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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8448528 No.8448528 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good boards on 2ch.net and 2chan.net? i dont really get the layout of the boards, so can someone link directly to the interesting ones? like the /b/ board, the hentai board and so on


>> No.8448533

You could just browse through them and see which ones you like.

>> No.8448543


>> No.8448548


have you visited one of them? i tried, i even tried to translate the pages with the google page translator. I still cant figure out where to go, i visited like a dozen sites which didnt even had images on them oO. 2chan.net is a little bit easier to figure out, but the structure is kinda messy.

>> No.8448553

>i visited like a dozen sites which didnt even had images on them
You don't say?

>> No.8448555


>> No.8448557


thanks. Anyway, with this link you can perfectly see why its so difficult to browse this site with no japanese skills. How the hell should i figure out what /14/ is? its not like on 4chan where you can guess from the url

>> No.8448560

with futaba you can generally guess from the images posted.

With 2ch, you shouldn't even be browsing unless you know japanese or are looking for things in relation to comiket.

>> No.8448565

from your post i take that this isnt unusual? Well, i thought it would be an typical imageboard so i was a bit puzzled. I mean, what the hell is this http://toro.2ch.net/pure/ ?


>> No.8448567


ok thanks, i will stay away from 2ch then. Gonna lurk futaba more intense now

>> No.8448573

>not going on jun.2chan.net
A lot easier to sort through

>> No.8448578

>i thought it would be an typical imageboard
2ch isn't an image board, it's a text board.

>> No.8448583

There exists a translated version of2chan to boards and things like that I don't have it though =P

>> No.8448582

On this topic, does anyone know where I could download the futaba firefox plugin?
I had it before, but system formatting and such got rid of it, and the 'about' links were dead

>> No.8448589

I don't see why it's so tempting to visit these boards when you don't know Japanese, beyond seeing those wacky Japanese people posting their funny images. They use so much slang that for the vast majority of the posts on both 2ch and futaba, it's completely impossible to get something comprehensible out of it with a machine translator.

>> No.8448599

I lurk there for the; Brown girls, ganguro threads, otoko no musume threads, various fetish threads, etc. Mostly jun for that.
May has a bit too, but it's a bit sparse.

>> No.8448601

Because a man can dream

I only visit the futaba vidya board to look for games I've never heard of. Works out pretty well sometimes.

>> No.8448618


>> No.8448647

>otsu 乙 — Thanks. Contraction of and kanji misconversion of お疲れさま.
Really? I was completely certain it meant >2 get, since that kanji means second, and people always post it at the start of a thread.

>> No.8448652


as i read this i become more and more puzzled. Whats the difference between may.2chan.net and jun.2chan.net?

ive been lurking there for 10minutes or something now and its been kinda entertaining, the images are really way better than here.

>> No.8448680


this is pretty helpful actually, thanks. The guide on Futaba explains a lot of my initial questions

>> No.8448684

oh god futaba is so fucked up. They have multiple cat boards, a horse board, Ramen board and a lot of other stupid ones

Damnit, for this alone it would be worth to learn japanese. Its a shame that non-japanese people arent allow to post, and i doubt itll be that easy to find a jap. proxy

>> No.8448688

oh god futaba is so fucked up. They have multiple cat boards, a horse board, Ramen board and a lot of other stupid ones

Damnit, for this alone it would be worth to learn japanese. Its a shame that non-japanese people arent allow to post, and i doubt itll be that easy to find a jap proxy

>> No.8448691

shit, sorry for the double posting. 4chan didnt display my post somehow

>> No.8448712

It's okay, bro, I'm just glad you decided to make a third post to apologize instead of taking the easy way out by using the delete function.
