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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8396536 No.8396536 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

Do you drink alcohol? I'm currently drinking a 2 litre bottle of cider.

>> No.8396543 [DELETED] 

Alcohol tastes disgusting

>> No.8396554

I'm going to go open a can of Yuengling beer.

>> No.8396557
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That's why you drink yummy cider, it doesn't taste very alcoholic.

Mine is flavoured as pomegranate.

But I do love the taste of beer as well.

>> No.8396562

Irish coffee from time to time, I still want to make one of those cocktails but I don't have good liquor and I'm also new to it.

>> No.8396565

who cares about that shit, has anyone translated miko miko suika 9 or 11 into english yetf

>> No.8396568

I wish to become piss drunk with Yuugi and Suika, hit the hot springs, drink more, and then pass out on some mountain in the ass of Gensokyo.

>> No.8396574

got some lagunitas brown shugga in the fridge

>> No.8396576
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Me too
I bet it would be quite fun ;_;

>> No.8396593 [SPOILER] 
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i want to get drunk with yuugi, then violently raped and left for dead ;_;

>> No.8396602

I've always thought yuugi was kinda homely. I'm a suika fan.

>> No.8396611
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>I've always thought yuugi was kinda homely
Yeah? Well fuck you.
However I respect your preference for Suika.

>> No.8396617
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say that again, sissy boy

>> No.8396724

Exactly my point. She's kind of a dyke.

>> No.8396729

HELL naw i don't, whenever i get handed some my imouto usually takes it off my hands

>> No.8396771
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I wish I could smell Yuugis sweaty feet and lick them clean. Likewise her delicious hairy filthy anus.

>> No.8396842

OP here. I'm a NEET. But probably fit better under the hikikomori description. As a shut in, If I didn't drink I'd probably die. I don't understand how you guys don't have a psychological vice like alcohol or drugs to make you not freak out with anxiety and panic attacks.

I used to get medication for it, xanax actually. They stopped me years ago becasue "It can cause dependence." Well, fuck them. Because now I'm addicted to alcohol because it's the only thing that does the same thing. Assholes.

Without it I'd call 911 because I think I'm having a heart attack every second day. I used to do that. i have the unpaid hospital bills to prove it.


>> No.8396873

I may get drunk tonight.

My latest batch of home brewing turned out amazing taste wise and gut rot wise, even got the natural carbonation to work so it doesn't have that slight tinny aftertaste of being carbonated by a machine.

Do they let those threads on /diy/ yet? I got banned when the board first came into existence for it being illegal when its not.

>> No.8396878


>> No.8396896

You are the same, do not lie.

>> No.8396898

I dealt with a lot of drugs and alcohol around me through my childhood which kind of prevents me from enjoying either of them.

I really wish I could enjoy alcohol to take the edge off but it just makes me feel worse.

>> No.8396902

Op here. I have everything but the bucket. Then I can start homebrewing. I want to start with cider simply because it's cheaper to buy apple juice than malt extract.

>> No.8396912

why dont you post on /ck/ then

>> No.8396916
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That sucks man. Have you ever tried it though?

For example, my uncle died of alcoholism and I hated alcohol until I tried it.

>> No.8396922 [DELETED] 

Get out.
/jp/ has problems but drugs and getting drunk shouldn't be one of them.

>> No.8396926


Yes, I have
The whole time I'm just thinking "after all that bullshit here I am no better than they were" and it just makes me more depressed than I was sober.

>> No.8396932

Too bad it is already one of them.

>> No.8396935

I only do beer once a year because homebrewed beer without a proper expensive set up taste like sweatsocks and or metal.

Also using apple juice and baking yeast makes it taste like ass. Almost literally. Either buy brewers yeast (it's special bred to die slower and release more alcohol)

Just buy apples let them get alittle dicey and then mash the shit out of them. Add sugar for food and add ingredients for taste.

wait whatever amount of time the fermentation of the amount your making is, strain it and voila hard cider that doesn't taste like anus.

