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8448552 No.8448552 [Reply] [Original]

So, who is the fuck else is excited for Christine Love's upcoming game Analogue: A Hate Story? I loved Digital and DTIPB. Wish she'd be a little less vague with the release date, though.

>> No.8448561

Not in the least. Her writing style and overbearing need to ram messages I don't care about down my throat makes me feel little more than disgust when her name is mentioned.

Still, enjoy your excitement I suppose.

>> No.8448579

>A hate story
I wonder if it stars AM. Hate hate.

>> No.8448602 [DELETED] 

>lol ur suc a weaboo ;P
No. Fuck off.

>> No.8448604

I'm the person who normally shitposts about how good she is (usually in the VN threads) and I'm fucking excited as hell.

Go fuck yourself. The whole point of dtipb was the paradigm shift it made you take. Like right now there's a lot of concern over privacy and such on websites like Facebook. If you're a privacy nut (like I am) you read through dtipb and you're like, "Oh wow, I never thought of it like that. That's just how it is for these kids. To me as an outsider yeah, it's wrong, but that's how society works. Fifty years ago there would have been people who would scoff at the idea of mobile phones. A hundred and fifty years ago people would have been adamant nobody would want an 'automobile'. A few centuries ago fucking kids was fine, now it's horrible-by-default."
And it's kind of true for the opposite. Like there are plenty of people who just use Facebook and Google and stuff every day and even if they're aware of the issues surrounding them, they don't give a fuck because it's convenient. Playing dtipb would make these people realize the real world implications of this sort of ignorance and where it's leading us as a society.
It wasn't about shoving a message down our throat. Christine Love even said she left it ambiguous and she was intentionally vague in her blog post about how she really feels about the whole online privacy issue. She wanted you as a reader to play through dtipb and come to your own decision. As an author she respected you as a grown adult capable of making your own choices. Granted the execution was stupid in parts (the Greek chorus segments made me want to hit things) but overall it was a damn good story, and everyone living in the 21st century should read it.

>> No.8448610


>> No.8448628 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 256x365, 7038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you try reading a REAL visual novel written by competent writers? Pic related

>> No.8448690


I do believe I love you. <3

>> No.8448800
File: 148 KB, 366x360, humm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I thought Christine Love was an actual girl, haha.
Well I guess with a pseudonym like "Christine Love", it should have been obvious...

>> No.8449063


Pretty sure she is a girl.

>> No.8449081

That's a guy in a wig.

>> No.8449105

>who is the fuck else

>> No.8449182


I feel kind of violated, now. |:

>> No.8449187

Why? Because you thought she was a real girl on the internet?
Did you think she'd fall in love with over MSN and you'd exchange internet `huggles' and meet up and fuck?
Is that what you thought?

>> No.8449204
File: 53 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lq160rIlcu1qzw06jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an expert on these matters, but I think this human is female.

>> No.8449218

That's a female's Adam's apple if I've ever seen one.

>> No.8449220

He'd actually be a cute nerdy guy if he cut his hair and such.

>> No.8449290


Pretty sure that guy was trolling.

>> No.8449339

Digital was fairly enjoyable due to the throwback to early internet browsing, but the actual story and messages in Digital and DTIPB were just dogshit.

>> No.8449354

>$15 USD
What? S/he expects us to pay for this shit now?

>> No.8450476

No DRM, so exploit that good will as much as you want.

>> No.8450667

Personally, I found Digital to be disappointing. Its style was great and its potential was huge, but in the end I could never bring myself to like the very cheesy main storyline, and the ending was TERRIBLE. Not helped by the fact I major in comp sci and the 'it can't be helped' attitude of both the protag and the heroine were completely retarded due to the TONS AND TONS of other possible solutions.

>> No.8451004

ITT: Discussion of whether Christine Love is male, female or a rogue AI trying to promote a clandestine pro-robot agenda.

>> No.8451038

You're dumb.

>> No.8453310


IMO, that's an incredibly valid opinion. .___.
