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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 183 KB, 538x1500, 1325828387219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8392302 No.8392302 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Girls and worlds you would take as an runner up to Touhous and Gensokyo.

Ive chosen the world of Flonyard. The place is like Valhalla. Wars fought for fun and glory with no bitter feelings in the end. Like Gensokyo, its got plenty of cute girls and tea parties. The dog girl race has a very nice design and good taste in fashion.

Rico is by far my favorite Flonyardian. She easily has the best body in that whole world and the best hair. Shes also got a sense of fun but is still intelligent.

If I managed to make it there I would become a cobbler, making the finest women's shoes in the realm. I would also join the National Guard and help in the wars.

>> No.8392308 [DELETED] 


>> No.8392320
File: 198 KB, 850x1200, sample-db5aeb9591f07c167dbc28d4e42d561c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we can go together

>> No.8392315

A hopeless hive-world and a Daemoness with six breasts.

>> No.8392325 [DELETED] 

All of the little girls in the world of IRC.

>> No.8392332

Internet Relay Chat?

>> No.8392338

>best years in all of Flonyard.

>> No.8392345


>> No.8392367

I would have the best years with those ears, yes

>> No.8392375

Wars fought for fun.


>> No.8392383

Nam wasn't fun, man.

>> No.8392398

Neither was it for nams. Fucking American pig.

>> No.8392395

It may be fun for the audience at home and the politician, but our wars are not fun for the soldiers. Flonyard's wars are though.

>> No.8392430 [DELETED] 

What did they do to ZUN!bar in Afghanistan? Before he got sent there he discussed games/anime/whatever his other interests were in a rather intelligent fashion. All he does now is spam memes and feign ignorance for some undisclosed reason. What happened?

>> No.8392431


>> No.8392454

Probably fell in love with one of his comrades and later had to clean him of his boots.

>> No.8392474

Holy shit dat Rico

>> No.8392481

Pokemon is ok on paper but I dont particularly care for the style. Plus theres no telling what laws in are in place in that land to keep everyone in line. You would probably get arrested the first time you said fuck in anger. Either that or mandatory personality reconditioning.

>> No.8392491

People in pokemon don't seem to mind even when I tell them my name is FUCK YOU.

It's a nice place.

>> No.8392516

I dont believe you are actually in Pokeworld, I think you are lying to me.

>> No.8392526

Btw, thats a thumbnail, the originals are to big for 4chah, i suggest looking for them. Everything about her is wonderful.

>> No.8393054
File: 116 KB, 466x617, kawaiirico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> this pic of Rico is best pic of Rico AND it's official art

I would love to see a touhou Dog Days crossover doujin. It can have all the touhou girls with fluffy ears and tails in it and Ran can go around being a pervert to all the cute animal girls and treat Rico like Chen

>> No.8393081

That may be an excellent picture of Rico but the OPs picture is the best. I know this because I am the OP.

>> No.8393101 [DELETED] 


I think Ricotta just sounds cuter.

Though between Ricotta, Noir and Eclair I don't know who to choose.

>> No.8393118

Ricotta is cute, but Rico when referring to a cute DFC and not a greesy spick, is actually pretty cute to.

>> No.8393139

This thread makes me want to finish watching Dog Days.

>> No.8393148

Its worth finishing. But hell, I really didnt like the MC. The show would have been so much better if the MC was female. Ohh god, It could have been an alternate universe Touhou with a female MC. That is if it didnt turn in to some CLAMP shit with her crying all over the place or collecting cards.

>> No.8393153

are you me?

>> No.8393171

Can I have some links, or any other info on how to find the original?

>> No.8393165
File: 26 KB, 300x434, Youmu_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC was voiced by the guy that does Okabe from SteinsGate's voice. I could never hate a character he voices. I also liked Shinku because he stuck with one girl though the series and they actually confessed.

I'm excited for season 2 and hope Gaul and Rico end up together since they're both adorable.

Dog Days is one of the rare series I would have actually paid for if they released it in the US. I always felt warm and fuzzy watching it.

Also, Eclair = Youmu with floppy ears

>> No.8393178 [DELETED] 

Shinku wasn't a retard, actually admitted to Milhi he loved her, and she reciprocated. And while there was harem-esque crushes from the rest of the cast. It wasn't as bad as some shows.

All and all I give Dog Days 4/5 Doggy Boners.

>> No.8393186

I loved that fantasy setting and how the MC just got there, someone told him the situation and he just started to fuck shit up. No stupid BUT I WANNA GET BACK HOOOOOOOOME moments, at least for the first episodes, and the characters were all pretty cool.
I just hope they don't mess everything up in S2.

>> No.8393195

I dont base who I like on the voice actor, thats just retarded.

I like that the MC was true, but I still dont like him. He just got under my skin, his character, his looks, everything about him.

>> No.8393230
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako-Himatsubushi]_Dog_Days_-_12_[720p][A310A984].mkv_snapshot_06.50_[2011.06.19_01.56.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog Days did marvels to my head patting fetish.

