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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 300x251, did_you_like_it1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8408935 No.8408935 [Reply] [Original]

Where my #true/jp/ @rizon niggas at?

>> No.8408942

You're all probably faggots who browse /a/ and use XD when talking to your friends who play shitty online games with you. As such, I have no hopes for anything that may arise from your endeavor.

>> No.8408949

you just a soft bitch nigga

>> No.8408960


That's actually the kind of people they hate.

>> No.8408969

Not really. They're nice people, even if they did go about this the wrong way and attracted a whole bunch of shitposters.

You better watch what you say to me you bitch ass nigga before I hit you with one in your knee.

>> No.8408967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8408990

I wish I could everyone in that channel to make /jp/ a better place again.

>> No.8408999


They left /jp/ unlike you. I guess that makes you look stupid.

>> No.8409001

we true /jp/ together
we shitpost together
we die together
true /jp/ 4 LYFE

>> No.8409002


Reported. Using them, a legit group, as an excuse to continue your shitposting won't work, bud.

>> No.8409004

A whole bunch of people got banned, myself included. Apparently the channel is invite only now.

>> No.8409005

Stop trying so hard to protect your circle of shitposters

>> No.8409006


Assumption without evidence. Nice try, but no.

>> No.8409008

Suck my cock, dude
*grabs cock*

>> No.8409012

Ryuudou is Moogy. Just saying.

>> No.8409017

How do you know?

>> No.8409029


Goddamnit, I know how sadistic Mai can be, but seeing that picture I can't help but feel completely trusting in her. I feel bad for ever distrusting her. Why did you have to post that pic? The hell were you thinking doing that.

>> No.8409054
File: 49 KB, 764x720, Mai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked it because looking at her soothes my soul. It's almost enough to make my worries go away.

>> No.8409067
File: 226 KB, 1240x876, 1323717784135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was born to save /jp/

>> No.8409082

I guess that means your life is worthless. That's pretty sad, but I understand completely.

>> No.8409086

Anyway, should I upload my chat logs to Pastebin?

>> No.8409087

go to bed assholes.

>> No.8409093

Fuck you. You aren't my mother.

>> No.8409096

Go ahead.

>> No.8409106
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>> No.8409117
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>fuck [...] my mother
lol okay

>> No.8409133

Nigger Sheryl? How horrifying.

>> No.8409136




>> No.8409146

That's not cool, she has Alzheimer's.

Get out of here liberal.

>> No.8409158

Joined yesterday and Ryuudou IP banned me 10 seconds later. Fag.

>> No.8409159


I'm not a liberal. Blindly calling people you disagree with you liberal only makes you look stupid.

>> No.8409161
File: 250 KB, 1600x1600, 24356585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up idiot she is beautiful no matter what skin colour

>> No.8409174

He went apeshit and banned a whole bunch of people like an hour ago. I was there yesterday too.

>> No.8409179

>implying /jp/ needs fixing
>that feel

/a/ is here to stay. jus because im from there doesnt mean u have to get angry ok?


>> No.8409190

I'd actually try joining the IRC channel, but I'm from a not very appreciated country. So it probably wouldn't matter if I'm here since 2008, they would instant-ban me the moment they saw my ISP.

>> No.8409193

Mai a shit

>> No.8409196
File: 63 KB, 848x480, Sheryl_Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you're right.

I may not agree with you on the skin color, but she is beautiful.

The channel is invite-only now.

>> No.8409197

He even banned one of the op's today.

>> No.8409204
File: 70 KB, 922x720, Sheryl_Upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your mouth mister.

It's funny because one of the OPs was Tokiko. I think he was OP since the beginning too.

>> No.8409210


What is Tokiko? Multiple people or something?

>> No.8409211

Who would guess something called "true /jp/" would fail a day after it was created?

You don't give power discrepancies to /jp/'s users. 50% of /jp/'s shittyness in 2009~2010 was the sheer number of metathreads and metadiscussions where every self-entitled user thought they really knew what /jp/ was about.

