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File: 207 KB, 1024x768, Alternative_490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8396547 No.8396547 [Reply] [Original]

"I had a dream.

A dream of people living innocently, without knowing the meaning of peace.

I had a dream.

A dream of people risking their lives and living for the sake of protecting something.

I think...only God knows which it was.

But I still ask myself...was there something I could've done?

I wonder, was that why I came to this world in the first place?

If this was my unavoidable destiny, then what exactly was I to this world?

Sad partings...the fate of humanity...and my own...

I still wonder if I could've changed them.

If I'd had a strong will to protect what I was meant to protect...from the start...

Then maybe there was something only I could've done.

I think there was.

So...so... At the very least...I'll live on...and try to protect everything.

I want to survive and protect this planet everyone gave up on.

I think I can do that.

The people left behind...the feelings left behind...the people I love...

I'll protect them all with my life.

I should be able to do something.

There must be something. Humanity won't lose.

I'll never lose.

Because...I'm here...

Because...I'm...still here..."

>> No.8396583
File: 634 KB, 694x971, crying_tokiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttranger... back from the grave

my mentor, hero.. savior

>> No.8396587

It makes me sad knowing that Muv-Luv could have been so much more had the art been better.

>> No.8396613

It makes me sad knowing that Muv-Luv could have been so much more had the plot been better.

>> No.8396618

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Our best efforts, truly all of our resolve has been in vain. Countless lives and valuable pieces of equipment have been lost.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「However... look around you.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Look at your comrades by your side. Look at the passion still burning bright in their eyes despite our predicament.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「What is it that drives us on? What makes us rise back up when our whole bodies are battered and bruised--?」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「It is the fact that devoting our whole bodies and souls to fighting despair is the duty given to those of still alive, and the fact that doing so is the one nad only way to honor those who have given their lives for humanity's victory.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Listen to the voices of those sleeping in the Earth.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Listen to the voices of those who met their end in the sea.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Listen to the voices of those lost to the sky.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「...the time has come for their dying wish to be made a reality.」

>> No.8396619
File: 427 KB, 1024x600, kita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, a ton of people all over the world died for the hard fought in Operation Ouka but it's a much better result than the alternative TDA has presented so far.
Even if by some chance humanity manages to eliminate the BETA, Eurasia is underwater, and there's a huge salt desert that stretches from the Atlantic all the way to Australia.

>> No.8396629

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Young soldiers are about to set off on a journey.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「They will carry on their backs the wishes of us, and of those long gone, as they depart to face the enemy alone and without backup.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Whether history chooses to glorify them or not... we will remember them.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「We will carve into our hearts the noble deeds of those who are not permitted to reveal even their names.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「...young ones.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Do not forgive us for being unable to teach you anything but fighting.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「Do not forgive our inability to avoid sending you onto the battlefield.」

【Gen. Radhabinod】 「...I pray that your act of bravery will form the cornerstone of a world where we no longer send such young men and women into battle.」

>> No.8396638

I have a dream

A song to sing

To help me cope with anything

If you see the wonder....

of the fairy tale

You can take the future

even if you fail

>> No.8396680
File: 387 KB, 1024x600, gbombssobad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Past Australia, actually.
