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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8451291 No.8451291 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make games?

>> No.8451296

Conjure the spirits of the computer with your spells.

>> No.8451302
File: 168 KB, 1680x1050, holy shit graphics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EASY MODO: Look for Game Maker tutorials.
NORMAL MODO: Look for Unity tutorials and learn some basic C#. (Javascript is for wussies.)
HARD MODO: Learn a decent programming language and an engine to work with (for example, C# and XNA)

It's also worth noting that amazing games can be created even with entry-level tools; it's all about what you do with them. For example, popular indie game Super Crate Box was made entirely in Game Maker.

>> No.8451306


>> No.8451307

You will need Visual Studio, Photoshop and Cubase SX.

>> No.8451313

This isn't exactly /jp/ related bro, unless you're going to devour ZUN and gain his power, then make the next Touhou.

>> No.8451317

>>8451307 not GCC, The GIMP and Bfxr

>> No.8451319

I enjoyed the "filler" portions of these lecture a lot more than the actual Scheme stuff. Like I could just listen Hal Abelson tell me random facts for hours.

Also because it needs posting:

>> No.8451320


Neither are half the threads on this board but we deal with it anyway.

>> No.8451327

I assume OP wants to make quality games, not a blackjack simulator in a console window.

>> No.8451328

> Game Maker
I used that very briefly back when it was still freeware and it was actually pretty good. It even had a C-style scripting language built-in, so I'd probably recommend it to anyone wanting to get into game design.

>> No.8451329

This nigga knows what's up.
Bfxr feels like cheating to me though. I like playing with my keyboard and programs like Audacity, but Bfxr has completely destroyed any reason to.

>> No.8451335

Ohh god I laughed so hard.

>> No.8451331

Okay, why the fuck are you copying my posts?
I know you know me. You keep doing it. Whether I write something great and super long or something short and silly. You keep copying my posts. Even from different websites.
What the HELL are you doing?

>> No.8451336

>not programming everything in asm

>> No.8451338


>> No.8451345
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> What language was RollerCoaster Tycoon programmed in?
> It's 99% written in x86 assembler/machine code (yes, really!), with a small amount of C code used to interface to MS Windows and DirectX.

Are you a bad enough dude to write a hit game in assembly?

>> No.8451353

Someone's copying your posts often? That's interesting, can you tell me more about it?
I'm the guy who reposted >>8451328, but I'm not the guy you're talking about, it's just a coincidence. I was just reposting memorable post from yesterday's thread to confuse people. It's not the first time I've done such a thing, but it's been ages since I last did it.

>> No.8451354

Angry over operating systems?

>> No.8451357

Absolutely not.

>> No.8451359

Yes. It's very, very strange. Like search for "repost" or something in the archives, I keep pointing it out. Like obviously everyone will write things that are reposted at some point, but it keeps happening to me. And in scary ways too. Like on /g/ a few weeks ago someone reposted something I wrote on 4-ch months before that. And it wasn't even interesting or relevant or anything.
I...I think I'm going to buy some tinfoil and download Tor.

>> No.8451361

>quality games

>> No.8451371

This thread is operating under the bizarro principles that /jp/ isn't full of lazy NEETs, and that we're capable of accomplishing *something* at some point in our lives.
Suspend your disbelief a little.

>> No.8451395

Can't find it under "repost".

>> No.8451473

Jeeesus... I can't even begin to imagine the degree of abstraction and mad skillz needed to do a game of that size in ASM.
In fact, I can't even begin to imagine the skills need to do anything at all with ASM. "My brain is full of fuck..."

>> No.8451477
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>> No.8453835

i have to learn coding then u code the graphics nd music. then u play it 1st nd sell it

>> No.8453873

Hey, I played that when I was a kid. That's pretty insane. The biggest thing I ever programmed in assembly was some half-assed program that read in fixed input, did some minimal processing, and wrote it somewhere and I thought that was a fair amount of work.

