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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 635 KB, 1127x1050, brb gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8427190 No.8427190 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]So /jp/, long story short, I'm a complete failure at life.

All I do is play weeaboo games, watch anime/starcraft, have no job, have no education, got expelled from university, my parents hate me, I have no friends, I have no skills, even at video games. I don't even speak more than one language.

Should I kill myself.</spoiler>

>> No.8427194


>> No.8427193

[spoiler]If you're looking for pity you should try /a/b/v/ or /r9k/</spoiler>

>> No.8427201

[spoiler]do it. I was thinking about doing a /jp/ suicide meetup, a couple guys were talking about it earlier.

I doubt anybody would even show up but it'd be worth a shot.</spoiler>

>> No.8427199

[spoiler]There are thousands of people who would kill to be in your position. Take it easy, enjoy your free time.</spoiler>

>> No.8427196

[spoiler]What does this have to do with /jp/?

I generally advise against this type of thing.</spoiler>

>> No.8427198

[spoiler]>I don't even speak more than one language.
You have to be in elementary school to not know more than one language? Right?</spoiler>

>> No.8427205

[spoiler]Killing yourself isn't something that should be prompted by despair, but rather, an utter lack of giving a fuck. When you simply do not care enough to keep going, that's when you should fire up the charcoal heater.</spoiler>

>> No.8427204

[spoiler]>watch starcraft

Wouldn't it be funner to play it?</spoiler>

>> No.8427213 [DELETED] 


Note that the images in
match up with those in
as do plenty of images in
(I particularly remember him posting http://vip-quality.org/img/1065155226700.gif with the same filename)
Also his wiki makes it pretty clear he is Tokiko:

He has a twitter @text_ebooks and one of his email addresses is 6ran22@gmail.com (proof: http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1314324451/446, he posted a twitter picture of the Chewits but I think he removed it)
His Facebook name is Robert Brown but that's probably an alias. He has a blog at http://namelessyoukai.tumblr.com/ which suggests he lives in Portland.

>> No.8427207 [DELETED] 

If you don't enjoy life, why not?

A perspective change and therapy might be helpful because it doesn't sound like you honestly do want to end your life (otherwise, you'd be out getting propane and a mask) but in the end, your life is your life, nothing more, nothing less. Just try to make the environment pleasant for the people that find your body (leave a note on your door, wear a diaper, etc).

>> No.8427210


>> No.8427211

>Living a place you have to speak more than one language

I don't bend over backwards for foreigners. Learn Engrish or GTFO.</spoiler>

>> No.8427214

Watching pros play against each other is way more fun than playing, especially for the rare times both players play near perfect

Even more so once you play a bit and realize how difficult shit is</spoiler>

>> No.8427218

[spoiler]At least you can play games and watch anime. My backlog gets bigger and bigger but I can never get myself to do anything.</spoiler>

>> No.8427219


>> No.8427222

[spoiler]Oh look, the 5th one today. reported</spoiler>

>> No.8427225


It's called education. It makes you a better person. You should try it.</spoiler>

>> No.8427228

[spoiler]At least you watch starcraft and not LoL</spoiler>

>> No.8427237


>watching electronic sports

Yes, you need a one way ticket to gensokyo.</spoiler>

>> No.8427252

[spoiler]Man you got pretty fucked up parents. I'm not that much better than you, but I have a family who loves me. I could fuck up much worse and they'd always take me back. That's what family is for.</spoiler>

>> No.8427274

my dad is an engineer, my cousin is an optometrist and my sister is a nurse.

I'm a NEET. my parents tell me they should have aborted me on a regular basis.</spoiler>

>> No.8427277

Nobody cares.</spoiler>

>> No.8427278

That is pretty fucked up.</spoiler>

>> No.8427279

Same here. My parents love me, but sometimes I feel guilty for leeching off them. I also really lack willpower to do anything, and sometimes I really hate myself for it.</spoiler>

>> No.8427281

[spoiler]Don't even care brah, I just woke up.

>> No.8427293

Don't listen to them. They are the ones that should have been aborted not you.</spoiler>

>> No.8427312

[spoiler]If you have to ask whether or not you should kill yourself, don't kill yourself</spoiler>

>> No.8427331

[spoiler]>got expelled from university
what, did you kill someone?</spoiler>

>> No.8427333

I failed 8 courses and had a gpa of something like 1.0</spoiler>

>> No.8427335
File: 219 KB, 2640x1980, eightball1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8427343

Tell them that they should have taken a dose of 12-gauge aspirin to their necks instead. Maybe then they wouldn't be such stuck-up, self-absorbed pieces of filth.

