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File: 16 KB, 300x300, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8431103 No.8431103 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a lolicon purely a mental construct that is encouraged/disencouraged both subconsciously and consciously by the self?

Or is it a legitimate sexuality/sexual preference that can't truly be changed?

>> No.8431109

the former

>> No.8431116

If the self doesn't exist then what is the lolicon?

>> No.8431112

It's a fetish like liking older partners.

>> No.8431119

You dont know what fetish means.

>> No.8431123

I'd say it's a mental construct, but in neither of the ways you described.

>> No.8431124

I very much prefer younger subjects in my material.

That would depend on how you define the "self" that you claim not to exist. Is it the alternate "self," the concept of another person? Is it your "self," the concept of your own existence? Is it simply all "self," the concept of existence entirely?

>> No.8431130

Is that so? Sexual fetishism has actually a pretty loose definition and the term can be used broadly.

>> No.8431132
File: 66 KB, 768x832, 1191616162883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli I was born this way brah!
weird because I learnt my father was a pedophile, maybe it is in the genes.

>> No.8431136

It's for sick fucks

>> No.8431139

I sometimes wonder if my interest in younger girls is legitimate or brought on by being surrounded by sick fucks on the internet for most of my life.

>> No.8431144

I found my leaning towards little girls as a dual product of my own misogyny and my preference for lolicon, which I don't recall ever not enjoying. I do recall at one point child pornography was something I didn't care for, but that was due to legal fears as opposed to actual distaste of the subject matter.

>> No.8431169

How is it ok to be a faggot, but being a lolicon is a bad thing?

>> No.8431173

Because adult men can consent.

>> No.8431178

And because children can't, right?

>> No.8431183

Not according to various laws, nope.

Wanna organize a few marches to change that?

>> No.8431187

All I know is that I was seeking out CP almost as soon as I was looking at porn of any kind, which was probably when I was 10 or 11. I've moved on to lolicon now, both because the legal issues as well as a general preference for 2D over 3D.

If you're asking whether our sexual preferences are conditioned or innate, well, ask the gays what a can of worms that question is.

>> No.8431189

I think we'll need more than a few marches, but it's a start. Certainly worked for the gays, right?

>> No.8431206

Just as long as you're willing to die for my rights while I watch and enjoy a cold Dr. Pepper.

>> No.8431212

Well not I, certainly, but I'm sure we could get something, right? I think our main priority should be finding a new target for the common masses to hate.

>> No.8431222

I did the same as you, but not so young. I was a late bloomer...I didn't fap or try to until I was 16. I wasn't that interested in sex then, either, just tried it as a result of mostly romantic fantasies.

Now I'm an addict when it comes to fapping, my H folder is over 70 gigs and it is difficult to imagine romantic relationships.

Sage for blogging.

>> No.8431230

I started early, I think I was nine, but I only really bother every few days. Sometimes I do more, but I by no means feel it needed. I've gone through things with the intent to fap and never did.

>> No.8431263

I also started fapping when I was nine, but didn't work up the courage to search for porn on the Internet for a few years after that. I remember having my cock in hand, waiting excitedly as the pictures would slowly load over our 33k dial-up connection. Good times.

>> No.8431266

good gosh look at that smile

>> No.8431269

I was spoiled by Limewire.

I got to see CP of girls my age (and younger) when I was 12 and have been addicted to it since.

>> No.8431275


>> No.8431277

> Limewire
> I was 12
I don't know when LimeWire really took off, but doesn't this make you underage now?

>> No.8431287

It's been around since 2000.

>> No.8431288

No, I'm 21 now.

>> No.8431281

Man, I remember the glory days of Limewire. It used to be so easy to find CP. Then it all turned to viruses. ;_;

>> No.8431294

It's still easy to find CP, just not through Limewire.

I'm surprised we didn't get thrown in jail anyway. Limewire was crazy insecure.

>> No.8431296

Huh, I learned something today.

Sorry for the accusation, Anonymous.