>> No.8456657

Ever noticed how all the shitty /v/ threads like this stay up while all the /jp/ threads get deleted?

Is meido from /bun/?

>> No.8456676

I'd have said this is more /prog/ or /g/.

>> No.8456681

Do you really want this guy on /prog/, Anon?

>> No.8456688

I'm a video game programmer, currently working on an iPhone hack and slack game. I heard someone wants to make video games.

>> No.8456695

I don't care about /prog/. It's all either too high-brow (e.g. debates on tail call recursion in N-dimensional matrices or some nonsense) or too silly (e.g. Jews are taking over Gensokyo, discuss).
There's no happy middle ground for people like me.

>> No.8456711

>jews are taking over gensokyo
>only quads can slay jews
>on /prog/
This needs to be done.

>> No.8456720

>(e.g. Jews are taking over Gensokyo, discuss)
This is a very serious matter Anon. They've already managed to infest the rest of the world. We can't let them take the last bastion against them, lest the world fall to ruin.

>> No.8456726

You can't get quads on w4ch unless you start spamming a thread really fast before the bot auto-closes the thread.

>> No.8456733

Ok, I posted this; >>8456688 and apparently everyone is busy talking about jews. I'm about to play a video game so if OP is interested, ask me questions before I leave.

>> No.8456749

How long did it take before you were able to work as a game programmer, as in time spent learning? Also what kind of education did you undergo?

>> No.8456751

How do you make your music?

>> No.8456757

Not >>8456733, but from what I know, programmers don't take care of making the music. That's was composers/musicians are for. Unless, of course, you're a jack of all trades.

>> No.8456768


First of all, I wouldn't consider myself a professional game programmer. Nor am I 1337 either, but I can get stuff done. This is the game I'm currently working on;


To answer your question, I'm self-taught. I started with Actionscript 2 and moved to 3, didn't do a lot of game programming though but it gave me a coding foundation. Then I learned C# and started playing around with some engines here and there, never really got anywhere. Right now, it's a small team that made that game, so as long as you can code, you're good to go.

Now, you seem to be under the impression that you have to learn C++ or C and write your own engine, this is probably the worst advice anyone can give you.


I don't. Unless you're making a super small 2D game, it's usually very hard to be a one man show. If you try to do everything, everything will be of average quality if you're a really smart person.

>> No.8456773


Sorry, to answer your question more specifically, we are trying to hire someone. Honestly, we want quality sound and only someone with experience and talent will produce that level of sound. That's why I emphasized specialization in games.

>> No.8456775

Do you actually want to program games, or designer them as an ideas guy?

If you want to program, simply research into the languages and choose which one bests suits you, then start learning. But don't expect to be programing awesome games from the start. You'll have a lot to learn.

If your an ideas guy, you need money to pay programmers, artists and whatever else you need to work for you. Without funding, or some other incentive the work for you, your game will never be made if you lack the skills.

>> No.8456787

You can post after a threadstop. Everyone knows this and everyone knows how.
Just more proof you arrived here last year and decided you were an expert in image/text board history because you read shii's wiki.

>> No.8456792


Also, you need to be a bit more specific about wanting to make games. Can you describe what you're looking to do? I've been trying to break into the gaming industry for a few years now and finally got my chance, I could save you a lot of time if you could specify your goals.

>> No.8456794

Not OP, but I'm someone who would also like to get into the game industry,

Just wondering, is it possible for a writer (or someone who likes to think he wishes he could write) to get into game design?

I have no skill with programing, but I can kind of draw if given a lot of time and enjoy writing concepts/dialogue/lore that I'd like to use in a gaming environment.

>> No.8456819


To be honest, writing is an auxiliary component in game creation. If you can draw out concepts, then that's your best bet. There's a huge difference between concept artists and production artists; you'd be surprised how many production artists really can't sit down and work on quick concepts and the like.

Game design is important, but for a small team, those skills are less important, as small teams are just trying to get any game they can out. Same goes with project management.

