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File: 221 KB, 473x483, 129900774891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8395641 No.8395641 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw Ilya is a male name

>> No.8395648

who you quote

>> No.8395650
File: 70 KB, 515x555, 1249845455180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face is ugly.

>> No.8395665

cute little bishie shota penis
I want to hear the cute moans as his rectum tightens around my hard penis.
His weak seed spilled all over himself.

>> No.8395720

And here in lies the heart of the matter. The "straight" male always assumes that the more feminine male will instantly succumb to his whims. However, this is hardly ever the case. As the feminine shy demeanor is just a ruse for the homosexual to lure men into his clutches; then once he has them at his mercy, he unleashes his most vile desires upon the straight male.

>> No.8395723 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 517x665, whoruquoting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you quoting?

>> No.8395727

The sky is blue.

>> No.8395735
File: 17 KB, 529x309, 7348874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George's face when Yasu is a male name and his waifu has a penis

>> No.8395737

If she were male, with that physique it would not strike me as him being the "pitcher"
I would not mind if it were a futa though.

One of my favorite fantasies while anally masturbating is of a group of futas with beefy cocks forcing me to wear hooker heels and skimpy clothing. They'd slap wads of their cum between my cheeks for lubricant and then the typical gang rape would occur.
It's a height thing for me. Ilya is not tall enough.

>> No.8395748

>If she were male, with that physique it would not strike me as him being the "pitcher"

It seems you have much to learn about the craftiness of homosexuals. As I said, the physique, the feminine mannerisms, the shy personality, are only a few of the many ways in which the homosexual seeks to trap straight young men and penetrate them in various ways.

>> No.8395751

As a feminine young gay man, I can assure you that this isn't true.

>> No.8395759

Silence your tongue and swallow your lies, foulest of demons! I won't let another pure soul fall victim to your lies as I once did.

>> No.8395769

It's not like she's a real little girl anyway.

>> No.8395774

Taking it up the ass isn't shameful, you know. You don't have to be so angry about it.

>> No.8395776

I knew that when I started playing and I expected Ilya to reveal later on her was a boy.

>> No.8395777

>If she were male, with that physique it would not strike me as him being the "pitcher"
>I would not mind if it were a futa though.
What's the difference?

>> No.8395781

Futas are girls with a dick. Traps are guys pretending to be girls.

>> No.8395785

What's the difference?

>> No.8395789

Are you retarded? A trap doesn't have a vagina, big hips, ovaries, etc...

>> No.8395801

And girls don't have dicks.

>> No.8395804

No, but futas do.

>> No.8395806

Traps have tiny, insignificant dicks, hardly worth giving a reacharound while you fuck his hungry ass. Futas have monstrous dicks which they force you to suck while constantly reminding you that she, as a little girl, has a larger dick than you.

>> No.8395810

Also, vaginas are irrelevant and big hips are subjetive.
Then, why you dislike traps?

>> No.8395818

When did I say that I disliked traps? It's futas that are disgusting, with their tits and HUGE cocks.

>> No.8395821

You got it backwards.

>> No.8395823

>Traps have tiny, insignificant dicks, hardly worth giving a reacharound while you fuck his hungry ass.
Traps have feminine dicks which are cute.
>Futas have monstrous dicks which they force you to suck while constantly reminding you that she, as a little girl, has a larger dick than you.
That's extremely gay.

>> No.8395831

This thread has given me the biggest boner.

>> No.8395833
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A nice feminine trap is awesome

unlike huge disgusting futa

>> No.8395834

No one asked for your opinion.

>> No.8395837

Although, I can still fap to traps with big dicks inasmuch as their dicks are smaller than the one fucking them.

>> No.8395844

Yeah, Ilya is a male name. In Russia.

Her name is Ilyasviel...

>> No.8395849 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 1199x900, 578384d75be6c51bf38da4a778090665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer more masculine traps, actually. If I can't tell it's a guy, then I can't get aroused.

>> No.8395880

that's why bi>gay

>> No.8395900

I consider myself straight, but it's true that being bi would be useful.

>> No.8395924

Wait, you're straight, but can't be aroused if it's not visibly a guy? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.8395929

Yeah, I've always thought it was fucked up, too. Shit happens, I guess. I can't pick my sexuality.

>> No.8395979
File: 210 KB, 317x461, 129901559897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo shoo!
Everyone calls Ilya as Ilya so it's Ilya! I said so!

>> No.8396045

>raps have tiny, insignificant dicks, hardly worth giving a reacharound while you fuck his hungry ass.

Small, soft, and lickable.
They do serve a purpose.

>> No.8397860
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>> No.8397865
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>> No.8397871
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>> No.8397874
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>> No.8397876
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>yfw when all the porn of Illya is worse than SFW artwork
>not knowing who i am quoting

>> No.8397878

Why would anyone want to rip her heart out? Typemoon has so many homosexuals in it. I dont know how you all play this gayness.

>> No.8397885
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>> No.8397899
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>> No.8397902
File: 365 KB, 800x1000, Fate Nero Saber Smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Arthur and Nero are male names

>captcha: peccatore ieldown
>TL Note: peccatore is Latin for violator

>> No.8397907
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>> No.8397916
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>> No.8397937
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>> No.8397940
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>> No.8397963
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>> No.8397982
File: 52 KB, 371x600, 788a89642d03c0bf2cc7c3ab45a061f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like big Ilya better.

