, your that same troll from the other threads. just because you get turned on by a sure hot chick with a dick doesn't mean your gay at all actually, your mind just likes the body of a women.

>> No.8453142

he's a former male and has a body of a man. stop being stupid and palying logic games, you know what i'm talking about.

>> No.8453145

Except "he"'s not. Did you even read the thread?

>> No.8453148

So- fucking him in a butt and jacking off his cock while having sex, is a completely straight thing to do, right?

>> No.8453146


Who the hell is buck angel anyhow?

FTM MTF is a whole debate on it's own. We're talking about traps right now. Men in girls dresses. Not futa or the transgendered.

>> No.8453150

It is that black and white, I'm sorry to inform you.

Liking something with the same genitals as you possess makes you a homosexual. All the whining and wishing in the world can not change this. You should be okay with yourself no matter what though, and accept this aspect of your sexuality. You like men and there's nothing wrong with that!

>> No.8453154

i weight 135 pounds and i'm 5'10" and I've worn a skirt and knee socks and got done in the butt 2 times before

am i gay

>> No.8453153
File: 86 KB, 500x611, 1319344905577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I'd also cuddle with him and kiss him for hours while watching TV and playing videogames.

>> No.8453156

You're not even trying to keep up the illusion of argumenting anymore and just keep on spouting the same things your insecure little mind believed from the very start. Droll.

>> No.8453162

He's trying to trick you into joining him in a night of pleasure, making you gay for life! Don't listen to him, Anon!

>> No.8453161

if the men in Greece all fucked men and also had wives, were they all gay? No because "gay" didn't even exist yet, true fact.

>> No.8453165

yep, you're gay.
i've just read up him on wiki. yep, a former female.
but "he" completely looks like a man, exept for his genetals. liking him IS gay.

>> No.8453163

I believe you're confusing what I said with your position on the issue. And didn't you say you were leaving?

If you can't come to term with your own sexuality, homo, then you should at least stop spouting nonsense as to not confuse other people.


Cute, I didn't know you were underage too.

>> No.8453166

Yes, we're all the same person on anonymous imageboards, you sure know your trolling basics.
I've long come to terms with what I like, I'm just worried about your closed mindedness, because it's not going to get you far once you leave school.

>> No.8453168 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 1199x900, 578384d75be6c51bf38da4a778090665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yep, you're gay.
No, I'm straight. According to your logic below:
>but "he" completely looks like a man, exept for his genetals. liking him IS gay.
If I like a guy who looks like a female, then I'm straight.

>> No.8453169

So a trap, a boy that looks just like a girl except the dick tucked away, HAS to be a girl, and it's straight to be one. If you can't accept that, then say that ol' Buck is a woman and it's not gay at all to want to fuck that sweet ass.

>> No.8453170

Is that really the best you've got?

Come on, we were having fun, try it again!

>> No.8453171

And going by that logic, traps look completely feminine except for their genitals, so liking them makes you straight.
Great we finally agree.

>> No.8453172

liking a man with a pussy is gay.
getting hard over a women with a dick (a perfect looking women ex futa/crazy hot shemales) is not gay. Its pretty easy.

>> No.8453175

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8453180

Those both make you gay.

Being female is looking to be a very narrow criteria.
Makes sense, given that the more undesirable category should be the one that's easier to be put into.

>> No.8453179

actually, there even were those special islands for homosexuals and for lesbians, i cannot remember the names though.
also, spartans always called athenians "faggots" or "boy fuckers". that might tell you something.

>> No.8453181


See he (the person you're responding to) is trying to lure you into a logic trap by bringing the whole issue of transgenders into the debate, which has it's own set of complexities that don't belong in this trap debate. He's going to twist your words and make it seem like you said that a man in a dress is a girl.

>> No.8453182

100% - woman = not gay
50% woman = gay/bi

what's so hard to undestand?

>> No.8453183

No, you are just a retarded troll who has no friends. I actually do and they would all agree with me. Some of them even have girlfriends.

>> No.8453187

Yo norm, get out of here.


>> No.8453184

Is it gay for a woman to like a trap? Would it be gay for a woman to sleep with a reverse trap? If we agree that a person's gender can conflict with his sex, a male is gay with 75% of the combinations. Now, for a woman, shouldn't it be that 75% of her options are gay, too? Or would it be 25%, or some random percent you pull out of your ass?