Trust me, there are so many "idea guys" out there that few artists or programmers will take them serious. We all have ideas, it's who can translate them into something tangible (through code or artwork) that can start a successful small team.

>> No.8456820

I posted >>8456794 before I saw your post.

My end goal/dream/best outcome would be be in charge of the conceptual side of the design, such as the plot, the characters, the dialogue, lore etc.

I'm not delusional enough to think I can get by on creativity alone. Basically, I'd just like to be a writer for a game.

inb4 implying you have creativity

>> No.8456837
File: 618 KB, 1646x3093, Character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sketch my concepts fairly basically such as characters or maps, but I have no where near enough skill to get into production artwork.

Pic is original piece I did for assignment. Not claiming it's good or anything, just giving an example.

>> No.8456833


No offense, but you're just another "idea guy" that appear on the forums of the game engines I've worked with and they all get ignored. Only total noobs go for them and it just doesn't really work out.

Your skills only work with larger teams and to be honest, if you're a no name, no one will hire you. You're going to have a very hard time breaking into the industry. My recommendation, since you're already on the creative side, either learn to draw really really well, to the point where people with actual skills are impressed enough to join your team, or actually learn 3D. If you're so creative and don't like math, you can skip the programming. No one said you had to be a programmer to make games, as there are enough game engines out there at the moment where you can easily have more than enough code to have your game. Also, there very few people who can do both. I can do both, but I'm not great at either, so I could never make a game myself, so I stuck to programming and excelling a bit more at it right now.

Ask more questions about the games you want to make and I can guide you a bit more.

>> No.8456852


I think it's good, but you're not impressing anyone with that. You can definitely draw a lot better than me and I'm somewhat decent. Again, being a concept artist is better than being an "idea guy", but you would still want to be a production artist if you were to start a small team; someone who produces 3D models. Or you can do mapping. Pick up UDK and do some levels. Technically it's one of the easier game related fields to get into. And you can use that as a stepping stone to then get into 3D modeling. Learn 3D Studio Max or Maya, the former being the more popular choice among game developers and also being a hell of a lot easier to learn. You could try Cinema4D but you have to be really self-sufficient in order to learn that program well as the learning resources are not as abundant, but sufficient. Then you have to texture and detail, which you could do with ZBrush or Photoshop, just depends on the type of geometry you want to create and your style. I personally liked the ZBrush and 3D Studio Max workflow. It's a lot less technical and tedious as the workflows of the older generation, like the guys I'm working with. They do things in a more old-fashioned way and it just looks a lot more tedious.

>> No.8456854


When I say mapping, I mean level design, as it may be confused with UV mapping, and fuck that. UDK is a great level editor and you can make maps for a bunch of existing games.

>> No.8456862

I figured the term Ideas Guy would be suitable for me.

I'm not actually all that eager to get into the mainstream elements of the game design industry, meaning big companies and COD level popular games.

The type of games I'd like to make would be story or setting driven RPG's. I'd prefer using 2D sprites over 3D models, and would rather have cut scenes play out like something from a visual novel with static character pictures.

I'm aware these kind of game would only be a niche within the gaming community, but I wouldn't mind that at all. Not interest in money, just want to make games.

>> No.8456886


See, if those are your plans, then you definitely have a shot at making something. I was going to recommend a 3D engine, but from the looks of what you want, you should learn Flash. If it's a Zelda type deal you want to make, Flash is easy to learn, you can get your artwork in there super fast, and you can host a website with your game, easily.

The amount of programming you're looking into is minimal, loading movieclips, hitdetection, stuff like that. Maybe an inventory system and a stat tracking system, which are not hard to do. Learn Flash and Actionscript 3.0, learn to draw, and I think you could easily make games yourself since your goals are modest. Theres a good book on Amazon called Actionscript 3.0 Game Programming University, or something like that. You could be making games in a matter of 3-4 months.

Just "borrow" Adobe Flash and you should be set.

