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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 339 KB, 2304x1728, 100_7562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8432088 No.8432088 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]My tank arrived in the mail today /jp/

Still waiting on the mask to come in. I've been making balloons in the meantime to have a going away party.</spoiler>

>> No.8432093

[spoiler]Before we get started do you have any proof, OP?</spoiler>

>> No.8432090

[spoiler]At least the festive atmosphere will balance out the whole death thing.</spoiler>

>> No.8432097

Tell me if it works OP.</spoiler>

>> No.8432095

[spoiler]This is sad.</spoiler>

>> No.8432101

[spoiler]This thread really makes me wonder how many people actually complete the process/execution to portal to Gensokyo.</spoiler>

>> No.8432102

what more proof do you want? I have the tank next to me and I've been making balloons.</spoiler>

>> No.8432098

[spoiler]Why didn't you just take a handful of DPH and pass out in a sealed room with charcoal? That's how I've always thought I'd kill myself.</spoiler>

>> No.8432099

[spoiler]No wonder we keep selling out of these</spoiler>

>> No.8432104
File: 23 KB, 429x314, ohoaafaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432108

[spoiler]have a nice trip OP I'll see you there sometime~</spoiler>

>> No.8432109

[spoiler]The only suicide that makes the most sense to me is erotic asphyxiation. You're risking death to do something that feels fantastic, so why not just keep doing that until you happen to die? Although, such a thing would ironically make you want to keep living.</spoiler>

>> No.8432110

I guess we love you OP, or something.
Bye. Maybe I'll catch up with you later.</spoiler>

>> No.8432120


>> No.8432114

You know? Real "internet proof" such as sharpie /jp/ and a date written on a balloon. You don't expect me to believe a picture you could have grabbed from google means anything you say is legit.</spoiler>

>> No.8432115
File: 63 KB, 606x621, cruel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Please dont go</spoiler>

>> No.8432116

[spoiler]OP, do you know this method is not painless right?</spoiler>

>> No.8432122

Are you going to troll with that again?</spoiler>

>> No.8432123


>> No.8432129

Oh shit I just noticed.

Should have forced spoiler all images too</spoiler>

>> No.8432146
File: 319 KB, 1600x1200, Picture 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432148

Capture time: 5:04:28 AM
Feb, 02, 2011</spoiler>

>> No.8432151

I really wish I could hold you while you go OP. I just want to comfort you one last time.</spoiler>

>> No.8432157

owned hard</spoiler>

>> No.8432160

You can see the thread, detective.</spoiler>

>> No.8432163

Take a picture of the fucking tank, not the balloons
You probably got the balloon from your mother or stole it from your imouto.</spoiler>

>> No.8432168

you're a huge faggot please go die</spoiler>

>> No.8432173
File: 381 KB, 1600x1200, Picture 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432180

[spoiler]Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself and how you wound up in this position?</spoiler>

>> No.8432182


I don't think anyone is going to take their time to shop something so stupid

>> No.8432188

Almost seconded this before I realized the joke.[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8432193

[spoiler]I don't know about this. First picture has EXIF that says the picture was taken on Feb. 2nd of last year. Second picture has no EXIF.

If this is real though, I would kill myself too if I had a Kodak camera.</spoiler>

>> No.8432194

I've just been a neet for many years now and I've had enough. I've been leeching off my family and it can't go on forever and I have no intention to change my lifestyle.

Everything just seems pointless to do. I'd rather just go to gensokyo than get a job because I have no motivation to do anything anymore.</spoiler>

>> No.8432201


>> No.8432202

yeah the camera is giving off the wrong date because the internal date on it is wrong. I don't really use it much because the battery is messed up. I was really just testing it out today to see if it would actually work and I managed to get 1 picture from it.</spoiler>

>> No.8432207

Make a resume, and hand it out to every business you can find. At least one of those companies would want you, right?