>> No.8397984
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>> No.8397989
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The hell is wrong with you, she's only like nine years old!

>> No.8397996
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>> No.8398016
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Yes, and

>> No.8398037
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>> No.8398062
File: 698 KB, 1000x822, 22458778_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if Irie's mind was only as developed as her actual age?

>> No.8398066
File: 198 KB, 1280x1342, 1326182750309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too?

>> No.8398093
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>> No.8398126

> Daphynilum macrosfhjdslkwha


>> No.8398138

seems to be a kind of plant

>> No.8398182
File: 407 KB, 876x620, 23393821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The sound Greco-Romans make when they sneeze.

>> No.8398191

Uh, no, we make "Apshoo".

>> No.8398199
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>> No.8398204
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>> No.8398205
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>> No.8398215
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>> No.8398226
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>> No.8398233
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>> No.8398242
File: 94 KB, 600x400, GillesAdvice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the joke might have gone a little over your head...

>> No.8398243

wait so iri is younger in f/0 than ilya was in f/sn? does that make kiritsugu a sex criminal?

>> No.8398247
File: 324 KB, 400x300, 457917507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Indeed it does

>The concept of “age” is meaningless for them, as they receive from nature all necessary knowledge and reasoning at the moment of birth. The maturing of their bodies into adult stage does not take years like humans, nor do they grow any older from that point on. As an example, despite their mature appearance and personalities, Leysritt and Sella have lived for little more than two years.

Ilya's homunculus flaw is that she ages slowly.

Therefore Kiritsugu is banging a loli, Shirou is banging his adoptive oneesama.

>> No.8398259
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>> No.8398264
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>> No.8398271
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>> No.8398274
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>> No.8398277
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>> No.8398282
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>> No.8398286

Did Shirou ever actually get to bang her?

>> No.8398294

in the secret ilya route

>> No.8398295
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>> No.8398318
File: 108 KB, 986x685, 1245346743141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought that the Einzberns were from somewhere from the Baltics, between Prussia and Karelia. That eternal winter stuff doesn't make much sense in Germany, neither their names and their zealous seclusion.
Same with Sion coming from such an unoriginal place like Egypt and not from the southern part of the Atlas mountains. It'd make more sense with all the berbers and uninhabited mountainous regions there. Her description about her home in MB didn't really fit Egypt either.

>> No.8398348

>Look for Illya doujins on exhentai
>All of them are terribly drawn and most are consensual heterosexual sex
Japan, are you even trying?

>> No.8398352


Illya is sacred

>> No.8398357
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 1297719275941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I managed to get this graphic in Ilya's Castle (from item collection), but still don't have the Bonus 1. Anyone remember how I unlock it? I know I had it in a different savefile I deleted for space.

>> No.8398371


shirou looking pretty creepy there

>> No.8398384

It's easy to reconcile the problems with the claimed locations of the origins of characters.
Sion says she's from Egypt. She doesn't look like she's from Egypt. Her description of home doesn't sound like Egypt.

Sion has reasons to lie.
Sion (who acts based on her own projections and analysis of potential future events) will not tell the truth where a lie is more effective in achieving her goals.

Its simple, she's actually not from Egypt.

>> No.8398417
File: 265 KB, 821x534, 1237317324286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd make sense if Dust of Osiris wouldn't be called Osiris.

>> No.8398521
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>> No.8398525
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>> No.8398542
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>> No.8398588
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>> No.8398607
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>> No.8398986
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>> No.8399004
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>> No.8399305
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>> No.8399712
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>> No.8399739

Or maybe the answer is simply that Nasu doesn't know what Germany/Egypt are like and just used those locations because the Japanese have heard of them. Hell, according to anime the US is inhabited almost entirely by Aryans.

>> No.8399750


Nasu just uses whatever he thinks is cool and exotic sounding.

>> No.8399756
File: 149 KB, 756x1162, eae231e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There were plans for having Illya in this kind of heart-throbbing outfit. I think I said something like "black or white, or neither, let's have it change depending on a choice!" (laugh)"

What could have been... Damn you Nasu.

>> No.8399782

Give it a dick

>> No.8399783

But the whole Atlas alchemic theory is really from Egypt.

>> No.8399787
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>> No.8399789

I prefer lolis without dicks.

>> No.8399792

I don't blame him.
According to wikipedia, Puerto Rico is 80% white.

>> No.8399829
File: 766 KB, 1350x2000, 1242111368020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big Ilya

>> No.8399837

I wonder if she'll shove Shirou into her vagooo.

>> No.8399900
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>> No.8400047
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>> No.8400050
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>> No.8400055
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>> No.8400088
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>> No.8400129
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>> No.8400127


How old are you?

>> No.8400134

Hush, the funness of a word is directly proportional to the amount of o's in it.

>> No.8400164
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>> No.8400176
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How new are you

>> No.8400240
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>> No.8400245
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>> No.8400252
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>> No.8400256
File: 29 KB, 546x153, he might be one of us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when Vince Offer, the man behind ads such as the slapchop and the sham wow likes fate/stay night; I highly doubt it but maybe he is one of us.


>> No.8400472
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>> No.8400473
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>> No.8400481
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>> No.8400518

Reported for CP and attempts to shut down 4chan.

>> No.8400572

I'm merely using terminology established by material peripheral to F/SN.

>> No.8403631

