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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8429536 No.8429536 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]I really want to write a visual novel, but every time I find the inspiration to make one I remember three things.

I remember that no matter what I write or how well I write it, I have no artistic talent and wouldn't be able to draw anything that wouldn't lower the overall quality of my work.

I remember that no one out there is going to read it and consider it any good, and I might only get 5 or 6 readers at that.

I remember that I can't just write short stories because then the audience I have is even smaller.

What can I do to motivate myself? Is there even any point in trying to motivate myself, or should I just give up entirely?</spoiler>

>> No.8429544

[spoiler]Give up and stick to being a consumer.</spoiler>

>> No.8429550

[spoiler]You could always write one and then kill yourself!</spoiler>

>> No.8429555

[spoiler]more like you remember that youre lazy talentless faggot and cant do anything beside whining</spoiler>

>> No.8429558

[spoiler]> I remember that no matter what I write or how well I write it, I have no artistic talent and wouldn't be able to draw anything that wouldn't lower the overall quality of my work.
Go read some books and write/draw things then. Show them to friends, see what they think. Better yet, post them on 4chan; anonymity means a more honest opinion and it's a good chance to thicken your skin. If you really suck, hire other people.
> I remember that no one out there is going to read it and consider it any good, and I might only get 5 or 6 readers at that.
I would read it. I'm sure most of /jp/ would if you posted it here. We've read the crap Uncle Mugen pushes out, we've read Katawa Shoujo, why wouldn't we read your VN?
> I remember that I can't just write short stories because then the audience I have is even smaller.
There's a huge audience for short stories if you know where to post them. Start a short story blog or something. Write stories for /lit/ or creepypasta for /x/. Submit things to both real world and online magazines. Hell, post them here ITT or look into that LN magazine some /jp/er was starting.
> What can I do to motivate myself? Is there even any point in trying to motivate myself, or should I just give up entirely?
Just do it. Stop procrastinating.</spoiler>

>> No.8429570
File: 114 KB, 468x317, kay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Go to one of the many writing irc groups and talk about your problems with them. They might encourage you I guess. (All Rizon)


>> No.8429577

>we've read Katawa Shoujo
Stop projecting, please.</spoiler>

>> No.8429582

Not OP, but I've made 3 visual novels and posted them here a few times and ignored completely.</spoiler>

>> No.8429586

[spoiler]Even a short story with no sprites and decent photoshopped backgrounds would be fine.

Don't expect it to be groundbreaking, but it'll get you started, and get you experience. And maybe the story would be interesting enough to attract an artist?</spoiler>

>> No.8429592

By "we" I meant the userbase mature enough to give it a shot, even if it was only to laugh at how much it sucks or whatever. But that's a different flamewar for a different thread.

Post them then.</spoiler>

>> No.8429600

Sorry no one liked your OELVN

why dont you link them now for us</spoiler>

>> No.8429610


>> No.8429617

In a broken world, someone wanders trying to do nothing more than avoid things from the other world


>> No.8429622
File: 287 KB, 392x700, Emil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yere, listen to this guy.</spoiler>

>> No.8429627

[spoiler]Make it for yourself and no one else. Tons of great artists died in obscurity, broke and miserable. All you have to lose is time, which you should have an abundance of.</spoiler>

>> No.8429636
File: 98 KB, 800x600, ow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MS Paint quality graphics!

[spoiler]Matisse ITC was the best Windows 98 font.[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.8429638

Feels like such a waste though, since I could be spending that time doing something productive (in some sense).</spoiler>

>> No.8429644

>Doing something productive
>On /jp/ right now

I hope you really do do something productive and don't just tell yourself you do, for your sake.</spoiler>

>> No.8429657

I spend a lot of time hanging around on 4chan and playing video games.
It's more fun than writing a few lines and then getting depressed knowing it will never lead anywhere.</spoiler>

>> No.8429667

[spoiler]Write something interesting enough to attract a drawfag.</spoiler>

>> No.8429732

Note: Describing your characters well enough for someone to actually want to draw them is also crucial.</spoiler>

>> No.8429842

[spoiler]"I write one page of masterpiece to ninety one pages of shit – I try to put the shit in the wastebasket." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Well, I would think that the usual problem is writing something "good", but it seems you can't even find the motivation to write "shit."

