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8438124 No.8438124 [Reply] [Original]

Lamar Smith has a royal flush and few people know it.

SOPA may pass. It may not. He doesn't care, and it doesn't matter. The MPAA and RIAA started working on their legislative strategy to pass a new anti-piracy bill in late 2010. SOPA was designed to raise the noise. Everyone is playing right into the entertainment industries hand. The lobbyists are laughing manically at the ignorance of the mob. Even Wikipedia and reddit have played into it.

What people don't know about is the ace: H.R.1981, the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 which is lying in wait. It's not complete. You see, PCIP is not contestable because it's about protecting children. They can, and very well might, copy and paste the full text of SOPA to the end of PCIP. That's the backup. That's the deal that was struck with entertainment industry lobbyists. We will try to push this anti-piracy bill. It probably won't work. Don't worry, we can pass it under an anti-child pornography bill.

There are two things which no Congressman will risk supporting: terrorism and child pornography. There can be no opposition, no discussion. Any anti-piracy law can ALWAYS be reframed as an anti-child pornography bill and it will pass, without even discussion. It will have the full support of the House (minus Ron Paul), the full support of the Senate, and most importantly the full support of the American people. NO ONE wants to risk being called a pedophile.

>> No.8438135

Well, I'm only a little girl, what can I do about it?

>> No.8438141

SOPA doesn't mean anything. There are plenty of things against the law, that doesn't mean they can enforce it.
Tomorrow they could declare capital punishment for masturbation, but who will give a fuck?
It's meaningless paper with no backing and it wont affect anyone.

>> No.8438146

Wait? How come no one knows about this?

Can they name bills even if it isn't germane inside the bill?

>> No.8438162

no it's more like adding it as an ammendment to a completely unrelated bill. you aren't supposed to be able to do it but the niggers in washington do it all the time.

>> No.8438187

Normal people would get caught. Piracy would go down. While an internet superhero like me would not care at all, the fan subbing community would take a hit.

I dont know Japanese and I dont plan to learn how to speak it. This would greatly effect my life style.

>> No.8438201

Wait, are you even sure about what you're claiming? I'm pretty sure you can only do that in the Senate and not in the House because of the Germane Rule.

The only way they can stick new laws are to create omnibus bills.

>> No.8438210

congress doesn't even care about the constitution anymore, what makes you think they care about rules they made up themselves?

>> No.8438224

Go watch Mr Smith goes to washington, Congress hasnt cared about the constituion in decades.

>> No.8438255

We had the exact same situation in Germany and people actually DID risk being called a pedophile. In the end we won. Please check:


>> No.8438275

With regards to fan-subbing etc, couldn't we just use non-US domains like co.ty and .eu

Surely the US has no juristiction over servers and domains that are nothing to do with that nation, other than a private company sending a cease and desist to the offender.

Also, could we break up US dominance of advertising revenues (ie Google ads) under the monopolies commission?

>> No.8438294

GO learn about Sopa before spouting useless and outdated posts.

>> No.8438330

Is anal prison rape a celebrated part of your folk culture as well?

>> No.8438349


>> No.8438359

Holy shit people need to stop fucking voting for corporate puppets.

Don't even give a fuck and vote for some random fuckhead who isn't being bribed to do stupid shit for selfish lobbyists

>> No.8438362


Y'know, I followed the various links and all I ever got was people chirping on about 'Write to your congressman'

Beyond that, I can't be arsed to look further. If the web shuts down, then it can botnet to death for all I care.

Im going back to the newsgroups.

>> No.8438374

The civilized world doesn't exactly share the prison culture of the US.

>> No.8438401

>what makes you think they care about rules they made up themselves?
House rules exist because there is a limited amount of time to do all the shit they do. Again, do you have proof that they'll do this? Because I don't want hearsay, proof is required before people mobilize to stop shit like this.

>> No.8438405
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spread awareness?

>> No.8438409
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Why is this even a bill?

Acquiring CP is already harshly punished.

>> No.8438424

>read bloomber article "Americans Won’t Welcome Web-Piracy Crackdown"
>that surprise when almost 46 percent of Americans would be labeled pirates
>70 percent would be in the 19 to 29 age range
And only 2 percent are hard large scale pirates. How the fuck are companies losing money?

>> No.8438463


They aren't. Piracy is a scapegoat they use to further their ambitions.

>> No.8438467

>any visual depiction involved in the offense involved a prepubescent minor or a minor who had not attained 12 years of age

So would this officially make loli illegal?

>> No.8438471

This is why I'm glad I'm not a seppo

>> No.8438491

yes, and also g.e-hentai, our greatest source for faps would be completely shut down too.

Imagine all those terabytes of hentai, vanished.

Please do whatever you can to stop, SOPA, PIPA and whatever their children might be

>> No.8438514

it would just end up in the same situation PROTECT ACT did

>> No.8438515

Isn't there already another law like that right now? It just isn't being challenged yet in the Supreme Court?

What makes this bill different from the status quo?

>> No.8438519

what situation?
Also my guess is no. Better to take action now than regret it later...

>> No.8438522

What does this bill have to do with SOPA?
Last I heard, House resolutions require being germane and can't just be adhoc-ed on each other unless they're omnibus bills.