I have a still so I make hard liquor most of the time., What I was referring too in my earlier post was a sort of sparkling apple schnapps recipe I've been working on.

>> No.8396940

Can't afford to waste money on alcohol, it doesn't even taste good to begin with.

>> No.8396944
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>I'm currently drinking a 2 litre bottle of cider

GTFO chav.

>> No.8396953


From 1999 to about 2008 I drank regularly, and pretty heavily in 2006, but I've since stopped drinking alcoholic beverages almost entirely. I do enjoy a bit of scotch once a month or so, or a beer, but I no longer have multiple beers every night.

>> No.8396968

Not british. Canadian. The store bought cider is not the same thing you're thinking of. It's actually good for one. It isn't white lightning.

It's called growers, it's actually cider. From an orchard. yes, it's flavoured, but it's not the same cider you have. Our equivelant to your cider is called malt liquor. It's very cheap.

This cider is 8$ for 2l. Your cider is like 1 or 2 quid right?

>> No.8396969

How and why did you quit?

Thinking of cutting down or switching to heroin (don't judge).

>> No.8396974

I've been taking sips of various types of alcohol to see if I'll like any. So far, they all suck.

Margarita - Most mild tasting, but can still taste the aweful alcohol
Vodka/Orange juice - Holy shit, fuck this
Beer (blue moon) - Least harsh, still doesn't taste good at all

And no, I'm not trying wine. I fucking hate grape. Everyone says it's an "acquired taste," but I don't care to acquire taste for a substance that's nothing but harmful anyway. I'll stick to my juice and tea.

>> No.8396980

haha props OP, I'm drinking a 24oz of some cider myself right now. gotta love the comedy from drinking from the oversized bottle. =)

>> No.8396987

Try a superman next time you're at bar with your friends.

Or just give up on drinking and leave us too our fun.

>> No.8396996

Enjoy your incurable anxiety then.

>> No.8396998

lol it's not supposed to taste good. it starts tasting good once you've gotten used to it.or if you are already drunk. so either or... lol. though some alcohol tasted great regardless I suppose.. Some Dom Rose, though it's expensive as hell, tastes like straight juice. hell there are probably lots of "kiddy" drinks out there I don't know of....

>> No.8397003

I don't understand.

I'll try it if I ever come across it, though.

I doubt alcohol would cure it anyway.
>it's not supposed to taste good.
Well then screw it.

>> No.8397005

It's better if you don't touch the stuff anyway, no reason to force yourself.

I drink because I enoy the taste, and alcohol is basically the only thing that makes me relax at this point.

>> No.8397009

Funny thing is it actually does depending on the drink. He just has no sense of taste or he's too sensitive. I really hope he's underage, or he's in for a really hard life.

He really is.

>> No.8397011


My cut back was spurred on by serious neurological health issues unrelated to drinking, but alcohol aggravated it. Also, I can't drink a lot due to the medication.

>> No.8397012

It's a pretty complex drink, I wouldn't trust a bottled version if you do see it. Need to go to the seediest oldest bar you know and ask for one. Then ask for a slow screw up the wall if its a hot girl.

>> No.8397021

I was in the psych ward i thought because of alcohol but it turned out to just be me being crazy. I still drink, no further episodes.

>> No.8397023

this is true, but you gotta admit, until you have developed a taste for it, most liquors taste kinda rough at first... Or they did to me. Now they just taste like alcohol, and that's not a bad thing =)

>> No.8397027

I like drinking barley tea and juice. I don't really -need- anything else.
>He just has no sense of taste or he's too sensitive.
I do have some oversensitive taste buds, so it may be the problem. Everybody else said they coudn't taste the vodka in the orange juice (1:10-ish ratio), but I tasted it very strongly.

>> No.8397033

Yeah I don't really member not liking it. I've been drinking since I was a kid though.

>> No.8397041

all in your head, at that ratio the acid in the juice is more pungent.

