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8431007 No.8431007 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most realistic and SAFEST way to live out my fantasy of capturing, torturing, and raping young girls?

>> No.8431011
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a good question would be whte the fuck , would you want to do that.

from how much I can remember , /jp/ was never about torturing lolis.

>> No.8431009

A van with no windows
You'll never get caught, granted nobody finds out who is doing it.

>> No.8431010

Capture, torture and rape young girls.

>> No.8431008

Get a one of those loli dolls and punch it and burn it with cigarettes.
Also play eroge that let you do this.

>> No.8431018

Too paranoid to even think of doing that.

Let's talk about the eroge route. I've yet to find one that offers what I want.

>> No.8431013

Wasn't there guide posted in one of these threads about just that?

>> No.8431014

work for a debt collecting agency

>> No.8431015

That dude in Austria had the right idea, he only got caught when he took her to the doctor.

>> No.8431016
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Don't do that, man.

>> No.8431025

Doesn't RapeLay let you do this?

It also got rave reviews on Something Awful.

>> No.8431021


>> No.8431022
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>> No.8431033
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It's not really convincing with the screams. The screams themselves aren't bad, it's just how they loop in the most ridiculous and jarring way. Maybe I'm just being too picky.

Yes, I've posted these images before. I'd rename them if I cared about being identified by them.

>> No.8431031
File: 890 KB, 1419x2000, bestiary_030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8431029

Then go to a graveyard and dig one up, then you wont have to worry about the girl dying.

>> No.8431028

>Let's talk about the eroge route. I've yet to find one that offers what I want.

StudioS has like ten torture sims.

>> No.8431034

If you can be careful, do it in real life. It's the best feeling, no eroge could compare.

>> No.8431036
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>> No.8431041

The the detective thats in charge of hunting you down and bring you to justice.

>> No.8431043
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I've said it already, I'm too paranoid.

Even if I can get past the initial fear slope and manage it, the constant paranoia eating at me would ruin the experience. And if I can squash my paranoia long enough to get it done... I'll make a stupid mistake and get caught.

That's still illegal.

Play a good number of them fairly regularly. I guess I should have mentioned that?


>> No.8431047

You're illegal

>> No.8431057

>torture little girls
Get out.

>> No.8431052

Get this shit out of here.
Lolikon is banned from 4chan. Nobody has ever wanted you pedophile faggots on here, now kindly GTFO.

>> No.8431053

>the the
What? Are you suggesting he gather enough attention for such a scenario and target the detective's daughter, leading to an escalating series of criminal cat-and-mouse behavior culminating in the detective's inner conflict about using his daughter as bait to gain a chance to catch OP or let him run free?

>> No.8431056

>That's still illegal.
Your argument has some big holes in it.

>> No.8431061
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I hope you do get caught, how could anyone even think about hurting a little girl..

>> No.8431065

Lolicon material is not really banned, nobody cares that it's banned, and there are no rules against being a pedophile.

Trust me, it's not as bad as you might think. Take it slow, start off with just seducing them and work your way up. Maybe a cut here and there, maybe a few extra hours here and there, just work up to it.

>> No.8431068
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I'm not really up on the laws of robbing fresh corpses from the grave.

But I'm not doing anything illegal and don't plan to. What am I getting "caught" for?

>> No.8431069
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