>> No.8409212

she is kawaii

>It's funny because one of the OPs was Tokiko. I think he was OP since the beginning too.
huehue isnt this #true/jp/ place supposed to be about people who have been here a bit longer than 3 months

>> No.8409214


It was created two days ago, and it didn't fail. It's invite only to keep out the mass retards.

>> No.8409218
File: 116 KB, 715x1000, 23200235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my kawaiis...

ubernerd stalker

>> No.8409221

Incoming greentext niggas.

>Jan 13 10:32:40 <kurokospammer> is that you tokiko
>Jan 13 10:33:37 <X153> I sometimes post with the name Tokiko
>Jan 13 10:36:56 <kurokospammer> Are you the same tokiko I played L4D2 with a few weeks ago?
>Jan 13 10:37:24 <X153> On steam? Yeah, probably
>Jan 13 10:38:41 <anon1> oh good god, not here too
>Jan 13 10:38:49 <anon1> fuck this gay earth

Apparently he went by X153, z411 and r8211. There was another one too, but I forgot.

>> No.8409223

Keep telling yourself that, buddy. Maybe, someday, someone (other than yourself) will actually believe that. Just maybe.

Any non-anon environment with power discrepancies could never replace /jp/ in any way. Joining an IRC channel related to /jp/ is the same as joining its steam/last.fm group.

>> No.8409228

Sure is true /jp/ alright

>> No.8409234


Replace /jp/? Who would want to replace this shithole?


Those people were banned from what I observed.

>> No.8409245

The admin is on a fucking powertrip and is banning everyone.

Is this what you want /jp/ to become, Ryuudou? A circlejerk?

>> No.8409246

It took a whole day, but it seems like Ryuudou got most of them. Minus Tokiko aka X153, but he might've banned him after me.

>> No.8409253

What did you fucking expect?

/jp/ can't ever go non-anonymous. It's full of delusional, elitist NEETs. And I'm one of them. However, I have a bit more of common sense to know better than to try and start something like that.

>> No.8409256

/jp/ should wholeheartedly support the formation of satellite groups since it gets (usually bad) posters to leave and never come back.

Fare thee well, /bun2/.

>> No.8409261


>implying you're not bad

>> No.8409262
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>> No.8409263

Your shitty greentext post bumping a bad thread surely shows how not of a bad poster you are.

>> No.8409264

Case in point.

>> No.8409265

See, this is because people kept forgetting/ignoring /jp/'s most important rule of taking it easy. If only everyone stick to that, there would be no need for the autism/truNEET metathreads which kept baiting outsiders here. If only /jp/ remembered to take it easy.

I wish there's a place where we can truly take it easy. A place where there's no uneasiness. This true/jp/ shit isn't anything like that, it's not what /jp/ is supposed to be at all.

>> No.8409270

/a/ cancer everywhere. Since when is greentext even acceptable here? I support them in that regard.

>> No.8409271

There's a /bun2/?

>> No.8409275
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>> No.8409279
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>> No.8409280 [DELETED] 

Taking it easy is what destroyed OP

people started to be okay with the shitposters and even started ironically shitposting,
this just spiraled into a state where /jp/ became
/jp/ - shitposting general

>> No.8409284


Taking it easy is what destroyed /jp/
people started to be okay with the shitposters and even started ironically shitposting,
this just spiraled into a state where /jp/ became
/jp/ - shitposting general

>> No.8409289

Woah now, I didn't mean to insult anyone. I'm showing my respect to their failed endeavor.

>> No.8409291

Not sure about r8211, but z411 definitely wasn't Tokiko.

>> No.8409293

The major reason for the decline /jp/ is that many good posters went away. Maybe some of this is due to shitposting, but your little island isn't going to have these departed posters in it, so it's not going to be any better.

>> No.8409301


7? There was like 25 people all day.

>> No.8409298

Can someone explain to me what happened to the channel? I saw it mentioned in some thread last night, I joined, there were maybe 7 people in total talking about /jp/. They all seemed pretty cool, and they were saying that they just wanted a place where to chat with some other NEETs/hikis without daily doses and spam. After that they moved from #chilly to #true/jp/, I left the tab open, went to take a nap and when I woke up I was permabanned.

