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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8442282 No.8442282 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/ I would like to share with you my night.

It was my birthday tonight. I want to tell you how you do not need any friends to have a good time. I got 12 beers, and take out sukiyaki. And I played touhou and listened to touhou music. i played some wii aswell.

it was fun.

>> No.8442288

Oh, and I turned 22.

>> No.8442291

Happy birthday! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.8442294

Happy birthday dude.

That's usually how most of mine go as well.

>> No.8442295

Happy birthday man!

>> No.8442310

Happy birthday.
What's your favorite Touhou song?

>> No.8442312

Just eight more years until glorious wizardhood.

Happy birthday, OP.

>> No.8442322

Thats a hard question to answer. It's always changing.. At the moment nitori's theme I guess.

>> No.8442328
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Fair's fair. You get more than you pay for with Nitori.

>> No.8442329

Happy birthday OP.

But you're wrong. You do have friends, you have us on /jp/!

>> No.8442339


This man is right.

I love you OP. I can be Sakuya for you if you want. I can wear a lacy, frilly maid outfit and clean your home.

>> No.8442344

>I can wear a lacy, frilly maid outfit and clean your home.
Its my birthday too, now.

>> No.8442359

Thanks everyone! I honestly just expected a bunch of sage and "This isn't your blog."

>> No.8442363

Happy birthday OP!

>> No.8442366
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I know I just posted. But here's some Nitori.

>> No.8442369
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My my, two birthdays? How will we ever handle that? Perhaps... hm, maybe we should combine both occasions into one! We'll invite all of /jp/!

Also I took my meds and I'm tired, and they're making me act weird.

Oh and I'm a man but you won't even be able to tell. I'll be all dolled up in Sakuya's clothes, servicing cakes and scones and cook and clean the entire house.

I hope you're fucking ready OP, when I wake up I find you. I will hunt you. I will track you. and then I will maid for you, my master.
I'll see you tomorrow /jp/

nao go sleep

>> No.8442376 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1056x629, 1324029479812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAppy birthday SAegrimr. I won't spam /jp/ with crows for your birthday though.

it was funny when /jp./ got PIGGeD to Hell to back tho... for soda's brirthday

>> No.8442378

>Oh and I'm a man but you won't even be able to tell.
A pleasant fiction.

>> No.8442381

Its only my birthday if it means I get a maid.

>> No.8442390
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I love you /jp/

I'm glad I have a few thousand friends anonymous.

Much better than in person. In person is too much anxiety.

>> No.8442399

I doubt /jp/'ers come in the thousands mate

>> No.8442398

Happy birthday

>> No.8442404

I always assumed it was just me and you.

>> No.8442413
File: 383 KB, 936x662, tewiisacoolguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday, Anonymous!

>> No.8442419

What the fuck are you me? I'm turning 22 today as well.

>> No.8442418

It's me, you, and that other guy.

>> No.8442427
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Sweet! Happy birthday too man.

>> No.8442425

Hey, fuck you too!

>> No.8442426

I hope you have a happy birthday too!

>> No.8442433

Op again. I have posted many times, but I would like to say. It is depressing when you only have 2 beers left.

I drank them way too slow.

>> No.8442437
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>> No.8442490 [DELETED] 

OP here. Thinking of quitting drinking. I live in canada.

How can I convinced my mom to buy me oral synringes plus the OTC codeine shit. Cause if you stuff a toilet paper sheet in a syringe plus a few aspirin and codeine, you can filter the codeine from the codeine and the asprin. And I perfer opiates. I fucking don't even like liquor.

But I am considered an alcoholic to my family. I started with my dad's cancer meds.

>> No.8442499
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>> No.8442516
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Happy Birthday, OP.
What wii game was it?

>> No.8442547 [DELETED] 

Fuckin nigga i wanrtd to say it but i'm too drunk i dont care

>> No.8442602
File: 473 KB, 300x182, happy_Kirino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday Anon-kun!

>> No.8442650

Happy birthday op.
You know your story reminds me of the day I turned 22.
It was way back in 1937.
Me and the rest of my unit were hauled up in a trench way out in berumber and those nazis were giving us a good one two.
Luckily however at the strike of midnight a birthday miracle happened.
Raptor jesus suddenly descended from the heavens and killed all the nazis. Oh it you'd of been there...
Anyway happy birthday op I hope you have a great one next year too.

>> No.8443166
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It's really heartwarming to see that /jp/ can still be this nice once in a while.

>> No.8443188

But WW2 started in 1939