>> No.8397042

eh alcohol isn't for everyone man.. there is a reason not everyone drinks it. so don't worry about it too much. but if you get the chance, try some different drinks out.. you could find one you like perhaps.

>> No.8397046

hah, you just got used to it early, thats all. =)

>> No.8397052


There are many different kinds of beer with vastly different flavor profiles.. For example, cream or oatmeal stouts can be very malty and very light on the hops character. Belgians can be very sweet and again rather light on the bitter aspect of hops, especially Belgian fruit beers such as Lambics. Filtered wheat beers and unfiltered hefeweizen can be very crisp and refreshing, and if they're brewed correctly, there is no need for a lemon wedge because the beer already has a spice and fruit character attributed to the type of yeast used.

Wines can be just as varied and complex. Mostly though, my opinion is that wines should be enjoyed with a meal that enhances the whole experience. For example, I prefer a good Cabernet Sauvignon with a savory meal such as tenderloin they go so well together.

>> No.8397054 [DELETED] 
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This advice about homebrewing is misguided on so many levels that I'm not going to bother replying to it outside of /ck/. For one thing, age is one of the most important determinants for flavor, not what equipment you use. Second, carbonation by "machine" does not contribute a tinny taste. I don't know where you get you're information from but you might want to read up and get your facts straight before offering advice.

>> No.8397056


Shitty... yeah mine was just related to problems akin to MS, complete with seizures and the whole bit. Yeah, I'm not in a good way, but that's life.

>> No.8397058

Yeah man, but also, you could just drink some beer instead of just talking about it. Queer.

>> No.8397068

Not same guy. But age only matters for high abv beers and wines and of course, spirits. Regular beer and cider is best served young. If you disagree you're just a hipster and you're wrong.

>> No.8397074


I bet you drink your mom's tit beer every night, fagt.

>> No.8397079
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I want to do coke with Wriggle Nightbug.

>> No.8397091

Your mother is drinking my cum liquor right now, homolord

>> No.8397125

your dad loves it in the ass from my super fuck rocket.

>> No.8397128


You realise, of course, that the UK is both the largest producer and consumer of cider in the world, right? The number of varieties and breweries we have would boggle your mind. Unless Growers is an ice cider I sincerely doubt that it's "not the same" as anything we have here. But that's fine, keep comparing your mass-produced cider to our 2000-year-old traditions.

White Lightning and it's ilk exist because by volume of alcohol, the excise duty on cider is lower than any other drink in the UK. It's PISS. You want to be looking into CAMRA if you want "real" cider. They're right anal cunts about it, but they know their shit http://www.camra.org.uk/cider

>> No.8397149

Meant white lightning.

>> No.8397171
File: 26 KB, 400x225, turnips live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Surfin' Turnips would like a word with you. And that word is CIDER.


>> No.8397385

Hey, Crystal what's up?

>> No.8397583
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Yes. I like that feeling when I get drunk one night and find something in a random folder that I don't remember making days later.

>> No.8397654

Now THAT'S what I call art.

>> No.8397682

Not right now because drinking at my house without approval is verboten, but when I was living in France I always bought every week like four 75 cl bottles of beer, sometimes a bottle of wine or a bottle of tonic water to mix it with pastis.

Booze is awesome :3

>> No.8397687
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I don't like the hard or sweet stuff. I drink beers and stouts. My top two are Guinness and Heineken.

A cold bottle after dinner really really helps me relax and helps me with my depression. I also drink during special occassions, dinners and want to have a good time.

What are some good beers/stouts/ales?

>> No.8397739

I'm a beer guy myself, but if i go for liquor it's all whiskey all day. If i'm getting drunk with friends i like to drink a bunch of whiskey early and when the buzz is wearing off i keep it going with beer.

>> No.8397786

Who the fuck drinks UV Blue with cream?

Apparently those filthy Nips do.

Anyways, seagram's and generic tonic water.