>> No.8409304

I may very well be wrong, I assumed it was him due to this anon.

>> No.8409305

The irony is really strong in this one

>> No.8409306


You're trying too hard to be cool.

>> No.8409310

There is one, it's called /bun/ but many of you don't realize it because it's too SLOW for you.

>> No.8409312

>They were saying that they just wanted a place where to chat with some other NEETs/hikis without daily doses and spam.
We already have two imageboards that aren't /jp/ for that.

>> No.8409314

Are you sure you just weren't kicked when the room was changed to invite only?

>> No.8409315

Not when I joined.

>> No.8409316

I found the idea to actually do something useful/productive and help overcome the bad tagging in e-hentai from the authoritarian mods was much better, personally.

>> No.8409318

Too JEWISH for me, more like.

>> No.8409320

That's one way to argue about it. The other is to argue that shitposting isn't taking it easy, which is what's destroying /jp/.

>> No.8409324

/bun/ can't take it easy, though. That's the problem.

>> No.8409326

No, I'm pretty sure the screen had a message like this when I woke up.

>Ryougi (or something) has banned (my name here) IP address: XSF39F23R

>> No.8409329

Shitposting was always there and will always be there unless you rangeban them all. The question is whether it's better to ignore it or throw a shitfit about it.

And there are actually compelling reasons to say it's better to throw a shitfit about it.

>> No.8409346


Ryougi? It doesn't even look like that. Is that a pass at him being Moogy or something?

>> No.8409348

But I'm cool.

>> No.8409350
File: 71 KB, 785x1264, dumb shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it's more like this

>> No.8409352

Yeah I agree the air is a bit too stiff. As a irregular user I don't think I should try to change that.

He's banning fucking everyone.

>> No.8409367

That's weird. I was kicked, but not banned. All I did was idle.

>> No.8409386

This true/jp/ business is even worse than that, though. Why have /jp/ in its name, and even further insinuate the idea that it's the 'true' /jp/, when, in the first place it's not even related to /jp/ at all?

And did anyone, even for a split second, really believe that something with a name like true/jp/ (or true[anything] for that matter) could be anything but a troll's work?

>> No.8409393


You just sound angry because you didn't get an invite.

>> No.8409399

I thought it was a troll when I saw the new name for the first time. I literally can't think of a name that raises more red flags.

Then again, if you read the previous OP, it's clear that he was pretty detached from reality (as far as /jp/ goes, anyway).

>> No.8409404

you found me out XD
invite me now pl0x? :3 I wont bite, i promise!

>> No.8409405


How is he detached from reality? Sure he's extreme but his points are valid.

>> No.8409418

It was one of the worst posts I have ever read and I have probably read at least five thousand posts worth of stupid meta shit.

If the Buttranger and the good-old-days spammer and Alchemist all got together to make an OP it would look something like that.

>> No.8409425


We've agreed on that, but the core part of it has truth. That's what I thought, anyways.

>> No.8409429

Here's the threads, in case you missed it.

>> No.8409430

What, that people wish /jp/ was better?

That is nothing new, people are welcome to provide alternatives though.

>> No.8409437

The core part you're talking about is just "/jp/ is shitty today, and, in fact, shittier than it was a while ago." A retarded monkey could figure that one out.

>> No.8409438

The owner of the channel fucked it up. The rest of the channel seem to be mostly decent posters and/or /jp/ regulars though. Too bad.

>> No.8409447


It's still going on.


Sure, but I'm not okay with it. That's why even if he acts like I agree with him.

>> No.8409675

It doesn't matter if you're okay with it or not, /jp/ is going to be just as shitty as it is either way. Maybe if you were doing something to actually improve the quality of the board (yeah, call me back when you figure out how to do that) you would have a point. But you're just running off somewhere else (possibly taking users away and making /jp/ even - yes! it is possible! - shittier in the process) so I don't have much sympathy for anyone who follows some ludicrously retarded doomsaying prophet out of the board.

I mean, he's actually indistinguishable from a common shitposter. That should tell you something.