If you kill yourself, you're parents are going to be real upset. They invested all that time and effort for nothing.</spoiler>

>> No.8432209

I tried that, too. No good.</spoiler>

>> No.8432226

[spoiler]But OP if you go now we'll never be able to make balloons together ;_;

Please, not yet.</spoiler>

>> No.8432235

[spoiler]OP you could try accepting a life in poverty as a monk of any religion. Or maybe you can try meditation or stuff like that</spoiler>

>> No.8432245

I actually thought about this kind of stuff but I don't think I could survive without fapping to loli and being on the computer all day.</spoiler>

>> No.8432259


>> No.8432258

Oh, I just want to scoop you up and give you warm farewell snuggles.You will be missed, Balloon-kun. Float away and reunite yourself with the cosmos, you will be free. ;_;</spoiler>

>> No.8432297

I'm still going to be around for another week because shipping from amazon is slow...</spoiler>

>> No.8432306

Well, update us when your shipments arrive. Best of luck creating the portal good anon.</spoiler>

>> No.8432312

thanks, I'll probably make a guide on how to assemble the mask and tube since the other picture wasn't very descriptive on how to do it.</spoiler>

>> No.8432324

[spoiler][spoiler]Please don't go anon ;_;[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8432343

[spoiler]You're a real attention whore, you know that? Enjoy your 15 minutes and dying, faggot.</spoiler>

>> No.8432359

[spoiler]I know it may be too late for this, but please don't do it, OP. I know I don't know you personally, but the thought of losing a fellow /jp/sie still makes me sad.

A job isn't really that bad if that's what it comes down to; you just have to take the first step. I know from experience that not being a NEET anymore does wonders to cure depression. You can still leave yourself time for your hobbies, especially if you go part time. If your parents have been understanding to this point, I'm sure they'd be thrilled even if you can't fully support yourself right away.

If social anxiety is the problem, there are lots of jobs where you don't have to deal with people very often.

Even now, you can still turn your life around.</spoiler>

>> No.8432368

Knock it off. You're only doing this to make yourself feel better for some twisted reason.</spoiler>

>> No.8432381

There's no future for people like us. Stop trying to kid yourself. We cant deal with real world problems, why do you think we've retreated to this kind of lifestyle?</spoiler>

>> No.8432384

[spoiler]Hey, OP. Out of curiosity were you one of the other /jp/sies that were supposed to have died in the last month but maybe didn't?

If you are I think you should consider other possibilities. If not, I think should still reconsider doing something more productive with what you have left of your life. If you're going to throw your life away anyway, you might as well put your life on the line for somebody else that hasn't decided to quit yet. Only then will dreams like /jp/ manor ever start to be realized.</spoiler>

>> No.8432397

Empathy is a hard concept</spoiler>

>> No.8432404

There's no future for anybody. We all die eventually. So you might as well make the best of things without worrying about your "worth" relative to other people. If you can still extract any enjoyment out anything, then you might as well keep living so you can enjoy it as much as possible. Because if you die, you can't enjoy anything ever again.

Or something like that. I'm not very good at being philosophical.</spoiler>

>> No.8432406


>> No.8432407


>> No.8432408

[spoiler]Don't do it OP, at the very least make it your job to see and do new things.</spoiler>

>> No.8432412

[spoiler]This thread made me sad. It once again reminded me how sad suicide is and how it affects everyone, even strangers like me on /jp/.

If and when I decide to kill myself, I'll make sure not to create a thread about it on /jp/, or any other board/site/etc for that matter.</spoiler>

>> No.8432424

I for one am glad OP posted this. He's sharing a very special moment (in my opinion) with us. I almost feel good for the OP since he's made a decision to end his sadness.</spoiler>

>> No.8432431

OP is obviously depressed. It's a silent, crushing agony. All these people saying, just get a job, just do this, just keep living.. it's not that simple. It's true that we all die eventually, but if someone is suffering, why drag it out for too long? It is within ones right to end their life if that is what they want. No one wished to be born into this world. Here it is harsh and cold and it slowly chips away at gentler people. Is it too much to want to be freed from it all?</spoiler>

>> No.8432435

[spoiler]so you've overcome fear of death, and you choose to kill yourself. congratulations in picking a path where becoming fearless of death is absolutely useless. why don't you just disappear and live in a 3rd world country helping people while getting shot at, i'm pretty sure its more rewarding</spoiler>

>> No.8432438

[spoiler]Good luck, anon. I'll probably be joining you sooner or later.</spoiler>

>> No.8432460

I know how it feels OP, and I agree you feel hopeless. Just please know that your family will dislike it more if you die than if you keep "leeching" off them.

