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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 584 KB, 850x850, 泉 こなた.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8416669 No.8416669 [Reply] [Original]

Are you lonely, /jp/?

This may sound kind of weird, but hear me out... I want to try something...

It's not much, but I can keep you company for tonight. I'm willing to do all sorts of things. I can play a role for you if you want, or pretend to be your waifu.

Or if you don't want something like that, I can at the very least offer to give you some company and conversation.

I get out of this what I put into it. If I can brighten one anon's day/night somehow, or make them feel better about themselves, then I'll feel good about it too.

Please, feel free to contact me for any reason. Even if all you want to do is yell at me and troll me! If you need someone to be your punching bag for a little bit, I'm willing to do that as well!


I've done things somewhat similar to this in the past on a few very rare occasions, but that doesn't mean I'm "experienced" at it. I'm just trying to help out anons and I feel like this is a good way to do it.

Again, I'm sorry if this seems weird or strange or fake... but I have a temporary trip code for this thread, so if anyone has any questions or anything I'll be around.

>> No.8416689

op is my waifu now

>> No.8416696

OP may be onto a legitimate buisness here. you should figure out a going rate.

>> No.8416715

Why can't we just talk in this thread?

>> No.8416719 [DELETED] 

What a kind thing for you to offer OP!

>> No.8416728

Hello OP !/7kQ8/0Dy6,

I have a question and I hope you can answer it. You say you get out of this what you put into it, but how can you really be certain? What if by some strange chance your thread causes the death or suicide of someone? will you kill yourself as well? it only seem logical if you are wanting the same you cause to others with your thread. I will await your answer.

>> No.8416723

I sent you an e-mail wishing you luck, OP. Have fun.

>> No.8416725

It's amusing to imagine OP talking someone out of suicide in one window while cybering in the next.

>> No.8416739

Reading your post made me hard.
Can you post some conversations you've had in the past please? Block out the names if you want.

>> No.8416745
File: 76 KB, 413x286, 1318116900327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admire such kindness anon!

>> No.8416757
File: 80 KB, 750x750, konata_crying_by_reaperwolf91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious troll

>> No.8416760


>> No.8416767

I wish I could spy on the conversations and masturbate to them. I find that incredibly hot.

>> No.8416766

Wait, how do I know you won't screecap our conversation and then post it in /b/ to make fun of me?

>> No.8416772

That's emotional prostitution.

I'm willing to do a lot of things. What exactly are we talking about here?

I want to make people happy and be happy. I really hope I don't hurt anyone... I'm trying to avoid that kind of thought.

I haven't saved chat logs of anything like this before... I guess I can start saving them, but only if the other person agrees it's fine.

Because I've been screencapped and posted on /a/ and /b/ and even /jp/ and made fun of, know how it feels, and would never wish that on anyone.

Well... I'm sure there's some way that could be arranged if you want that?

>> No.8416781

get only or perhaps did you reject me
im going to an hero if you did

>> No.8416804

Goddamn, every fucking live ID is taken. Ended up mashing my keyboard.

>> No.8416805

I would prefer it if you'd stay alive.

>> No.8416828

I wouldn't mind a little company.
But I'm too shy to instigate it by msg'ing you.
I'll just stay forever alone.

(I'd also probably just bore you to death)

>> No.8416832

but please take screencaps and post them here so we can have a good laugh after you do what you are planning to do

>> No.8416836

I'll post screencaps of anyone who wants me to post screencaps. Otherwise, no, sorry.

Quit being shy! Add me, talk to me. Do it! It'll be fun, for both of us!

>> No.8416853

I doubt this is a troll. Search for similar posts in the archive, he never posts screencaps.

>> No.8416850

I'm having troubles with MSN. If you have to add me on MSN, try messaging me even if I appear offline for whatever reason. The message SHOULD go through.

>> No.8416849

op, it's not letting my messages send to you because it says you're offline when it shows you're online. My msn is being stupid.

>> No.8416857

i asked op to show me his face and he was a fucking ugly 30 year old

>> No.8416867

Will you be available tomorrow at all, or is this offer exclusive to right now?

>> No.8416868

OP, did you know that talking with a depressed socialy awkward person ( that what, 80% of /jp/ ? ) may require somme good psychologist's talent ?

I studie psychology, and i know you can't trying a good talk therapie without 8 YEARS of practice-studying.

Your idea is honeslty good, but be careful, it's not as easy as you think, and if you make an error you can get the opposite feel from your "friend".

You also need a perfect self esteem, without that you will get absorbed by that guy's problem. good luck :)

>> No.8416862

I sent you a invite, but you aren't responding.

>> No.8416878

Hello again OP !/7kQ8/0Dy6,

Thank you for your reply. I am glad to hear of how you would handle such a situation. supposing ignoring it is a 'good' way to deal with such
Any please be wary of posters such as >>8416781 they are only here to discourage you.

>> No.8416881

Because /jp/ isn't a chatroom for lonely nerds.

OP, take this to the ghostboard.

>> No.8416883

Can I add you just for the hell of it?
Don't even need to talk or anything, just because.

>> No.8416889
File: 11 KB, 717x127, riudoo_arone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help poor ryuuchan op

>> No.8416890

I can't guarantee I'll be on, but you can add me tomorrow

>> No.8416901
File: 76 KB, 680x680, madotsuki_puke_parody_ikachan_by_-d41hry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder why jp isnt filled with people like op
sure it will take a lot of work but will work exactly as you always wanted

>> No.8416902

what the fuck

>> No.8416911

'sup /soc/

>> No.8416914

Reminds me of that one group that prostituted itself for hats

>> No.8416920 [DELETED] 

This seems more like a charity benefit not an online prostitution service. At least from what I perceive.

>> No.8416925
File: 142 KB, 676x708, 1310854351873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For educational purpose

>> No.8416923

>anonlovesyou@live.com seems to be offline.

Did I get blocked? Just wanted to talk

>> No.8416928

Like I said above I'm having issues with MSN. If you have continuing issues with talking to me on MSN, try AIM or Steam...

This isn't prostitution, I said that. I'm open to those kinds of things, though.

>> No.8416933 [DELETED] 

Not OP, but:
Yeah, because understanding that a pseudo-science (such as psychology) is bullshit takes eight years. Sorry, no, I understood that much within eight minutes of talking to someone who wasted those eight years. Within an hour I had blown apart every argument they tried to make.

Short version: You can't understand someone's mental patterns with only 10 minutes of talking, whether you're "trained" to do so or not. People are not that readily classifiable.

Please keep your pseudo-sciences where they belong.

Yes, I know you're probably trolling. I had some extra troll food sitting around.

>> No.8416947
File: 27 KB, 500x633, 1326617226199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


8/10, made me cringe
