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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8423984 No.8423984 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when no gf

>> No.8423995
File: 123 KB, 300x350, THETRUTH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do have a girlfriend.

>> No.8423990

I didn't want one.
Vajins are messy meat vomit

>> No.8423998

Weren't you "META SHITPOSTER OF /g/" yesterday?
You were testing something.


>> No.8424015


>> No.8424020

I am a polymorphic entity

>> No.8424027

that feel when you'd reject every 3D girl if they confessed to you

>> No.8424035

How's it going?

That must be awfully convenient!

>> No.8424048

When I was a normal some girl really liked me and flirted with me and it got to the point where she asked me to ask her out. I never did and eventually she caved in and asked me out and after months of her pursuing me, I flat out told her no. It was the most empowering feeling ever and I can really see why some people get kicks out of rejection.

I'd feel guilty admitting this on a "normal" board, but I guess /jp/ is too far removed from society to care.

>> No.8424054
File: 234 KB, 905x1000, 1322707281445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when no gf
who am i quoting?

>> No.8424079

>implying that '>' is now only used for direct quotes
Fucking die, cunt.

>> No.8424082

>implying I wont rape your face

>> No.8424099

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8424110

Guys I made this thread to spread some love, you don't have to be so mean with each others.

Lets have a decent conversation on why we can't get real girlfriends

>> No.8424122
File: 530 KB, 647x671, dubsguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8424141

>you mean
>who are
>you quoting

>> No.8424166

>Implying that '>' is now only used for direct quotes
Fucking die, cunt

>> No.8424160

You can't get one because no girl likes a guy who spams 4chan with troll threads and I can't get one because I'm gay.
There, it's that easy

>> No.8424174
File: 65 KB, 328x463, tyler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I can't get one because I'm gay.
This is an American website, you nancy faggot.

>> No.8424177


>> No.8424193

But if we make an effort we can do it, just believe in yourself and you're dreams will come true

>> No.8424195

epic win /b/ro
nice dubz too

>> No.8424204

>I can't get one because I'm gay.
More nigger talk from the inferior.
More like you convinced yourself that you're gay because you're too much of a loser IRL to have one. Nice one, you bloody cunt.

Wow repeating exactly what I said. You must be upset, truly.

>> No.8424216

hahah how great epin weenz bro great utter success amirite XD writing meems we're so funny and cool write the same thing on ED as well its totally cool and not stupid and uninteresting XD it made me laugh so hard bro xd

>> No.8424220

you sound very mad broh. don't be mad, life is beautiful, go make a cup of hot tea and relax, let's talk about your problems, we can even be friends if you want

>> No.8424227

>using quotes with that feel

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.8424232

Actually, I appreciate your post, because it shows me that I'm not the only one who could get a sick feeling of satisfaction from getting the chance to reject someone.

It's probably because I feel so worthless or something, but I've always had this fantasy of making myself really desirable and making girls like me, only to tell them as politely as possible that I'm not really interested in them.

Is it worth the effort?

>> No.8424233

I wish I could find where the old /jp/edos went without drawing attention to it.

Pretty sick of this shit.

>> No.8424236

Stop being so mad, Tokiko.

>> No.8424246

What makes you think I'm British? I don't drink tea, sorry.
If you want us to be friends add me on MSN: yranryan@hotmail.com

>> No.8424248

But I have already added you, Tokiko.

>> No.8424257

i'm sorry tokiko i don't feel comfortable talking with an internet celebrity face to face in msn, we should take it easy first

>> No.8424259

If anyone is considering adding him, don't even think about it. I added him once, and it still comes back to haunt me.

>> No.8424283
File: 115 KB, 480x342, tumblr_ldbxm3QhKC1qen872o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not in KC

>> No.8424291

Wow, is Tokiko that bad of a conversation partner?

>> No.8424335

Not Tokiko. Tokiko can only be me because I came first.
Who are you?
Okay, Tokiko.
Been a long time, bro. Sup!
Yeah, he is, kinda. I don't talk to him anymore though.

>> No.8424343

Tokiko trying to stay relevant is so pathetic.

You didn't even knew /jp/ back when Ryan was a regular.

>> No.8424348

He doesn't even know who Sion is, just get out of /jp/

>> No.8424359

What is an feel?

>> No.8424365

You have been here way longer as Tokiko, Tokiko.

>> No.8424376

Nice one, bro. Glad someone finally realized it.
Tokiko is accusing me and some other tripbros of being him, because he's so desperate to become an internet celebrity, it's kinda pathetic. He doesn't realize that he's fallen into irrelevance a long time ago.

>> No.8424441

I knew it! All of these people accusing Ryan of being Tokiko are infact Tokiko! Owned. Guy's desperate for attention!

>> No.8424452

Stop samefagging, Tokiko.