For me the best thing was volunteering and exercise. If you don't like normal people, try children, or people with disabilities. You can't possibly be as autistic as someone who actually has autism.

In all seriousness, before you take your trip to gensokyo, try volunteering once, or climbing a mountain.</spoiler>

>> No.8432463

I wouldn't mind trying some humanitarian effort to try to give my life some meaning but how would somebody with no experience or uses get involved?</spoiler>

>> No.8432470

[spoiler]Fuck you, I hope your lungs explode and you die painfully</spoiler>

>> No.8432467

[spoiler]I want to believe death can get you to gensokyo
I really do.</spoiler>

>> No.8432475

Humanitarian organizations require little to no prerequisites. All you have to do is contact them and say you want to try helping. Even if it's a simple task.

They will be more than happy to give you a chance</spoiler>

>> No.8432480

I understand. No, really, I do. I was in that position for years. I had gotten to the point where I was starting to seriously plan out how I was going to end it all.

I was lucky. My father told me he'd pay for me to go to community college, and I thought, "Well, at this point, what the hell do I have to lose by trying?" Just having a couple of classes to give me something to do for a few hours a day was all it took to free me. Don't get me wrong, I still get depressed, I just no longer want to kill myself. But if I spend too long without taking classes, or doing some part-time work, the darkness starts creeping back in.

Sorry for the blog post, but I guess what I want to say is, just try being involved in something, OP. Worst case is that it doesn't help, in which case... well, you already have the tank.</spoiler>

>> No.8432482

Every time a /jp/sie kills himself it makes us all a bit more depressed. If nothing else live for the rest of us who aren't at that point yet. No one should have to go through this alone, who knows your words may convince another anon to live another day. If this keeps going there will be no one left on /jp/ at all. Somtimes just existing is enough to make others happy.</spoiler>

>> No.8432492

[spoiler]Maybe I'll see you later, OP.</spoiler>

>> No.8432490

[spoiler]Just do it! No one wants attention whore like OP!</spoiler>

>> No.8432496

[spoiler]Looks like you're for real.
I hope you find peace on the other side, anon.</spoiler>

>> No.8432505
File: 45 KB, 402x401, viggo mortensen in the road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]See you on the other side, bro~</spoiler>

>> No.8432508

[spoiler]Aren't we good enough?</spoiler>

>> No.8432507

well nothing happens. you will never be a little magical girl, ever. hhahahahahahaaha you're such a faggot.</spoiler>

>> No.8432515

[spoiler]Have you tried exploring other hobbies? Pets help, I love my cats and I even have a few strays I take care of. I keep myself amused with cooking and gardening, you'd be surprised how much nature and sunshine can make you feel better. Also saving up money on the side to travel in my old age.</spoiler>

>> No.8432518

[spoiler]Attention whore</spoiler>

>> No.8432533

No one should have to live for someone else, much less for a bunch of people on the internet on /jp/. But I agree it's depressing that OP wants to end his life, and I too wish he could somehow live.</spoiler>

>> No.8432535

You sound really moe, anon.</spoiler>

>> No.8432536

[spoiler]Listen to Illinois, then try and attempt suicide.</spoiler>

>> No.8432546

No, seriously this >>8432384 is what you should think about rather than helping people completely unrelated to you in every single way.

I don't blame any of you for giving up. But I don't like how you all insist on following eachother off the cliff like a bunch of lemmings. One of the interesting game mechanics in life is shared-productivity. Anyone that can benefit from the efforts of multiple people will be in a position to reach a productivity greater than the individual efforts combined.</spoiler>

>> No.8432565
File: 57 KB, 542x516, Iluv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]OP please visit this website and read these archived reports on Near Death Experiences okay? Even if you die anyway, you'll know what you face on the other side.
Also in the email field is my MSN. If you want someone to talk to I'll be there. Or anyone else who just needs someone to talk to that is fine.


