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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 71 KB, 394x500, Homm3boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8391776 No.8391776 [Reply] [Original]

i want to play some homm3 with you, girls.
is anyone up for a game?

>> No.8391796

HoMM3 was the best HoMM, think I've still got my old disc lying about somewhere, might reinstall it if I can find it.

>> No.8391814

why won't you download it?just make sure it's a complete version 4.0

>> No.8391822

i heard the russians added a new town

>> No.8391827

No, you all pick necropolis and it turns into a big skeleton shitfest

>> No.8391830


>oh look the enemy lets engage him
>6 stacks of 9999 skeleton archers


>> No.8391843

Yeh I'll download it if I can't find the disc. Never played it online before though and don't really want to because I know I'll suck like shit, sorry if I got your hopes up.

>> No.8391873
File: 541 KB, 801x553, 1280959582099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why you play withoutnecropolis and confluence

probably they were just photoshops

a friendly game with a /jp/er would be nice too

>> No.8392979

come on, guys. let's have some fun

>> No.8392982

Im more of a heros2 and civ3 fan

>> No.8392986

You're playing WoG, right?

>> No.8392987

can civ3 be played onlyne?

>> No.8392994

I'd rather play AoE 2. Though I'm not in a mood right now.

>> No.8392993
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Y'all jabronies before my endless ranks of the dead

>> No.8393010 [DELETED] 


>> No.8393015


>> No.8393019

Pirates are cool.

>> No.8393027

Luckily skeletons don't get bows in Heroes 3.

>> No.8393022

couldn't they find a good artist? it looks awful

>> No.8393032

>a throng of azure dragons
I'm quoting the game

>> No.8393042

Yeah but a stack of a 1000 of them still wrecks everyones shit.

especially if you had lich kings backing them and were using a hero who had necromancy or sorcery prof.

>> No.8393061 [DELETED] 

Armageddon's Blade is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills himself and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.8393079

when I was a kid I would use the map editor to make scenarios where I start with tons of mines and shit and the other side doesn't get anything. I would play against the computer and run in with stacks of titans when they only had tier 3 shit.

>> No.8393096


>> No.8393119

Am I the only one here that has played pirates gold, or even sid pirates? Shit was fun

>> No.8393135

haha, yes. taking over ports was the most fun and dancing with mayer's daughter the most awkward.
i wish the game could be played online. the most famous pirate wins!

>> No.8393149

Playing to win Tier:
Wisdom, elemental magics, necromancy

High tier:
Tactics, attack/archery, logistics

Shit tier:
Learning, First Aid, scholar

Eagle Eye Tier:
Eagle Eye

>> No.8393156

The dread pirate narutofan68semeking is truly the lord of the sea's

>> No.8393161

haha, yes. taking over ports was the most fun and dancing with governor's daughter the most awkward.
i wish the game could be played online. the most famous pirate wins!

>> No.8393158 [DELETED] 

Tazar Tier
Tazar, Crag Hack, Solmyr

>> No.8393170

so who wants to play, dammit?
i've been waiting here for over 5 hours

>> No.8393173

you forgot

ballin out of control tier, doesn't even care tier:

>> No.8393179

>Eagle Eye
It's like the creators had to fill some minimum skill quota and ran out of ideas just before the last one.

>> No.8393180 [DELETED] 

>Playing to win Tier:
>Wisdom, elemental magics, necromancy, Dracageddon

>> No.8393189

>let's engage the enemy
>oh look he got the artifact that lets him res liches
>9999 liches

>> No.8393226

a M&M thread? on MY /jp/?

my faith in the community has been restored

>> No.8393231


Too bad it's still on the wrong fucking board and this thread is full of crap.

>> No.8393255

fuck you guys

>> No.8393270

What a coincidence, /jp/! My pc blew up and while waiting for the new one to arrive I've been playing HoMM3 for the first time in ages on my sister's retarded laptop. I'd never play with you guys, though.

>> No.8393285

Oh god my fucking childhood right here, I won't play with you guys either though because that would be strange.

>> No.8393301


Your childhood? This game came out in 1999. How fucking old are you people? 14?

>> No.8393310

It's 2012, son.