>> No.8453189

let me fix that before someone bashes me for typo
homosexual males*

>> No.8453190


Your friends (that don't exist) are all closet bi's.

>> No.8453194

What exactly are you claiming is the difference between gender and sex?

>> No.8453191

that would mean mostly every man is gay/bi.
most men would get hard over a hot shemale/futa fucking each other or another women.
yeah thats funny.

>> No.8453193
File: 337 KB, 500x618, 72d1f241b4bc772c07977ff1cbdc5cac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like traps.
Its more of a domination thing, than liking it because he looks like a girl.

>> No.8453196

A gender is how someone views himself. The sex is how someone is, physically. Most people have their gender and sex match up well, but a few people don't.

>> No.8453198

Oh great, all the shitposters are here.

>> No.8453203

But they're all clean.

>> No.8453199

What you're calling "gender" is just sexual orientation.

This doesn't actually effect what you're calling "sex' (which is actually gender).

When someone's sexual orientation is to someone of the same gender, they are a homosexual.

>> No.8453200

>most men would get hard over a hot shemale/futa fucking each other or another women.
You're projecting too much. Most of them would be disgusted by "shemale/futa fucking each other". In other case they'll just get a boner on a female, not a transexual faggot.

>> No.8453201

>Is it gay for a woman to like a trap?

If the trap in question is a woman wearing a mans outfit. Yes. If the trap in question is a man wearing a womans outfit, no.

Genetic male x Genetic female: Straight
Genetic male wearing dress x Genetic female: Straight
Genetic female wearing male clothing x Genetic male: Straight
Genetic male wearing dress x Genetic male: Gay
Genetic female wearing male clothing x Genetic female: Gay

>> No.8453202

Go wash some dishes, woman.

>> No.8453204


>What you're calling "gender" is just sexual orientation.

No, it's much more than sexual orientation. Look up "gender performativity" and read some.

>> No.8453206

Did you know that shemales and pederasty are among the most common fetish for straight adult men?

>> No.8453207

I'd don't trust your word on that, you're a woman after all.

>> No.8453208

I have a lot of good nerdy friends and some cool but still nerds from highchool, they would agree with me.

>> No.8453209

I'm not gonna drink the koolaid with you.

>> No.8453210


>Did you know that shemales and pederasty are among the most common fetish for closeted homosexuals that are too needlessly ashamed of their sexuality for no reason?

>> No.8453211

Why would I lie about not washing the dishes?
Go check it if you want.

>> No.8453212

See this? She's(she? that's if it's she) straight because she like males. They might look like girls and be dressed like girls, but they are still men.

>> No.8453213

So, if Buck Angel got a dick surgically grafted to her body, sucking that dick and getting fucked in the ass by it would be totally straight? Good to know.

>> No.8453215

your just a gay fag who doesn't want to admit having a dick doesn't mean shit for a man to get a hard on. Are you saying the man who made bible black is gay? yeah, fuck no.

>> No.8453216

I didn't know that the majority of men were closeted homosexuals.

>> No.8453217


I did not address transgendereds in my post. Your post is invalid. Stick with the debate at hand, traps. Not surgically altered humans.

>> No.8453214

Sexuality isn't black and white.
They're many beautiful shades of the faggot rainbow.
I for the most part like men, but I sometimes schlick to women.

>> No.8453219 [DELETED] 

Most of your "nerdy friends" are probably closet homosexuals, just like you. What would you father think of you, if he saw you jacking off to a man in a dress?

>> No.8453221


Do you have any evidence to back up these statistics? What concrete proof do you have that these "straight men" aren't merely lying about their sexuality out of fear of social stigma?

>> No.8453225


If you can't even pretend to take this troll debate seriously, then you aren't needed in this thread.

>> No.8453223

Just because you're a faggot doesn't mean everyone is. How's that for statistics?

>> No.8453224

yeah my closet homosexuals that have huge porn folders and know every porn star are gay.

>> No.8453227

Most of your "nerdy friends" are probably closet homosexuals, just like you. What would your father think of you, if he saw you jacking off to man wearing a dress?

>> No.8453228

I caught my father watching a fapping shemale, and I saw shemale porn in my grandfather's internet history. They're both married, have had several children, never divorced, and also watched lots of straight porn.

