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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8426093 No.8426093 [Reply] [Original]

I've never really been into a maid cafe as a guest, but I work at one.

I want to know you're stories, /jp/

>> No.8426103

Why is Bern a dude

>> No.8426108

That picture from 'Facebook' is disgusting.
Fuck you.

>> No.8426122

3/13 acceptably attractive waitresses, and that's by normalfag standards?
Holy fuck people must love gambling wherever this cafe is.

>> No.8426117

>you're stories

No we're not...we're people!

>> No.8426114
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>> No.8426130

The one dressed like Stocking is really cute

>> No.8426155

Wow. Not a single one of them has a decent face. There's not even one of those girls that tend to end up in otaku circles who have a cute face but are pretty fat.

What...? That and the one to the right of it are the ones with the most male-looking faces.

>> No.8426157

it's a dude

>> No.8426160

Of course, this is /jp/, we don't like girls here.

>> No.8426165

Yes, and?

>> No.8426166

No shit.

>> No.8426170

Im more a normalfag by all counts; so thats maybe why my response to that picture is "JESUS, is that the best they could scrape up?" ..And id go to a maid cafe, even if it was full of cute traps.

>> No.8426179


I will never go to one that is not in Glorious Nippon. I don't want a bunch of ugly, nerdy kids awkwardly serving me food. I'd rather go to a fucking Hooters.

>> No.8426177

You will never go to a maid cafe full of cute traps.

>> No.8426192

Carry on then.

I kind of thought /jp/ was mostly into males that can at least pull off the trap look. Eye of the beholder, I guess.

>> No.8426204

Too expensive.

3100円 for coffee, curry rice and a photo. ;_;

>> No.8426213

Is a maid cafe supposed to be a poor man's Hooters?

>> No.8426235

This. Western "maid cafes" just seem too awkward. Cheap replicas of the worst examples.

>> No.8426329

Hm, only 3 dudes? Eh well, red dress is decent looking, and I wouldn't mind sucking bottom right's dick.

>> No.8426978

Comiket meetup recap
A bunch of gaijins went into a maid cafe
Like 3/4 of the group order my little sister special drink.
So the drink is a mystery and we are supposed to guess the drink content.
One guy drink look like semen.
All the meidos then went semen janai with an embarass look.

>> No.8427015

The maid cafes at Western anime conventions are not real maid cafes.

>> No.8427041

Sometimes I wish maid cafes would take off in the U.S then I realize that they would just be Hooters with maid outfits and that wouldn't be moe at all.

>> No.8427046
File: 133 KB, 640x425, profimedia-0096326723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit japan for business
>co-workers are otaku and take me to akihabara
>visit maid cafe
>maid says "welcome home, master" in japanese.
>I start laughing at how stupid it is
>everyone looks
>she gets embarrassed and starts crying
>co-workers get butthurt and we leave
>their boss apologizes to me and takes me out to dinner
>i never see them again. i wonder if they got fired.
bro story cool

>> No.8427050

>Pretending to be cool ALPHA MALE on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.8427055

not alpha. it's just so fucking stupid when you see it in person.

>> No.8427058

If someone made a real maid cafe in the US would enough people go to it to keep it running?

>> No.8427067

You didn't have to be such a meanie about it. ;_;

>> No.8427062
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I died a little bit inside when I realized the western equivalent of maid cafes is Hooters.

>> No.8427072

How would you feel if you were working at a fast food place and someone started laughing in your face when you said "Do you want fries with that?"

>> No.8427074


>> No.8427077

>implying an upsell is the same as wearing a maid costume and calling customers master.

>> No.8427081


I normally don't stick up for fellow 3D beings, but I have to say that what you did was pretty dickish.

>> No.8427087

no wonder they have such low opinion of foreigners

>> No.8427095

If I was wearing kitty ears and said "Owner! do you want fries with that, nyo?" I wouldn't expect any less.

>> No.8427099

The point I was trying to make was that he was laughing at someone for just doing what their job requires. Better example: let's say you worked a register at hot topic because you needed the money for rent and it was the only open job and then some guy comes in and starts laughing at you because of the shitty clothes management dictates you wear to fit in.

>> No.8427102

No capitalization, green text story, cool story bro, and being a dick? You've managed to beat Tokiko for people that need to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.8427105

>You've managed to beat Tokiko for people that need to get the fuck out of /jp/.
You can't be serious.

>> No.8427106

>implying living in a shack is worse than working at hot topic.

>> No.8427107

I didn't go to any maid cafés for that reason. I felt embarassed for the people who worked there.

>> No.8427112

Good luck finding an unoccupied shack in a city.