>> No.8393316


Unrelated post here /jp/, how do I get my nippon games to work?
Recently downloaded Bishoujo Mangekyou and mounted the ISO but it won't download for some reason. Says I don't have a disk, would changing my computer language to Japanese solve this issue?

Figured here would be the best place to post it, as this is also an off topic thread.

>> No.8393319

G'day, my name is bazza
I'm a 27 year old American Aussiephile (Australian fan for you codgers). I draw aboriginal dot paintings on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Australian games. (... aw fuck)

I train with my Boomerang every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through marsupials because it is carved over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my boomerang license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Australian fluently, both general and broad dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Australian history and their mateship code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Australian visa, I am moving to Noosa to attend a prestigious pub to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can be a drover or a crocodile wrangler!

I own several swags, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Australia, so I can fit in easier. I cooee to my elders and seniors and speak Australian slang as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

>> No.8393322

My childhood consisted mostly of UO and EQ actually

>> No.8393320 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 640x427, ph-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off topic thread? off topic thread.
These are the deadliest weapons.

>> No.8393323
File: 78 KB, 621x461, 121x24k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i will do it, i will play

im Soujiro

>> No.8393333

> UO

so many fond memories

>> No.8393335

>Says I don't have a disk, would changing my computer language to Japanese solve this issue?

Very likely.

>> No.8393339

This game is fun but pretty lame for multiplayer, necro and one or two other towns are too good. Games take like hours to finish and that's assuming nobody leaves early

>> No.8393356

Math isn't your strong suit isn't it? I'll be 21 in march.

>> No.8393509 [DELETED] 

I was 14 then grandpa.

>> No.8393520
File: 271 KB, 560x419, punishment620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I had the best time ever playing UO. Of course this was many years ago. Joined a guild whose name was based on Ninja Scroll (it was a long time ago indeed). Ahh, I've mentioned starting a server for /jp/ to play on but nobody seems interested.

>> No.8393527

I haven't played haven and hearth in about a year and I just remembered the /jp/ threads because of this thread. Is anyone still playing that? I need some sort of grinding MMO to play.

>> No.8393532

People were playing it again up until about a month or so ago. Then a raid, then nothing.

What happened to hotglue and the hotglue spammer?

>> No.8393540

Is it sad I know that is right next to Vesper?

>> No.8393549
File: 122 KB, 560x462, 1326286534176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8393558

Not at all. I left school when I was 14 and played UO for 15 hours a day. I don't even wish I was joking.

>> No.8393567

Next to vesper. More like Vesper south west corner by that shitty inn. Best town. 3 good reg shops, nice atmosphere, beach location. Ok, so the GY battles were pretty cool too...Before trammel.

>> No.8393569

Oh man, that's my dream life. Should have left school, too. Damn you, parents.

>> No.8393572

Hell yeah

>> No.8393573

What shard did you guys play on?

I-it's not like I hope you played on Oceania and we knew each other or anything!

>> No.8393579

Catskills, then uogamers and shit

>> No.8393582

Mah niggas!

When I was going to college all I did was go to class and play UO for 4 years. I still haven't found a game that can compare to its charm and pvp fun.

Great Lakes shard

>> No.8393590

First UO, then EQ, then DaoC. Let me boast a little and say there was a time where I had the most RP in the world as a minstrel. But yea, UO pvp was the best. Had a crappy connection those days so I couldnt be a dex monkey. Pure mage all the way. No pots, no aids, none of that shit. Just me, a rez robe, regs, and a trapped box or two.

>> No.8393628
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, Ai-Kago-31-YZVSU1L21Q-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disciples >Heroes
Because I dont have to worry about units stacking

also Heroes 3 > all other heroes games

>> No.8393700

I liked disciples but having to level your units up was kind of annoying

>> No.8393707
File: 82 KB, 550x616, kago-ai-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved that.
Every high level unit was very valuable.
and the art of the units did look nice.

I did feel like Disciples gives you a bigger room for errors then Heroes.

also how is the last heroes games that came out like 1 months ago?

>> No.8393801

Modern Ubisoft published title, wouldn't touch it with a 30 foot pole.

>> No.8394052

The "core" of Hotglue (that is, the visible aspect that showed up on /jp/ and resulted in spamming of MMOs) splintered ages ago. For the 2nd or 3rd time.

It'll glue together again someday, perhaps.
