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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8400782 No.8400782 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever laugh while masturbating because something is so absurd?

>> No.8400787

Yes, but rarely. 'Absurd' doesn't cut it.

>> No.8400794
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Often, yeah.

>> No.8400799

I was laughing really hard while masturbating to a /d/ vore story. A girl shrinks a guy and shoves him up her "Hershey highway". the guy had the most absurd and hilarious way of writing some a silly gross fetish.

>> No.8400803

It's stuff like this that keeps the world turning.

>> No.8400804

Fuck me, I can't imagine that pain. And that is funny to me.

>> No.8400806

She's a ghost so it's probably not pulling very hard.

>> No.8400811

No, but sometimes I start giggling/laughing while I orgasm, because it feels good.

>> No.8400818

I almost always let out a little half laugh/moan/grunt when my flaccid penis slips out of my onahole after orgasm. It's a very intense tickling sensation.

>> No.8400819

All the fucking time.

The more deranged it is the more hilarious I find it.

Sometimes I have to stop touching my dick because im laughing too hard.

Thank god I live alone.

>> No.8401566


I'm in need of a laugh (while fapping). Can I get source?

>> No.8401601


>> No.8401613


Actually, that reminds me of something... I usually laugh hysterically after cumming. It never fails... I'll fap to some loli doujin, blow my load, and then even before I'm finished I'll look back at the screen and start cracking up.

>> No.8401618

I want a loli to give my penis a female identity and then make me use my penis as a puppet to communicate with her and her puppet while being nice to my puppet and less nice to me.

>> No.8401634

Also, source is http://www.mediafire.com/?h2d5bt5q7mqo7h4

>> No.8401649

Yes. I'm still trying to train myself to not read text on certain manga. Cannon towhatever Sensei was probably the worst about it.

I try to only have Japanese versions nowadays unless I'm really interested in the story.

I wish someone could translate or write incest manga without saying the person's relation to them 300 times a page, even in Japanese.

>> No.8401650
File: 593 KB, 1108x1600, TobiKoa_p053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kind of weird over how some of these lolis get to be alone with the male character.

Fantasy is fantasy I guess.

>> No.8401654


Is that what they call taking charge?

>> No.8401665


Hey anon... you want to come back to my place and play dolls?

>> No.8401676

If someone I didn't know asked me that, I would probably go with them. I think I could defend myself if they didn't want to actually play with dolls and tried to rape me or something.

>> No.8401687

>The cock whisperer
...Really, now?

>> No.8401697

I find myself laughing very often. It can be a pain when it makes me flaccid.

>> No.8401720

Laughing while masturbating seems to be pretty common, at least around here. I wonder why.

>> No.8401713 [DELETED] 

More often than I'd like, honestly.

>> No.8401729

Because once masturbating is a daily ritual, its pretty easy to laugh at how absurd it is and how absurd what we get off to can be. I mean, even porn for normals is really stupid.

>> No.8401750


>> No.8401756


Exactly... After I cum, I tend to step outside myself and realize that I'm standing there with my dick in my hand, shooting baby butter all over my desk while looking at what basically amounts to dirty cartoon pictures. I also realize how sick some of the images and manga I fap to are.

>> No.8401770

Whenever I hear a woman say wank or here someone talk with a weird accent in porn, I laugh. It just kills my boner.

>> No.8401765


Oh, and it also makes me laugh that three college girls are sharing the place right on the other side of the wall. I find the fact that they would be disturbed by my actions hilarious.

>> No.8401773
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I guess this makes sense.

>> No.8401786


I agree. After realizing this, I've amassed a collection of absurd porn that makes me laugh quite hard. I call it virgin humor, others call it "/d/ humor", but I think you know what I'm getting at.

>> No.8401853


That image is a good example of manga being far more silly and creative than the typical porn 'repair man' setup. Makes me wonder though, if any of the absurd setups in manga have ever actually happened. There are billions of people out there, so odds are pretty good.

>> No.8401860

source my good sir?

>> No.8401900

I think someone somewhere has probably tricked their little sister or some young girl into having sex with them on the premise of the sex making them smarter.

>> No.8401938
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>> No.8401954

I enjoy 2 kind of porn doujin:

The ones with vanilla and the ones with funny situations.
If it doesn't have one of those is just bland, doesn't matter the quality of the porn.

>> No.8401989
File: 1.11 MB, 2218x1600, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I look through more of these with no intention of masturbating, I am actually laughing out loud.

>> No.8402200

Gorgeous Takarada is amazing at the funny when he tries. Though that seems to be why I enjoy his works so much, I love being able to combine giggling and cumming. Its like peanut butter and chocolate.

>> No.8402205

I never cared much for his works.

>> No.8402212

anon-san, you're being mean. at least post the doujin title if you post a picture, tineye iqdb and saucenao has failed me

>> No.8402224
File: 458 KB, 964x1400, zoo_0084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of times I'll skip porn if it looks boring and go to the end page. It's probably a mental illness or something

>> No.8402237

Many a times where a good boner has gone flaccid due to laughing caused by absurd hentai dialogue or situations.

>> No.8402284

Once I thought of something ironic like a pedophile trying to resist temptation, turning to the bible for guidance, being enlightened, started serving his community, pursues theology and finally becoming a priest. Before he realized it he was surrounded by children.

All because of loli doujins

>> No.8402519

Mizui Kaou, In Spring One Sleeps a Sleep Which Knows No Dawn, in tankoubon Little by Little
yam, To Make a Naughty Red Riding Hood

>> No.8402555


>> No.8402586

I remember this manga where a dude makes 2 loli homunculi and instead of raping them (the reason he created them) he decides to raise them as his daughters.

>> No.8402596
File: 304 KB, 1130x1600, pomf page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say now that the source of this is The Light of Tsukimi Manor, chapter 2, because I know some might not know of this yet. If you are such a person, then I pity your lack of culture.

>> No.8402602

I've come to hate Inuboshi's works because of this single release. Ask someone from /a/ what their favorite doujinshi arist is, and they'll spout "Inuboshi!" like their life depends on it. It really bothers me.

>> No.8402604
File: 429 KB, 1123x1600, para_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, parabellum

>> No.8402601

sauce shitstorm please

>> No.8402605



We don't talk like idiots here.


>> No.8402615

suck my cock dude

>> No.8402630

I stop visiting /jp/ for a year, and people are already spoonfeeding newfriends new enough to not even recognize fucking Ueda Yuu's artstyle.

Why did I even bother checking if /jp/ had somehow gotten free of all the normalfaggy /a/ kids?

>> No.8402639

Why would you stop visiting for a year?

>> No.8402646

Furthermore, why even bother posting after that hiatus. Surely it's just as simple to click the x in the top right

>> No.8402656
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Only when it's like this.

>> No.8402660

Because I love /jp/ and couldn't stand to see it becoming even shittier. One thing is being spammed by japanese bird cooking spaghetti and so forth, but being overrun by normalfags is an entirely different issue.

>> No.8402663

Because he actually browses here every day and wanted his post to have more impact than the usual bitching.

>> No.8402686


I thought I was the only one left. It makes me feel warm inside to know there's at least one survivor.

>> No.8402700
File: 1.35 MB, 710x1000, 119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subs make everything better

>> No.8402724

that one made me laugh

>> No.8403404
File: 432 KB, 1200x1741, IMG_0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the fucking time

>> No.8403430
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