>> No.8453229 [SPOILER] 
File: 394 KB, 1200x994, 591ee7c29814ae31c733fe44c6031e36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O god I like this, I must be gay. Yea nope, people like you have no logic.

>> No.8453233

Clearly every single male in the world is a closet homosexual, besides that one guy with his pure mindset fighting against a cruel world.
This thread is so entertaining.

>> No.8453240

I'll win, anon. Even if my fight is never remembered, I'll never be taken down.

>> No.8453237



Just because you masturbate to gay porn doesn't mean that it is physically impossible to have children with a woman.

Many homosexuals get married and they do this out of needless fear of their own sexuality. So afraid of public opinion that they lie to themselves.

>> No.8453243

Why would anyone want a cock if he's straight? Penis is a symbol of manliness and masculinity.

>> No.8453244

Hey, don't talk shit about my grandfather, faggot. He'd never do such a shameful thing.

>> No.8453245


Futa is not the topic of this debate. Please stay on the topic of "Traps: gay or not?".

>> No.8453247

>148 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Goodness fucking gracious fuck off.

>> No.8453249

This. We're discussing 'gay' things here, not bi.

>> No.8453251

Definitely gay.

>> No.8453256


If you unwilling to participate in this trolling debate, please observe quietly or vacate the thread.

>> No.8453255

Everyone is a little gay.
Ever hide your penis between your legs and look into the mirror, pretending that your a woman?
Thats gay.

>> No.8453258

Nothing to be done, Didi.
We'll report and hide and then wait for Meidot.

>> No.8453257

>Ever hide your penis between your legs and look into the mirror, pretending that your a woman?


>> No.8453264

Ever being a woman and pretending your place is not in the kitchen?

That's gay.

>> No.8453262

Is there a female equivalent of that? What would a girl do, pull her shirt against her chest really hard to look flatter? Try to make her clit pop out more or something?

>> No.8453273

>Ever hide your penis between your legs and look into the mirror, pretending that your a woman?
No, I don't. I like women, teen girls and little girls, not men or boys. I'm a straight man. I want to put my penis inside a girl, not have a dick inside my ass.
And of course I'm taking about 2D here. Everyone who likes 3D mesu buta should pack their things and move to >>>/soc/, >>>/oneechan/ or >>>/gaygamer/.

>> No.8453267

You sure you never did that in your life?
Im pretty sure you've done something remotely gay in your lifetime.
When I peg my boyfreind I suppose its unlady-like.
I'm already in the kitchen on my laptop. Making breakfast now.

>> No.8453277

But what about REALLY cute little boys? Don't they also turn you on, like they normally should?

>> No.8453278

holy shit, all because of one asshole who has no idea about the world and has no fucking logic. its been said a million times asshole but men get hard over shemales if they have nice huge tits and a huge ass and actually look like a women, its fucking normal. we are hardwired to like female features, not male ones. so liking a male with a pussy is gay, but not the other way around.

>> No.8453274

Computers were made for men, they don't belong in the kitchen.
Fucking dyke.

>> No.8453281

You're adorable.
It could make you a lesbian at heart.

>> No.8453279

Hey, hey. Wanting to be a girl doesn't make you a gay. You could be a trap and still fuck women.

>> No.8453285


Even if a person did that, it's not quite the same thing as fucking a man wearing a dress and saying it's perfectly straight.

I mean seriously, it's like comparing someone that stepped on a bug to someone that skins cats.

>> No.8453289

And you're a dyke.

>> No.8453293

Fuck straight guys are irritating.

You are all normalfags for even giving a shit if you are gay or straight. Just fap and cum and take it easy.

>> No.8453298

Hi OP.

Stop bumping your thread.

>> No.8453300

Hey I only dated a woman one time.

>> No.8453295


This person is correct. The trappee is not automatically gay for wearing a dress. Only if he engages in intercourse with another man.

I know a Vietnam vet that is married, yet still dresses "pretty" every once in a while. Awkward, but since he's not having sex with a man, not technically gay.

>> No.8453302

>we are hardwired to like female features, not male ones.

Penis. Male or female feature.

Answer carefully.

>> No.8453304

I don't need to sage everything, newfriend.