>> No.8431307

And downloading CP over Tor today is probably about the same speed as downloading it with my dial-up connection back then. Just a lot more secure.

>> No.8431319

Are there any communities on TOR for this?

It's fun to talk about, but not acceptable on 4chan and risky as hell.

>> No.8431315

I-i honestly have no idea. I think it has to do with the fact of being attracted to the forbidden. Or the innocence? Either way, i'm pretty much enjoy things from vore to being beaten down by women, so i guess it is just hyper sexuality.

>> No.8431327

You're not going to get busted for talking about pedophilia and child pornography on 4chan. You're not even going to get busted for posting it unless you do it en masse. I've admittedly posted it without a proxy a few times, and here I am admitting it.
The FBI doesn't care about you. They don't care if John Doe downloads CP (though the media loves it). They only care about big distributors in Russia or wherever who trade it by the gigabyte.

>> No.8431337

What I mean is it's a matter of time before the janitor wakes up and deletes the thread.

>> No.8431338

There are. I'll leave finding them up to you. It's not that hard.

>> No.8431360

I know where the idea of it being a 'mental construct' comes from. But from my experience, I can say that since I awakened to sexual desire, I have preferred little girls. Well, 'middle girls' would actually be more accurate. Not that I have ever touched a female of any age, but still...
I recall that since grade school, I already got that tingly feeling from certain anime characters Yeah, yeah, I know..., always girls, never older women, and as early as age 6 or 7 I had already developed a burning (and I'm not using the term loosely), if obviously immature and sterile, desire for intimacy with a girl from school. Which I never got.
Then, as years passed, my taste just... didn't evolve. Maybe it's all due to sexual frustration. But even then, as far as I recall, normal middle-school kids have desire for older, more 'mature' women, right?

>> No.8431371

Most of them do. I guess there really might be some natural tendencies here.

>> No.8431384

I really wish I wasn't interested in little girls. It's going to get me in real trouble some day.

>> No.8431395

It shouldn't. Most of the time I've inquired about it I was told it was wrong "because it's wrong."

>> No.8431404

Real life little girls generally aren't mature enough to decide who to spend the rest of their life with.

>> No.8431408
File: 82 KB, 454x591, trolling_tilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's subconsciously made and it can't be changed, we're hardwired to seek young HELLfy        to have our offsprings. every1 is attracted to you know whats. those who aren't are either GAY GAY GAY, white knights or playin devils advocate

>> No.8431410

Nobody said that. But they can make a decision on fucking someone. And how do you mean "mature" anyway? They don't grow up very much, emotionally or mentally.

>> No.8431415

Im into little boys. But I'm female who's not butt ugly so I imagine I would serve nowhere near as long of jail time as a male if I were caught. Feels good man.

>> No.8431406

But they're mature enough to decide who to spend the night with.

>> No.8431416
File: 182 KB, 543x716, 1318443242634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's have a look in this old friend of all ours.

Well, if lolicon/pedophilia(branchs of the same tree) were harmful evolution would had wiped it long time ago since humans are social beings and anything destructive for the individual or the group that supports him through the symbiotic social interaction is rejected unless it retrieves a higher reward in proportion (I'm not for math now it out)

From an objective, not human point of view? No
From a single individual who have lived all his life in a dark cave and suddenly being freed? Guess.
From a social point of view? $$$, Politics, Religion, Media and power in general.

From a naturalist point of view? It should be discussed further:
A- Human that feels attracted to, obviously fertile, women under 18 years old(lol America) hence, copulate with them.
B- He doesn't feel attracted to women to them.

Obviously A offspring will take over B kind since B has a harmful restriction without reward in his reproductive behavior.

A = multiplies his numbers.

Now lets see from the other point of view.

Bα Kind is attracted to woman of more than 10 years old, AKA loli.
Bβ Kind is not.

While the alpha kind loses his effort with infertile females the beta one loses too, since 10-12 are usually infertile too, but alpha lose 5 times more, then this time beta wins and, overtime, Bβ men will be dominant.

