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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 560x743, 132623059066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8394297 No.8394297 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8394301
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>> No.8394319
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>> No.8394328

I wish you non-Americans would get the fuck off our board. You disgust me.

>> No.8394327

dat SHAFT tilt

>> No.8394335

Looks like this americunt is getting a bit too big for his britches

>> No.8394337


>> No.8394344
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>> No.8394339

Sorry where too busy being fucking drunk. WHAT?

>> No.8394350

I bought 4 cans of ES today. Gonna chug em down while watching Papa no Iukoto wo kikinasai.

>> No.8394363

Drink some vodka with that son.

>> No.8394377

EPELLIARMUS, bloody americunt.

>> No.8394388


>> No.8394390 [DELETED] 

I want to buy alcohol but now my mini-fridge is in my brother's room and if I put it in the fridge downstairs my parents will ask about it and either way they'll tease me ;_;
Plus I have to go into the store and buy it and it's not like regular things where you can JUST buy it you have to hand over an ID and be extra careful and make small talk while handling glass bottles.


>> No.8394391

perkele perkele talvisota jani

>> No.8394398

ketä oikein siteeraat?

>> No.8394410

Alcohol tastes like shit anyway. Drink milk like a real man.

>> No.8394415 [DELETED] 

> Alcohol tastes like shit anyway.
I will never understand why people say this.
You can't "not like the taste of alcohol."

>> No.8394429
File: 10 KB, 146x146, grandi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men drink Kari Grandi.

>> No.8394443

I think they might say it because they don't like the taste, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.8394472
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, autism1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gomebag budro :-DDD

>> No.8394484

Pure alcohol tastes like... I don't know, nail polish, paint thinner, whatever chemical-y alkaline flavor you can try to imagine.

Like anything else though, if you drink it enough you'll get used to it, to the point you can barely even taste it in beer/wine (unless it was unusually strong). Even so, alcohol in small amounts can impart a neat flavor of its own, which is why beer-battered fish and marsala sauces are so good. Fyi not all the alcohol "boils out" of those sauces, in fact between 50-85% of it remains when served.

>> No.8394486
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>> No.8394493
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>> No.8394497
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>> No.8394498
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>> No.8394502

no cunt mage :DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8394505 [DELETED] 

Someone saved my picture ^^

>> No.8394506

I wonder if all finns are clinically retarded, because it sure looks like they are.

>> No.8394516 [DELETED] 

Why does beer taste worse when it drips off my moustache into my mouth?

>> No.8394520

I'm Finnish and I found out about this dumb shit because of /jp/.

>> No.8394531

I'm sure americans look much smarter judged by /b/ memes.

>> No.8394547

They don't, but they look like a different breed of retards.

>> No.8394555

finns are fucking retarded.

Finland is a country created by the Russian Empire in the early 19th century.
There are no "finns". The people who call themselves "finns" are actually swedes and russians.

>> No.8394559
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>> No.8394569

Trips speak truth.

>> No.8394570

actually russians are slavic finns

>> No.8394566

sick trips brah

>> No.8394571


Finland existed before either Sweden or Russia did (basically immediately after the Ice Age), try again faggot.


It's one guy spamming this shit.

>> No.8394579

>Finland existed before either Sweden or Russia did (basically immediately after the Ice Age), try again faggot.
Finland confirmed for Corea 2.0

>> No.8394584 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 250x396, chiruno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He spams a lot of things.
I like his blog. It's a great shitposting resource.

>> No.8394619

I don't get this spudro shit.

>> No.8394624

no one does

>> No.8394625

There is literally nothing to get.

>> No.8394639

>finn thread

/jp/ at it's best, no joke

>> No.8394659

A quick google tells all.

>> No.8394669
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>> No.8394685

If it is really just one guy, his autism levels must be off scales.

>> No.8394697 [DELETED] 

It's not exactly hard to post a few threads/replies every day.
I mean, I spend 16 hours a day on /jp/ and consider myself a decent poster. What he's doing certainly can't be any more difficult.

>> No.8394806

Russia is China, Sweden is Japan, and Finland is SKorea.

>> No.8394994

No. Not really. No joke.

>> No.8395019
File: 1.36 MB, 773x3726, sdeins gate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8395045
File: 93 KB, 800x587, 1324140401405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too well-made to be a true sburdo spardro

>> No.8395060

Yeah, but it was actually funny for once

>> No.8395069
File: 185 KB, 900x491, 1324137762027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't supposed to be funny, they're supposed to be budro boutro