>> No.8409702


>> No.8409743

You know, /bun/ was also this way. It had decent posters, pretty cool threads and everything was (and still is) civil over there. The problem wasn't the board itself, it was the shitposters making shitty threads like this one on /jp/. And, contrary to what the retard owner of the channel thinks, all this shit will continue. Hell, it's already part of the shitpost culture.

>> No.8410190

>(yeah, call me back when you figure out how to do that)

Mods who care about enforcing generic-brand "4chan culture"(Something as late as 2005 4chan will suffice) and ban meme forcers and other manners of generic shitposters on sight. It won't do anything to new-age ultra dedicated shitposters, but it would go a long way to helping things.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but there are people in far greater positions of power than some dinky little steam group of butthurt tripfags who have a vested interest in making sure 4chan stays shitty, as they have chosen it to be one of their carriers in socially engineering "normals" a long time ago. Jones knows at least one personally, and he'd hit it off great with the rest of them thanks to what he was "chosen as".

>> No.8411693
File: 113 KB, 242x226, Then die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about, nnn?
I don't know anyone /jp/ related personally and I intend for it to stay that way.

>> No.8411741 [DELETED] 

I got kicked due to no invite despite being one of the first few people there and actually contributing. No clue why no invite.

>> No.8411751

mybe u werent as much of a TRUE /jp/er as u tought nerd

>> No.8411753

Can you stop please~Nohryonnnnn.
I'm here to save and then fix /jp/~Nohryonnnnn.
You shitposters should die~Nohryonnnnn.

>> No.8411765


>> No.8411772

>Ryuudou commented on issue 96 on zixaphir/AppChan October 12, 2011

>Why don't you own a mac already. That's why we can't have nice things, fags keep dumbing things down, keep supporting/using outdated technology, w…

he's saving /jp/ guys

>> No.8411773

That's some conspiracy theory type shit man. Who are these people with "vested interests"?

>> No.8411781

Back out while you still can.

>> No.8411783

he's probably just another delusional autistic /jp/edo

>> No.8411794

I'm not part of this circle jerk, I'm just taking it easy. That post caught my eye though.

That's possible, or maybe he's apart of Ryuudou's little group and is spreading fud to attract more members.

>> No.8411801

This idea had potential... I liked the idea of having a place where to talk to other jpsies without having to deal with all the spam. Too bad the tripfag had to ruin it. You really didn't think this through before starting the channel, did you?

>> No.8411814

The tripfag as in Ryuudou? As in the guy who made it invite only and didn't invite/kicked a bunch of genuine users?

>> No.8411809

Why wouldn't you just go to the board everyone else moved to?
I can't name it for obvious reasons, but obviously it's not /bun/ or pooshlmer.

>> No.8411820

You mean /ot/?

>> No.8411835

Can someone explain to me how did all the stuff about bun and jews start...? I think I remember how the board got started, some anon was saying he had a few GBs of free hosting from his provider or something, so he set up a page with a picture of Aya and you could click on her panties and something happened (i don't remember what, my browser couldn't display it) Then other people in the thread asked him if he could set up a wakaba board. My memory gets too blurry after that. When did people start spamming /jp/ telling everyone to move to /bun/ in order to make them look bad? who was it and what did they get from it? and what's with the stuff about jews?

>> No.8411839

yeah delete ure post nerd
jus cuz uve realized ur not enuff of a TRUE /JPE/R like riudoo


>> No.8411840

Yeah. I thought maybe a shitposter was using his username to troll /jp/ and make the channel look bad to drive people away from it but then I found out I was wrong. I got IP banned, too, so I can't check up on the channel anymore

>> No.8411842

The channel was made by X153. I don't care if it's Tokiko but at least he was taking it easy until Ryuudou took over the channel and started banning everyone.

This is serious business.

>> No.8411848

It's just a stupid joke. I doubt the, "We're all waiting for you at /bun/!" spammers are even from /bun/.

I remember the first thread when he asked what to do with the domain name, but that's about it.