>> No.8456925


Also, you may want to look into the mobile game market. I haven't personally used it, but you can check out Corona, which is an SDK for mobile devices, apparently it's very similar to Flash and it seems to be very good for 2D games. That might involve a bit more programming but honestly, you could probably learn this stuff and know enough within 3-6 months, depending on fast of a learner you are.

>> No.8456929

Appreciate the advice anon. Sounds like a plan.

>> No.8456947


Yeah, you have two options there; Flash or Corona SDK. You can more easily make money with Corona but it's a bit more work and less friendly, although I personally haven't used it. Flash might be friendlier and you can build to the iOS if you purchase it. Since you probably wont have money, just pirate Flash and do it for free, if you ever get money, Corona might be cheaper. First learn to make games, then worry bout making money.

>> No.8456960

You will find that Flash is going to be very restrictive.

OP posted a book on C, which leads me to believe that he wants to learn real programming.
Here is what you want: https://sites.google.com/site/vidyadevresources/

>> No.8456968


Terrible terrible advice. Restrictive in what sense? He doesn't know a lick of programming and it doesn't sound like he wants to make anything complicated. Why would you make him have to write an entire game engine before he even starts making a game. Terrible advice.

>> No.8457059

>Why would you make him have to write an entire game engine before he even starts making a game. Terrible advice.

Flash won't teach him about programming.
He's not going to be making games right off the bat, and he doesn't have to make his own game engines, either. I would seriously tell him to at least look into a real programming language first, even if he does stick with Flash. It's going to teach him a lot about how the computer works.

By 'restrictive', I mean that he's going to be stuck with web applets. He's going to suffer with performance, and he's not going to be able to expand beyond graphically unappealing 2D games.

>> No.8457124

>>8456929 Here. To start with, those kind of 2D games are what I'm after, but in the future I wouldn't mind getting into other languages in programing.

Would you recommend a language to use that's less restrictive? I've lurked in a few of the AGDG threads in /v/, but never seem to be concise when talking about languages. All you really get is:

>C , C+, C++ etc


So yeah, not very informative. I've heard that C++ is supposed to be really hard to learn, but is the language that gives the most freedom.

>> No.8457137

> C+

>> No.8457154


First of all, the guy I was talking to wasn't OP. If OP wants to learn programming, he should learn programming, probably C++ or C#. Second, building game engines from scratch is retarded if your goal is to make games. There are some seriously high quality game engines out there that you can use for free, there's no reason to mess around with such low level programming.

Third, Flash produces some really nice games. And you're obviously biased to that since you said "unappealing 2D games". Says who?

You're on some kind of 1337 trip and giving really bad advice. Flash is not restrictive and this anon will not exhaust Flash's capabilities for a good long time, at which time he can then learn whatever else he wants to learn and have a much easier time doing so.


If you want to learn programming, C#, C++, or Java are your best options. If you want to make games, pick a game engine and learn to code for that game engine. Flash is not restrictive for making games and you can make A LOT of stuff. You can fucking write your own goddamn 3D engine inside of Flash if you're that fucking good, but it'll teach you the basics of programming and you'll get the game development base you need. Don't listen to these neckbearded elitists.

>> No.8457205

>So yeah, not very informative. I've heard that C++ is supposed to be really hard to learn, but is the language that gives the most freedom.
You can begin by understanding the fundamental differences between the languages.
C++ is not an easy language, I would argue that it may be one of the very hardest. The language that will give you the most freedom is C. The easiest language to learn would probably be C#+XNA or Java+Slick. I wouldn't be quick to toss out Java either. Don't listen to the trolls, Java is a very powerful and elegant language. It doesn't really matter what language you start with, they are all basically the same when it comes down to it. You won't use any of them to the very last feature.