You should probably give up.</spoiler>

>> No.8430286

[spoiler]Can we just use this thread as a general writing thread?</spoiler>

>> No.8430646

Sure, I don't see why not.</spoiler>

>> No.8430684

So what are you writing right now, /jp/? A short story? 2hu erotica? A VN?</spoiler>

>> No.8430695

A visual novel, but I can't find any inspiration.

OP here.</spoiler>

>> No.8430716

You mention here you can't find any inspiration, but in your OP post you mention you can find inspiration, but you don't see any point in things. Which is it?</spoiler>

>> No.8430723

I have an inspiration of what to write about, but I have no inspiration to actually write it.
Maybe inspiration isn't the right word...</spoiler>

>> No.8430841

Yeah I think you meant that you have ideas in your head but no real drive or reason to write anything, as one of the important parts of a VN are the visuals and not many people will read it. Right?</spoiler>

>> No.8430863

That's it right there.

I have no reason to write it.</spoiler>

>> No.8430868





>> No.8430877

[spoiler]As a professional writer, this thread makes my head hurt.

If you're honestly just starting out with minimal experience, first you need to accept that whatever you write is going to be shit. It's going to be shit for a long, long time, and nobody is going to want to read it. You have to put in the hours, and the reading, and the theory, and then slowly you will be able to write better material.

If you want to write, just write, and do it for yourself first and foremost. Enjoy the process, and the learning, and love whatever or whoever you're writing about. You want to be motivated? You have to let go of reason and allow yourself to simply become passionate, about characters, about storytelling, about themes, whatever it is that does it for you. There is no magic formula to motivation, nothing except passion and hard work.</spoiler>

>> No.8430905

The point is that these people aren't worried about whether or not their stuff is shit; they're worried that no one is going to read it and thus they will never know whether it's shit or not.

Like me. I'd write dozens of short stories if there was someone willing to read them.</spoiler>

>> No.8430920

Then find other people looking for critique, writing circles, IRC channels, whatever. Combine outside input and swapping of stories with good solid reading on storytelling and narrative theory, and then you have a theoretical framework on which to build, and external opinions on which to test your work.

Come on, this is the age of the internet! Make an IRC channel, call some buddies together who also write.</spoiler>

>> No.8430945

And what about me?
I'm confident in my writing and know I have an audience for a visual novel, but I can't draw for shit.</spoiler>

>> No.8430967

Share your ideas around and look for an interested artist. Advertise and market your concept in the kinds of groups that might have interested people. The solution is to FIND an artist who likes your idea. Get out there (relatively speaking, lol internet) and show your ideas and writing off, flaunt your stuff like you're an animal in heat looking for a mate.</spoiler>

>> No.8430976

[spoiler]I was thinking of finishing a piece for that /jp/ magazine that's coming out in a couple weeks but had a question. Would it be considered plagiarism if I returned to an earlier work I posted, fleshed it out more then submitted that as my story?</spoiler>

>> No.8430971

[spoiler]I did a webcomic during my blogging days it got a bit popular aatop got one million visits after 6 months. My English was quite good I think because I didn't find any complains about it, but anyway I'm a better artist than writer. I think I'm in the same situation as Op but in reverse</spoiler>

>> No.8430980

>Your own work

I'm sorry, what?</spoiler>

>> No.8430996
File: 41 KB, 386x393, homu387218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]I love you write friends, but you guys are easily the most finicky out of everyone.

I can point you to plenty of good music bros with 4 views on Youtube or good artists with 3 hits on Pixiv. Just go and create already; worry about the other stuff later. It will work out just fine in the end.</spoiler>

>> No.8430992

uncreative or lazy might have been a better choice of words, I admit</spoiler>

>> No.8431002

ZUN!bar is it okay if I use you as a character in one of my stories? I promise nothing bad will happen to you</spoiler>

>> No.8431023

I think Zun!bar would consider it an insult if he wasn't violently raped in your story.</spoiler>

>> No.8431032

Are any of these communities very active or what? Never heard of them before myself.</spoiler>

>> No.8431040

If you improve on a work it's not very uncreative if it's your own work because well, it's your work. If it's just a copy of something else then it's unoriginal. I can't exactly call it lazy if you're going back and improving on it.</spoiler>

>> No.8431090

Try them all and talk, someone might be there in any of them.</spoiler>

>> No.8431101

I know the #nocturne-magazine and #jpvn ones, but what the hell are all the others?</spoiler>

>> No.8431204

Random ones I got, some are more active than others.</spoiler>
