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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 581x428, 1326245877975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8391938 No.8391938 [Reply] [Original]

You find out your sweet little daughter is dating a black male.

What is your reaction, /jp/?

>> No.8391955

Tell him toll roll a blunt and pass that shit or gtfo.

>> No.8391954

What do you say nips?

>> No.8391959

its funny because arc is black

>> No.8391956

I suck his juicy fat niggercock, dude.
Tell him it's some initiation for dating my daughter or something.

>> No.8391960

>you will never have a meganiggercock

>> No.8391961

I don't care. If I had a daughter that means I fucked someone, my life's mission is complete.

>> No.8391968

Luckily I'm not American.

>> No.8391965
File: 46 KB, 488x415, arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not that black

>> No.8391969

I tell him to fuck off and I report him.

>> No.8391973

He totally isn't. He posted some Vocaroos once. He doesn't sound black at all.
And I have a Master's in ebonics.

>> No.8391982


Black people aren't born with special voices; if he's a sheltered Otaku he'll sound like other sheltered Otaku.

>> No.8391980
File: 352 KB, 855x473, Untitledb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands off my grape juice box

>> No.8391979

Pic related: it's him and his bitch?

>> No.8391978

yeah, sperm fertility test

>> No.8391994

I'd suck his cock.

And report you for shitposting.

>> No.8391991

>Black people aren't born with special voices
Yes they are.

>> No.8391997
File: 427 KB, 896x672, GRAPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8392002

tell her that bestiality is bad

>> No.8392003

Wonder how I have a daughter, since I am a virgin.

>> No.8392013

Only Acceptable Black Man

>> No.8392017


Someone's jealous.

>> No.8392018

get a load of this loser

>> No.8392019

What a creepo

>> No.8392021

>Acceptable Black Man
Does not compute.

>> No.8392040


>Acceptable White Man
Does not compute.

>> No.8392064

Why would /jp/ even have to consider this impossibility, since having a daughter means you have to leave your basement, meet a 3d female, and have sex with her.. am I missing something?

>> No.8392073


Why would you even have to confirm this?


>> No.8392081

Kanaya get out of /jp/ this instant

>> No.8392217

Who is Kanaya?

I am not Kanaya.

>> No.8393097 [DELETED] 

I take my knife and cut his lines of death

>> No.8393102

First I rape my daughter before the black man taints her, for her own good, she will thank me later.

Then I find a rope, a nice strong tree, then I hang the black male from the lowest branch.

>> No.8393109

You find out your sweet little black son is dating a while chick.

What is your reaction, /jp/?

>> No.8393115

How in the world are people in this thread virgins? This is an 18+ board fyi

>> No.8393112


>> No.8393117


>> No.8393124

Fucker isnt worth climbing to the highest branch. I dont have any KKK mates to help me.

>> No.8393128

I don't like blacks but I'd be a hypocrite if I objected to family members having relationships with blacks because I'm Latino and if you look back far enough everybody in Latin America has at least one mallate ancestor.

>> No.8393168
File: 25 KB, 400x430, Get out of jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a board for little girls.
YOU go away.

>> No.8393181

As long as he treats her right, I don't give a shit. But if he abused in any way, I would kill him.

>> No.8393217

>dating a black male
Black men don't wait for marriage, this means my daughter is no longer pure.
Kick her out of the house and disown her.
If you can't follow the rules, you are not part of my family.