>> No.8431417

Well...if you are rich enough, you can avoid it. As for me, i will just buy one of those real dolls someday.

>> No.8431427

Sexuality general.

>> No.8431426

Does anyone have any advice for going after a friend's much younger sister?

>> No.8431429
File: 57 KB, 281x332, 1320511808916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus, if we rinse and repeat we'll reach a point where the perfect behavior is established.
By the way, is not worth discussing when is ok for women to have a kid with a male, nature fix it by itself and lets suppose the optimal time exist already and is dominant.

Since sperm is a cheap seed, and some women mature earlier than others the natural behavior of males is to find attractive women a little earlier than their arithmetic mean, maybe 12 years old, since most women begin to menstruate at 12~13.

So in short, men should feel naturally attracted to women who are above 12 years old, doesn't apply to looks since the old game of the lies between genres has always existed in nature( And will always exist).

How men will evolve in society? I have not fucking idea since I'm socially inept, but judging men for being aroused to anything that looks like a 12 year old is judging him for his nature.
And so pedophilia is a social construct, ephebophilia is not. Blame brands for dressing them like whores.

>> No.8431430

But if you do one without the other you become a SLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. And young girls can be easily pressured into making bad choices.

I understand that your opinion of adult women may be low, but I don't think you know very many young girls. There's not very much comparison.

>> No.8431437



>> No.8431447

Not peer-reviewed science.

>> No.8431450

If you're on jp and don't like some shota traps then I think you need to gtfo.

>> No.8431459
File: 832 KB, 1608x1068, 1318636152925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you shut up or I will pull this thread over.

>> No.8431452

Just because they aren't mature as children doesn't mean they're mature as adults. Grown women are spiteful bitches and whores, little girls are nice and capable of loving someone and all that shit.

>> No.8431473

No they can't, do you remember how you were with 8~12 yo? I never had the interest in that age or even think about it. Unless you grow in a environment which is constantly surrounded by sex(which is never), they can't decide for themselves. Now, who would be willing to teach their 7 year old daughter about the pleasures of sex and show videos to them and let them decide. They will obviously be influenced and manipulated and think as just another child play, like hide and seek and what not.

But, i honestly see nothing wrong with it because sex is just a way of feeling pleasure. Much like eating, kissing, smoking. People, or rather...the church, moral society, gave it too much value.

>> No.8431480


you're free to strap on a bomb and proceed to detonate at the nearest feminist rally

thank you

the silent majority

>> No.8431484

>8-12 years old
>never had the interest [in sex]
You were certainly a late bloomer then

>> No.8431493

What does feminism have to do with shota traps?

>> No.8431511

I was looking at porn and masturbating frequently at 10. Possibly earlier. I even masturbated at my desk in class once and thought nobody could see.

>> No.8431512

Did anybody see?

>> No.8431513

I am going to allow you to post this story and will not call you a blogger for doing so.

>> No.8431518

Again, it depends of environment. I was never exposed to it(except one time with a friend in the shower, but i saw as a game, something funny). So yea, around 12~11 yo you discover the wonders of masturbation and hell is let loose when you touch a PC.

And i was thinking....kids are very very easy to manipulate. I supposed if i gave a box of chocolate to one, she would suck my dick. i guess it doesn't feel right...i mean morally, ethic.

>> No.8431520
File: 50 KB, 497x424, troll_crough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's tellin ya to go hang wit the girls cuz u HELLa GAY GAY GAY

>> No.8431527

I was raised in a very normal, middle-class suburban white American environment. I had a pretty average upbringing. I'm not the normal product of a normal environment, I suppose, but I did still start masturbating a fair bit before that. And as for morals, they make a shitty argument.

>> No.8431539

Damn, now I want to watch a good loli anime that is slightly erotic and I can't think of any.

>> No.8431556

Kodomo no Jikan
Astarotte no Omocha!