>> No.8411855

The idea had merit, but the idiot who tried to implement it had no idea what he was doing.

Wonder if we'll see even more splinter groups now.

>> No.8411857

My nigga Ren owning them faggot noobs, as usual.

>> No.8411867

p.s. you're all autistic for even bothering with something called true /jp/

The owner has a fucking myanimelist account
With toradora on favorite anime

>> No.8411868

I know, that's what I implied in my post, I was wondering who did it and what did they get from it.

>> No.8411876


>> No.8411877

If I made my own /bun/, it'd be like this:


>> No.8411882
File: 22 KB, 388x388, 1326357135345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About Ryuudou
Stuff: I'm a secret agent. I like dangerous things, apples, and tea. :)
Dislikes: Annoying people, VLC, and people who stream anime.

I have no feelings.
You will probably cry.
You might be forgotten.
Nothing you do will phase me.

is this guy for real?

>> No.8411894

holy autism

even by /jp/ standards that's impressive

>> No.8411890

Oh shit, it's like 2003 all over again. Does he have an emo haircut too?

>> No.8411902

Ryuudou's hardcore.

>> No.8411903

Total Clubs: 49
- RP like you've never RPed before -
Spyro4evers wolf pack
Maid, Butler and Master RP Club
~Love Slaves Club RP~
The Designer's Club
Loli Fan Club
Japanese Language and Culture Club
Female Badass!
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Chloe's Reign Rp,

am I getting trolled?

>> No.8411899

lol VLC

>> No.8411909


>> No.8411917

Sounds like it'd be an awesome place.

>> No.8411942

It's funny because it's not some ancient forum account from the turn of the century or something. This guy STILL is a gaiafag.

>> No.8411955

Ryuudou's clubs:
>♣ Nightmare Roleplay ♣
>♥ The pinku and sweet girl, Madoka Kaname ♥
>♥S&M Lovers♥
Oh man..Not even I was this much of a faggot as a teen.

>> No.8411964

I've been busy last few days but this true /jp/ shit sounds more shitpost than regular shitposting. Is this just some autistic kid trying to get a following?

>> No.8411977

Basically, though we can't tell if he's actually serious or just a very elaborate troll.

>> No.8411980

how dos it fel 2b buttbombed riudoo

if i was
i wudnt be afraid of u
cuz uve ben put on blast so mch
u couldent posibly xplode more

>> No.8411992

On a scale from 1 to 10 how much are you cringing right now Ryuudou? I know you're reading this thread.
I don't want to sound like a /b/tard, but did you really think the shitposters wouldn't try googling your username to try to find some dirt? At this point I just assumed everyone here uses throaway usernames when chatting with other jpers to prevent this sort of thing from happening.
I get the feeling you haven't been browsing 4chan for very long. And if that's the case, you have no business talking about the "good old days"

>> No.8412011
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1241374698418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just a bunch of people who wanted another community for /jp/ folk. I thought It'd just be another IRC channel for people to congregate to without the friendcircle shackles of #/jp/.

But they fucked up so badly with their melodramatic shitstain of an advertisement attempt, people started spreading lies, the channel perhaps got too serious, and it's all a downward spiral from there.

I would guess this Ryuudou business is more lies, but considering there's mentions of 4chan in the most recent github update I think he's for real. And that's awful.

I'm just going to wait this one out.

>> No.8412016

I wonder if this is him too?

>> No.8412045

Well, this thread sure went places.

>> No.8412054

Stop being in denial. He created a channel called "true /jp/"... He's really that person.

And like I pointed many times, there's no place for /jp/ spin-offs if there are power discrepancies. Most /jp/ users believe they understand better what this board is really about, and what kind of attitudes are acceptable here than any other user. It will never work.

Even if another board was to be created, the moderation would be done by the original circlejerk that came up with the idea, and it wouldn't be much different from a forum.

