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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8409638 No.8409638 [Reply] [Original]

What's the longest you've been without going outside?
My personal record is 1 week.

>> No.8409645

6 years or more

>> No.8409651

probably just over a week.

>> No.8409657

About 3 weeks.

>> No.8409658

is that leaving your property or even stepping a single foot outside of your house? the longest i've went without going outside was like 6 months of not stepping on cement or soil outside. i decided to start taking the trash out in the middle of the night because i wanted to feel the outside again. i still didn't leave my home for 2 years.

>> No.8409664

5 weeks

>> No.8409665

you would be a quiet and lovable pet

>> No.8409669

no idea

>> No.8409672

2 years

>> No.8409977

About 2 months. I go out only when it is time to buy stock of food and pay for teh internets.

>> No.8409981

A few months

>> No.8409986

Like six months?

I refuse to believe it's only a few weeks for some of you. Even when I was normal I'd stay in for weeks at a time over school holidays or whatever.

>> No.8410008

Almost a whole year. Unfortunately I had to go see a shrink so I could get those bennies.

>> No.8410064

Two weeks I guess. I always had to go out to pick up the mail or buy some cake.

>> No.8410071

Two years and a few months. Would have been longer, but I got kicked out and had to slum it for a few months.

Working on my nineteenth month as we speak, I'll be beating my old record soon.

>> No.8410081
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>> No.8410109
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>> No.8410130

8 months.

>> No.8410139

Worst hikikomori ever.

>> No.8410144

A day or two, I think. I love the outdoors, but I hate interacting with other people.

>> No.8410152

3 days I think. I don't know how you guys can go for weeks or months? What about food? Guess I'm not NEET enough for you bros.

>> No.8410187

3 months

>> No.8410255

Probably about a month or maybe a bit more. I could get away with it because I live with my family.

It drove me crazy and eventually I started taking walks outside because I missed warm sunlight and fresh air.

Then our washing machine broke so I go with my Mom and sister to the laundromat every week. It's fun being able to get out of the house and it depresses me when I think about it. The only time I see anyone outside of my family is one a week and it feels terrible. And then waiting a week is awful too.

>> No.8410280

I've gone for a few months without socializing, but stepping outside every few days to buy food, go to the library or the such.

Without leaving the house at all, probably close to a week.

>> No.8410282

3 weeks.

>> No.8410423

1 month or 1.5 months, during summer holidays.

>> No.8410446

5 minutes tops. If I don't breathe I'LL DIE D:

>> No.8410596

A year. I have to go out every Christmas.

>> No.8412334

About 8 months.

>> No.8412336

2-3 months

>> No.8412346

~2 months ...

>> No.8412342

Nine months. I was naked the whole time.
And wet.

>> No.8412370

About 2 months
I don't earn enough autism bucks to stock up more food ahead of time

>> No.8412366

Few months.
Best is the time when you don't speak to a single person.
best 4 weeks of my life.

>> No.8412379

I missed a second semester of college and the summer, so around 7 months.
I stayed inside and played WoW, taking my guild to the top of the server.

>> No.8412383

I've always smoked cigarettes. So I go into the backyard constantly. I do not leave the property though. I try to avoid neighbors seeing me but it doesn't always work.

I wish that my mom would let me smoke cigarettes inside.

>> No.8412434

If I'd have to guess, it'd be something related to some illness or the like. I'd say three at maximum, because no matter how sick you are, you still have to go buy food.


I can't understand this. How you could not go outside for 6 years or more? How do get food for example? If you're underage b&, then your parents who tolerate that kind of behavior are hurting you and themselves, and should straighten you up.

>> No.8412558

2 weeks of not going outside or speaking to anyone at all.

Most of the time i usually go outside at night when no-one is around, i find 2am on Tuesday to be the quietest times. Fridays and weekends are too busy and i could risk seeing coming across groups of drunks.