>> No.8432571

Not really...
I'm just used to cooking since it saves a lot of money and tastes better, I only recently started gardening as I was stuck in the city most of my childhood. Many of the ingredients I use in cooking are difficult to find or turn out bland so they compliment each other well. There's nothing quite as satisfying as making a delicious meal from your own personal garden.</spoiler>

>> No.8432578

People should have to live for others. Fuck this individualism bullshit. Look at how happy that made people enough that they go and camp out on the street and BAWWW about 99% and 1% instead of actively seizing control of the game.

Everyone deserves a reason to live other than self-satisfaction.</spoiler>

>> No.8432576

[spoiler]http://www.serve.gov/ or go to a local church or any temple (don't have to be religious) and just ask them that you wish to help people and need more information. get information until your fingers/hands/throat/feet are sore from gathering and then go and help someone</spoiler>

>> No.8432577

Always consult the handbook first.</spoiler>

>> No.8432581

[spoiler]Ne, Balloon-kun, if you're filling the balloons with helium, why aren't they floating?</spoiler>

>> No.8432583

You don't actually believe that garbage, do you?</spoiler>

>> No.8432584

[spoiler]OP, I hope you haven't eaten anything in the last 24 hours unless you want the police to find you in a puddle of piss or crap.</spoiler>

>> No.8432586

[spoiler]I'm actually thinking about doing humanitarian work seriously.

I have nothing to live for anymore so why not try to help people atleast.

One of the reasons why I'm so interested in this is because I have no love for today s society and how everybody only cares about money. I feel like I'll be able to fall inbetween the cracks of the system and still do good to others. And If I go to some fucked up place in the world and get killed there atleast I tried to do something right,

Thanks anons, I guess you kind of opened my eyes,
I still have a few days to decide atleast.</spoiler>

>> No.8432588

[spoiler]OP, wouldn't it be far less painless to die from alcohol poisoning?

Just keep chugging down alcohol until you die from it.</spoiler>

>> No.8432594

That sounds like a really good plan. Let us know how it works out... I might try the same thing.</spoiler>

>> No.8432591

/jp/ - Life Savers</spoiler>

>> No.8432599

Fuck off and delete your thread, then.</spoiler>

>> No.8432614

[spoiler]You're a lame coward.</spoiler>

>> No.8432612

[spoiler]Bad End</spoiler>

>> No.8432638
File: 515 KB, 1500x1500, 1313178615927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Join the Air Force, op.</spoiler>

>> No.8432646

Please tell me how it goes. I'm really interested. Make a post in this thread, or something.

I can leave you my email if you want.</spoiler>

>> No.8432652
File: 35 KB, 664x578, 1322178896759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Don't kill yourself over first world problems, OP.</spoiler>

>> No.8432661

yes please post about your results too. I am also useless and I'm wondering if there's a point in someone like me living</spoiler>

>> No.8432659

[spoiler]Well at least you weren't dumb enough to put he in them.</spoiler>

>> No.8432681

[spoiler]See you in Gensokyo, bro.</spoiler>

>> No.8432765
File: 313 KB, 831x329, stoptryingtokillyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432769

[spoiler]Go for it bro.
You wouldn't be doing this unless you were sure about it, so go for it.
Good luck.</spoiler>

>> No.8432830

[spoiler]If you end up doing it, be sure to leave behind a written note (preferably in a diary) saying that you're ascending to Gensokyo.
Fox News will do a charming interpretation of the incident, and you will be the suicide sensation of the decade.

Bonus points if they find out you posted on 4chan.</spoiler>

>> No.8432835 [DELETED] 

>Don't kill yourself over first world problems, OP.
First world denizens have overcome simple third world problems and instead have to deal with problems with solutions more complex than eating.</spoiler>

>> No.8432855

[spoiler]OP, if you want to die, die knowing that you did your best living.

