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8436123 No.8436123 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any delusions or interesting ideas that help you fight off the loneliness, /jp/?

I never was able to connect with a specific character and do that waifu stuff, it's just too lonely once the game is over and you know you'll never see her again, but I like to think that there's a girl that lives inside my computer and whenever I'm playing an eroge I like to think that she's inside of the game. I imagine that everything the girl in the eroge is saying is actually just the girl inside of my computer talking to me through the game.

It's hard to feel lonely when I know that my computer is always with me.

>> No.8436126

We have far too many ``ronery'' threads right now.

Generally I visit /jp/, but you faggots are all in depressive mode today.

>> No.8436131


It's the constant darkness of the spoilers. I think it's messing with everyone's mind.

>> No.8436140

Dakimakura, figures, and my cat. It's all I'll ever need.

>> No.8436145

I just don't give a shit
also reported

>> No.8436149
File: 4 KB, 291x248, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2day every1 is depressed as HELL cuz of the PIPE and SOAP bills baaaaaaaw

>> No.8436151

Computers are machines. What happens when it breaks? Are you going to kill yourself? Fucking loser

>> No.8436156

I create long and detailed fictional scenarios in my mind where I join the adventures of characters of whatever game/anime/comic/whatever I'm currently engrossed in.
Sometimes I also imagine elaborate original stories where I'm the main character.
I spend a good chunk of my life living in those imaginary worlds.

>> No.8436159

I pretend I have a family, a waifu and a daughter. My waifu is from an anime and I have a lot of merchandise of her in my room and also in places on the computer that I see frequently. My daughter is my character from an MMO. I have about 4000 screenshots of her to make up for the lack of fanart and merchandise.

I kiss my monitor a lot, and I often spend hours in bed hugging my pillows pretending I'm happily sleeping with them.

>> No.8436176

lol is that depression man from Mother 3

i loved mother 3.

>> No.8436183

>PIPE and SOAP bills baaaaaaaw
When do these get passed?

>> No.8436195

If they get passed Moot will probably turn of 4chan forever and go fuck some sluts.

>> No.8436196

Lucid dreaming is my only escape that still does anything to help me feel less alone

>> No.8436238
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Tell us about one of those worlds. Whichever one you want.

>> No.8436246

I always cry when I see threads like this You guys sound so lonely, I want to hug all of you.

>> No.8436251


Never heard of anyone doing that, creating a 'daughteru' in a MMO. It makes sense though... it's a character you have an interesting in seeing develop over time and putting a lot of your own effort into

>> No.8436253


>> No.8436274 [DELETED] 

[spoiler]I've had an original world going in my head for the past 5 years or so. I also like to insert myself into stories like the other anon said.</spoiler>

>> No.8436278

I thought it was a little unconventional at first as well. I tossed around the philosophy of what a waifu (and by extension, a 2d fictional daughter) really is and I came to the conclusion that waifu can be a very broad term, though perhaps not under the traditional definition.

Anyway, time went on and, I just love her so much. I sometimes feel bad at the amount of love I give to my daughter that my waifu isn't getting. I think my waifu would be the same though, in that we'd similarly smother our daughter with too much love, and be a happy family in that regard.

>> No.8436281

Me too. It's like my own epic saga but in my head, just for me!

>> No.8436286

I don't really do anything extraordinary, just the usual talking to/criticizing myself when I'm alone. Recently though, I've started having dreams again, and in them girls I knew from high school talk to me sometimes. At first it was somewhat pleasant because they were friendly, but recently not so much because they've started making fun of me. Last night one said "do you really not have *any* friends?".

It was kind of terrible. Your dreams shouldn't make fun of you.

>> No.8436293


Anyway, at some point you'll stop caring too much, and finally discover the true delight that is to be alone.

Though it's nice to have someone to chat/play from time to time. And it helps to have your brain busy, either with work or games.

And If you can't make friends, just try to stay alive enough time to achieve enlightenment. Really, the human being is a creature of habits, you can get used to it.

Sometimes I fantasize that I'm the only human left in my city.

>> No.8436297

I remembered a dream the other day. First time in a few years. I woke up several times but I didn't quite fall out of the dream, if that makes sense. It was a bit of an interesting experience, so I somewhat want that dream back.

>> No.8436309

I hug a stuffed bear when I go to sleep and imagine that it's a nice girl that loves me. I can't really afford anything else.

>> No.8436331

I put it out of mind.

>> No.8436345

Sleep, my dreams are much more fun than anything I do all day.

I wake up, eat what I need to stay alive, and pass the time with games or stupid projects i'll never finish untill I get sleepy. Then i'll go back to bed for about 16+ hours.

>> No.8436373

Cool blog thread.

>> No.8436393

I self insert into whatever fiction I'm reading (when I'm not reading it), usually as a friend of the MC who gives him advice.

>> No.8436397 [DELETED] 

That's a rather boring role to fill, anon.</spoiler>

>> No.8436408
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Loneliness? I just fap to some brutal gangrape doujin where the girls get used roughly and treated like cumdumpsters.

Really helps to diffuse negative emotions. Highly recommend it.

>> No.8436409

I have a body pillow. I don't usually imagine it as a person, though, but I do imagine that vaguely it represents female companionship in some loose way.

>> No.8436469

My laptop used to be my waifu, so it's kinda what you're doing. It was pretty fun, and I couldn't hate her even when she was so slow and kept overheating. She would also nag and pouts whenever I browse porn, it was pretty cute.

Then I found out she had been fooling around with tons of other people. I was heartbroken.

Idiot. It's not the computer itself, it's the stuffs inside it that makes it whole.

>> No.8436493


What MMO is that?

>> No.8436499

Take this shit back to your therapist.


>> No.8437203
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I like to think of myself as the perpetual outsider, even when all of the other outsiders have found some place to belong I will still be left out and watching them from afar. A lot of stories have that character that isn't really involved with anyone but might be motivated by something else to help the main characters from time to time. I picture myself as one of those side-characters, like a deus ex machina, except that most of the time the stories (life situations) are too boring to warrant my full attention. I can get really tired and lethargic just thinking about it, so I end up existing in a dormant state with minimal functionality until the moment that I become determined enough to intervene.

I really like the idea of things like true love, and precious ideals to be cherished. Unfortunately I've never really been able to connect, like I operate on a different wave length to most people. The rare time I see potential in someone else there is always some obstruction, for example the minor details of their ideals don't match up with the way I operate. So people get these strange ideas about me and I never bother correcting them because it isn't my place to tell them how to experience life.

I don't really like the idea of waifu/husbando either because I don't like the idea of settling with someone that has a better and more passionate match out there. I know having a waifu doesn't reserve the character, but I still think if someone else is more dedicated I shouldn't ruin it by saying me too.

But maybe it's fine like this, because a side-character like me usually never has strong ties and consistently prominent ties to other characters in the story; that's what makes them versatile.

>> No.8442217

I do the exact same thing.

>> No.8442247

If you were replying to the post with the black haired girl(archive didn't catch it so I can't be sure), that wasn't an MMO.

>> No.8442292

But my therapist hasn't done shit yet. I feel like she is just wasting my time on purpose so she can get paid.