>> No.8453305

It may sound strange for you, but no, I'm not attracted to them. Why jack off to man when I'm content with women?
I think that might be called "bisexual with a gender confusion".
I look like a man, and I am a man. And I'm proud of being a man. I don't want to dress like a woman.

>> No.8453306
File: 111 KB, 600x600, 1297537509171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, you came out of the closet? You're still a disgusting lesbo.

>> No.8453308

its pretty normal for women to come out of the closet because guys like it. there was this really hot chick who dated women and men that i loved back in highschool.

>> No.8453312

These are both dykes AND attention whores. Two forms of cancer in one.

>> No.8453313

Alright, you had your fun. Now please get the fuck out.

>> No.8453314

>Why jack off to man when I'm content with women?
They're more comforting than women.

>> No.8453319

It didn't even last long.
Pussy tastes disgusting. I much rather prefer dick. At least semen is sweet and salty.
Oh, and she was also a crazy bitch.

>> No.8453318

Alright stop leading him on, just get the fuck out.

>> No.8453324

did you scissor her?

>> No.8453327

Anyhow it's getting late.

I legitimately had fun with this ""debate"". No hard feelings to anyone involved, or anything like that.

It was a bit more engaging than my usual /jp/ "antics", so that's always a refreshment.

Good night.

>> No.8453321
File: 1.00 MB, 960x1200, 96fbe9711d1f1981a64bd37a94cc57ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to reason with the new normal faggot. It's obvious he hasn't seen enough traps.

>> No.8453323

What do you mean?

>> No.8453332

Oh wow, actual dyke confirmed for never having tasted semen before. Go back to >>>/u/, lesbo, nobody cares about your relationships.

>> No.8453335

Night, see you around.

>> No.8453329

All so called "traps", shemales and other, simular LGBT people, are huge sluts, attention whores and very disgusting. I don't even get why would any /jp/ anon like that.

>> No.8453336



>> No.8453341
File: 187 KB, 640x640, 829f2ad21577eb30e64a5f3ffe51eb91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Meido? ;_;

>> No.8453339

We tried that, 69, and I pegged her.
Her pussy smelled like fish, and tasted like bad milk and quarters.
Out of all 5 guy's semen that I tasted in my lifetime, everyone of their cum tasted better than pussy.

>> No.8453340

There's no annoying attention whoring in 2D

>> No.8453348


Here, guys, 1 second in and I found a thread for you.
Stop shitting up /jp/.

>> No.8453346

That just means that you're gay, since you're more attracted to the crossdressing men than women.
Why am I "new normal faggot"? Just because I don't like the things you don't like? I'm sorry to bring it to you, but there is nothing wrong with liking women.
Why are all /jp/ gays so insecure?

>> No.8453358

Would you rather talk about which 2hu fuck and madoka a piss? Kill yourself. You weren't here for all the trap threads in the past huh?

>> No.8453353

Yeah, I'm out too things are just getting silly now.

Same time next week?

>> No.8453356

Fuck off to /soc/, faggot.

>> No.8453373


>Would you rather talk about which 2hu fuck
Yes, because this is /jp/, not /y/.

There are places for your kind, please go there.

I'll even link you to it, http://img.oneechan.org/
Now leave and never come back.

>> No.8453366

Fuck off to /soc/, 3DPD faggot. Go puke up your ass.

>> No.8453377

You are the same assmaruaded fuckwit who posts in all these threads right?

I've never even mentioned 3D, autist.

>> No.8453386

Stop pretending you have any reason to stay on /jp/, shitposter.

You aren't doing anything /jp/ related. Fuck off to /soc/ already.

>> No.8453385

You are painfully new here.

Fuck off back to pooswimmer.

>> No.8453392

He's still older than you. If you seriously think 3DPD (traps, shit and gfs) are /jp/, then let me laugh even harder.

>> No.8453393

It's funny because /a/ went there to pretend to be oldfags.

>> No.8453400

Nobody mentioned 3D. Or at least I didn't.

Both of you are idiots. You'll next be claiming onaholes and anal masturbation aren't /jp/ related as well.

>> No.8453404

Yeah, shitposter and that's where you belong, with the other tryhards.

You know, that or /soc/, you're the same as the other faggot, just drop the pretense you are on topic.