>> No.8457209

I'm not trying to demote Flash, I'm just saying that it's a lot weaker than other programming languages. The best way to learn programming is to start programming.
>Third, Flash produces some really nice games. And you're obviously biased to that since you said "unappealing 2D games". Says who?
Have you seen some Flash-game websites? I've never seen anything decent come out of Flash devs, but I could be wrong. It just seems unappealing to me.
>You're on some kind of 1337 trip and giving really bad advice. Flash is not restrictive and this anon will not exhaust Flash's capabilities for a good long time, at which time he can then learn whatever else he wants to learn and have a much easier time doing so.
It may or may not be good if you just want to make games, depending on what you really want to accomplish in the end. If you want to learn programming, I would steer clear of Flash.

There's also nothing wrong with making your own game engine, and many people don't. I just don't like the idea of giving up a lot of fundamental concepts of game development. I want to work with my own code, not learn a whole different API. Once again, you're going to have to deal with the restrictiveness of a proprietary engine. I prefer to make everything myself, and I don't think it will cost me any time. That's just what I feel more comfortable with.

Of course, there are plenty of times to use another language. Coming up with something like UDK or Source is going to be very hard, but I just don't see it with simple 2D games.
>You can fucking write your own goddamn 3D engine inside of Flash if you're that fucking good,
I'd like to see this happen, and implemented better than a language like Java or C++.

>> No.8457227

>I'd like to see this happen, and implemented better than a language like Java or C++.
Nobody said they had to be better than their Java or C++ equivalents. Just that it's possible. I personally have never touched Flash but I don't think it's as bad of a language as you seem to think.


>> No.8457242

One of the more interesting things about /jp/ is when 2 or three anons with high power levels argue. Alleviates my boredom a bit

>> No.8457240


Flash is just a tool, making something appealing depends entirely on your skills since Flash is an open canvas. Also, I don't agree with your assesment of Flash at all.

It was my first language and now I use C# and Unity, making 3D games. Flash is ideal for newcomers with little or no programming experience because it's a bit easier. It's a real programming language, even if it's not all that low level, so he will learn all of the fundamental concepts he needs to code.

People like OP and the other guy are obviously guys who are going to do this by themselves and be self-taught, and an important aspect of learning by yourself is seeing progress, if not you're not going to continue. Flash gives you quick results and based on the type of game the one anon described, he can easily make something that looks great inside of Flash.

OP didn't give more info as to what he was looking to do. Again, my advice was directed to the one anon who wants to make a 2D RPG, and the best advice for him is what I gave him.

And your comment on Flash's 3D capabilities just shows your elitist mentality. Dude, who the fuck cares which language can make a better 3D engine. Does it really matter who has the bigger dick if you can impregnate the same? For the game the anon described, Java or UDK will probably not make a huge difference compared to Flash. He doesn't even know any 3D apps.

>> No.8457270
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>anons arguing about Flash vs. OOP
>high power levels

I bet they didn't make it past Chapter 1 in SICP

>> No.8457276


>>Implying Flash hasn't had OOP for 5+ years.

>> No.8457314

What type of game do you want to make and target platform?

>> No.8457311

>I bet they didn't make it past Chapter 1 in SICP
I did, but then I got bored because I didn't think I was learning anything.

I could get the hard-copy and read it at school or something, but then I wouldn't be able to practice the material, so it would be useless.

Besides, SICP is a completely different concept.

>> No.8457320

Pretty much every Japanese game up through the PS1 was written in assembly. Even after that, they didn't go much high-level than C for a long time.

Fun Fact: Crash Bandicoot was written in Lisp. I'm not kidding.

Do you know a little bit about C or C++? Dive into this (e)book, it'll force you to understand the more confusing parts of C programming.

Once you can code a decent terminal-based C game, I recommend you try your hand at embedded homebrew game development, as trying to get low-level on PCs is a real pain in the ass. The Nintendo DS and the PSP are pretty nice to develop on right now, though I think there's more of a PSP homebrew scene than on the DS.

>> No.8457366

>Pretty much every Japanese game up through the PS1 was written in assembly. Even after that, they didn't go much high-level than C for a long time.
