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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8395515 No.8395515 [Reply] [Original]

>install Katawa Shoujo at 10pm.
>sit down.
>start playing.
>Encounter Hanako.
>feel slightly odd
>keep trying to make Hanako Happy
>end up doing Hanako route
>realize I hate almost every other girl in the game, save for Lilly a little bit.
>literally, in real life, want to make a video game girl happy
>get to the classroom scene where she freezes up in class
>actually cursing in real life "FUCK FUCK WHAT THE FUCK MISHA"
>find myself actually worried about her well being.
>fast forward, everything is better
> get to scene where she shows me her scars
>gasp in real life
> I installed this game to fap, but now that I am at the sex scene, I find my erection to be raging, but not horny. I do not fap during the sex scene
>actually worried in real life about what is happened to Hanako, why she is acting so distant, and am getting mad that the game made me do that with her, ruining everything
>confession scene at park
>the end scene where we are out at town and kiss and the game ends
>tears streaming down my face, beaming a smile, and realize it is now 7 A.M.
>go about my day
>realize my life is pathetic, and that there will never be someone like Hanako in my life.
>depressed now.
>sitting alone in my room on 4chan, about to replay the Hanako route and end the same way
>don't even care about doing the other routes what so ever
KS General

>> No.8395527

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8395525

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8395531


>> No.8395529

How does it feel to like a character that was basically designed as a moeblob bait for the hopeless otaku neckbeards out there?
She's even worse than the slut, since the slut at least had a personality, as annoying as it might've been.

>> No.8395534

>Hanako standing in front of the monitor, first a little bit reluctant but opening up as the song goes on
>smiling at the end
>everybody applauds
>she blushes and turns the microphone in her hands
>she sits back down, her cheeks still red but an honest and happy smile on her lips
>Hisao takes her hand and kisses her on her cheek

Drawfags, please get on Hanako + karaoke art.

>> No.8395533

Come on /jp/, show some love.

>> No.8395539

Feels like your frusterated.

>> No.8395538

>Be about 7-8
>Switched schools and stuff so I don't know anybody
>One girl in class, cute redhead
>She is sick and has to take medication often
>She can't play outside with us
>One day she picks me to play with her indoors
>Only person to really pay attention to me at school so far
>Have fun, she is fun to be around
>Don't see her in school for a few days
>She passed away in hospital from her condition
>Memorial up in the halls of the school

This was about 15 years ago now but I can never stop thinking about it.
This game just reminds me of it.

I made friends and stuff at school but she was the first person to reach out and play with me

I'll never forget you Lindsay....

>> No.8395543

>Go on /jp/ to see many threads of Kawata Shoujo
>Try It out ( I have never played a VN before, I have never read a book and expect it to be just like one )
>Look at the Cover and guess I'm going to get Rin, don't know why but just by looking at her I see her as the one to be chosen
>Play it blindly with no guides so that I can play the game naturally and let it come to me
>Spend hours reading what I supposedly hated and actually Get Rin which I find unexpected even though I predicted to get her from the start
>Finish her Story
>Rage/Anger at parts yet I was happy, I was at peace not realizing that I have spent hours reading.
The Main Character is a Depressed Loner, Rin is also a Depressed Loner then realize why /jp/ like this game so much I will not be reading the other paths because to me it won't feel right.
It was a good read Thank you /jp/

>> No.8395545

Why would you be here if you have a problem with things like this? Fuck off.

>> No.8395555

>why /jp/ like this game so much
Which /jp/ have you been reading?

>> No.8395557

>I have never read a book

This is sad.

>> No.8395564

The primary theme of the route was how moeblob appreciation is terrible and you are a terrible person for it doing it.

Clearly the route was too deep for you. And we're talking about OELVN here, how pathetic!

>> No.8395574

I never said anything about having read KS.

>> No.8395575


How does that even happen?

>> No.8395580

Babby's first VN.

>> No.8395613

that was fate for me

>> No.8395636

This thread sums up my first time playing Katawa Shoujo, and i still haven't gotten over it. Hanako's route makes you want to be a better person. Thank you OP, for letting me know I'm not alone.

>> No.8395661
File: 219 KB, 838x794, oh my fucking god are you kidding me i cant believe this fucking image actually exists i want to vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8395656

I've lost 30 pounds since reading Katawa Shoujo!
I got my arms amputated

>> No.8395687
File: 47 KB, 253x190, 1326177402553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut if we combine the BEST VN of all time (KS) wit hthe worst XD

>> No.8395699

who are you quoting?

>> No.8395703

What does this even mean?

>> No.8395716
File: 25 KB, 400x200, whoruquoting12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8395719
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>never read a book

you have a sad, sad life.

>> No.8395718

Why so fat?

>> No.8395724

My first VN was Saya no Uta. I felt nothing but rage at Fuminori, Saya and humankind.

>> No.8395726

This is what pretentious faggots from /lit/ actually believe.

>> No.8395752


And they're right. Only a brainless fucktard with ADHD has never read a good book.

>> No.8395766


Learn the proper uses of the quote function, or get the fuck out.

>> No.8395797

this, a thousand time.

>> No.8395809 [DELETED] 


>> No.8395817


>> No.8395856

If you made that thread, you might as well be the biggest idiot in this thread.

>> No.8395871

I'm still wondering why I got so distressed when Rin started smoking.
Specially since I don't particularly care about if people smoke.

>> No.8395882

Books are boring. You can't interact with them.

How am I supposed to fall in love with a character in a book? I'm just reading her talk to whoever the protagonist is. There's no sense of living vicariously through the text like there is in visual novels.

>> No.8395896

Facebook and everyone else on 4chan like Katawa Shoujo, why dont you /jp/?

>> No.8395904

Because everyone else on 4chan and Facebook likes it

>> No.8395906
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>> No.8395910



That's absolutely repulsive

>> No.8395912


We decided to hate it way before it got released.

>> No.8395913

I have read many, many books. While interesting, I am very certain that not even once did I feel simpathy, gate, sadness, rage, hatred or longing for any of the characters.

Only VNs make me feel anything.

>> No.8395930

Its mediocre at best.

Stop proclaiming it to be great when it's clearly your first (or second) vn, your opinion is irrelevant until you have adequate exposure to the medium.