>> No.8412071

What if:

X153 starts a non registered channel called #chilly just to talk to other jpers.
Some guy from the sh1tp0st3r steam group decides to smear shit all over it
He goes to MAL and finds the username of a gaiafag who hasn't logged in since October (this way no one can contact him to confirm his identity)
then he registers a new channel called #true/jp/, and tells everyone to move there because the unregistered channel isn't safe or some shit (not sure whats the difference between unregistered and registered in IRC, I don't use it often)
he then starts advertising the channel on /jp/ with a tripcode, hoping that people will google his username and find all this stuff to drive people away from it and prevent the creation of new splinter groups.

>> No.8412085

Sure shit, Sherlock.

>> No.8412088

Sounds legit, but he didn't create the first thread with a trip.

>> No.8412098

How insane do you even have to be to come up with that?
Oh right

>> No.8412101

I was in the channel yesterday and it was funny because that Ryuudou guy was such a self-important and inexperienced retard. He was easy to read like a book, which was kind of sad too...

Paranoid too, but all he had was a big mouth.

>> No.8412107

X153 is apparently Tokiko, who's just as bad as Ryuudou. This guy is so new that I don't even remember him (I stopped visiting for a year because /jp/ was too infested with normals).

It wouldn't change much, even if you were right.

Also, stop samefagging.

>> No.8412124

How should future splnter groups go about advertising themselves, then?

>> No.8412127

Tokiko was outed almost immediately. It wasn't exactly a secret. Then again, he probably had multiple accounts in there, and certainly still has. That's how he's been rolling before.

>> No.8412133

Whatever you do, don't do this:

>> No.8412137

>AoC so what's this all about then?
>z411 Absolutely nothing.
>fazel an idea, i guess?
><--| AoC has left #true/jp/ ((ノ ゚Д゚)ノ ======= ┻━━┻)
>=-= Mode #true/jp/ +b *!*@Rizon-6C4B6A7E.baf.movistar.cl by Ryuudou
>=-= z411 was booted from #true/jp/ by Ryuudou (Only thing "absolutely nothing" is you.)

So edgy, he's the hero /jp/ deserves.

>> No.8412143

>How should future splnter groups go about advertising themselves, then?

We stay in /jp/. We have been here since the start, we're not the ones who should be leaving.

Just hide shitty threads, report unrelated (shit)posts, and take it easy when the old-school shitposters try to troll or get a laugh or two out of /jp/.

>> No.8412157

I was in the channel when it was first created, and Ryuudou kept talking about starting a new imageboard. I told him that namedropping it here would result in reverse trolling, like what happened with /bun/. He said "No. /bun/ was just poorly advertised" and then went and made this fucking thread http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/8405508

/jp/, please don't get the wrong idea from this. I know this didn't work, but some of us would like to give it another try in the future, the original idea has some value.

>> No.8412159

If you want to create an IRC for people to hang around in like an enjoyable, semi-permanent Gikobar for /jp/, don't pretentiously name your channel #true/jp/ and make your big entrance with a huge wall of text that might as well be Good old days-kun himself.

I told those idiots, but they only doomed their channel to be some awkward place you hang around in because there's nowhere else to be.

>> No.8412163

If we ever make something, let's just avoid making an IRC channel, steam group, or whatever shows identities.

>> No.8412176


I have no feelings.
You will probably cry.
You might be forgotten.
Nothing you do will phase me.

>> No.8412186

I propose we use this >>8412176 as the new nigga my guns go off

>> No.8412190

>Tokiko-chan (qwebirc@ki.ko) has joined #true/jp/
>Tokiko-chan howdy
>Tokiko-chan its me. the tokiko
>Tokiko-chan from the the /jp/
>Tokiko-chan im hereto help save /jp/
>Tokiko-chan hey zehnFragezeichen
>Tokiko-chan good posting to day you sure made some fags rage hard
>|<-- zehnFragezeichen has left irc.rizon.net (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
>Tokiko-chan Ryuudou: iam here
>Tokiko-chan let me save /jp/
>Tokiko-chan i am the salvation of the masses
>Tokiko-chan the most beautiful bird in the galaxy
>Tokiko-chan i can ride a motorbike through the ends of time + space
>=-= Mode #true/jp/ +b *!*@ki.ko by Ryuudou
>=-= Tokiko-chan was booted from #true/jp/ by Ryuudou (Tokiko-cha

>> No.8412201


By the way, this trip is #sperglord if anyone wants to use it.