There are many people in shitty situations; maybe make their lives a bit better, even if it was just for one day. One day's worth of happiness can mean alot to someone who's lived a life of misery.</spoiler>

>> No.8432863

[spoiler]That's how apotho-chan died.

Good luck, OP.</spoiler>

>> No.8432865

[spoiler]>ITT: normalfaggotry

>Why would anyone become depressed about being NEET, unless you're a closet normal that wishes he had a girlfriend and a job? Unlike all of the stupid drones and wage slaves, you don't have to waste all of the best years of your life doing things you don't like around people you hate for money that you can't actually enjoy because you're too busy working. You've basically beaten society.</spoiler>

>> No.8432868

[spoiler]I can't help to find this entire situation hilarious with the balloons and large "BALLOON TIME" multicolored box.</spoiler>

>> No.8432869

Who are you quoting?</spoiler>

>> No.8432872

[spoiler]Nice balloons, looks like OP is having a good party. You should totally post pics of that model tank you got from amiami though.</spoiler>

>> No.8432893

This. Any kind of form of suicide trough asphyxiation is extremely painful. You will feel necrosys install in your body as your cells die one by one. And there won't be anything you can do about it. You will most likely die due to shock of pain.</spoiler>

>> No.8432918


You know what he needs? Some party hats, decorations and those annoying little whistle things.</spoiler>

>> No.8432930

[spoiler]I'm so dissapointed in the amount of attention you retards gave OP.</spoiler>

>> No.8432931

Do this, OP. It would probably brighten the cops'/coroner's day.</spoiler>

>> No.8432953

A man is going to die.
How could you be so insensitive?</spoiler>

>> No.8432956

Protip: You pass out before it gets painful.
Unless you have a secret chinese technique to stay conscious when your brain doesn't get enough oxygen, you will be unconscious.</spoiler>

>> No.8432965

[spoiler]Inb4 OP makes a lot of Balloons and end up getting a fetish for Latex and Balloons.</spoiler>

>> No.8433000

[spoiler]please dont do it</spoiler>

>> No.8433005

NEETs should be encouraged to off themselves.</spoiler>

>> No.8433012

shut up frigging idiot</spoiler>

>> No.8433015


>> No.8433019

cant you see you are being so cruel
jp is a nice board
just FRIG OFF back home</spoiler>

>> No.8433025

Give me one good reason why all NEETs shouldn't kill themselves.</spoiler>

>> No.8433024

[spoiler]This thread made me smile and think about suicide again.

Why do I find suicide so fascinating and romantic.</spoiler>

>> No.8433033


>> No.8433041

yeah i know ^_________________________^</spoiler>

>> No.8433042

keep alive for hobbies
online friensds and family love them
pets reliant on them
chance of osomething better happening to make life good</spoiler>

>> No.8433045

They are a disease upon the earth. Only fit to be purged of life at the soonest opportunity.</spoiler>

>> No.8433048

Did you just come here from a Warhammer 40k game or something?</spoiler>

>> No.8433050

[spoiler]Laying in your bed with a breathing mask? That's a death for great-grandparents, not healthy young men. You're pathetic.</spoiler>

>> No.8433054


are you going to listen to this outsiderfrom b jp?</spoiler>

>> No.8433072

[spoiler]I'm sad for you.
You have a lot of courage to come to this decision. I think accepting death is the hardest part about suicide. I don't want to go on living, yet I'm too scared to die, as if I'm actually worth something or have something to live for.</spoiler>

>> No.8433075

>Make a resume, and hand it out to every business you can find. At least one of those companies would want you, right?

Even if OP got a job, it might be for a few hours per week. Most of the retail businesses around here have switched from fulltime employment to both part-time and part-crew. So, if there is not enough work for that part of the day, fewer workers will be scheduled to work. Thus, the total workforce rises and falls. By hiring no one over XX hours per week, no benefits need to be paid especially unemployment benefit fees by the employer. The wages can be kept lower too. The additional profit trickles down to the investors and management team bonuses, thus people strongly benefit from trickle down economics.</spoiler>