>> No.8431566

>neighbor made out with me when I was 3
>ugly cousin took advantage of me at age 7, repeatedly
>mother beat me until I moved out at 16
become an anorexic misogynistic pedophile.

>Is being a lolicon purely a mental construct that is encouraged/disencouraged both subconsciously and consciously by the self?
I think so

>> No.8431567

Yeah they did. The teacher had a shocked look on her face and I still thought she wouldn't be able to see me. Nothing ever happened to me and I don't even know of she called my parents.

I forgot about it until someone I hadn't seen for years brought it up. It's weird because nobody said a word at the time.

Also rolled around and played naked with another boy when I was 8 or around that, didn't know any better. And in grade 1 a girl showed me and that boy, coincidentally, her vagina and let us touch it. But honestly we really didn't know what we were doing at that age and it seems kind of common.

>> No.8431568

I'll try Kodomo no Jikan as I've already seen Lotte, thanks.

>> No.8431578

Then im in the right place. /jp/ is all little girls.

>> No.8431596

I...what?! You have to watch it. Now.
The manga is better though.

>> No.8431593

Yeah it is easy to say that, when you're not the one being manipulated. A life inside your dad basement sucking his dick everyday, isn't a good way of spending your childhood. Sure, both of you would have your own little world and maybe you could be happy but the only thing preventing you of stabbing your father neck, is ignorance. You never had a choice, or rather, he gave the choices that felt convenient to him.

I would never take advantage of a loli, unless herself jumped down on me and stripped my clothes.

>> No.8431607
File: 512 KB, 1068x1608, 163027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue this with you but I'm not the anon you're talking to. I just want to call you stupid.

>> No.8431608

Goddamn why /jp/ is the only place i feel like saging. I don't care if the thread is bumped or not when i post on it.

>> No.8431615
File: 964 KB, 1944x2592, kodomo no jikan tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless herself jumped down on me and stripped my clothes
That one in a trillion chance is what gets me out of bed every morning.

>> No.8431624

>NS Sunshine
Nice taste.

>> No.8431635
File: 144 KB, 600x600, 1321910247722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.8431643
File: 494 KB, 1068x1608, 160900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl. She's adorable. And from what I can tell, she doesn't have any lewd photos.

>> No.8431639

I genuinely think you were raised around some very shitty adults.

>> No.8431647

The wikipedia synopsis is pretty awesome, think I'll download the manga.

>> No.8431657

They grow up people. What you gonna do when she turns 15 and start questioning what's happening? You better live in a farm or something.

>> No.8431654

No way that that's real.

>> No.8431666
File: 82 KB, 600x357, kodomo no jikan tv scan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the anon who posted it whenever I got it wasn't lying, the guy who was responsible for "shopping" that demo screen on there got in trouble.

>> No.8431662

Am I missing something here?

>> No.8431669


>kodomo no jikan tv.jpg

>> No.8431676

There is a censored version.

>> No.8431675 [DELETED] 

Not him, but I was fapping in class one day and some girls noticed, now they watch me every day and think I'm fapping even though I'm just staring off into space.

>> No.8431681


>> No.8431703


>> No.8431708

"class" could be in college

>> No.8431710

>the guy who was responsible for "shopping" that demo screen on there got in trouble.

>> No.8431733
File: 8 KB, 144x100, siren.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys talking about downloading actual 3D CP? How is it at all related to /jp/?

Please don't make a mod come down here, look what happened to /a/ because they didn't just keep their heads down.

>> No.8431735
File: 250 KB, 1068x1608, princess-062-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have a different system for defining what is >lewd or not, then.

I may be wrong, but I wouldn't disbelieve it if it was true.
Even if the actually image isn't "bad", the show it's from is very very taboo.

>> No.8431747
File: 751 KB, 1608x1068, 1318635516784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to get rid of the logo on all the images I have.

>> No.8431755

Yeah, post more CP bro okay.

>> No.8431757

/jp/ - Just Pedos
