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8422813 No.8422813 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you cried, /jp/? When was the last time you felt any genuine powerful emotion towards anything?

>> No.8422823

When I tried to beat touhou 10 stage 4 on lunatic without bombing

>> No.8422831

I miss the chubby flan pic used for starting this kind of threads.

>> No.8422833

6 years ago when a flood took all my belongings and I wasn't covered by insurance.

>> No.8422842

This is a different guy riding on the coattails of chubby.jpg's success.
I prefer him more too. He has a more consistent gimmick with the whole question-statement thing.

>> No.8422846

when I woke up about a half hour ago.

>> No.8422857

I don't know about full on crying but I tear up all the time. Last time was a few days ago.

>> No.8422859

I cry at the smallest thing. Not like out of pure sadness but anime/tv shows tend to make me cry really easily, even if it's really forced.

I haven't cried at something in real life in... forever, though.

>> No.8422864

When I first beat Touhou Seiboroku, some weeks ago.
Magicant and the fucking last boss got to me so hard ;_;

>> No.8422861

In 11th grade, when I realized my future plans were not going to pan out. I was so devastated that I stayed home the next day.

I'm 23 now, and that marks the point when I pretty much gave up on having a meaningful life.

>> No.8422867

I probably felt more emotion at Sue leaving the party than anything within the last decade.

>> No.8422875

I can't remember. Maybe when I was a teen or something.

>> No.8422880

Pretty much this.

>> No.8422891

A perfect run in Dangun Feveron, until stage 4.

>> No.8422889
File: 64 KB, 500x375, kurcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get frustrated quite easily. Being a shut-in has given me a lot of control over my life and privacy and anything that takes away from that really upsets me.
I don't cry though. I just hit things.

>> No.8422888
File: 95 KB, 640x738, parsee03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel powerful emotions of love, jealousy, and envy every day.

>> No.8422894

The first day I get kicked out of the house and realized it was all over and how fucked I was because I dropped out of college and all the jobs I looked into that payed above minimum wage required experience, a four year degree, or both.

>> No.8422896

When I didn't consider how I could be wrong and hence was swallowed by the misery my mind generated.

when my best friend gave me a ride back home after a night of watching korean zombie desk car and he bought two cheesy gordita crunches to eat at my place so he could stay longer since I'm being restationed on the other side of the states

>> No.8422898

> last time you cried
last night

i feel helpless

yeah yeah /jp/ not my personal dairy

>> No.8422928

Suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8422956

2 - 3 years ago? I was watching the Okkusenman video and began to cry uncontrollably like a faggot.

>> No.8423502

I tear up everytime I watch this, I tried to force myself to cry but I couldn't.
Also teared up a little reading a Clannad doujin on exhentai, Mei-chan got raped.

>> No.8423512

when i finished Metal gear solid 3

>> No.8423514
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When I finished Pita Ten.

>> No.8423525

I'm crying right now. Since no one will help me beat the 4 kings on NG++ in Dark Souls.

>> No.8423560

You don't cry to games you faggot.
You must be reading your little faggot VN's or whatever.
When you're immersed in a game, you start sweating even in the deepest winter.
You can feel your own heartbeat in your head and in your fingers.
Your shirt quickly becomes drenched in your own sweat and you have to play shirtless.
Sometimes your head will start making this ringing noise at a set rhythm, even audible to other people.
Other times, you'll have trouble breathing.
At the end of a hard boss fight, your thumbs/fingers will start twitching from wanting to press more buttons.
You start to feel the music grinding inside of your head, and it gives the opponent a personality.

This pilot, he's angry. Even more than I am.

He wants to kill me.
I'm not done yet...

>> No.8423562

This, finished JIN Season 2 yesterday, it was beautiful yet sad.

>> No.8423569

That last time I cried, as in sobbing and weeping, was last year, when someone killed my cat.

I hate crying because I feel like shit when I do, so I avoid it like the plague. Instead, when I feel depressed enough to cry, I swallow it down, maybe I tear up a bit and feel a knot in my throat, so I basically "cry inside". Last time this happened was maybe 2 months ago, when I got in despair because I realized I have absolutely no future.

The last time I felt any powerful emotion?Yesterday I guess. I have bouts of extreme anger, sadness and happiness with some frequency, it's not uncommon for me to experience intense emotions

>> No.8423579

Kitten ripped its stitches open and drug its own intestines all over the house before dying one morning when I was 14.

>> No.8423582

a couple months ago I had a dream where I was besides this sickly chick in a hospital and she ended up dying. I woke up crying.

Before that it was my first VN like 5 years ago, Kana.

Before that I don't remember.