>> No.8394673
File: 218 KB, 551x1500, moe 201228 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty bad when /jp/ is a better place to discuss anime than /a/

>> No.8394675

/a/'s a better place to discuss tired old VNs, so it's a trade-off.

>> No.8396068

If I made this thread when the show was airing it would have been saged to oblivion. As of now, its not high on the popularity lists, so doesnt incur all the hate it would.

Plus its also true that Flonyard is a great place and anyone would be happy to go there if Gensokyo was not an option.

>> No.8396078

Who does the art for these pillow cases? I swear she has the most beautiful feet and limbs Ive ever seen.

iqdb, its one of the basic tools that you should already know about.

>> No.8396090
File: 233 KB, 850x1194, 1237557022732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evangelion. Instrumentality sounds just like the thing for me.

>> No.8396092

The world of Tera, so I could be with my cute little Elin. ;~;
I would take it over Gensokyo, in fact.

>> No.8396099

Really? I could see your point of view if you wanted to wield a sword or something, because melee weapons are highly under valued in Gensokyo due to out of control powerlevels. Other than that Tera doesnt have anything other Gensokyo.

>> No.8396100

>anything other
meant "over"

>> No.8396103

I can't stand Rico's voice even though I like Nana Mizuki.

Don't the Dog Days discs have English subs on them like what they've been doing with Nanoha ones?

I'd rather the Nanoha-verse. The people in Dog Days are too soft and if shit really goes down, they'd get wrecked. Although the little animal ball people are adorable. With the Nanoha-verse you can just turn whatever animal you want into a cute girl.

Also you still get to Danmaku in the sky in Nanoha-land.

>> No.8396107

It has my Elin.

>> No.8396116
File: 1.12 MB, 850x1861, slutty beach bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pillow cases are official goods. You can find them on the official Dog Days site. They sell them at conventions.

You can also buy them on Yahoo auctions japan. Sadly, I do not know Japanese so I have no clue how to order Dog days goods, since there are like none available on english sites other than the newtype posters on ebay.

After the show ended, they started releasing some very nice art and using some great artists. I still am trying to find out who drew this, as it is official as well.

I keep hoping their artists do independent stuff so I can see more of it.

>> No.8396121

Somehow this picture feels too lewd.

>> No.8396127

Not everyone in Flonyard is soft, the demon hunters are really quite hard. But I agree that aside from them, when shit hits the fan, most of the population including the military is a pansy, but thats what makes it a nice place.

But you could change that, you could become a demon hunter and take up a Reimu like possition, keeping the peace by hunting down demons. Then everyone can have fun and welcome you when you return.

So that makes these pillow cases official art and the reason he is drawn so perfectly and accurately? Well, that makes sense. Its logical that the original artist would love his characters more than anyone else and put out the effort to make her as beautiful as possible. I can feel the love in his lines.

>> No.8396139

Dog Days is scheduled for a second season. We can hope for more official art as good as what we have seen

>> No.8396140

The fact that it's official doubles the lewd.

>> No.8396156

Speaking of lewd, I downloaded the albums and noticed they have little voice scenes with you sleeping with Rico or the princess.

>> No.8396154

Ohh you, Flonyardian girls dont know anything about sex until they are married. They are obviously just having fun at the sea and welcoming one of their companions that they have not seen for a time.

I only seen innocence in that picture.

>> No.8396188

I wonder if they'll get the same one to do slutty volkenritter art after the second Nanoha movie comes out.

Cat princess sure seems excited to be touching Millhore

>> No.8396222
File: 791 KB, 342x522, 1308185087489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8396229


>> No.8397745

I doubt anyone is still paying attention to this thread. But if you were to make a Artificial Academy Rico, what personality would she be?

>> No.8397757

the sluttiest one

>> No.8397759 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 160x120, Rico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also posting my Rico famework. I think I have everything but her Personality down pat. Virtue is only low because I need all my characters to actually become couples, which days days, realtime, to happen with high virtue.

>> No.8397760

>which days day
which "takes" days, I mean.

What an ugly thing to say.

>> No.8397771

Why would you want to play a porn game without the characters being slutty?

>> No.8397779

I like a challenge.

>> No.8397827

Well she's a brainiac, she wants to disassemble the op's phone because unknown tech makes her wet, and she sort of wants to fuck him for unknown reasons because she's not really that important a character and he doesn't interact with her as much as it seems.

What sort of personality do you think would fit that?

>> No.8397841

I would call her unimportant. Shes probably the 4th most important character from the show. Shes the one that makes everything possible.

And, I still dont know. There is no brainiac personality, and none of the ones quite fit her. Im reading through them again so see what fits best.

Have to account for her personality and voice. AA does have some great options though. Why these people are not expanding this game is a mind bender.

>> No.8397858

because they just want to make a porn game, not a school life simulator.

>> No.8397873

No, they want money. AA is one of their most popular games. AA is not the most popular because it lacks a few key features that AG3 had. It has better graphics and better setting and better models, it just needs a few more features.

>> No.8401069

Dog Days would make a good MMO. Country vs Country PVP for points, fame, and money would be fun.

>> No.8401088

>not fun
Nam was the coolest war America ever fought. It also has best products and nerd culture.