>> No.8412207


>> No.8412217


I have no feelings.
You will probably cry.
You might be forgotten.
Nothing you do will phase me.

>> No.8412215

I actually tried to take a look, but that sure doesn't work with it being invite only. Why advertize it in the first place?

>> No.8412222

Appearance: Ryuudou is average weight and has green hair. His hair points towards his left. He wear something similar to a white trench coat that has its front cut off. The tips of the trench coat is tinted a pale green. He wears dark grey pants with the outside of the thighs cut off.
Under it all, he has a black suit that has green lines running all around it and a golden yellow color tinting the tips of it. Under there, He has a white tee shirt with a high v-collar that stretches up to his chin. The opening of it is black, and the sections between his neck and collarbones have pale green patches on it.
The patches don’t stretch all the way around, but just stay on the side off it. He is around Hitsugaya’s height and has spiky green hair instead of white. He wears black gloves to help him manipulate the floating spirit particles around him to use with wind-based attacks. This causes an effect similar to standing in a breeze and having it ruffle you hair and make your clothes dance.
His zanpaku-to’s hilt is on his belt behind him. He has pale green eyes with pale skin, giving off the impression he is constantly ill, making others around him ask about his condition. His eyes, if stared into deeply, seem to be searching for something important. His face seems cold and uncaring, making others assume he is mocking them or think he’s higher than him, usually leading into a fight.

>> No.8412226

>Uko True /jp/ is an ideal that extends beyond any of us. No human can hope to attain the status of True /jp/, but with enough dedication and steadfast will, prehaps we may continue to progress TOWARD the ideal that we all wish to believe in.
>Ryuudou The name isn't literal.
>Ryuudou A means. Not an end.

It's not an end guys!

>> No.8412242

Asshat, you are not me, GET THE FOCK OFF JP.

/jp/ your like a little kid who doesn't like the bitter medicine~Nohryonnnnn, you know I'm that medicine and doesn't matter who, the moods, moot, you mother or myself, someone is going to force it through your throat and once your healed you're say:
-Thanks Ryuudou, thanks for saving /jp/ without you this place would be still a crap full of /b/ancer.

And to the ones spamming my info, I won't step back, this is my decision and I will stand for it, it crawls in my skin and I won't cry because I have a goal and that goal is a better /jp/ you can laugh at me, I don't care time will tell everything~Nohryonnnnn.

Mark my words! MARK MY WORDS!~Nohryonnnnn.

Please sage the metathreads these don't belong here, to discuss them go to >>>>>/img/

>> No.8412251

This could work but with someone like Ryuudou trying to run it it won't.

>> No.8412299

Ryuudou commented If you really insist you're free to read my replies again as I have already explained it; that or you can continue to impersonate me with immature things such as a defense mechanism when you look bad. ;d

Aside from that you aren't bright enough to impersonate. Stop trying.

>> No.8412337

You'd have to be just as much of a self important sperglord to make it work though.

Without a cult of personalty around the founder, no one else will care enough to join the circlejerk and make the site function. That's why imageboards are usually made by already existing irc circlejerks, where the mods have cybered with each other for years prior.

>> No.8412339


You're both bad impersonators. Call me Ryuu.

>> No.8412349

God damn it X153 this sure went to HELL
Nice job giving op to that gaylord

>> No.8412357

>Ryuudou | 03-29-11, 7:07 AM
>*nods and pokes you* Mhm.
>I am a male, silly.
Alright, fuck it. I'm done.

>> No.8412389

If you care so much why not just join the /jp/ Steam group?.

>> No.8412498

They're all retarded there too. Hip /a/ kids and 13 year olds who think they're funny attempting (poorly) to troll anything/anyone when they think they saw a chance to.

>> No.8412964

everyone on /jp/ is tokiko

>> No.8412975

r8221 isn't Tokiko, either. He's a well-respected IRC Anon. As for X153, who he is, I have as much a clue as you.