>> No.8453406

It's funny because I jack off to traps but I do agree with these 'straight' guys. These stuff does not belong on /jp/ and shouldn't be here. In the past we used do discuss little girls loving each other and yuri stuff ― now the front page is usually filled with fujoshi/gay/trap/cock threads and gay crossdressing males(and probably also a few landwhales) bashing on people who love touhou yuri.
trap/yaoi loving community is horrible and should be purged from the face of the earth.

>> No.8453408

If 2 friends suck each other off just for fun/relief, is it gay?

>> No.8453410

Guess what, they aren't. They are /b/, /y/ and /soc/ material. See, you actually believe things like that if you're new here.

>> No.8453418

Just go to /soc/ with your fellow faggots.

>> No.8453412

This is my first post in this thread.

>> No.8453421

>onaholes and anal masturbation
Because they are not? Onahole buying thread? OK.
But jacking off threads, "how far can I shoot my load" and "how great my onahole is" threads aren't /jp/ related.

>> No.8453426

>get out
>no, you get out!
>no, you!

Stay classy, shitposters.

>> No.8453427


>> No.8453422

You forget all the threads we had posting makeup guides, how to shave your legs, wearing pantyhose when you fap? I think it was Arc who uploaded a cd of music he would dance to when dressing up. Can't remember exactly who it was. This shit has always been here (and people rarely complained) and it is nowhere near as bad as you are making out.

>> No.8453427,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8453429

Oh God, you can't possibly be this new.

>> No.8453431

The yuri feminazi dykes and inferiority-complexed men are just as bad.

>> No.8453435

>214 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
For fuck's sake.

>> No.8453434

See both of you "straight" guys ignore what people say to bring up irrelevant shit to try and prove your point. It isn't fooling anyone. I never mentioned any of those things.

Advice on prostate massage and what massager to but has been spoken about here since forever.

>> No.8453440

>yuri feminazi
I'm sorry but I'm yet to see these. At least I don't think I've ever seen them posting /jp/.

>> No.8453436

I remember when Yuri Orlov crossdressed and /jp/ fapped. Good times.

>> No.8453437
File: 344 KB, 640x524, 1239949830769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just dump Touhou in this thread, help it die sooner.

>> No.8453442

>both sides are shitposting hard and can't realize that

now three sides

>> No.8453449

I'm pretty sure everybody who isn't retarded realizes it.

>> No.8453450

You should have come sooner.

>> No.8453446
File: 642 KB, 768x1024, orange878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8453448

that's an /a/ faggot, why would you even mention him here?

>> No.8453460

Don't give me that shit. I was busy, okay?

>> No.8453456
File: 370 KB, 900x807, 1240406633206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late for tears, Tokiko already did his damage, just screencap the thread and email it to the mods so they rangeban him and put his name on autoban.

>> No.8453457

Eh, really? Could be, I'm just used to seeing trap threads here. Also, the whole "suck my cock" thing is mostly /bun/tards fucking up /jp/.

>> No.8453463


>> No.8453464 [DELETED] 

> anal masturbation
those are just plain subhuman

>> No.8453467

Screencapping won't give them my IP....

>> No.8453468


>> No.8453470

Remember when White Ren wouldn't give a shit and report proletariat who used greentext in the way Ren just used it?

>> No.8453483

Remember when everyone was White Ren?

>> No.8453494

Pepperidge farm remembers.

>> No.8453498

way to kill the thread

>> No.8453503

This thread was shit to begin with and you know it.

>> No.8453502

This was never a good thread to begine with.

>> No.8453512

Everyone knows this thread was shit. The proud men who took a break from hunting foxes made sure of it.

>> No.8453523

It's just a trip used to shitpost after the original. Most of the times that involved spamming "Reported". In this case, I just used it to point out to the autistic nerds both sides were being retarded, since apparently they can't realize it themselves and rather make 200 posts on it. Greentexting is only consequence of consciously shitposting.

>> No.8453532

I know #chilly

>> No.8453533

You want me to point out that half of the posts were Tokiko sockpuppeting?

Also, I'll point out that he's having a blast with the other shitposters on IRC right now.

>> No.8453550

I wouldn't know, I don't bother with non-anonymous social interactions or reading through all these shitposts. Forgive me for this one time.

>> No.8453553

I don't bother either, I just can tell when a bad post is made by Anonymous or a tripfag in disguise.
