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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8411297 No.8411297 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite Western media?

>> No.8411306


This is not /tv/.

>> No.8411303

Desperate Housewives.

>> No.8411311


>> No.8411312


>> No.8411313

Epic male.

>> No.8411315

I'm just curious. And it doesn't have to be TV specifically. Films, comics, cartoons, whatever.

Just wondering whether you Wapanesefriends have abandoned Western media entirely, or whether you still like a few things (and what).

>> No.8411324

Violent horror movies are the only Western media I watch.

>> No.8411332

I watch Seinfeld reruns whenever they're on.

>> No.8411347

bar the violent part and you're like me. The anime horror/mystery genre is lacking in both quality and quantity, and for some reason I don't like their liveaction horror films.

>> No.8411339

Jersey Shore

>> No.8411342

tv fucking sucks, its the same shit over and over again and is a waste of time.

>> No.8411354

There are quite a few good Japanese horror movies, actually. Ringu, Ju-on, Audition, etc.

>> No.8411356
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Music, I suppose.

I'm listening to SMiLE by the Beach Boys right now. It's a great album.

>> No.8411358

All western tv is fucking 1 million detective shit shows were its the same case over and over and over and over again. dont see how people can look forward to watching tv when it boring as hell.

>> No.8411361

Well I watched The Wire and enjoyed it more than any movie/tv show I've ever seen, so much that I watched all 5 seasons again. /jp/ would surely hate it because it's the opposite of escapism, and it has nothing to do with otaku culture.

>> No.8411362

Doctor Who (both old and new) and Merlin.
I also used to watch L O S T but it ended and was dumb.

>> No.8411391


Probably music, and a few select video games and TV shows.

>> No.8411399

japanese media only sorry
exept vns

>> No.8411403
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Now I'm listening to ``The United States of America''. I wish they'd put out more stuff.

>> No.8411416

Breaking Bad

>> No.8411417



>> No.8411456

I like western books, but that's not media is it.
Well, I like the twilight zone and some select movies. Also some EDM, as long as it has little or no vocals.

>> No.8411470

TV: Dexter (last season was dogshit,) Breaking Bad
Film: Documentaries
Web: Deathsquad podcasts, Max Keiser

>> No.8412467

British comedy.

Notably Monty Python and a few 70s/80s British comedians. I've also taken a liking to Peep Show recently too. Also whatever Graham Linehan pushes out when he's sober.

>> No.8412511

Burn Notice (I download the episodes)
Friends (a channel airs 2 episodes every weekday before the news, once the series end it starts over from the beginning)
True Blood (lolvampires and sex)
I liked Heroes as well.

>> No.8412514

> I liked Heroes as well.
So much potential, and the first series really set a nice tone.
Then they just padded it out with nothingness until it died.

>> No.8412528
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I have yet to see a show that uses the phrase "Bloody shitcakes" so well.
Also, Seinfeld, Arrested Development, and Hogan's Heroes.

>> No.8412522

The last western series I watched is probably the IT crowd. Yeah, it's been some time.
Still reading books, though.

>> No.8412529

First season of Dexter was really good, but I pretend everything after doesn't exist.

>> No.8412547

I love watching Hoarders and Intervention

I wish a TV team would come and save me from my life

>> No.8412554
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Adventure Time.

Words can't describe the feelings I felt at seeing one of the official storyboarders posting Penguindrum fanart on their blog.

>> No.8412566

>I wish a TV team would come and save me from my life
If my family signed us up to some bullshit TV show like that, I'd just grab a knife and shank as many of the motherfucker as I could before they restrained me.
I swear to god, I would.

>> No.8412561
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Last TV show I watched was Game of Thrones.
Other than that, haven't watched any non-anime besides Wakfu for years.

>> No.8412571

>Game of Thrones

>Season 2
>The second season is schedule>d to start airing on HBO starting on April 1, 2012

Glorious, just when Fate/Zero comes back.