Then drink some tea and take it easy.</spoiler>

>> No.8427349

Why would you take a course you didn't care about? At least make some kind of effort, my degree/masters years were easier than the kids I had to beat going through high school. You done fucked up.

Then again it's the whole market is swamped with grads. Just get some general kind of job where you don't need specialist knowledge, tell them you'll be happy to take a little less pay because you don't have a degree. They'll jump for joy because who doesn't want to save a couple hundred bucks nowadays.</spoiler>

>> No.8427354

I was studying computer science at the best university program for computer science in my country.

it was pretty hard</spoiler>

>> No.8427355

Expulsion is pretty extreme. Usually they'd just ask you to change your degree or something, well at least here they do.

I mean you're still paying them a shitload of money to be there so why would they care. Unless you're at one of those really prestiged Universities</spoiler>

>> No.8427369
File: 82 KB, 704x396, 1270748767766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen to this song and pay attention to the lyrics, I guarantee it'll cheer you up.</spoiler>

>> No.8427375


this is better</spoiler>

>> No.8427382

[spoiler]What would your waifu think of you if you killed yourself?</spoiler>

>> No.8427383

I don't understand moonspeak, but I feel the anguish in his words,</spoiler>

>> No.8427401

[spoiler]/jp/ - suicide counseling / General</spoiler>

>> No.8427407

Alright, who's next?</spoiler>

>> No.8427420

[spoiler]Learn on your own using the internet and become a self-taught renaissance man. There are free, no registration required, courses on all the important stuff.

I think there is a sticky on /sci/ with a list of such sources.

Anyway, jobs are for people with no other option (like me T_T) but if you have a lot of free time you should take the opportunity to learn and grow as a person.</spoiler>

>> No.8427440


Language only lets you say the same shit you already with a mildly different nuance. It's an intellectual waste of time if you already know English, considering it's the master race of languages.

Every brown person has to learn English to do anything-why the fuck should I waste my time learning their shitty little language?

Try educating yourself about something that isn't completely useless.</spoiler>

>> No.8427437

I'll play with you if you need a practice or team partner. I'm not very good myself and just watch most of the time.</spoiler>

>> No.8427454

this song reminds me of my own life</spoiler>

>> No.8427455


>> No.8427456

OP here.

I didn't make that thread. strange that someone decided to copy paste it</spoiler>

>> No.8427463

Aw man, I remember this.


>> No.8427464

Hey, /jp/ isn't actually that bad. Compared to them.</spoiler>

>> No.8427499
File: 378 KB, 1239x795, 1325827441065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8427526

go away dad rock loser</spoiler>

>> No.8427534

It pains me to say it, but I don't see those posting styles as all that different from /jp/'s these days.

Although I suppose they had a few share of greentext, doubles, reaction images, and optimist lecturers. Nevermind, I guess.</spoiler>

>> No.8427559

[spoiler]OP, you are me, even same shit with starcraft.

In this year I'll be older than Sato, if I don't find a job I will definitely kill myself.</spoiler>

>> No.8427565

Yes. Kill yourself. If you can purchase a gun then do it. From what I understand your life is complete shit for whatever reasons and I'd be an idiot to belittle your problems by saying "don't worry, it'll go away".

If you're hundred percent sure you have no other option then commit suicide. Write a letter thanking those who supported you. If you're parents didn't do something wrong then make sure to let them know in the note that they were good people and they shouldn't be burdened with your passing. After that find a place where you're sure they can't find your body and kill yourself as painlessly as possible.

I'm sorry to hear that your life didn't go as planned. If you do go to Gensokyo make sure not to make the same mistakes you made over here.</spoiler>

>> No.8429508

>I'm a NEET. my parents tell me they should have aborted me on a regular basis.

Are you sure they mean that? Probably not if they are good parents? But if anything, they have a right to be able to vent their frustrations with you once in a while. There seem to be quite a few ungrateful shits on this board. It pisses me off whenever I see people bitch about their parents who gave them a decent childhood (no abuse, amenities and attention), paid for uni/car/medical treatments and also gave an allowance so that neckbeard can indulge themselves. In cases like this, YOU have no right to complain. The ones that support you do at any time. Am I butthurt? Yes I butthurt since the son of my favourite uncle seems to be an ungrateful bitch like this and every time I see my uncle he's upset and drained from trying to straighten the guy out. Not NEET/hikki yet but he's treading down that path alright. Family background has a role but the majority of how you will turn out still ultimately lies with you.</spoiler>

>> No.8429526

I like your attitude!</spoiler>

>> No.8430537

[spoiler]anyone want to play starcraft?</spoiler>