>> No.8427114

Howaitto piggu get out foreigners are no good: 1

Innocent foreigner who wants to visit Akiba one day to buy shit but is afraid of being discriminated against because of the Japanese' disdain for foreigners, further reinforced by heinous acts down by foreigners such as >>8427046 this guy: 0

>> No.8427117

OK, well me and my friend neeto went to a local anime con a couple months ago because we were bored. I try my luck at those things because occasionally Hendane will set up booths and I can get doujins and shit I don't like to order in the mail. Anyway, they were doing a maid/host cafe.

We got fucking gypped. They sat us with a hambeast and a snagglepuss at a table with the snagglepuss' boyfriend and tried to talk about fucking anime with us. We looked around and there were lolis playing fucking Operation and shit with the other dudes and we got stuck with these fools.

Then these flips did a dance routine to a Perfume song and fucked it up pretty bad. They had these dead expressionless fucked out hooker looks on their faces the whole time. I don't know why. Maybe they were trying to remember their moves.

It was some bullshit. That'll teach us to go out in public.

>> No.8427123

>visit Akiba one day to buy shit but is afraid of being discriminated against
too late. expect the stink eye when you walk into real otaku stores and not the big chains.

>> No.8427129


A maid cafe and a host club are pretty dramatically different venues. Which did you actually go to?

>> No.8427132

It was a host club with hosts dressed as maids.

>> No.8427138

Yeah, I know that but keep in mind this is in the shitty Southern United States not Akiba.

I only wish that was the thing they fucked up the most. Shit was budget as HELL.

>> No.8427139


It's pretty well known among gaijin circles that you'd have to be ridiculously rich/good looking to have any success at host clubs as a gaijin.

>> No.8427148


Woops, didn't read the local con part.

>> No.8427145

>local anime con

>> No.8428011

>too late. expect the stink eye when you walk into real otaku stores and not the big chains.

Luckily, due to my inability to interpret Japanese body language, I am oblivious to their rudeness.

>> No.8428024

Isn't the only one in LA? I've never been to any but I would if there were any in my city.

>> No.8428043

>trip to japan with parents a few years ago
>spend last week of trip in tokyo
>go to akihabara every day
>parents want to come along on the last day
>say they want to see a maid cafe
>maids being all moe
>awkward as fuck

>> No.8428050
File: 208 KB, 977x1350, Kago_Ai_7593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went with my gf for fun at @home maide coffee 1 of the more popular maid coffee shops in Akihabara.

>Welcome Home master

feel suddenly ashame lol
my gf orders some sugar drink and she had to say nyan nyan that the maid stops puting sugar inside,

>mfw she was ashame too and she couldnt say nyan nyan and she did end up with too much sugar insider her drink.

I had to sing sme song with the maid , forgot what it was , but Iremember I did a hearth symbol with my hand.

Also I got some "special" card to collect points with them

>> No.8428066

maid stole my cigarette lighter from me and made me put on nekomimi and ask for it back like a cat. she also claimed to have made the shitty 800yen ice cream herself. sarcastically quizzed her on churning techniques/recipe and she said her love was the special ingredient. hilarious day. once is enough though.

>> No.8428079

>parents want to come along on the last day
>say they want to see a maid cafe
>maids being all moe
>awkward as fuck

This must be the most fun part of being a parent.

>> No.8428089

I don't understand why you would voluntarily go to a maid cafe. What if the maids talked to you and you had to respond? That would be horrible.

>> No.8428094

If I was going to go consort with extradimensional swine, I think I'd go to an imouto cafe. At least then when I'm treated like an outcast because I'm a filthy gaijin, I could pretend it's just because she's tsundere.

Fuck maids.

>> No.8428168
File: 166 KB, 718x550, Useless loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maid stole my cigarette lighter from me and made me put on nekomimi and ask for it back like a cat.

>> No.8428243

>Be severely autistic
>Have that lifeless autistic expression when in public. you know the one.
>Be in Glorious Nippon for Comiket
>Avoid /jp/ meatup like the plague it is.
>Go to maid cafe.
>Get the coldest most distant service possible becuase my maid was terrified of me.
>Decide to buy some lewd loli doujin to take my mind off the failure of the cafe
>Walk into dingy dirty looking store and make my to the good stuff
>fat otaku glare at me and mutter things under their breath
>Look one in the eye and mutter insults in english
>japanese nerds decide they aren't bad enough dudes to tangle with a giant foreign retard
>get whole isle to myself
>excellent service at cashier
>no spaghetti fell out of my pockets or anything.

Who am I quoting?

>> No.8428308

Why did you even go to a maid cafe?
